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Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
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: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU ! ( 5822 )
Jr. Member
: 58
Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
August 02, 2015, 06:04:05 PM »
yes I said stolen neither Ice nor Amber aka Dante aka noble slave gave permission for this Home to be reopened,due to Ambers leaving and no permission was giving to Dee to use any part of her posting nor has Ice box co Owner along with Amber it is a stolen Home period nothing seems people must steals others hard work to look big I WARN EVERYONE BEWARE OF THIS HOME pluse all their sexually acts in the poker room and harassment has been sent to the main achat along with the exsisting Mods
: August 03, 2015, 07:49:59 AM xShezawolfx
: 5
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#1 :
August 03, 2015, 01:41:11 AM »
Have you actually spoken to the former owners and they said its stolen? As a name is a name and no-one owns a name especially if they depart the game. And where is the co-owner saying that she has stolen anything oh wait he left that house and hence relinquished claim to it. Makes perfect sense that if he leaves still has ownership over it and can decide who owns it. And if you're warning people about the house perhaps we should also bring to light your supporting of a troll along with someone that is likely an experienced player trying to pass themselves off as a newcomer and aiding their sterotyping an entire group of people shemales along with insulting good, and decent people for no good reason. And inviting them to join your house after they displayed a huge lack of proper manners and equiette, and respect is not a good idea. As don't fling stones at others unless you've never done anything wrong at all. No-one has the right to judge another unless they have lead a completely pure life. And you let a very questionable person join your home. Nor does anyone own the poker room except achat they're the only ones that decide what is or isn't appropriate levels of affection in there. This is an adult place if people want to they can do what they like in that room and mods decide if it is appropriate not players that disagree with it. And only harassment done was by said questionable person so if you bring mods in make sure you show all of what occurred that day.
As I am friends with MissDee I make no bones about that. But you hide the details of what truly happened that you're warning people about and your involvement and lack of good manners yourself in trying to reprimand someone that was attempting to defend someone they care about against an obvious troll. So my suggestion to those that visit here is to withhold judging anyone and to find out for yourself whether or not you like MissDee and her people instead of reading a random rant about them from someone that hasn't shown herself very neutral towards them and is obviously trying to turn people against them. Nor do I hide that I like MissDee and her people but I don't make any insinuations against Sheza's house just her judgement isn't the best at this moment and her obvious dislike of MissDee has lead to a misguided effort to poison people against them.
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#2 :
August 03, 2015, 03:41:58 AM »
bring to light your supporting of a troll along with someone that is likely an experienced player trying to pass themselves off as a newcomer and aiding their sterotyping an entire group of people shemales along with insulting good, and decent people for no good reason. And inviting them to join your house after they displayed a huge lack of proper manners and equiette, and respect is not a good idea. As don't fling stones at others unless you've never done anything wrong at all. No-one has the right to judge another unless they have lead a completely pure life.
all this to me , like you could taken this privet
As for a Master Dom of a house, I suggest you keep your houses in order I am so confused whose house is whose
as for the poker room there are more people in there so I would say think of other , Achat my opine has the game to
show there personal affections in privet to the willing , flirting setting up whatever they like fine take it to the privet chat not every one wants to hear there sex life there, life in
poker its a game for fun its a game for all
.... so all you want to hit there go take it privet is what I say ,,,,
I been in there and don't like how some behavior they take it to far ,,,
: August 03, 2015, 04:01:50 AM FoxyRoxxy
Jr. Member
: 58
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#3 :
August 03, 2015, 05:00:20 AM »
real grand anow just like the people who stole this who openly run people out of poker who DID at once enjoy it ? I understand copywrite laws , contracts both verbal and signature .while I see 2 people ,now you make this game harder to enjoy even simple poker I have to laugh maybe Achat will take notice now, who knows as so many has sent logs to Mods and Achat help we shall see,am I correct? Far as your opinion of people of My little Home maybe you should look at your logs of the 2 harrassing ones to run out other uses thinking it funny,useing the poker rooms for tos violations, really does every poker player want to read massive sex chats to the point of you cant even say hi to someone without it getting lost in a mass sex orgy between 2 people ? so I ask achat why the poker rooms when people get run out? so in the end we will see .
: August 03, 2015, 07:49:01 AM xShezawolfx
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#4 :
August 03, 2015, 09:48:14 AM »
We're discussin about 2 different things now.
One is the question, if the new house is stolen. It's not! There are no copyrights here in AChat. Every house could have the same name - least at the moment. Nevertheless it's not nice to use the same name, referring to an old one. If you read the description, you will see, that Miss Dee is not saying the old owners are member. But if you read just quick, you may understand it that way. So yes, it would be better, Miss Dee would have chosen another name and stated explicit, that this is a new house and has nothing in common with the old owners.
The behave in poker room is another question. I don't like how some people act there and I was told (and also got some chatlogs) that some try to push other out,make them feeling not welcome or use it as public sex room. AChat didn't give any rules of conduct unfortunately, so we just can appeal to everyone to be nice and polite, and not to attack others.
If we know, that members of forum start attacking and offending people without reason or just for their own fun, we will ban them as member here!
Jr. Member
: 50
Mistress Chrissy from HoDP
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#5 :
August 03, 2015, 10:39:04 AM »
it testifies of already nonexistent creativity when the old name reserves (HDSR) and a branch shall deliver (HDSR-U). only the owner of exchanges and then the rules of the "old" house accepts. somewhat surprising that none of the new owners "stone" has the nick around this house continued to be easier to take something to keep it .. well is easier to sit down in a made nest and spend it as his, as if you completely what needs to build new up. also says many of those persons.
and one more thing. is already shit that you members of a house attacked, that have nothing to do with the entire and only here to have fun and want to live their inclinations.
beautiful day
(sorry for my english)
: August 03, 2015, 10:44:59 AM xkristianx
Jr. Member
: 58
Re: Beware of this stolen HomeThe New HDSR & HDSRU !
#6 :
August 03, 2015, 01:53:29 PM »
The Name the HDSR is Co-Owned by 2 people no one gave their permission to use any part of HDSR period.I (My personal Opinin )The offshoot Home of HDRSU whitch is differant and can be used not the copy and paste version they are using and yes Lover I have many many texts of these 2 people harassing people to the point a lot don't even play poker and leave if they come in . some have even left achat,have the Owner look at the new free members coming in and old members staying so far after such showing of beyond lewd sex chat in open room. many many asking them to stop . just with getting the reply is hes my man ill do as I please
: August 03, 2015, 03:21:34 PM xShezawolfx
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