Oh my Foxy is geting mood it but we now your the shit starter
MissDee87: I wanna be like a jolly rancher that u get from the corner store...
MissDee87: *dances!!!*
MissDee87: I AM older
MissDee87: lol
Adoni: *laughs, sitting back in his chair enjoying the view*
19:53 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: Oh please less than 4 years
MissDee87: *Hopes ur listening*
MissDee87: let me be i wants to be gots to be....
MissDee87: suga mamamamamamama im ur suga mama !!
MissDee87: come sit on mama lap yeh
19:54 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *dances*
Adoni: *Slaps her ass*
MissDee87: *giggles*
19:55 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Haha
MissDee87: *grins*
MissDee87: *throws money in the air*
Adoni: Ooooh shit
19:56 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *hands her some more wads of cash*
MissDee87: Im ur suga mama
MissDee87: come sit on mama lapyeah
MissDee87: *THROWS it*
Adoni: You didn't even open it!? *LAUGHS*
Adoni: coulda hurt someone
19:57 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *it rains $100's
20:00 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Helloo all neq
MissDee87: new**
dacushman: hello Dee
Adoni: Hey people
20:01 PM 7/16/2015
dacushman: hello Adoni
Adoni: Hey man
Adoni: Dee.
20:06 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Yes Love?
MissDee87: Sorry phone
Adoni: Wb hun
MissDee87: ty

MissDee87: Yes boo ?
MissDee87: U readu
MissDee87: ready*
Adoni: *lightly yanks on her hair, pulling her head back* We're going to my office.
Adoni: *grins*
MissDee87: mmmm ok boo
MissDee87: *bites lip*
20:07 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Bye everyone *picks Dee up*
Onyersix: ATARI! lol
Onyersix: hello everyone
20:08 PM 7/16/2015
Atarielia: Hello there
20:09 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: PYT!
pytct82: Hi Six
20:10 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: glad i brought my ear plugs for this table
Onyersix: hi mopha
pytct82: Hi Mopha
mopha: hi
Onyersix: and my sweater
mopha: hi pyt
pytct82: Hru?
mopha: hi six
20:11 PM 7/16/2015
mopha: not the best of evenings

pytct82: I'm sorry
Tammy4u: mmmmmmmmmmmm mopha
mopha: no worries
mopha: hi Tammy
Tammy4u: hi
Onyersix: i wanna be rich, la la la la la
comet1967: so many destractions today
20:12 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: i come to take your monies
quero: hi there
Onyersix: OH SHIT...my hat!
20:13 PM 7/16/2015
quero: lol, where you lost it?
Onyersix: my room
20:14 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: you know...is it me, but the whole "room" thing here on achat....does it seem achat is one HUGE hotel
20:15 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: nods*
bikerjoe: under
MissDee87: Ummmm they took my panties when i got here Joe
MissDee87: like they took everyones
Adoni: Panty thief!
MissDee87: achat consipiracy
MissDee87: LOL right !!
18:07 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: : )
horace69: I'm grounded, that's why I'm in red
MissDee87: NH Roxy
Adoni: One of these days i'll catch the bastard doing it
MissDee87: LOL why u prefer me with NO panties
Adoni: But I like ripping them off..
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Taking away my fun
18:08 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: I'll let u set the paaaace cuz im not thinkin straight .... my heads spinning around i cant see clear no moreeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
Adoni: Besides......atleast you can put a dress over to cover yours. We don't get shit
Adoni: any breeze
Adoni: is felt
18:09 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: k Don, as you asked me , i brought the booze !!
MissDee87: atleast u dont have shrinkage tho ;p
MissDee87: YAY turn upppp Ace and Doni !
Adoni: Nah. Gotta counter the cold with some warm thoughts *grins*
Adoni: Sweet!
Adoni: What you bring?
horace69: RESERVA 1800
Adoni: I'll take a full glass
18:10 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: mmm nice
MissDee87: OMG tequila !!
MissDee87: I'll stay to vodka !
horace69: no, the bottle is yours
Adoni: Ohhh shit
Adoni: Thanks man!
horace69: lol
MissDee87: awwwww thats so nice Ace !!
MissDee87: I'll bake u some cookies lol
horace69: got lots of beers for the rest of us
MissDee87: but u cant share them *cracks up*
18:11 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: ouch
Adoni: *laughs*
horace69: greg, you forgot?
Adoni: Slide it down here so I can crack it open ace
xShezawolfx: hey sam
MissDee87: Hi sam

horace69: slides to Don*
bigdaddygreg: forgot what horace?
18:12 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *grabs the bottle and immdedietly breaks the seal*
horace69: geeeeeeez greg, POT !
Sam_Hawke: hOWDIO, Sheza, Cat, Foxy
MissDee87: Uhhh no
Adoni: Sup Hawke
xShezawolfx: lol
MissDee87: *takes a big bag from my bra*
horace69: need 2 get you a memory card greg
MissDee87: *tosses it on the table*
Adoni: Mmmm we rollin up too?
horace69: yep
MissDee87: *begins to split a cigar*
bigdaddygreg: i didn't know it was my turn lol
horace69: lol
18:13 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: ye, u always forget ur turn
Adoni: *downs the rest of his whiskey and pours in the tequila*
Adoni: Good thing Dee allways comes prepared
bigdaddygreg: i'll bring it next time
Adoni: I usually just bring the liquor
horace69: pops my beer*
MissDee87: *rolls up*
18:14 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: CHEERS friends !
Adoni: *holds up his glass* Cheers
MissDee87: YAY cheers !!!
18:15 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *clinks glasses!*
bigdaddygreg: damn sheza i can't concentrate on the game looking at you
Adoni: *laughs and downs half of his glass*
xShezawolfx: aw your sweet
MissDee87: *drains mine and then lights the blunt*
horace69: yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
MissDee87: *Inhales*
18:16 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *Holds it and exhales, then passes it to Doni*
Adoni: *leans over grabbing it* Thanks love
18:17 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont think they know the truth ... they say they saw but ... dont think they know, how could they know

*sings along and sways*
Adoni: *takes a long slow hit*
Adoni: *holding it in as he held it back to Dee*
xShezawolfx: hoses him down
MissDee87: *Takes it and passes it to Ace*
horace69: ohh ty
18:18 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont listen to ...what people say....they dont know about ...bout u an meeeee
Adoni: *leans back exhaling a little, breathing some of the smoke back in*
Adoni: *exhales the rest*
MissDee87: *giggles* Ur gonna be SOOOOO high !!
18:19 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: takes a shrt hit.... hmmmmmm and then a long drag* ... this is some good stufff ur got
MissDee87: Thanks Love

Adoni: *chuckles* We only smoke the best
horace69: huge smile on my face ;-))
MissDee87: Hahahahaha dont tell me ur buzzin already Ace !
Adoni: *sips his drink*
18:20 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: nah, just counting my aces ..
Adoni: He ain't ready!!
MissDee87: Damn well thanks
MissDee87: *folds*
Adoni: Oh sorry yeah love I had it on
Adoni: restart it
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
MissDee87: Jinx
MissDee87: u owe me Diamonds
Adoni: That all?
MissDee87: preferably 3 carats or bigger
18:21 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: one more drag and passes over to Don
MissDee87: please? thanks
Adoni: *shrugs* You'll have em in the morning
Adoni: *smiles*
MissDee87: *giggles*
bigdaddygreg: i'm out all ....by horace
bigdaddygreg: bye beautiful sheza
18:22 PM 7/16/2015
xShezawolfx: laters
Adoni: Just tell em that we'll work at it, we good
MissDee87: *Takes the blunt from Doni and hits it*
MissDee87: *sways to the music*
18:23 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *sips, bobbing his head*
Adoni: They don't know about us, they don't know about it
MissDee87: Hi Angela

Adoni: Hello angela
MissDee87: Hey Sissy

18:24 PM 7/16/2015

MissDee87: They dont know about ... bout u n mee
horace69: wow ! what a trip ! felt like I was gone ..
Adoni: *takes the blunt from Dee and takes a hit*
18:25 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *nearly choking from laughter* Oh my god.... Ace is done
horace69: lol
MissDee87: LOL damn Ace already love ?
horace69: yeah
horace69: hmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
18:26 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *takes another hit and hesitantly passes it to Ace while he held it in*
MissDee87: Ace u good boo ?
horace69: ohhhhh
horace69: yeeee ;-))
18:27 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: U can pick the sceeeene if i can pick the props ... *grins*
MissDee87: *sips*
Adoni: *grins* Mmm
Adoni: *Seeing ace not reach for it he passes it to Dee*
MissDee87: GAWD this room NEEDS a stripper pole
MissDee87: *Takes it*
18:28 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *exhales as he sat back slowly* Mmmmmm
MissDee87: *Inhales and exhales*
Adoni: We can allways get one
MissDee87: These chicks are too scared
Adoni: *looks over* Sissy isn't
MissDee87: lol
horace69: wow shit !! I think I'm Dr. Who !!
MissDee87: i see
MissDee87: OMG seriousl\y !!!
MissDee87: Would u like to play?
18:29 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: travelling in time and soace
MissDee87: Can I be your Vixen ??
Adoni: *grins*
horace69: space*
horace69: ok what are we playin

MissDee87: I HATE when bitches wanna say shit
Adoni: go fish
MissDee87: but dont wanna fuckin direct it
horace69: ohh
Adoni: *laughs*
Adoni: I know
18:30 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bitch you got something to say ?
MissDee87: Say it to ME
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
MissDee87: *shakes ass!!!*
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
Adoni: *walks over and SMACKS her ass*
MissDee87: Heyyyyy
MissDee87: mmmmm again !!
MissDee87: *shakes it*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
Adoni: *grins and SMACKS it again*
18:31 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: lame bitches always HATE
MissDee87: *sings along*
Adoni: It's alright hun. If they don't have the balls to say shit to you then they're a waste of space
MissDee87: Exactly and that shit ended when i said what i said
Adoni: If yo chick come close to me, she ain't goin home to where she post to be
MissDee87: Heyyyyyyyyyy !!!
18:32 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Sing it boo
Adoni: *sips* Team Us we ain't worried about you
MissDee87: But he gotta eat the pussy like some groceries !!!
Adoni: Mmmmm * grins*
Adoni: *sips*
18:33 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: if he want me to expose the freakkkkkkkk
MissDee87: She wanna rideeeeeeeeeee but i dont even know her name !!!
MissDee87: these bitches be for everybody !!!
Adoni: don't be mad about it
18:34 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: HAHAHAHAH !
horace69: what happened?
18:35 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: WAIT
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: 3
MissDee87: 2
MissDee87: 1
MissDee87: K
Adoni: k
MissDee87: Nothing Ace
MissDee87: bitches dont wanna speak up
18:36 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: oh, sry I was gone.. missed it
Adoni: Mhmmm
Adoni: Too scared
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: I was waiting
tess69: its hard to talk vth a mouthful of cum.....think u know better:)
Adoni: Was gonna be another 4 hour smash fest
MissDee87: Not if u swallow tess
MissDee87: and u aint never been scared to say SHIT
18:37 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: to ANYONE
MissDee87: I *
Adoni: Mmhmmmm *grins*
MissDee87: My POINT is
MissDee87: if u have something to say
MissDee87: say it to me
MissDee87: dont make innuendos
MissDee87: dont pussyfoot around
tess69: u started it
Adoni: Mhmmmm
MissDee87: Started what ?
Adoni: Not you tess...
18:38 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: I dont even know u
MissDee87: nor was i SPEAKING to you
MissDee87: or about you
tess69: my point exactly
Adoni: Lol..
MissDee87: I was speaking about someone else and u inserted urself love
tess69: peace
MissDee87: Peace
Adoni: ...bye?
MissDee87: *holds up the peace sign*
18:39 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL love
horace69: yeah, that's mre like it love & peace
MissDee87: Im just saying like i dont even know this person yo
Adoni: I know hun lol think she just misunderstood
MissDee87: No drama with her so im like ... ok ....
MissDee87: ok then
MissDee87: thats cool
18:40 PM 7/16/2015
Timmer: hi everyone
Adoni: some people are just naturally defensive for no reason
horace69: hi timmer
Adoni: Hey tim
MissDee87: hey Timmer
MissDee87: well im not the one
tess69: my mistake, maybe i jumped d wagon wen u said abt bitches
MissDee87: Yeah u did
MissDee87: ur mistake for sure boo
MissDee87: i dont know u
Adoni: It was a generalization
horace69: tim, u were missing in action?
18:41 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: so i cant talk about u
MissDee87: so u should be careful about what u take offense to Boo
MissDee87: its all love tho
Timmer: i think i did.. wish it was good on:)
horace69: cool
MissDee87: I HOPE if u got an issue u come to me
Adoni: *finishes his glass*
MissDee87: *smiles at Tess*
18:42 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: i hv no issues, just don't like BS
18:43 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: she was speaking hypothetically Tess. Just for you to know in the future for the off chance you ever do

18:44 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: np
horace69: ok, anyone fancy a cold beer?

Timmer: count me in
Adoni: *holds up the bottle* Still polishing the tequilla off
tess69: me too
horace69: slides beer to tim
18:45 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: tim, aren't u working?
horace69: serves beer to tess
Timmer: thanks, *sip*
tess69: ty

Adoni: 1 sec
Timmer: i will be in a minute, hate going without going to poker first:)
Adoni: Haha
18:46 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: lol
Adoni: It was pretty lively in here a few nights ago
tess69: lol....ur addicted
MissDee87: Back
Adoni: Web beautiful
Timmer: lol
Adoni: and oooooooh
horace69: wb
MissDee87: ooooh with a better seat
Adoni: *slides Dee's chair over*
MissDee87: ty loves
tess69: wb
MissDee87: So Tess we good ?
tess69: wer we bad?
MissDee87: i mean u acted like we was
18:47 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like u took offense to something i said when i dont even know u
tess69: told u was my mistake dat i jumped d gun!
Timmer: *sip drink*
MissDee87: k i take it we good then
MissDee87: *Puffs my blunt*
Adoni: *puts his arm around Dee and sips his tequilla*
18:48 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: drinks up my can***
horace69: burps *** oops sorry !!! lool
MissDee87: lol its all good
Timmer: hoarce finishes the whole can
horace69: so not like me
18:49 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: He's like homer simpson
Adoni: Drinkin Duff
MissDee87: lmao
horace69: i can imagine that
Adoni: *grins*
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
18:50 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *finishes his drink*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: *places glass on the table*
tess69: nh
horace69: nh
Adoni: FUCK its the music video
MissDee87: i got my own cookie monster

Timmer: nice
MissDee87: he love to lick the middle like an oreo
Timmer: well i am going for work now, bye everyone
Adoni: *nods* Damn strait
18:51 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bye timmer
horace69: be tim
Adoni: Bye tim
tess69: bye tim
horace69: nice 2 c u
horace69: leave ur beer here
Adoni: Ooooooh she roller coastered on it, ooooooh, she threw it up an alley
MissDee87: LOL
Adoni: LOL
Adoni: Ooooooh like an oreo, i love to lick the middle like an oreo
MissDee87: mmmmmm
18:52 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: tim has left the building
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth?
MissDee87: hahahahaha
tess69: n1
horace69: ty tess
MissDee87: the key to an awesome orgasm
MissDee87: is if he can eat the pussy right
MissDee87: and i HEARD white boys eat it the best *giggles*
Adoni: We do
MissDee87: hahahahahah !!
MissDee87: Magic Mike !!!
MissDee87: LOL
horace69: do we?? lol
Adoni: dinner time!
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: OMG
MissDee87: lol
18:53 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Ive HEARD white boys eat pussy the best
tess69: naaah....a womans touch is d best
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth? Girl I got a sweet tooth, aint nothing sweeter then you
MissDee87: hmmmmm
MissDee87: ive had a woman before ...several times
MissDee87: its so sexy and sensual
18:54 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: but there aint nothin like a man makin u crawl across the bed like waiit hold up omg stop !!!
Adoni: Hahahahaha
Adoni: The good ones don't listen
MissDee87: *eyes u* no they fuckin dont
18:55 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *laughs!*
tess69: nothing like d real deal but still, its far more erotic to see 2 women go @ it

MissDee87: its sexy
horace69: ohhh nice
MissDee87: but i love men
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Mmm it's nice to watch yeah but I mean.....I'm gettin into something. Not just gonna watch.
MissDee87: the way they get all ....mmmm...alpha male - ish
18:56 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like hold me down and fuck me silly
MissDee87: send me to work tomorrow tired and sore mmmmmm
Adoni: *chuckles* You love it
MissDee87: MAKE me wash ur clothes