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: Poker ( 61809 )
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: Poker
#90 :
August 22, 2015, 10:23:23 AM »
Did not think that Tommy ..I dont think they will get ride of it.. there is just different points of view
they are all ideas and suggestions and all are good
Yes I agree with you on losing and getting kicked out at 5K wish they take that away and make it as it was in the start no limited .
: August 22, 2015, 10:25:39 AM FoxyRoxxy
Hero Member
: 2208
French Nympho Shemale
Re: Poker
#91 :
August 22, 2015, 10:56:42 AM »
I think if there were different rooms and open to all would be fine:
- Poker room with normal actions
- Dating Club (no-sex, only chat and cocktails, tea, coffe, beers...)
- Sex Room for sex addicts of any kind!
Like that we go everywhere and there have for everyone
After this will not prevent a sex addict to go to clown around in the poker room but if there is no sexual actions that really limit those acts
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Poker
#92 :
August 22, 2015, 12:04:25 PM »
There is a solution in not losing your chips in one or two goes. Limit the amount bet in each round.
For Example.
1st Round Max bid $30.
2nd - $50.
3rd - $80.
4th - $100 / unlimited. (You decide)
Different rooms is the way forward though in my opinion. That Nat has Suggested. Make this game sociable and not just about Sex. Sometimes the only reason some people go to the poker room is to socialise. So more Social rooms should be available.
Different styles of Poker Room is also a good idea.
But, wouldn't it be a good idea to have a Poker Room that you could buy for yourself (Call it a Name) and then Set up the rules for that particular Table ? Have the Rules Listed besides that particular table as well as the people inside before entering. Have a Chair reserved for the Owner, let it be open for all users except people on your Ignore List.
Re: Poker
#93 :
August 22, 2015, 12:47:25 PM »
I agree with Nat's ideas for different social rooms. The social and community aspect of AChat caught me by surprise. There was nothing like this element in the game I was playing before coming here, mainly because there were no social spaces.
I have a number of friends that I doubt I would have met if not for being able to socialise in the poker room.
A wider range of social areas would open up this aspect of the game even more.
Full Member
: 229
Re: Poker
#94 :
August 22, 2015, 02:01:42 PM »
The point I was trying to make, Zuzannah, is that when people are playing poker with 'play' money, and the supply of chips available to each player is essentially without limit, then the chips effectively have no value, and there is no real incentive not to lose them. This means that the way people play, and hence the game, is fundamentally different with 'play' money vis-a-vis with 'real' money. (Although, as described in my previous post, there are some fairly simple ways that 'play money' poker can be 'incentivised', basically by limiting the supply of chips in one way or another.)
I'm not trying to be all super-serious and a killjoy, I know that poker on achat is just for fun; I just personally find the game a lot more fun when it's played properly; and when there's very little incentive of any kind for players not to lose their chips (because they will just get more any time they do) , it's pretty much impossible for that to happen.
(Nb. what you describe as a solution sort of happens in real life poker. It's called limit poker - as opposed to no-limit poker - the key difference being, however, that it isn't one player's choice about how much to bet each round, but rather a betting structure that applies to every player in the game. There's also a half-way house between the two, which is pot-limit poker. But that's all getting a bit too detailed as far as achat poker is concerned...
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Poker
#95 :
August 22, 2015, 02:58:26 PM »
The Poker here is just for socialising and a bit of fun.
The Achat Gods cant make it a betting game. The money played with has to be valueless. You cannot lose or gain.
If they changed this ideal, they would require a gambling license.
Therefore the lose or gain philosophy cannot change. What can change is for the things surrounding it eg - actions, clothing , length of time played, amount of valueless chips etc...
Full Member
: 229
Re: Poker
#96 :
August 22, 2015, 04:44:32 PM »
Poker is a betting game, by definition. You make bets. You win, or lose, etc. What you happen to be betting with makes no difference, you are still betting.
Value does not have to be just monetary. Whether something has value or not mostly depends on whether the thing in question is scarce or not. The scarcer the thing is, the more highly we tend to value it. This applies to poker chips as it does to anything else. If we have a more or less limitless supply of poker chips, then we don't tend to value them very highly. If, on the other hand, the supply is limited, we will tend to value them much more. (Irrespective of whether they represent 'play' money or 'real' money.)
All I am trying to say is that poker works better as a game - and, for me, it's more fun because of that - when the people playing it actually value what they're betting with. So, for example, lets say you have red poker rooms and green poker rooms. The red poker rooms are exactly like what we have now in achat poker in every way. You lose your chips, you get some more, you play as long as you feel like playing, etc etc. In the green rooms on the other hand, you get 5000 chips, and that's it. Once they are gone, they are gone. Suddenly, people value those chips a bit more highly, and so they play accordingly. You can of course eventually get another 5000 if you lose, and start again, but only after a certain time period has elapsed, e.g. once in 24 hours.
The red tables are still there just the same, and everyone can play on them just the same. Everyone can play on the green tables too - but only as long as they have chips in front of them...
Re: Poker
#97 :
August 22, 2015, 10:41:44 PM »
The problem the developers face, is finding a way to please everyone. We all want something a little different from the game, and in this case the poker room. The only way is to give us, the players more options and a little more control, but that takes time. In the meantime, as players we have to be patient, enjoy what we have and continue to voice our opinions here in the forum.
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: Poker
#98 :
August 23, 2015, 02:29:14 AM »
I think that the only thing wrong with the poker $ is that it go's to 5k there should be no limited
I think its fine as it is it is just for fun I like it as it is only thing that needs to be fixed is the 5k limited
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Poker
#99 :
August 23, 2015, 04:23:39 AM »
Green Rooms and Red Rooms. Not a Bad idea actually Tommy. And I know the point you are making.
Roxxy can you imagine some people without the 5 K Limit. Bets of ludicrous amounts would be inevitable.
And Tommy It is getting a bit to detailed isn't it. That List is going to be sent to the ACHAT team next week by Lover to see if any of the ideas can be implemented. Then we wait, hopefully for a response which then Lover will then hopefully put on here.
If he can.
Easy ones First though. The more detailed ones later IF the ACHAT team can do them or any.
: 16
Re: Poker
#100 :
August 23, 2015, 09:09:13 PM »
Tommy is my opinion that achat poker was inended to be a fun distraction not a serious gambling scenario , for those that ARE serious about poker there are a large number of online poker sites................... ie PokerStars etc.
Whilst not denigrating thse who take cards seriously, my intent when starting this thread was to canvass ideas for improving and adding to the FUN experience of achat poker for everyone, not attempt to imitate the gambling sites.
Hero Member
: 2891
Paddle Queen
Re: Poker
#101 :
August 24, 2015, 04:03:42 AM »
The only problem with the poker are the uggly animations like many said . The anus fingering by exemple should be removed . Seriously the girl finger her ass and then manipulate cards , this is not hygienic for the ones manipulating these cards after her
Full Member
: 229
Re: Poker
#102 :
August 24, 2015, 06:47:06 AM »
Hi Kiwi John,
I totally agree that it's just meant as a fun distraction, I've never at any point suggested it should be attempting to emulate any of the online poker sites where real money is involved.
And yes, I know this thread is for discussing ideas for improving the game and adding to the fun of it. What I am saying is that, in my opinion, a
game is actually
fun. That generally applies to any kind of game, in my view. I don't subscribe to the view that you have to be treating something really 'seriously' just because you'd like it to be a better game.
Here's an analogy. I invite a bunch of my buddies round for a Saturday evening poker game. No real money involved, it's not a 'serious' game, but nevertheless, everyone wants to win, they want to utilise their skill and their cunning - and sure, get a bit of good luck too - in order to beat the other guys. It's a challenge to try to outplay the other guys and win the game, and it's fun/enjoyable/exciting because of that. Everyone starts out with 5k chips, and once you're out, you're out.
However, when the guys arrive at 7pm, my three kids are still up, and they're desperate to play too. And because it's not a 'serious' game, and we're a nice bunch of guys, we let them join in. They play just about every hand, they shove all their chips in willy-nilly, one of them lucks out with just about the worst starting hand you could get and wins a huge pot, the other two lose all their chips, but when we say, 'that's it, you're out!', there will be tears and tantrums before bed if we don't relent, so we give 'em another 5k chips each and carry on.
Basically, they totally fuck up the game! But that's okay, they're just kids, we have a laugh about it. However, come 8 o'clock, I say, right, kids. bedtime! And off they go to bed, tired but happy to have played the game with the grown ups. Then I crack open the whisky, sit back down, and say 'okay, guys - now lets play some poker
I'm being a bit long-winded as usual, so I'll try to shut up now
My bottom line is that, for me, a good game is actually more fun. And I don't see that it would be all that hard to have some tables where the chips you start with are all you get, once you're out, you're out. That would make for a good game.
I'll try to bow out of this thread now, tbh, I don't really give that much of a shit, I do play on some of the actual online poker sites you mentioned, I know they're there for more 'serious' poker if you want to call it that, and if that's what I want to play, that's where I'll go. Like everyone else, if I play poker on achat it's more about the social aspect than anything else, I would just enjoy that much more if it was complemented by a better game of poker! As is, if there were rooms of a different sort for socialising in in the game, like a bar or lounge or something as other people have suggested, I'd probably go there instead. Mostly in the game I just want to fuck anyway, haha...
For what it's worth, I tend to agree with what you said in your previous post vis-a-vis private rooms. For me, I think it would promote cluiquiness and discourage in-game social interaction. If you can see who's in a room, then you would be able to hang out with your friends etc anyway, but it shouldn't prevent anyone else from entering, otherwise it just stops people meeting other people. And yeah, have the ignore function for jerks. If everyone in a room has the same individual on ignore, they'll likely leave pretty quickly. In fact, if they could fix it so that if
in a particular room has a person on ignore, then that person can't get into that room, that would work...
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: Poker
#103 :
August 24, 2015, 09:47:35 AM »
This is my problem with everyone having their own get together in a poker game .we all want to have this
but we are forgetting there are more mamber's to consider them to and making them feel welcome
This is the reason a lot of us are requesting privet room
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Poker
#104 :
August 25, 2015, 04:36:11 AM »
I'm a big fan of Buying a room (and keep it open) and have a seat reserved for yourself. Totally private Rooms might be tricky because how many of your friends that play poker are on at the same time and want to play ? But that might just be my problem because I don't have many friends.
And have a ignore list to keep the Blind Betters and Twats out.
But as I've said before we have to wait until the list is sent to the ACHAT team and then wait to see if any of the ideas are do-able.
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