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: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U  ( 48198 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« #45 : August 05, 2015, 09:40:46 AM »

  I can't stay silent anylonger.   ::)

  Much as I like Dee.  Who helped me when I first started here with my looks and just basically chatted.  And I'll never forget that DEE !! Although you might have.   This has gone WAY out of control.

  This poker room invite is wrong in my opinion Dee.  Its like you are trying to control it to your own devices.  I had such a good time last night in the poker room with friends I know and with ones I didn't.   It would have spoilt it if someone showed up and started to act in my opinion Wrongly in public. (And Yes, Yes we know its a Sex Game).  A lot of people go into the poker just to chat normally.

  This idea of yours would work Dee, if the Devs (Instead of working on Rubbish Poses) allowed us to choose which poker room to go into or to set up a Private Room where you and your friends could do whatever you liked.

  I'm sorry if you don't like what I am saying and if you cancel friendship relationship I will understand.  But please don't give me any grief if we meet in the poker room.  That's if you still remember me.


Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #46 : August 05, 2015, 10:43:45 AM »

Ok, now......I stay quiet for all this time, now l'et's talk.

1 - If really Dee qwas chose to become one of the leader, in my opinion she have all the rights to run the HDSR again, considering the fact that she never leave it as Amber or Icebox have done. Of course, it's clear it's not the same house it was, because, probably, she will run it in a different way! MAy Ice or Amber confirm Dee version!?

2 - The poker room isn't a private space, so please, Dee and Adoni, try to understand the fact that not the users you meet there are interested in your kinky games, so trry to avoid to do them if the majority of them is not from your house

3 - this thread has become very close to a personal attack then a discussion. Please, avoid to clean your dirty personal loundry here and do it using pm! Or contact us mods if in need of help.

Thank you for someone finally seeing what this thread is turning into. HB the proof is right there on the original HDSR thread Amber wrote, and it states EXPLICITLY the role I had in the House. Icebox HIMSELF made me a Leader, Amber merely confirmed his decision. However, I'm not gonna beat a dead horse. All the petty slander, assumptions about my intelligence etc are just proof that regardless of how LOGICAL your points are, that people read what they want and take from it what they want. The simple fact that so much hatred and slander has been written and hurled my way, by people that truly are IRRELEVANT to this situation are kind of funny. I could be stating 2+2=4 and because I'm me, and I'm HDSR then people will ofcourse come out of the wood work and hate.

I'm the petty, small minded bully that began all of this. No. How many times has Icebox and Amber been slandered before by people like Sheza and Woody? IN THE FORUM ? How many times have THEIR posts been modded or removed? How many times have mine? Exactly. My HOUSE was dragged into this arena by someone who just wanted to find a way to pick a fight. I wrote a completely logical piece about why I'm NOT a thief and now this? What's so funny is ICE "defended" his right to this House for all of what, 4 posts? Then he removed them HIMSELF? It clearly shows HB that he really didn't care about this issue to begin with.

Ofcourse HB some people don't like when things happen and they cannot control it. Usually when one tries to control another and make that person CONFORM and its not done, people turn very vicious and ugly because of their own need for control. People dont like INDIVIDUALITY. They don't like people who are "different" because if you are, you are some kind of threat to them and their ideas of the world. This place is no different. People like us, who are not cookie cutters of what and how a person is "supposed" to act are bashed, marginalized and insulted. Make assumptions all you like. Ignore me in Achat. Ignore me here. It doesn't matter. I usually don't speak to most of you anyway. We don't run in the same circles. And I echo what I said previously, I will do what I want, where I want with whom I want. If you don't like it, leave or stay silent. Or make comments, they will be ignored.

As for Zu, differing opinions don't mean that we cant be friends. So no harm no foul. I wont say if you are in poker when I'm there that things wont start to get ...rowdy. But respect my position as well. I know how you feel and what you think but, we are both separate people and we will both do what we want. Until Achat does make differing poker rooms or designate private rooms etc for its members, the poker table is the most social thing we have right now. So I'm going to use it.

Thank you HB for actually attempting to be impartial toward the ACTUAL situation. Not people's hatred or bigotry toward HDSR, BDSM or ME. For weighing what I've said versus the right thing to do. I do wish Amber would come back and say for all to see that she did in fact leave for a hiatus and that I did the best I could to keep the House going. I know Icebox will never admit that he doesn't want HDSR as that will upset Sheza and render all of this HOOPLAH completely unnecessary. Its EASY to stay silent or be apart of a crowd, to jump on a bandwagon to attack a seemingly lone person. What's HARD is to stand up, let your opinions and voice be heard while maintaining your dignity, respect & INDIVIDUALITY.  Thank you for all of those people that tried to raise a logical solution, or stood up for me.

I'm a big girl, and I've got strong shoulders....HDSR, Me, Adoni ... all of us will keep on keeping on. You all can sit here and be outraged. I'll be having fun.  ;D
« : August 05, 2015, 10:45:30 AM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 58

« #47 : August 05, 2015, 10:50:49 AM »

sure dee take over the poker rooms im glad they only hold a few where some can still enjoy themselves

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #48 : August 05, 2015, 11:43:31 AM »

sure dee take over the poker rooms im glad they only hold a few where some can still enjoy themselves

Ok, I will. Since I have your blessing :)
Jr. Member
: 58

« #49 : August 05, 2015, 12:00:51 PM »

you have no blessing from me dee,you are a cruel and inhumane person

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #50 : August 05, 2015, 12:31:56 PM »

I knew when I posted this thread that more often than not I would receive negative responses. And I was prepared for that. What shocks me though is the behavior of those that really shouldn't be concerned with the welfare/well being of HDSR.

At the end of the day, none of your opinions matter. I don't hurl insults because it's pointless to do so. I'm an adult & I can express myself intelligently without resorting to name calling or slander.

Miss Dee.. You can not POSSIBLY be surprised or shocked with the comments made from players who are not affiliated with HDSR, not when you choose to bring your opinions and private business out into a public arena...  Personally I could care less  about your house or who it belongs to, or whether or not you have the right to use it.   What i care about is how you choose to conduct yourself in these public places, and how it negatively affects players who really ARE here to have a good time. 

Your issues really aren't that important to the rest of us, and if you were any bit of the intelligent adult that you say you are, you would gracefully find a way to resolve these issues in private where they belong.  But you don't.  You choose to rampage your way into the poker rooms spewing obscenities, making vile comments.. forcing everyone around you to intake the horrible sewage that comes out of your mouth when you are angry and pretending that you are some sort of Queen that has the right to belittle and tarnish and berate another human being that you feel is beneath you.   Including sharing with everyone in the poker rooms  private and confidential sexual details of other players that have been with you..  I hope that any potential "client" of your house realizes that if you get angry or petty enough, that their name and every little fetish that they might want to keep confidential will be blasted out of the Miss Dee bullhorn for everyone to hear. 

I feel sad for you.  You have no idea how to respect others.  When you go into the poker rooms. .SURE  Have fun.. Have sex talk.  Get up out of your chair and rub your pussy if thats what you want to do.  But don't bring in your business issues.. your private bullshit.. your name calling.. your accusations against another player.  It is disrespectful to everyone else who is there.. and frankly lacks common decency.     

Jaynie, if you don't care about the House, and House business then WHY take the time out of your day and LIFE to write this? I told you from the beginning that this had nothing to do with you. Can anyone say PERSONAL ATTACK ? Even IN the poker room when you continually tried to interject your insults and jabs I ignored you. Do us all a favor by minding your own business; and jump off the bandwagon and stay in your LANE. You can ofcourse contradict yourself and continue your rantings, however eloquent, but its right there in pink & black that you truly don't care about what happens. So it must seem you saw my name on the thread and because you seem to be bitter and vindictive against me decided to launch personal attacks. Could it simply be because you are friends with woody and sheza? In that case, you have done a poor job of disguising your venom. Worry about your business and I'll worry about MINE. As HB said, this thread isn't a rant-fest about HDSR and its actions. I BELIEVE TG chaser already made a thread about that. Perhaps you should visit it and spout your attacks there? Because HERE, its pretty clear the REAL purpose of your response.

« : August 05, 2015, 12:34:25 PM MissDee87 »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #51 : August 05, 2015, 12:35:25 PM »

I only see some want to be leader  with  big EGO

Blah blah blah

keep it out of the  poker game  we dont want to hear it  and a few have said it .... we dont need to hear you and whatever House you are in..

MissDee87: Hey Foxy :)
bigdaddygreg: your so fine baby
xShezawolfx: ty babe
17:59 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: aaaand im back
bigdaddygreg: horace is that your nickname  pet?
MissDee87: Wb boo :)
Adoni: Ty beautiful
bikerjoe: vnh
horace69: wb
18:00 PM 7/16/2015
Apussycat: ty
Adoni: Thanks ace
horace69: dunno greg, why?
MissDee87: He want that Sugar !! *sips my drink and sways*
xShezawolfx: hes a pet lol
horace69: i am?
Adoni: Which song you got on love?
xShezawolfx: yeap
horace69: can be
MissDee87: Hot Sugar
18:01 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Tamar Braxton  *giggles and dances, bets*
bigdaddygreg: please stop
Adoni: *sips his drink*
MissDee87: Joe got the idea !
Adoni: Who?
bikerjoe: lol
18:02 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: wiggle wiggle
MissDee87: POP IT POP IT POP IT !!
Adoni: *grins sipping his drink while he watched Dee*
xShezawolfx: more like drop it drop it
bigdaddygreg: lol
bikerjoe: ha ha
18:03 PM 7/16/2015
bigdaddygreg: sheza
MissDee87: YAY !!!
xShezawolfx: yes?
bigdaddygreg: your too fucking hot
MissDee87: we can dance if u want get it crackin if u likeeeeeeee
xShezawolfx: sorry greg i refuse to make a ass out of myself
18:04 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *grins bobbing his head to the music*
MissDee87: *TWERKS !!!*
MissDee87: HEYYYYYY shake it !!!!!
bigdaddygreg: lol i understand sheza
MissDee87: *Sips*
MissDee87: If it aint DIRECTED it aint RESPECTED
Adoni: *bites lip*
Adoni: *nods*
bigdaddygreg: horace be quiet your talking too much
MissDee87: *dances and sings along*
18:05 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: we can dance if u want ... get it crackin if u like .. must be a full moon !!!!
horace69: sorry greg, looks like I'll need permision
Adoni: Permission?
xShezawolfx: lol
horace69: yes
horace69: lol
bigdaddygreg: lol horace
18:06 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *shakes head* Who needs permission?
MissDee87: Apparently ace ?
xShezawolfx: pet
MissDee87: *Shrugs and refills my drink*
bikerjoe: what you got uder there Miss Dee?
horace69: nods*
bikerjoe: under
MissDee87: Ummmm they took my panties when i got here Joe
MissDee87: like they took everyones
Adoni: Panty thief!
MissDee87: achat consipiracy
MissDee87: LOL right !!
18:07 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: : )
horace69: I'm grounded, that's why I'm in red
MissDee87: NH Roxy
Adoni: One of these days i'll catch the bastard doing it
MissDee87: LOL why u prefer me with NO panties
Adoni: But I like ripping them off..
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Taking away my fun
18:08 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: I'll let u set the paaaace cuz im not thinkin straight .... my heads spinning around i cant see clear no moreeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
Adoni: Besides......atleast you can put a dress over to cover yours. We don't get shit
Adoni: any breeze
Adoni: is felt
18:09 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: k Don, as you asked me , i brought the booze !!   
MissDee87: atleast u dont have shrinkage tho ;p
MissDee87: YAY turn upppp Ace and Doni !
Adoni: Nah. Gotta counter the cold with some warm thoughts *grins*
Adoni: Sweet!
Adoni: What you bring?
horace69: RESERVA  1800
Adoni: I'll take a full glass

« : August 05, 2015, 12:49:57 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #52 : August 05, 2015, 12:47:04 PM »

I only see some want to be leader  with  big EGO

Blah blah blah

keep it out of the  poker game  we dont want to hear it  and a few have said it ....

Next up ...Foxxy. Foxxy Foxxy Foxxy. You clearly cannot comprehend the situation, perhaps there's a language barrier involved? You don't know me well enough to ASSUME anything about my Ego. You don't want to see it in poker? Then leave. You're hardly there to begin with and when you are you cant speak because you're not premium ANYWAY, so please tell me why your opinion should even matter? Oh that's, right. It doesn't. Mind your business. I keep saying THIS thread is about HDSR and whether or not I "stole" the House. Since only some Mod's seem to want to keep it focused on that and others don't, because of their OWN personal biases then we have lots of this riff raff thrown in. Perhaps Google could help you translate my original post, so you can see that I only took over the House after Icebox and Amber BOTH abandoned it. It may be hard for you to understand, as your bias toward me is clouding your judgment and ability to fully understand the situation, but that's what it IS. I believe there is a Post about HDSR and their "practices" already, and any issues with Poker really SHOULD be directed there (not sure why the Mod's except HB haven't said this BEFORE.) Feel free to vent about my ego there.  ;D

Hero Member
: 10457


« #53 : August 05, 2015, 12:50:52 PM »

Part 2 of your drama in the poker game Miss Leader

18:10 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: mmm nice
MissDee87: OMG tequila !!
MissDee87: I'll stay to vodka !
horace69: no, the bottle is yours
Adoni: Ohhh shit
Adoni: Thanks man!
horace69: lol
MissDee87: awwwww thats so nice Ace !!
MissDee87: I'll bake u some cookies lol
horace69: got lots of beers for the rest of us
MissDee87: but u cant share them *cracks up*
18:11 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: ouch
Adoni: *laughs*
horace69: greg, you forgot?
Adoni: Slide it down here so I can crack it open ace
xShezawolfx: hey sam
MissDee87: Hi sam :)
horace69: slides to Don*
bigdaddygreg: forgot what horace?
18:12 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *grabs the bottle and immdedietly breaks the seal*
horace69: geeeeeeez  greg,  POT ! 
Sam_Hawke: hOWDIO, Sheza, Cat, Foxy
MissDee87: Uhhh no
Adoni: Sup Hawke
xShezawolfx: lol
MissDee87: *takes a big bag from my bra*
horace69: need 2 get you a memory card greg
MissDee87: *tosses it on the table*
Adoni: Mmmm we rollin up too?
horace69: yep
MissDee87: *begins to split a cigar*
bigdaddygreg: i didn't know it was my turn lol
horace69: lol
18:13 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: ye, u always forget ur turn
Adoni: *downs the rest of his whiskey and pours in the tequila*
Adoni: Good thing Dee allways comes prepared
bigdaddygreg: i'll bring it next time
Adoni: I usually just bring the liquor
horace69: pops my beer*
MissDee87: *rolls up*
18:14 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: CHEERS friends !
Adoni: *holds up his glass* Cheers
MissDee87: YAY cheers !!!
18:15 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *clinks glasses!*
bigdaddygreg: damn sheza i can't concentrate on the game looking at you
Adoni: *laughs and downs half of his glass*
xShezawolfx: aw your sweet
MissDee87: *drains mine and then lights the blunt*
horace69: yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
MissDee87: *Inhales*
18:16 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *Holds it and exhales, then passes it to Doni*
Adoni: *leans over grabbing it* Thanks love
18:17 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont think they know the truth ... they say they saw but ... dont think they know, how could they know ??? *sings along and sways*
Adoni: *takes a long slow hit*
Adoni: *holding it in as he held it back to Dee*
xShezawolfx: hoses him down
MissDee87: *Takes it and passes it to Ace*
horace69: ohh ty
18:18 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont listen to ...what people say....they dont know about ...bout u an meeeee
Adoni: *leans back exhaling a little, breathing some of the smoke back in*
Adoni: *exhales the rest*
MissDee87: *giggles* Ur gonna be SOOOOO high !!
18:19 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: takes a shrt hit.... hmmmmmm  and then a long drag* ...   this is some good stufff ur got
MissDee87: Thanks Love :)
Adoni: *chuckles* We only smoke the best
horace69: huge smile on my face  ;-))
MissDee87: Hahahahaha dont tell me ur buzzin already Ace !
Adoni: *sips his drink*
18:20 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: nah, just counting my aces  ..
Adoni: He ain't ready!!
MissDee87: Damn well thanks
MissDee87: *folds*
Adoni: Oh sorry yeah love I had it on
Adoni: restart it
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
MissDee87: Jinx
MissDee87: u owe me Diamonds
Adoni: That all?
MissDee87: preferably 3 carats or bigger
18:21 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: one more drag   and passes over to Don
MissDee87: please? thanks
Adoni: *shrugs* You'll have em in the morning
Adoni: *smiles*
MissDee87: *giggles*
bigdaddygreg: i'm out all ....by horace
bigdaddygreg: bye beautiful sheza
18:22 PM 7/16/2015
xShezawolfx: laters
Adoni: Just tell em that we'll work at it, we good
MissDee87: *Takes the blunt from Doni and hits it*
MissDee87: *sways to the music*
18:23 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *sips, bobbing his head*
Adoni: They don't know about us, they don't know about it
MissDee87: Hi Angela :)
Adoni: Hello angela
MissDee87: Hey Sissy :)
18:24 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: :)
MissDee87: They dont know about ... bout u n mee
horace69: wow !  what a trip !  felt like I was gone ..
Adoni: *takes the blunt from Dee and takes a hit*
18:25 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *nearly choking from laughter* Oh my god.... Ace is done
horace69: lol
MissDee87: LOL damn Ace already love ?
horace69: yeah
horace69: hmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10457


« #54 : August 05, 2015, 12:52:25 PM »

we all see you start the  BS

MissDee87: k
18:26 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *takes another hit and hesitantly passes it to Ace while he held it in*
MissDee87: Ace u good boo ?
horace69: ohhhhh
horace69: yeeee  ;-))
18:27 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: U can pick the sceeeene if i can pick the props ... *grins*
MissDee87: *sips*
Adoni: *grins* Mmm
Adoni: *Seeing ace not reach for it he passes it to Dee*
MissDee87: GAWD this room NEEDS a stripper pole
MissDee87: *Takes it*
18:28 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *exhales as he sat back slowly* Mmmmmm
MissDee87: *Inhales and exhales*
Adoni: We can allways get one
MissDee87: These chicks are too scared
Adoni: *looks over* Sissy isn't
MissDee87: lol
horace69: wow  shit !!  I think I'm Dr. Who !!
MissDee87: i see
MissDee87: OMG seriousl\y !!!
MissDee87: Would u like to play?
18:29 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: travelling in time and soace
MissDee87: Can I be your Vixen ??
Adoni: *grins*
horace69: space*
horace69: ok   what are we playin ??????
MissDee87: I HATE when bitches wanna say shit
Adoni: go fish
MissDee87: but dont wanna fuckin direct it
horace69: ohh
Adoni: *laughs*
Adoni: I know
18:30 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bitch you got something to say ?
MissDee87: Say it to ME
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
MissDee87: *shakes ass!!!*
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
Adoni: *walks over and SMACKS her ass*
MissDee87: Heyyyyy
MissDee87: mmmmm again !!
MissDee87: *shakes it*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
Adoni: *grins and SMACKS it again*
18:31 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: lame bitches always HATE
MissDee87: *sings along*
Adoni: It's alright hun. If they don't have the balls to say shit to you then they're a waste of space
MissDee87: Exactly and that shit ended when i said what i said
Adoni: If yo chick come close to me, she ain't goin home to where she post to be
MissDee87: Heyyyyyyyyyy !!!
18:32 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Sing it boo
Adoni: *sips* Team Us we ain't worried about you
MissDee87: But he gotta eat the pussy like some groceries !!!
Adoni: Mmmmm * grins*
Adoni: *sips*
18:33 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: if he want me to expose the freakkkkkkkk
MissDee87: She wanna rideeeeeeeeeee but i dont even know her name !!!
MissDee87: these bitches be for everybody !!!
Adoni: don't be mad about it
18:34 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: HAHAHAHAH !
horace69: what happened?
18:35 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: WAIT
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: 3
MissDee87: 2
MissDee87: 1
MissDee87: K
Adoni: k
MissDee87: Nothing Ace
MissDee87: bitches dont wanna speak up
18:36 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: oh, sry I was gone.. missed it
Adoni: Mhmmm
Adoni: Too scared
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: I was waiting
tess69: its hard to talk vth a mouthful of cum.....think u know better:)
Adoni: Was gonna be another 4 hour smash fest
MissDee87: Not if u swallow tess
MissDee87: and u aint never been scared to say SHIT
18:37 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: to ANYONE
MissDee87: I *
Adoni: Mmhmmmm *grins*
MissDee87: My POINT is
MissDee87: if u have something to say
MissDee87: say it to me
MissDee87: dont make innuendos
MissDee87: dont pussyfoot around
tess69: u started it
Adoni: Mhmmmm
MissDee87: Started what ?
Adoni: Not you tess...
18:38 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: I dont even know u
MissDee87: nor was i SPEAKING to you
MissDee87: or about you
tess69: my point exactly
Adoni: Lol..
MissDee87: I was speaking about someone else and u inserted urself love
tess69: peace
MissDee87: Peace
Adoni: ...bye?
MissDee87: *holds up the peace sign*
18:39 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL love
horace69: yeah, that's mre like it     love & peace
MissDee87: Im just saying like i dont even know this person yo
Adoni: I know hun lol think she just misunderstood
MissDee87: No drama with her so im like ... ok ....
MissDee87: ok then
MissDee87: thats cool
18:40 PM 7/16/2015
Timmer: hi everyone
Adoni: some people are just naturally defensive for no reason
horace69: hi timmer
Adoni: Hey tim
MissDee87: hey Timmer
MissDee87: well im not the one
tess69: my mistake, maybe i jumped d wagon wen u said abt bitches
MissDee87: Yeah u did
MissDee87: ur mistake for sure boo
MissDee87: i dont know u
Adoni: It was a generalization
horace69: tim, u were missing in action?
18:41 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: so i cant talk about u
MissDee87: so u should be careful about what u take offense to Boo
MissDee87: its all love tho
Timmer: i think i did.. wish it was good on:)
horace69: cool
MissDee87: I HOPE if u got an issue u come to me
Adoni: *finishes his glass*
MissDee87: *smiles at Tess*
18:42 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: i hv no issues, just don't like BS
18:43 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: she was speaking hypothetically Tess. Just for you to know in the future for the off chance you ever do :)
18:44 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: np
horace69: ok, anyone fancy a cold beer????
Timmer: count me in
Adoni: *holds up the bottle* Still polishing the tequilla off
tess69: me too
horace69: slides beer to tim
18:45 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: tim, aren't u working?
horace69: serves beer to tess
Timmer: thanks, *sip*
tess69: ty :)
Adoni: 1 sec
Timmer: i will be in a minute, hate going without going to poker first:)
Adoni: Haha
18:46 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: lol
Adoni: It was pretty lively in here a few nights ago
tess69: lol....ur addicted
MissDee87: Back
Adoni: Web beautiful
Timmer: lol
Adoni: and oooooooh
horace69: wb
MissDee87: ooooh with a better seat
Adoni: *slides Dee's chair over*
MissDee87: ty loves
tess69: wb
MissDee87: So Tess we good ?
tess69: wer we bad?
MissDee87: i mean u acted like we was
18:47 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like u took offense to something i said when i dont even know u
tess69: told u was my mistake dat i jumped d gun!
Timmer: *sip drink*
MissDee87: k i take it we good then
MissDee87: *Puffs my blunt*
Adoni: *puts his arm around Dee and sips his tequilla*
18:48 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: drinks up my can***
horace69: burps ***   oops sorry !!!  lool
MissDee87: lol its all good
Timmer: hoarce finishes the whole can
horace69: so not like me
18:49 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: He's like homer simpson
Adoni: Drinkin Duff
MissDee87: lmao
horace69: i can imagine that
Adoni: *grins*
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
18:50 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *finishes his drink*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: *places glass on the table*
tess69: nh
horace69: nh
Adoni: FUCK its the music video
MissDee87: i got my own cookie monster :)
Timmer: nice
MissDee87: he love to lick the middle like an oreo
Timmer: well i am going for work now, bye everyone
Adoni: *nods* Damn strait
18:51 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bye timmer
horace69: be tim
Adoni: Bye tim
tess69: bye tim
horace69: nice 2 c u
horace69: leave ur beer here
Adoni: Ooooooh she roller coastered on it, ooooooh, she threw it up an alley
MissDee87: LOL
Adoni: LOL
Adoni: Ooooooh like an oreo, i love to lick the middle like an oreo
MissDee87: mmmmmm
18:52 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: tim has left the building
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth?
MissDee87: hahahahaha
tess69: n1
horace69: ty tess
MissDee87: the key to an awesome orgasm
MissDee87: is if he can eat the pussy right
MissDee87: and i HEARD white boys eat it the best *giggles*
Adoni: We do
MissDee87: hahahahahah !!
MissDee87: Magic Mike !!!
MissDee87: LOL
horace69: do we?? lol
Adoni: dinner time!
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: OMG
MissDee87: lol
18:53 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Ive HEARD white boys eat pussy the best
tess69: naaah....a womans touch is d best
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth? Girl I got a sweet tooth, aint nothing sweeter then you
MissDee87: hmmmmm
MissDee87: ive had a woman before ...several times
MissDee87: its so sexy and sensual
18:54 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: but there aint nothin like a man makin u crawl across the bed like waiit hold up omg stop !!!
Adoni: Hahahahaha
Adoni: The good ones don't listen
MissDee87: *eyes u* no they fuckin dont
18:55 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *laughs!*
tess69: nothing like d real deal but still, its far more erotic to see 2 women go @ it :)
MissDee87: its sexy
horace69: ohhh nice
MissDee87: but i love men
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Mmm it's nice to watch yeah but I mean.....I'm gettin into something. Not just gonna watch.
MissDee87: the way they get all ....mmmm...alpha male - ish
18:56 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like hold me down and fuck me silly
MissDee87: send me to work tomorrow tired and sore mmmmmm
Adoni: *chuckles* You love it
MissDee87: MAKE me wash ur clothes
Adoni: Or make you call out
horace69: lol
19:07 PM 7/16/2015
Seeker92: hi there :)
MrGalaxy: Happy to have a real lady around: Have a nice evening:)
19:08 PM 7/16/2015
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: Ty Mr galaxy
MrGalaxy: :)
19:10 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Missing the moon, sun is up all the time here in Norway. You experience the same?
19:11 PM 7/16/2015
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: I have it  all moon and sun  san diego ca here
MrGalaxy: Nice and hot place, and moon :)
19:12 PM 7/16/2015
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: yes
19:13 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: :)
MrGalaxy: What time is it your place?
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: 7pm
19:14 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Still hot?
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: its cooled down
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: here
19:15 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Great! Here its 4.15 am. Forget to sleep when sun is up
MrGalaxy: Wife sleeps weel though
MrGalaxy: well
19:16 PM 7/16/2015
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: ok
19:17 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: We have a good relation, my sexdrive is just too much. She knows Im here
19:18 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Brings her flowers every day
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: I do not care to know sorry
FoxyRoxxy to MrGalaxy: about your sex life
19:19 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Thats ok:)
19:22 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: wb Fixyh
MissDee87: Foxy*
Adoni: *grins* Ohh you do.
MissDee87: ur just too fuckin big
horace69: why am i here on my own ??  so lonely
MissDee87: trying to choke people
19:23 PM 7/16/2015
MrGalaxy: Hi Paula :)
19:24 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: i just wanted to BITE it mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: not too hard
MissDee87: hahahahaha
MissDee87: CRUNCH !
horace69: wow
horace69: lol
MissDee87: HELLO all !!
Adoni: *grabs her* Mmmm I know for a fact you wouldn't
Adoni: Hey everyone new1
MissDee87: bite ?
Adoni: crunch it
MissDee87: mmm no
19:25 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: I know you bite *grins again*
MissDee87: unless u wanted me to
Adoni: No i'm good. A little pain is good but if it feels like it's gonna come off.....no bueno
MissDee87: LOL
MissDee87: just a little bite marks ?
Adoni: MMmmmm I wouldn't mind it
horace69: hi lelushka and wb foxy
MissDee87: mmmmm ok thennnnnnnnn
19:26 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *sips his drink lost in thought* Mmmmm *laughs*
MissDee87: ok i have a question for the women
MissDee87: If a guy was an ass
19:27 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: but sent u lots of A$ would u put up with him ?
MissDee87: random question
horace69: good one
Adoni: *sips drink*
MissDee87: baby u listening
MissDee87: ?
19:28 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Me?
MissDee87: uh ya
Adoni: I am but you asked the ladies
MissDee87: song boo
Adoni: oh
Adoni: just got it
MissDee87: lol
Adoni: 1 sec
19:29 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: HELLO ?
MissDee87: girls?
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
tess69: wot sorry, i was mixing my playlist vth def leppard
Adoni: 1
MissDee87: k
Adoni: k
MissDee87: If a guy was an ASSHOLE
MissDee87: but he sent u a lot of A$
MissDee87: would u put up with him?
Adoni: *downs the rest of his glass*
19:30 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: LOL....i tell him i was born vth an asshole don't need U!
MissDee87: *sways*
MissDee87: *Smiles*
MissDee87: I feel the same
MissDee87: I'll go broke before i deal with it
tess69: crap i had a full house
19:31 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Plus i have my own A$
Adoni: Me too
MissDee87: Nh love!
tess69: nh
Adoni: Thanks hun
Adoni: ty ty
MissDee87: So love dont cost a thing ?
Adoni: nope
MissDee87: *Smiles*
MissDee87: Hope u like the song boo
MissDee87: i wont ....
Adoni: I do *smiles* and it's true
19:32 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: even if u were broke ... my love dont cost a thing !
MissDee87: brb
Adoni: Kk love
tess69: luv bites
19:33 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: sorry all,having a bad connection
Adoni: All good ace
19:34 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: chit happens
Adoni: *refills his glass half way while Dee sits on his lap* We're still messin around
horace69: pops my last beer*
tess69: get a room u2....lol
19:35 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: We're in a room aren't we? *chuckles*
horace69: ohh
Adoni: *sips*
tess69: yeah i guess...poke her room ;0
horace69: lolol
Adoni: I used that one before! Still golden
19:36 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: she asked me if I do this every day I said often, asked her if she rode the wave not so often
tess69: ni
19:37 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: back
Adoni: Wb beautiful
tess69: wb
MissDee87: ty loves
horace69: u were gone dee??
MissDee87: *Kisses Doni*
MissDee87: I was
horace69: wow  
MissDee87: But doni needs to know
horace69: wb
Adoni: *kisses her back*
MissDee87: He aint gotta cash me out
19:38 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: u2 r lucky
Adoni: Cash you out?
MissDee87: baby ALL the money
MissDee87: the stuff u do
horace69: 8 plz dealer
MissDee87: U NEED to know i dont NEED it
MissDee87: *kisses u*
19:39 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: lol maybe im drunk and in my feelings *giggles*
Adoni: *kisses you back and smiles* I know but i'll keep doing what I do.
Adoni: Because I WANT to
MissDee87: *smiles* :)
i1269u4fr: hello all
MissDee87: Hello
horace69: hi
Adoni: Hey random number and letters
19:40 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: he's a 69r too
i1269u4fr: lol
horace69: id luv to 69 u forever ??
horace69: means
Adoni: Yeah
i1269u4fr: i want to
19:41 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Mmmm 69 huh
Adoni: *grins*
i1269u4fr: i want to 69 you forever
19:42 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Grats love!
Adoni: Do you like the way I flick my tounge or nah?
19:43 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: hahahahhaa
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmm i dooooooooo
Adoni: Mmmm I know you do
19:44 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: All that matters is .. that u treat me right ... give me all the things i need that money cant buy ..........
MissDee87: yeahhhhhhhhhhh
MissDee87: think u gotta keep me iced u dont...think im gonna spend ur cash i wont
19:45 PM 7/16/2015
i1269u4fr: sounds good
Adoni: *smiles* Don't worry about it I give you it TO spend hun
MissDee87: LOL
Adoni: unless this is a song
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: either way
MissDee87: it is i love j lo
Adoni: Lmao
19:46 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: but shes right
MissDee87: love dont cost shit
MissDee87: girls be too hung up on gifts
19:47 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Mhmmm *smiles* It doesn't. Meterial gifts don't mean shit if the person doesn't act right.
MissDee87: wb ace
horace69: ty all
MissDee87: I dont care
Adoni: Wb ace
horace69: ty
MissDee87: u can gift me 5000
MissDee87: but act an ass
horace69: last game for me
MissDee87: i'll send it back
19:48 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *smiles* I know you would love.
MissDee87: *smiles back*
MissDee87: I can get my own A$
Adoni: Good. Independence is what I love about you. Know how to get shit done
19:49 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *Smiles*
MissDee87: I work so if i want somethin i'll buy mine and urs too boo
Adoni: *smiles* Like the car?
MissDee87: Yep
MissDee87: watches
MissDee87: clothes
MissDee87: doesnt matter
19:50 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Don't worry I won't treat you like a sugar mama either *chuckles*
MissDee87: LOL
MissDee87: Heyyyyy have u heard suga mama by beyonce?
Adoni: Nope
19:51 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL
Adoni: First line
Adoni: so good i wanna buy him a short set
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: 3
MissDee87: 2
MissDee87: 1
MissDee87: k
Adoni: k
19:52 PM 7/16/2015

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10457


« #55 : August 05, 2015, 12:53:08 PM »

Oh my Foxy is geting mood it but we  now your the shit starter

MissDee87: I wanna be like a jolly rancher that u get from the corner store...
MissDee87: *dances!!!*
MissDee87: I AM older
MissDee87: lol
Adoni: *laughs, sitting back in his chair enjoying the view*
19:53 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: Oh please less than 4 years
MissDee87: *Hopes ur listening*
MissDee87: let me be i wants to be gots to be....
MissDee87: suga mamamamamamama im ur suga mama !!
MissDee87: come sit on mama lap yeh
19:54 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *dances*
Adoni: *Slaps her ass*
MissDee87: *giggles*
19:55 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Haha
MissDee87: *grins*
MissDee87: *throws money in the air*
Adoni: Ooooh shit
19:56 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *hands her some more wads of cash*
MissDee87: Im ur suga mama
MissDee87: come sit on mama lapyeah
MissDee87: *THROWS it*
Adoni: You didn't even open it!? *LAUGHS*
Adoni: coulda hurt someone
19:57 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *it rains $100's
20:00 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Helloo all neq
MissDee87: new**
dacushman: hello Dee
Adoni: Hey people
20:01 PM 7/16/2015
dacushman: hello Adoni
Adoni: Hey man
Adoni: Dee.
20:06 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Yes Love?
MissDee87: Sorry phone
Adoni: Wb hun
MissDee87: ty
MissDee87: :)
MissDee87: Yes boo ?
MissDee87: U readu
MissDee87: ready*
Adoni: *lightly yanks on her hair, pulling her head back* We're going to my office.
Adoni: *grins*
MissDee87: mmmm ok boo
MissDee87: *bites lip*
20:07 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: Bye everyone *picks Dee up*
Onyersix: ATARI!  lol
Onyersix: hello everyone
20:08 PM 7/16/2015
Atarielia: Hello there
20:09 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: PYT!
pytct82: Hi Six
20:10 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: glad i brought my ear plugs for this table
Onyersix: hi mopha
pytct82: Hi Mopha
mopha: hi
Onyersix: and my sweater
mopha: hi pyt
pytct82: Hru?
mopha: hi six
20:11 PM 7/16/2015
mopha: not the best of evenings :)
pytct82: I'm sorry
Tammy4u: mmmmmmmmmmmm mopha
mopha: no worries
mopha: hi Tammy
Tammy4u: hi
Onyersix: i wanna be rich, la la la la la
comet1967: so many destractions today
20:12 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: i come to take your monies
quero: hi there
Onyersix: OH SHIT...my hat!
20:13 PM 7/16/2015
quero: lol, where you lost it?
Onyersix: my room
20:14 PM 7/16/2015
Onyersix: you know...is it me, but the whole "room" thing here on achat....does it seem achat is one HUGE hotel
20:15 PM 7/16/2015

horace69: nods*
bikerjoe: under
MissDee87: Ummmm they took my panties when i got here Joe
MissDee87: like they took everyones
Adoni: Panty thief!
MissDee87: achat consipiracy
MissDee87: LOL right !!
18:07 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: : )
horace69: I'm grounded, that's why I'm in red
MissDee87: NH Roxy
Adoni: One of these days i'll catch the bastard doing it
MissDee87: LOL why u prefer me with NO panties
Adoni: But I like ripping them off..
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Taking away my fun
18:08 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: I'll let u set the paaaace cuz im not thinkin straight .... my heads spinning around i cant see clear no moreeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
Adoni: Besides......atleast you can put a dress over to cover yours. We don't get shit
Adoni: any breeze
Adoni: is felt
18:09 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: k Don, as you asked me , i brought the booze !!  
MissDee87: atleast u dont have shrinkage tho ;p
MissDee87: YAY turn upppp Ace and Doni !
Adoni: Nah. Gotta counter the cold with some warm thoughts *grins*
Adoni: Sweet!
Adoni: What you bring?
horace69: RESERVA  1800
Adoni: I'll take a full glass
18:10 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: mmm nice
MissDee87: OMG tequila !!
MissDee87: I'll stay to vodka !
horace69: no, the bottle is yours
Adoni: Ohhh shit
Adoni: Thanks man!
horace69: lol
MissDee87: awwwww thats so nice Ace !!
MissDee87: I'll bake u some cookies lol
horace69: got lots of beers for the rest of us
MissDee87: but u cant share them *cracks up*
18:11 PM 7/16/2015
bikerjoe: ouch
Adoni: *laughs*
horace69: greg, you forgot?
Adoni: Slide it down here so I can crack it open ace
xShezawolfx: hey sam
MissDee87: Hi sam :)
horace69: slides to Don*
bigdaddygreg: forgot what horace?
18:12 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *grabs the bottle and immdedietly breaks the seal*
horace69: geeeeeeez  greg,  POT !  
Sam_Hawke: hOWDIO, Sheza, Cat, Foxy
MissDee87: Uhhh no
Adoni: Sup Hawke
xShezawolfx: lol
MissDee87: *takes a big bag from my bra*
horace69: need 2 get you a memory card greg
MissDee87: *tosses it on the table*
Adoni: Mmmm we rollin up too?
horace69: yep
MissDee87: *begins to split a cigar*
bigdaddygreg: i didn't know it was my turn lol
horace69: lol
18:13 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: ye, u always forget ur turn
Adoni: *downs the rest of his whiskey and pours in the tequila*
Adoni: Good thing Dee allways comes prepared
bigdaddygreg: i'll bring it next time
Adoni: I usually just bring the liquor
horace69: pops my beer*
MissDee87: *rolls up*
18:14 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: CHEERS friends !
Adoni: *holds up his glass* Cheers
MissDee87: YAY cheers !!!
18:15 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *clinks glasses!*
bigdaddygreg: damn sheza i can't concentrate on the game looking at you
Adoni: *laughs and downs half of his glass*
xShezawolfx: aw your sweet
MissDee87: *drains mine and then lights the blunt*
horace69: yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
MissDee87: *Inhales*
18:16 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: *Holds it and exhales, then passes it to Doni*
Adoni: *leans over grabbing it* Thanks love
18:17 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont think they know the truth ... they say they saw but ... dont think they know, how could they know ??? *sings along and sways*
Adoni: *takes a long slow hit*
Adoni: *holding it in as he held it back to Dee*
xShezawolfx: hoses him down
MissDee87: *Takes it and passes it to Ace*
horace69: ohh ty
18:18 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Dont listen to ...what people say....they dont know about ...bout u an meeeee
Adoni: *leans back exhaling a little, breathing some of the smoke back in*
Adoni: *exhales the rest*
MissDee87: *giggles* Ur gonna be SOOOOO high !!
18:19 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: takes a shrt hit.... hmmmmmm  and then a long drag* ...   this is some good stufff ur got
MissDee87: Thanks Love :)
Adoni: *chuckles* We only smoke the best
horace69: huge smile on my face  ;-))
MissDee87: Hahahahaha dont tell me ur buzzin already Ace !
Adoni: *sips his drink*
18:20 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: nah, just counting my aces  ..
Adoni: He ain't ready!!
MissDee87: Damn well thanks
MissDee87: *folds*
Adoni: Oh sorry yeah love I had it on
Adoni: restart it
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
MissDee87: Jinx
MissDee87: u owe me Diamonds
Adoni: That all?
MissDee87: preferably 3 carats or bigger
18:21 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: one more drag   and passes over to Don
MissDee87: please? thanks
Adoni: *shrugs* You'll have em in the morning
Adoni: *smiles*
MissDee87: *giggles*
bigdaddygreg: i'm out all ....by horace
bigdaddygreg: bye beautiful sheza
18:22 PM 7/16/2015
xShezawolfx: laters
Adoni: Just tell em that we'll work at it, we good
MissDee87: *Takes the blunt from Doni and hits it*
MissDee87: *sways to the music*
18:23 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *sips, bobbing his head*
Adoni: They don't know about us, they don't know about it
MissDee87: Hi Angela :)
Adoni: Hello angela
MissDee87: Hey Sissy :)
18:24 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: :)
MissDee87: They dont know about ... bout u n mee
horace69: wow !  what a trip !  felt like I was gone ..
Adoni: *takes the blunt from Dee and takes a hit*
18:25 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *nearly choking from laughter* Oh my god.... Ace is done
horace69: lol
MissDee87: LOL damn Ace already love ?
horace69: yeah
horace69: hmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
18:26 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *takes another hit and hesitantly passes it to Ace while he held it in*
MissDee87: Ace u good boo ?
horace69: ohhhhh
horace69: yeeee  ;-))
18:27 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: U can pick the sceeeene if i can pick the props ... *grins*
MissDee87: *sips*
Adoni: *grins* Mmm
Adoni: *Seeing ace not reach for it he passes it to Dee*
MissDee87: GAWD this room NEEDS a stripper pole
MissDee87: *Takes it*
18:28 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *exhales as he sat back slowly* Mmmmmm
MissDee87: *Inhales and exhales*
Adoni: We can allways get one
MissDee87: These chicks are too scared
Adoni: *looks over* Sissy isn't
MissDee87: lol
horace69: wow  shit !!  I think I'm Dr. Who !!
MissDee87: i see
MissDee87: OMG seriousl\y !!!
MissDee87: Would u like to play?
18:29 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: travelling in time and soace
MissDee87: Can I be your Vixen ??
Adoni: *grins*
horace69: space*
horace69: ok   what are we playin ??????
MissDee87: I HATE when bitches wanna say shit
Adoni: go fish
MissDee87: but dont wanna fuckin direct it
horace69: ohh
Adoni: *laughs*
Adoni: I know
18:30 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bitch you got something to say ?
MissDee87: Say it to ME
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
MissDee87: *shakes ass!!!*
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
Adoni: *walks over and SMACKS her ass*
MissDee87: Heyyyyy
MissDee87: mmmmm again !!
MissDee87: *shakes it*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
Adoni: *grins and SMACKS it again*
18:31 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: lame bitches always HATE
MissDee87: *sings along*
Adoni: It's alright hun. If they don't have the balls to say shit to you then they're a waste of space
MissDee87: Exactly and that shit ended when i said what i said
Adoni: If yo chick come close to me, she ain't goin home to where she post to be
MissDee87: Heyyyyyyyyyy !!!
18:32 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Sing it boo
Adoni: *sips* Team Us we ain't worried about you
MissDee87: But he gotta eat the pussy like some groceries !!!
Adoni: Mmmmm * grins*
Adoni: *sips*
18:33 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: if he want me to expose the freakkkkkkkk
MissDee87: She wanna rideeeeeeeeeee but i dont even know her name !!!
MissDee87: these bitches be for everybody !!!
Adoni: don't be mad about it
18:34 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: HAHAHAHAH !
horace69: what happened?
18:35 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: WAIT
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: 3
MissDee87: 2
MissDee87: 1
MissDee87: K
Adoni: k
MissDee87: Nothing Ace
MissDee87: bitches dont wanna speak up
18:36 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: oh, sry I was gone.. missed it
Adoni: Mhmmm
Adoni: Too scared
MissDee87: *giggles*
Adoni: I was waiting
tess69: its hard to talk vth a mouthful of cum.....think u know better:)
Adoni: Was gonna be another 4 hour smash fest
MissDee87: Not if u swallow tess
MissDee87: and u aint never been scared to say SHIT
18:37 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: to ANYONE
MissDee87: I *
Adoni: Mmhmmmm *grins*
MissDee87: My POINT is
MissDee87: if u have something to say
MissDee87: say it to me
MissDee87: dont make innuendos
MissDee87: dont pussyfoot around
tess69: u started it
Adoni: Mhmmmm
MissDee87: Started what ?
Adoni: Not you tess...
18:38 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: I dont even know u
MissDee87: nor was i SPEAKING to you
MissDee87: or about you
tess69: my point exactly
Adoni: Lol..
MissDee87: I was speaking about someone else and u inserted urself love
tess69: peace
MissDee87: Peace
Adoni: ...bye?
MissDee87: *holds up the peace sign*
18:39 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: LOL love
horace69: yeah, that's mre like it     love & peace
MissDee87: Im just saying like i dont even know this person yo
Adoni: I know hun lol think she just misunderstood
MissDee87: No drama with her so im like ... ok ....
MissDee87: ok then
MissDee87: thats cool
18:40 PM 7/16/2015
Timmer: hi everyone
Adoni: some people are just naturally defensive for no reason
horace69: hi timmer
Adoni: Hey tim
MissDee87: hey Timmer
MissDee87: well im not the one
tess69: my mistake, maybe i jumped d wagon wen u said abt bitches
MissDee87: Yeah u did
MissDee87: ur mistake for sure boo
MissDee87: i dont know u
Adoni: It was a generalization
horace69: tim, u were missing in action?
18:41 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: so i cant talk about u
MissDee87: so u should be careful about what u take offense to Boo
MissDee87: its all love tho
Timmer: i think i did.. wish it was good on:)
horace69: cool
MissDee87: I HOPE if u got an issue u come to me
Adoni: *finishes his glass*
MissDee87: *smiles at Tess*
18:42 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: i hv no issues, just don't like BS
18:43 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: she was speaking hypothetically Tess. Just for you to know in the future for the off chance you ever do :)
18:44 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: np
horace69: ok, anyone fancy a cold beer????
Timmer: count me in
Adoni: *holds up the bottle* Still polishing the tequilla off
tess69: me too
horace69: slides beer to tim
18:45 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: tim, aren't u working?
horace69: serves beer to tess
Timmer: thanks, *sip*
tess69: ty :)
Adoni: 1 sec
Timmer: i will be in a minute, hate going without going to poker first:)
Adoni: Haha
18:46 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: lol
Adoni: It was pretty lively in here a few nights ago
tess69: lol....ur addicted
MissDee87: Back
Adoni: Web beautiful
Timmer: lol
Adoni: and oooooooh
horace69: wb
MissDee87: ooooh with a better seat
Adoni: *slides Dee's chair over*
MissDee87: ty loves
tess69: wb
MissDee87: So Tess we good ?
tess69: wer we bad?
MissDee87: i mean u acted like we was
18:47 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like u took offense to something i said when i dont even know u
tess69: told u was my mistake dat i jumped d gun!
Timmer: *sip drink*
MissDee87: k i take it we good then
MissDee87: *Puffs my blunt*
Adoni: *puts his arm around Dee and sips his tequilla*
18:48 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: drinks up my can***
horace69: burps ***   oops sorry !!!  lool
MissDee87: lol its all good
Timmer: hoarce finishes the whole can
horace69: so not like me
18:49 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: He's like homer simpson
Adoni: Drinkin Duff
MissDee87: lmao
horace69: i can imagine that
Adoni: *grins*
Adoni: 3
Adoni: 2
Adoni: 1
Adoni: k
MissDee87: k
18:50 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *finishes his drink*
MissDee87: *DANCES*
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: *places glass on the table*
tess69: nh
horace69: nh
Adoni: FUCK its the music video
MissDee87: i got my own cookie monster :)
Timmer: nice
MissDee87: he love to lick the middle like an oreo
Timmer: well i am going for work now, bye everyone
Adoni: *nods* Damn strait
18:51 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: bye timmer
horace69: be tim
Adoni: Bye tim
tess69: bye tim
horace69: nice 2 c u
horace69: leave ur beer here
Adoni: Ooooooh she roller coastered on it, ooooooh, she threw it up an alley
MissDee87: LOL
Adoni: LOL
Adoni: Ooooooh like an oreo, i love to lick the middle like an oreo
MissDee87: mmmmmm
18:52 PM 7/16/2015
horace69: tim has left the building
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth?
MissDee87: hahahahaha
tess69: n1
horace69: ty tess
MissDee87: the key to an awesome orgasm
MissDee87: is if he can eat the pussy right
MissDee87: and i HEARD white boys eat it the best *giggles*
Adoni: We do
MissDee87: hahahahahah !!
MissDee87: Magic Mike !!!
MissDee87: LOL
horace69: do we?? lol
Adoni: dinner time!
Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: OMG
MissDee87: lol
18:53 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: Ive HEARD white boys eat pussy the best
tess69: naaah....a womans touch is d best
Adoni: You wonder how i'm the best and do all this with my mouth? Girl I got a sweet tooth, aint nothing sweeter then you
MissDee87: hmmmmm
MissDee87: ive had a woman before ...several times
MissDee87: its so sexy and sensual
18:54 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: but there aint nothin like a man makin u crawl across the bed like waiit hold up omg stop !!!
Adoni: Hahahahaha
Adoni: The good ones don't listen
MissDee87: *eyes u* no they fuckin dont
18:55 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: *laughs!*
tess69: nothing like d real deal but still, its far more erotic to see 2 women go @ it :)
MissDee87: its sexy
horace69: ohhh nice
MissDee87: but i love men
MissDee87: mmmmmmmmmmm
Adoni: Mmm it's nice to watch yeah but I mean.....I'm gettin into something. Not just gonna watch.
MissDee87: the way they get all ....mmmm...alpha male - ish
18:56 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: like hold me down and fuck me silly
MissDee87: send me to work tomorrow tired and sore mmmmmm
Adoni: *chuckles* You love it
MissDee87: MAKE me wash ur clothes

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10457


« #56 : August 05, 2015, 12:55:50 PM »

Keep the bs  privet  and save every one 

spare us all anguish  we don't want to hear you take it to your  house !

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #57 : August 05, 2015, 01:04:46 PM »

Keep the bs  privet  and save every one 

spare us all anguish  we don't want to hear you take it to your  house !

Thank you Foxxy !! I am so happy you put up the chatlogs! Anyone who has the PATIENCE to read through them will CLEARLY see that Adoni and Myself were minding our business and having fun with people, even when others tried to throw insults or make SNIDE comments. I am so happy that if you read through the chatlogs, you will see someone seem to get offended when NO ONE WAS SPEAKING to them, and after they were CORRECTED they realized their mistake and left well enough alone. I meant what I said in the chat, and I stand behind it. If you don't address ME personally, I don't respect what you have to say. And it seemed that EVERYONE was having FUN in that chatlog, except those who clearly were only there to keep logs that really don't prove ANYTHING. Ofcourse people would say shit when Doni took me off to a room (that night we went private) but where were they when everything else was going down ? SILENT. So THANK YOU FOXXY for PROVING my point, that I mind my own business and when people make petty comments I don't even ENGAGE them. When Sheza was in there she was COMPLETELY ignored (shown once again by the chatlogs.) And Foxy wasn't this the SAME night you messaged me outside of poker, in my inbox that you weren't ignoring me when I said hello, that you weren't prem and didn't feel u needed to be, so you couldn't speak? If you thought I was so bad, why would u send me such a friendly message AFTER THE FACT? Things that make you go, HMMM ?!

Thanks for all your Help Foxxy!!

Mistress Dee
« : August 05, 2015, 01:15:12 PM MissDee87 »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #58 : August 05, 2015, 01:19:47 PM »

You  should mind your own in privet   we  dont want to hear you...

and I did   her you  acting

MissDee87: Nothing Ace
MissDee87: bitches dont wanna speak up

MissDee87: and u aint never been scared to say SHIT
18:37 PM 7/16/2015
MissDee87: to ANYONE
MissDee87: I *
Adoni: Mmhmmmm *grins*
MissDee87: My POINT is
MissDee87: if u have something to say
MissDee87: say it to me
MissDee87: dont make innuendos
MissDee87: dont pussyfoot around
tess69: u started it
Adoni: Mhmmmm
MissDee87: Started what ?

Adoni: LOL
MissDee87: I dont even know u
MissDee87: nor was i SPEAKING to you
MissDee87: or about you
tess69: my point exactly
Adoni: Lol..
MissDee87: I was speaking about someone else and u inserted urself love
tess69: peace
MissDee87: Peace

it was only me and her   and I could not talk so you where saying to me right??

MissDee87: Im just saying like i dont even know this person yo
Adoni: I know hun lol think she just misunderstood
MissDee87: No drama with her so im like ... ok ....
MissDee87: ok then

issDee87: well im not the one
tess69: my mistake, maybe i jumped d wagon wen u said abt bitches
MissDee87: Yeah u did
MissDee87: ur mistake for sure boo
MissDee87: i dont know u

MissDee87: so i cant talk about u
MissDee87: so u should be careful about what u take offense to Boo
MissDee87: its all love tho
Timmer: i think i did.. wish it was good on:)
horace69: cool
MissDee87: I HOPE if u got an issue u come to me
Adoni: *finishes his glass*
MissDee87: *smiles at Tess*
18:42 PM 7/16/2015
tess69: i hv no issues, just don't like BS
18:43 PM 7/16/2015
Adoni: she was speaking hypothetically Tess. Just for you to know in the future for the off chance you ever do Smiley

so who where you

referring it to it was only me and her and some guys

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #59 : August 05, 2015, 01:24:13 PM »

"it was only me and her   and I could not talk so you where saying to me right??"

Aw Foxxy. You shouldn't be so sensitive. I was not referring to you. I was referring to Sheza, who while we were minding our own business decided to try to make comments, but since she didn't DIRECT them to me I IGNORED them. I hate when people pussyfoot around and don't say shit. I was speaking in general terms because THATS what SHEZA was doing. No one was speaking to or about you.

Mistress Dee

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