Last night I had to stop at walmart and get me some things I need
I am always running in to the good people there .....
aside Achat they also love Walmart ....
I saw Amy she was there to

Lover was outside having a nice cold soda then he saw Woody and Brandy pull in ..
on there New Bike they are here for the new arrivals of the Achat tell all Book's
Vroom Vroom... hold on Brandy

Here we see Stone & Jayc waiting impatiently for the Books ..

Coves dont come out to much but he was here to
He could not miss this one ....

Martin patrolling the area He found some ladies laughing out loud Getting naked it and had to stop
them or Join them

...but he loves his Job

Found Tango cheeking out a shorts for Jinger but he wants to try it first
Jinger says to him thats not her color she wants pink
Amethyst was even at wally world dreaming of her new story she will be writing

Maron &
Jaynie High 5 girl

After a long day at walkmart it is time for Sexy Foxy Roxy to go home and
fix Lover romantic dinner and maybe a bath time bath