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: A rewamp of the Achat poses  ( 3157 )
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« : October 24, 2015, 06:35:58 PM »

Myself as well most of those I have wither gone to rooms with or chatted with all share a slight wish for more poses, all want more sm, fm etc...but I was thinking we are humans, and it makes Perfect sense to me that ALL poses should be availaibe to ALL regardelss of gender, this to include Group poses.

I know some poses would require some changes to work, but in essense having a pose "adapt" to the buyer's gender could not be that great of task, nor to be able to freely change roles regardelss of gender in poses, both 1 on 1 poses and Group poses...there is no reason this should not be possible.
I hope this can be fixed and bring Achat above and Beyond.
maybe even add Group invite from room
Hero Member
: 1379

« #1 : October 25, 2015, 04:59:45 AM »

  Hello BonnieGurl   :-*

  I/We have been campaigning for sometime about this subject.  Myself started April of this year for more poses for Shemales.

  We have an appeal here in the Forum.  The link is below.  If you would like to add to it then please do.


  Only post there once though please.  (It's sort of a petition to the ACHAT team).  Once we get enough The ACHAT team will be notified about this.  That's if they don't know about it already.   :P

  You can read everyone else's moans  (Mostly mine)  ::) here if you want to.


  The change Role is really a good idea.  In my opinion it would make Dominant Females better to Room with.  I think there is only 2 poses were the Female can "Peg" the Shemale.  I may be wrong though.  ::)

  The Group poses are very limited aren't they ?  Especially S-S-S.  And not to mention the small amount of S-S poses.  But, with everyone wanting different things not everyone is going to be happy.  But, it does seem that the ACHAT team is forgetting about M-M, F-F,  S-S, F-S.  There is more than enough poses for S-M I think for the time being. There are more poses for F-M for obvious reasons.  So, what about more poses for the other combinations.

  Anyway,  I'm waffling to much again aren't I.   ::).   So,  I'll say Thank You for posting and please continue to do so if you wish.  Another voice about this subject is VERY welcome.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : October 26, 2015, 08:29:30 AM »

Hi Bonnie and welcome to the forum :) Zu has said everything, as usual :D

Beside the 2 threads Zu has mentioned, you find many more about this. We also collect ideas for poses and actions in our "Polls" board. Here in the forum, everyone supports equality for everyone and we don't give up to fight for.

: [1]  
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