On my way back from the AB&G I had to pop on into the local supermarket to stock up at Hyperion.
While on the way to the sweet counter, I saw FoxyRoxxy and Lover
Roxxy was showing great interest in the cakes

Lover getting his yoghurts - helps keep him regular as you can see.

Hentaiboy69 said hello as he passed with his trolley

Covems needed a few things and debating to buy a new silver gate for the dwarfs

AusWoody thought it a good idea but although he would pay for it, it definitely wouldnt fit in his basket. He was a bit miffed his hair hadnt turned as purple as Covems.

Brandy said it would fit in their car, no problem if they both carried it.

Maron & Tony were admiring the pics that Tango and jinger had sent them on their mobiles with matching clothes and vice versa

I stocked up with cereal and Jayc liked that I wore the usa flag just for him

He wanted to get back home to the log cabin so we could enjoy a relaxing evening at home.
We waved to everyone we knew and wished them all well.