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: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U  ( 48239 )
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #15 : August 04, 2015, 02:10:26 PM »

I agree with you Lover... This problem has to be settled quick.... Dee you may know that "HDSR" is the first house founded in AChat and it has the highest number of members...Most of them are irregulars so only they have not changed to their new banner and once they come here they will follow their real leader. Till now Misstreswhip, hotsabrina, Zillica and me are running our own house with honor maintaining peace with Icebox and it is fair to get your own name and your own people. In past we had our conflict of interest and resolved it as adults. Be an adult and you can be a leader then.

Most of the people who left HDSR for HoP have done so already. They joined Oli in his new house, and I have no complaints. As to me being a Leader, I am a leader as I stayed and helped to keep the House running for the slaves & Mistresses and Doms. All I'm doing is keeping the house going. Imagine Zillica, Whip or Sabrina leaving. And you are the only one left. What kind of Mistress would u be to allow your house to crumble? No one forced Oli to leave. He left on his own with those slaves loyal enough to him to choose to go with him. I sincerely hope you read my initial post and maybe that will clarify things for you.

Mistress Dee of HDSR & HDSRU
« : August 04, 2015, 04:29:37 PM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 58

« #16 : August 04, 2015, 03:03:18 PM »

Really its so easy to take someones work but Lover your right about Dee and her spouse is the same way Help and the main achat has been notified about her and her spouse,Dee is a very creul persom and I will give her credit she can be nice until she feels she can break you ,until now I just thought her cruel and inhumane for things she posted to me along with her address In the poker room telling me to visit and in the same breath it was guns and bulliets, I veiew that as a threaton my person but Dee is just a bag of hot air nothimg more..cudos to all who have posted on how they feel ,I hope 1 day achat will remove this paria where lil homes and people who aren't even envoled in homes  are attacked in poker rooms or subjected to rude continual sex were no poker is played because no one can chat or even play real because of their constant folding,......For all that posted your feelings about her I know the truth as even Lover stated. Im Proude of everyone who posted about the real Dee.and most of all Thank You Lover because your bout to receive more texts then you've seen seeing all TOS rule broke

Hero Member
: 10457


« #17 : August 04, 2015, 03:29:39 PM »

this is  very easy


will and always be  ICE &  Amber House

where there they leave it  keep it
is their  visison ...

I just  feel you see it as a big group and like  most they like to feel they can over take a big group

but it takes a lot to be   leader and this is no leader  ..as for  A lady   your behavior being aggressive at times to members  in poker don't make you A great lady
 you can do want you want    but when you are in poker and   whant to have your little  fun  make sure  all others   want to hear it   I know I  dont !

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #18 : August 04, 2015, 03:52:10 PM »

@ Dee: In no way I have said something about your intelligence. I stated my own personal opinion about what you have said. I also am a paying member and a member of this forum, so I have the same rights like any other person.

I have answered to your pm.

About this discussion:
Dee can keep the name, because there are no rules about copyrights of names of houses. I don't think there is more to discuss.
Regarding poker, there also are no rules how to act. Just a general etiquette, how to behave if there are more people together. Some may enjoy it, some won't. It would be good, if we have an option to "hide" messages - but this has been mentioned in the topic about poker already.

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #19 : August 04, 2015, 03:59:58 PM »

Really its so easy to take someones work but Lover your right about Dee and her spouse is the same way Help and the main achat has been notified about her and her spouse,Dee is a very creul persom and I will give her credit she can be nice until she feels she can break you ,until now I just thought her cruel and inhumane for things she posted to me along with her address In the poker room telling me to visit and in the same breath it was guns and bulliets, I veiew that as a threaton my person but Dee is just a bag of hot air nothimg more..cudos to all who have posted on how they feel ,I hope 1 day achat will remove this paria where lil homes and people who aren't even envoled in homes  are attacked in poker rooms or subjected to rude continual sex were no poker is played because no one can chat or even play real because of their constant folding,......For all that posted your feelings about her I know the truth as even Lover stated. Im Proude of everyone who posted about the real Dee.and most of all Thank You Lover because your bout to receive more texts then you've seen seeing all TOS rule broke

Hmm where to begin with this post? Firstly, Sheza lets tell the whole truth. The entire truth is that this incident you are referring to took place what, 2-3 weeks ago now? And I'm still NOT banned, as you would wish. It would seem achat has a reason in NOT doing that since I have so viciously "THREATENED" your person. Could it be the reason is, that you told me that You had "enough of my mouth" and that you would drive the 500 miles from Alabama, where you are, to Ohio where I live? That you in fact threatened me FIRST with actual PHYSICAL harm?  Might I add this isn't the FIRST TIME u threatened me physically but told others a lie regarding it? Whether others believe me or not, I don't care. I have WITNESSES and CHATLOGS to prove it.

When I did in fact provide you with my address and called your bluff, telling you that I could and would DEFEND myself, you tried to ignore what u said and change the subject to something else? I have been a member here for long enough to know that being banned for abusing another member usually happens within 24-48 hours of being reported.

Secondly, How can I TAKE something that was ABANDONED? You and Oli formed your OWN House, so why are you, who has hated HDSR forever...so PREOCCUPIED with what WE are doing ? It seems to be in a sad attempt for attention and picking a fight. I have you on ignore in achat for a reason. Others have u on ignore FOR A REASON. But YOU know the truth Sheza. I just think its sad because evidently you want some kind, ANY kind of attention from me. There is a thin line between LOVE and HATE. I don't hate you Sheza, but clearly you hate me, and the amount of energy you expend on it is ASTOUNDING. You could be happy with Oli now, you two have ur own House, Amber is gone and isn't a rival for his affections anymore. Why are u so HATEFUL? Could it be because you know deep inside Oli feels bad he left for no reason? And that HDSR did not falter? That it did not dissolve? Or is it that you know Oli secretly still wants me, even through all this? You have a lot of venom for one woman. I truly feel for you, Sheza. Again, your spouse LEFT his HOUSE for YOU. He became Master of a new House WITH you. You should be happy, not so damn BITTER.

Besides those here who may not like me are just a drop in a bucket. People who hardly ever play, spy, spend all day on forums etc. I am an active player and I ENJOY it. Many others enjoy ME. Those who don't, eh well...you cant please EVERYONE now, can you ?

Mistress Dee of HDSR & HDSRU

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #20 : August 04, 2015, 04:14:24 PM »

this is  very easy


will and always be  ICE &  Amber House

where there they leave it  keep it
is their  visison ...

I just  feel you see it as a big group and like  most they like to feel they can over take a big group

but it takes a lot to be   leader and this is no leader  ..as for  A lady   your behavior being aggressive at times to members  in poker don't make you A great lady
 you can do want you want    but when you are in poker and   whant to have your little  fun  make sure  all others   want to hear it   I know I  dont !

Foxy you clearly haven't read the entire scenario or choose not to. I have not insulted you in any way so please refrain from insulting me.


« : August 04, 2015, 04:18:15 PM MissDee87 »
: 9

« #21 : August 04, 2015, 04:18:18 PM »

Really its so easy to take someones work but Lover your right about Dee and her spouse is the same way Help and the main achat has been notified about her and her spouse,Dee is a very creul persom and I will give her credit she can be nice until she feels she can break you ,until now I just thought her cruel and inhumane for things she posted to me along with her address In the poker room telling me to visit and in the same breath it was guns and bulliets, I veiew that as a threaton my person but Dee is just a bag of hot air nothimg more..cudos to all who have posted on how they feel ,I hope 1 day achat will remove this paria where lil homes and people who aren't even envoled in homes  are attacked in poker rooms or subjected to rude continual sex were no poker is played because no one can chat or even play real because of their constant folding,......For all that posted your feelings about her I know the truth as even Lover stated. Im Proude of everyone who posted about the real Dee.and most of all Thank You Lover because your bout to receive more texts then you've seen seeing all TOS rule broke

 Lets tell the whole truth . You send a message to Mistress Dee trough me (because she had u on her ignore list) saying that you are gonna pay her a visit in June , you gave me even the dates ,so who is threatening who here. 
 A few words about the "3rd party" ppl who post here . Stop talking about things you have no idea about. Or at least be so kind to tell that u are preoccupied against Dee .Would be much apreciated. And about those who are oh so annoyed about the drama ,well blame those who made it public , we are not going to keep our mouths shut.
                                                                                                                                                             Chantal Vice of HDSR
« : August 04, 2015, 04:22:41 PM ChantalVice »
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #22 : August 04, 2015, 04:23:04 PM »

As far as antics in the poker room, well...

Yes Dee, at the moment nobody can prohibit the things you're doing. It just shows your attitude. Selfish, ignorant and complacent.

Regarding the name of the house, I repeat what I have written in Shezas topic. AChat doesn't have any rules for copyrights, so everyone can use any name. Is it nice to do? That's another question. Maybe you even have the right to use the name, cause the owners have left and you were member of this group.
I would suggest you talk to icebox and you both find a way to fix it. For the peace of all members in both houses.


a :  destitute of knowledge or education; also :  lacking knowledge or comprehension
b :  resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence

:  unaware, uninformed

So my point in this is, are you saying you didn't insult my intelligence? This is the true definition of ignorant. If you meant it in a different way I'd love to KNOW how you meant it. I'm very intelligent and able to decipher words ; I understand condescension and insults very well.

Waiting for a response,
« : August 04, 2015, 04:27:31 PM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #23 : August 04, 2015, 04:38:46 PM »

*Still waiting on a response from Lover...*

Edited by HB69
« : August 05, 2015, 06:26:52 AM hentaiboy69 »
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #24 : August 04, 2015, 04:46:02 PM »

Really its so easy to take someones work but Lover your right about Dee and her spouse is the same way Help and the main achat has been notified about her and her spouse,Dee is a very creul persom and I will give her credit she can be nice until she feels she can break you ,until now I just thought her cruel and inhumane for things she posted to me along with her address In the poker room telling me to visit and in the same breath it was guns and bulliets, I veiew that as a threaton my person but Dee is just a bag of hot air nothimg more..cudos to all who have posted on how they feel ,I hope 1 day achat will remove this paria where lil homes and people who aren't even envoled in homes  are attacked in poker rooms or subjected to rude continual sex were no poker is played because no one can chat or even play real because of their constant folding,......For all that posted your feelings about her I know the truth as even Lover stated. Im Proude of everyone who posted about the real Dee.and most of all Thank You Lover because your bout to receive more texts then you've seen seeing all TOS rule broke

 Lets tell the whole truth . You send a message to Mistress Dee trough me (because she had u on her ignore list) saying that you are gonna pay her a visit in June , you gave me even the dates ,so who is threatening who here. 
 A few words about the "3rd party" ppl who post here . Stop talking about things you have no idea about. Or at least be so kind to tell that u are preoccupied against Dee .Would be much apreciated. And about those who are oh so annoyed about the drama ,well blame those who made it public , we are not going to keep our mouths shut.

                                                                                                                                                             Chantal Vice of HDSR

Will you say it AGAIN, PLEASE?!

Mistress Dee
Full Member
: 212

Mama don't let your Babies grow up to be Cowboys

« #25 : August 04, 2015, 04:50:08 PM »

why doesn't someone ask Icebox whether or not he wants the old house, or whether or not he will willing gave up his claim to it?
I think a lot of this could be put to rest, if Icebox made his intentions clear as to what happens with the House.

Willie Nelson=My Heros have always been Cowboys.
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #26 : August 04, 2015, 04:59:43 PM »

why doesn't someone ask Icebox whether or not he wants the old house, or whether or not he will willing gave up his claim to it?
I think a lot of this could be put to rest, if Icebox made his intentions clear as to what happens with the House.

Sam, I wish it was that simple. Its not. In our rules as a House if you remove your tag (on the profile) you are basically leaving the House. He sent multiple messages to members of HDSR to tell them the house was dead and that he was forming a NEW House with Sheza, The House of Dark Passion. He never said he was keeping BOTH houses or anything. He just packed up and left with as many members as would go with him. He doesn't even want the house, and it seems he could care less about the members that stayed. Sheza said in poker the house was dead too, but its not. There are still many many members who chose not to leave the House but to remain under the new leaders. To be honest, had it not been for Sheza's original post of accusing me of stealing a House (that was abandoned) this thread wouldn't even exist.

Thanks for your input,
Mistress Dee
Full Member
: 212

Mama don't let your Babies grow up to be Cowboys

« #27 : August 04, 2015, 05:09:54 PM »

well, I just think It would make life a lot more simple if Icebox could be talked into stating by public notice, that he no longer wants it....that he gives up claim to it or something to that effect and thereby clearing the way for new owners to take over and end all this mess.

Willie Nelson=My Heros have always been Cowboys.
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #28 : August 04, 2015, 05:12:43 PM »

well, I just think It would make life a lot more simple if Icebox could be talked into stating by public notice, that he no longer wants it....that he gives up claim to it or something to that effect and thereby clearing the way for new owners to take over and end all this mess.

And that would be the most logical thing Sam I completely agree with you, but it will never happen. Even when he claims a new house, and ignores HDSR he will never do it. So on this one, I go by actions, because they do speak louder than words.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #29 : August 04, 2015, 05:36:10 PM »

well, I just think It would make life a lot more simple if Icebox could be talked into stating by public notice, that he no longer wants it....that he gives up claim to it or something to that effect and thereby clearing the way for new owners to take over and end all this mess.


here its not about what Ice should do or not ..

Any one with with common sense

knows  you cant  just take a  group with same name and   high popularity and say I am taking over

To me this was  going to set  a fire up for conflicted confrontation and disagreement...

Any one would know this was going to happen  ...

( its like  some one sees  something you have like a car,  just becs you don't drive it  mean you cant just

say  hey I am taking it over  bec you dont drive it  )


she wants a house a  group she would  just  had her own name  added who ever wanted to go to her

but to say I am taking over     :o 

Ice   dont have to say any thing as  I see it   ..

I think Dee  Needs to change her name  and have her own house  whatever she wants to call it ...

give it her own group individuated  distinguish from others  ..She want to be a leader  she  should lead  not  take over  from others

as  for    A lady  I also have saved chats  from poker  how she  attacked so please,  stop all your   Drama and lies  you harass other  for no reason and bully them ... I am sure achat knows  about it .....so give up the lady act   we know you to well.
« : August 04, 2015, 05:39:11 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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