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| | |-+  An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U
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: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U  ( 48193 )
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« : August 03, 2015, 03:20:06 PM »

Dear Members,

I have seen the recent events in the forum and have ofcourse read the accusatory thread about me "stealing" HDSR. I would like the chance to clear the air for all to hear the truth.

The truth is I stole nothing. I was made a leader of the House by Icebox and Amber. I helped them run it, played with slaves, interviewed new ones and assisted the new slaves in the joining process. When Amber left it was without a word, and ofcourse the main HDSR thread is locked by her so I have no way in updating it. Over the past several months since her departure of Achat I continued to direct prospects of our House to that page to read the lore and rules of our House before joining.

Recently, Icebox decided to leave HDSR in favor of beginning his own House. I have not spoken about it, raved about it on here or anything of the sort. I wish him well. But in his abandonment of his House & Slaves, was I supposed to allow the House to crumble? Allow it to dissolve? I know HDSR has a lot of people that dont agree with it for one reason or another, but I have this to say; Not on MY watch. When he decided of his own accord to leave the House, he took those slaves loyal to him and began his new role as head of the House of Dark Passion. They took HDSR's collar off and put his on and I did not complain as he had every right to take whatever slaves decided to join him.

In this regard, I have stolen NOTHING, and think that there was no NEED for a new Name. I am simply continuing to run the House as if Amber were still here, and I edited the rules to reflect the change in Leadership. When I did, I did the adult thing and told Icebox of the changes, and now I'm labeled as a Thief? Of a House HE ABANDONED? I could understand if HE was here, with HDSR still on his profile, saying what I did was theft, the same thing applies to Amber. But it is NOT him. He has raised no objections to my editing of the rules and hierarchy. I have left his name as a FOUNDER along with Amber's, giving credit to BOTH for the establishment of the House. I cannot help that perhaps he has second thoughts about what he did, or that someone who feels he was victimized feels the need to lash out; when really, they were never apart of HDSR to begin with, and has a very colorful HISTORY of bashing Us and other Members. But I digress...

As far as antics in the poker room, well ... people this IS a SEX game. SEX happens in the main chat as well as the poker and play rooms. I cannot help that some dont like it to happen in poker. However, that is THEIR issue, not mine. Until Achat institutes a code of conduct for the poker room, I will do as I please, with WHOM I please. I could never violate someone else's rights to play with a partner the way they choose, WHERE they choose. If it bothers you, leave the room and try to find another. I will say this though, for every "show" Doni & I have, the table is ALWAYS full. No one wants to leave, so whether people admit it or not, it turns them on. Who would have thought?

Everyone has an opinion, and I respect it. However I am NOT a thief. I will not engage in any arguments or fights with anyone, so attacking responses or posts I simply wont reply to. I just want to clear my name. I have long ago put on ignore the people who want to argue with me, and ignore them even when in Poker and dialogue is possible.

HDSR is here to stay. Its not going ANYWHERE and I'm not changing the name of the House. A FORMER OWNER can do nothing after he/she has VOLUNTARILY RELINQUISHED his/her rights! That's just like someone selling a House and telling the new owner what colors to paint it. I appreciate all of the people who have stood up for me, it is not unnoticed. I know a Hater will HATE, a Harasser will HARASS and a Victimizer will VICTIMIZE. I can already imagine the gleefully hateful responses this post will elicit. However, I've said my piece and that's where I'm going to leave it.

Now can we please get back to having SEXY, KINKY, STEAMY fun ?


Mistress Dee of HDSR & HDSR-U
« : August 03, 2015, 03:35:41 PM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 58

« #1 : August 03, 2015, 03:29:10 PM »

Dee  we all know how you are except those you have fooled ,write your own home post because the only reason you posted such was I said the co owners never gave you permission to reopen it and also you can co own many things even 2 homes 

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #2 : August 03, 2015, 03:49:17 PM »

Dee I never abandoned HDSR I can not post sinse it was Amber/and I that opened it.she did the posting .You will come through Me as the origianl last co-OWNER for any members to be added

I wont. :) And you aren't. Your profile says you are the leader of Dark Passion now. You sent messages to all of HDSR that u were leaving and forming Dark Passion, and for them to join you if they wanted. How is this not leaving? Its unfortunate that you regret abandoning your slaves and House, but whats done is ...well done Oli. Wish you luck on your new venture.
« : August 03, 2015, 03:58:17 PM MissDee87 »
: 2

« #3 : August 03, 2015, 04:07:49 PM »

that seems pretty open and shut to me .....
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #4 : August 03, 2015, 04:08:55 PM »

Use hdsru what you created not hdsr that me and amber created

Sorry love, HDSR is no longer yours. U left it and formed a new House. It seems you have some regrets, and that's sad. But worry about Dark Passion now, as that is the ONLY House you are MASTER of. Adoni is the Master here now, not you. :) :) :)

Hero Member
: 7883

« #5 : August 03, 2015, 04:09:17 PM »

Please, please, please!

Don't open 20 thread with the same subject! If you have something to tell, please, do it in the main thread!

And to everyone.......personal statement and argue MUST be solved in private! Of course, you can send a pm here to me and the other mods, if in need of help to solve a not easy situation!

And last and not least......stop closing thread without telling it to mods! thanks!

Jr. Member
: 58

« #6 : August 03, 2015, 04:36:35 PM »

sure everyone loves a Master n Mistress who ruins poker n fun for all

: 3

« #7 : August 03, 2015, 06:55:41 PM »

So here is my take on this whole thing having seen majority of it all go down. My thing is having lead other groups in the past is what kind of OWNER or LEADER leaves his group for over a month now and changes his banner to JUST Master of HOP not a mix of the two and he didn't alternate to allow other people to see he was still a Master of HDSR. Mind you i'm talking about a "leader" here. A house or any other kind of group is a living and breathing thing. If you do NOTHING with that group and make another house and only represent that house what kind of leader are you? You're neglecting your PRIMARY duty of being a leader which is to represent what you created. Even your signature only states HOP. Just like a parent with their child if you leave your child alone you have no right to complain when social services comes.

As far as the poker tables are concerned. Until i'm told by a Mod/GM otherwise i'll still be doing my thing. Stay if you like it or leave if you don't. We're grown ups I think you're capable of it.

The Lap God has spoken
: 9

« #8 : August 03, 2015, 11:08:51 PM »

Dee I never abandoned HDSR I can not post sinse it was Amber/and I that opened it.she did the posting .You will come through Me as the origianl last co-OWNER for any members to be added

 Well well well , life is so full of surprises .
For over a month  Herr icebox was trying to steal HDSR subs telling them that he left and that he is running his own house now ,but, miracolo miracolo, as soon as Mistress Dee did some nessecary changes in our House ,  Herr icebox remebers that he never abandoned us and that he still controls it . It would be all so hilarious  if he  and his bunch of wannabee Mistresses and Masters  didnt started a whole defamation campaing against HDSR , Mistress Dee and Master Adoni .Let  me make it clear : The only reason why they are posting all those lies and bs for two days now, is hate and a desperate need for attention . They dont care about HDSR , some of them were well known enemies of hdsr and now they are claiming to be the protectors of its name and heritage . Accept the fact guys , good luck with your new house and leave us in peace .

                                                                                                                                                         Chantal Vice of HDSR
« : August 03, 2015, 11:13:30 PM ChantalVice »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #9 : August 04, 2015, 12:50:59 AM »

I say get creative get your own name your own house

I dont see the point in trying to take  a house some other started ...

be original not a duplicate

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Full Member
: 212

Mama don't let your Babies grow up to be Cowboys

« #10 : August 04, 2015, 06:06:31 AM »

Maybe Achat should save us all the headache and discontent this subject continues to cause and just shutdown the houses altogether and be done with it once and for all.
« : August 04, 2015, 06:08:41 AM Sam_Hawke »

Willie Nelson=My Heros have always been Cowboys.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #11 : August 04, 2015, 08:47:31 AM »

It is not the houses  fault  its the one trying to  run it ..

I dont know how any can follow

 I do  feel if the originals  that started with

house  they are the ones to close it  if they leave it ...

Still it make more common senses  to open a new  house with there own name if they want to
 have a  group ...

for the one leading 

And to me this  is a  Bad move   from any one  leading it  ...

« : August 04, 2015, 08:50:15 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #12 : August 04, 2015, 10:06:49 AM »

As far as antics in the poker room, well...

Yes Dee, at the moment nobody can prohibit the things you're doing. It just shows your attitude. Selfish, ignorant and complacent.

Regarding the name of the house, I repeat what I have written in Shezas topic. AChat doesn't have any rules for copyrights, so everyone can use any name. Is it nice to do? That's another question. Maybe you even have the right to use the name, cause the owners have left and you were member of this group.
I would suggest you talk to icebox and you both find a way to fix it. For the peace of all members in both houses.

: 15

The Grand Mistress Black Dalia

« #13 : August 04, 2015, 11:15:50 AM »

I agree with you Lover... This problem has to be settled quick.... Dee you may know that "HDSR" is the first house founded in AChat and it has the highest number of members...Most of them are irregulars so only they have not changed to their new banner and once they come here they will follow their real leader. Till now Misstreswhip, hotsabrina, Zillica and me are running our own house with honor maintaining peace with Icebox and it is fair to get your own name and your own people. In past we had our conflict of interest and resolved it as adults. Be an adult and you can be a leader then.
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #14 : August 04, 2015, 01:52:46 PM »

I knew when I posted this thread that more often than not I would receive negative responses. And I was prepared for that. What shocks me though is the behavior of those that really shouldn't be concerned with the welfare/well being of HDSR.

 Also with the behavior of you Lover. As a Mod, intended personal insults I thought would be above you & you would maintain an impartiality & respectfulness in the topic at hand. I don't post often in this forum, but when I do, I try to be respectful & cordial while also presenting my opinion and view of things. My posts never need moderated or removed due to being abusive. Even when I'm attacked I don't engage.

You don't know me. You have no idea as to my intelligence level, if I'm selfish or not and I have no idea what you mean by "complacent." If that means that I won't allow others to dictate how and when I play, then you are definitely spot on with your assessment.

 Achat is an adult sex game. Period. It's what the client is used for. If the game developers wanted only certain things to happen in the poker room there would be restrictions in place. It's called NUDE poker! It seems to me, the seeming "majority" loves to try to bash & bring down the "minority." It's funny because the so called minority of people that actually have fun with us in the poker chat have no complaints. I've only encountered very FEW that have them, and all complaints have come from those who don't like me and friends of those who don't like me and my House. At the end of the day, none of your opinions matter. I don't hurl insults because it's pointless to do so. I'm an adult & I can express myself intelligently without resorting to name calling or slander.

Just because you don't care for something or a particular type of play, doesn't give you the right to try to dictate to another HOW they should enjoy the game THEY PAY FOR. It doesn't make me a bad, ignorant "ghetto" person either. It makes me a woman who knows what she likes & what she doesn't. Who isn't afraid to have fun or try to get others to have fun too.

This forum has a reputation for being cliquish. I see why. I've never been apart of a crowd so I don't understand that mentality.

But I know this...When You Shine Brightly There Are Always Bound To Be Those Who Say You Are Hurting Their Eyes.   

Lover I will also send you a private message as I have a question for you personally. I hope you will answer.

Mistress Dee of HDSR & HDSRU
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