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: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U  ( 48196 )
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« #60 : August 05, 2015, 01:27:38 PM »

This has gotten so off topic but let me do this and break it down for each individual.

 So you felt threatened after you threatened her right in front of everyone. You're a genius Sheza. When someone says they're gonna drive to beat someones ass then pretends to be victimized is fucking hilarious. Seriously, good job. Why don't you tell them how we normally just ignore you and you throw out the subliminal insults while we mind our business. You're better off being quiet if you don't want anyone to say something to you.

Don't even know where to begin with this analogy....seriously a car? Comparing a community, something that's living a breathing to an inanimate object isn't a good comparison. Like I said it's more like a parent with a child and if they neglect that child then child services takes them away. Icebox has since removed all of his tags and even tried taking slaves from HDSR. IF he still wanted something to do with "his" house then why would he pull others over to his newer house? It makes no sense and nobody here can refute that fact so don't even try it. He's just regretting it now and now look at this. Someone who has NOTHING to do with us is posting and people expect us to stay quiet.

Just read the script of the chat logs you put. Nice waste of time posting it and a waste of time having others read it. Singing songs, drinking, and smoking. Looks like a normal day at poker to me. Maybe you should read what you post because there is literally....nothing there.

Never seen someone so angry but this post was none of your concern. It was a response to something Sheza put up so if you REALLY wanted this to stop then maybe talk to her. This post needed to happen to clear the air on everything that happened and NOTHING you say will change it. You're little insults and cool copy and pasting from Wikipedia aren't clever nor entertaining. You're irrelevant and should stick to falling asleep at the poker table with your condescending attitude that sucks the fun out of everything. 

Thank you for acting like a mod later on even though your initial post was a little uncalled for.

You were there one day and STILL to this day don't understand the entire story so like we BOTH said at the tables you're clearly irrelevant but you hop on the band wagon anyway. You should learn to listen to people and stay out of their buisness. I should also add that WHILE you were there seeing everything go down you STILL chose to mislead everyone who just joined at to the topic. I get it you're friends with them and you wanna stick up for them and that's cool. But this has never HAD or will EVER have to do with you.

You tried eyor.....you tried but it was just....Meh

Just say you left the damn house so your'e people can stop trying to attack us at every turn. You left, get over it and get over yourself.

In the END this is ALL I will say to you people. If you have an issue with what I said then too bad I don't really give a shit. THIS post was STRICTLY for people to see HOW HDSR was NOT stolen and you guys wanted to bring your personal beef here. You're all petty. You wanna talk shit but then complain to the mods when something is said and pretend to be the victim. I can't even believe this is a 18+ game with all the babies I see here.

The Lap God has spoken.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #61 : August 05, 2015, 01:29:13 PM »

Mind your business. I keep saying THIS thread is about HDSR and whether or not I "stole" the House. Since only some Mod's seem to want to keep it focused on that and others don't, because of their OWN personal biases then we have lots of this riff raff thrown in. Perhaps Google could help you translate my original post, so you can see that I only took over the House after Icebox and Amber BOTH abandoned it

You can not take the house steal a house   if the original owners did not give you permission

So I ask  Ice

  do you  give Dee  permission to take over the  house  that you and Amber start it.....

or did it  changed  to a different house  or house name

Ice we want to now   Yes  or NO

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 3

« #62 : August 05, 2015, 01:33:56 PM »

*scratches back the record and replays* Ice left and is NO longer the leader of the house. Permission is NOT needed.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #63 : August 05, 2015, 01:35:48 PM »

*scratches back the record and replays* Ice left and is NO longer the leader of the house. Permission is NOT needed.

I am not asking you  is your name Ice

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #64 : August 05, 2015, 01:39:22 PM »

*scratches back the record and replays* Ice left and is NO longer the leader of the house. Permission is NOT needed.

I am not asking you  is your name Ice

It doesn't matter what his name is. Ice is NOT gonna answer. He deleted his forum posts and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Good luck with getting an answer. Good job with asking IRRELEVANT questions. You aren't in HDSR nor do u hardly even play achat so mind your business ... period.

The Lap Goddess Has Spoken,
Mistress Dee
Hero Member
: 10457


« #65 : August 05, 2015, 01:45:14 PM »

"it was only me and her   and I could not talk so you where saying to me right??"

Aw Foxxy. You shouldn't be so sensitive. I was not referring to you. I was referring to Sheza, who while we were minding our own business decided to try to make comments, but since she didn't DIRECT them to me I IGNORED them. I hate when people pussyfoot around and don't say shit. I was speaking in general terms because THATS what SHEZA was doing. No one was speaking to or about you.

Mistress Dee

As I saw it she  did not say any think she was polite  all the time

but you where the one saying you F*&^$% all this  B so you where meaning her  or any other

dose not give you the  right to call out others  as you  do..Yes I was  polite  to let you know

till I see all the agression you give however  it is a another member  

you have no right to do that  

and it   did not go off topic it  just brought to light more issues  to do with this houses ...

come on  how can steal a  house or take over ...

why did you not  just start your own  house  

Dee  : Quote : No one was speaking to or about you.


it was only me and Tess and

shewolf  was not even here at this time

I was the only one that  could not talk at that time

so as I saw it  you where meaning me  ....

. You aren't in HDSR nor do u hardly even play

I can post and be on the  game As I want   
« : August 05, 2015, 02:48:20 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #66 : August 05, 2015, 01:48:27 PM »

"it was only me and her   and I could not talk so you where saying to me right??"

Aw Foxxy. You shouldn't be so sensitive. I was not referring to you. I was referring to Sheza, who while we were minding our own business decided to try to make comments, but since she didn't DIRECT them to me I IGNORED them. I hate when people pussyfoot around and don't say shit. I was speaking in general terms because THATS what SHEZA was doing. No one was speaking to or about you.

Mistress Dee

As I saw it she  did not say any think she was polite  all the time

but you where the one saying you F*&^$% all this  B so you where meaning her  or any other

dose not give you the  right to call out others  as you  do..Yes I was  polite  to let you know

till I see all the agression you give however  it is a another member  

you have no right to do that  

and it   did not go off topic it  just brought to light more issues  to do with this houses ...

come on  how can steal a  house or take over ...

why did you not  just start your own  house  

my opine  I call it  house of  crap  

Please, be an adult and ADMIT you were WRONG. My personal issues with her have nothing to do with if I have a House or NOT. You THOUGHT I was speaking about you and rather than come to me on achat or in PM here to ask, you try to jump on a BANDWAGON and bash me. Not very adult like. Just admit you were wrong and once again, MIND YOUR BUSINESS.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #67 : August 05, 2015, 01:52:18 PM »

I will when you  keep it out of 

public  and out the poker

thats is why they have

privet chats

not all want to hear you....

And at the end of my day  I will be   happy smiling no matter what 

I just go to the  beach  and think  how  great it is to feel free smelling  the  fresh  air.

Do as you wish  Dee    we all know what you do   do  it in privet  we dont want to hear your  dirty  talk in a publick room

next time you want to take over a  house so you can  gain popularity we all know you...


a joke
Shit always floats  but then gets  flushed down

« : August 05, 2015, 02:22:42 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #68 : August 05, 2015, 02:33:50 PM »

HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #69 : August 05, 2015, 02:46:16 PM »

Thank you Ice   for clearing up all this...

Quote : From  Ice

HDSR is closed and owend from me

HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.
The House of Dark Stone Rising

The  end ....

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 3435

« #70 : August 05, 2015, 02:47:54 PM »


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« #71 : August 05, 2015, 02:54:23 PM »

now we can add thief  to you list of traits dee

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Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
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: 1669

« #72 : August 05, 2015, 03:36:03 PM »

Jaynie, if you don't care about the House, and House business then WHY take the time out of your day and LIFE to write this? I told you from the beginning that this had nothing to do with you. Can anyone say PERSONAL ATTACK ? Even IN the poker room when you continually tried to interject your insults and jabs I ignored you. Do us all a favor by minding your own business; and jump off the bandwagon and stay in your LANE. You can ofcourse contradict yourself and continue your rantings, however eloquent, but its right there in pink & black that you truly don't care about what happens. So it must seem you saw my name on the thread and because you seem to be bitter and vindictive against me decided to launch personal attacks. Could it simply be because you are friends with woody and sheza? In that case, you have done a poor job of disguising your venom. Worry about your business and I'll worry about MINE. As HB said, this thread isn't a rant-fest about HDSR and its actions. I BELIEVE TG chaser already made a thread about that. Perhaps you should visit it and spout your attacks there? Because HERE, its pretty clear the REAL purpose of your response.



I'm sorry Miss Dee that your mind is so small and saturated with bullshit that you cannot comprehend the meaning of my former post.  As I explained before, your putrid behavior in the Poker Rooms. . not only concerns me, it concerns the ENTIRE community of Achat.  This is why I choose to speak up.  I don't need to be friends with anyone other than myself to stand up for what I believe in.. to fight for my right to have a non hostile environment to enjoy this game in the way it was intended.  This is NOT the Miss Dee show.. no matter how hard you  try to make it so.  I am not one to be DISMISSED as you somehow think you have the power, ability or right to make the decision of where I choose to sit my ass.   You can't make me disappear.  You cannot shut me up and NO i will not go quietly.   I made NO personal attacks in my former post.  I spoke the truth and i spoke factually..  You don't have to like what I say, but I damn well have the right to say it.

« : August 05, 2015, 03:59:53 PM Jaynie »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #73 : August 05, 2015, 03:43:26 PM »

Thanks for your statement icebox.

Miss Dee, what if you call your house just HDRSU?

Then we can close or remove this topic.

: 9

« #74 : August 05, 2015, 05:13:08 PM »

HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

  Why didnt you posted this a month ago when you created  HodP ,why didnt u made it public,here in the forum , so everybody would know .Was it just a mistake ?No , you did not because you didnt gave a shit  ,you had said bye to hdsr long time before Mistress Amber left. You told me 3 months back  that u were planning to start your own thing , either here or on some other game . Thats why you created your  own branch inside HDSR , the  VW Clan , as a first step to gather ur loyal subs ,forcing them btw to delete of their  lovers lists  the members of  hdsru (just a branch not a rival house). You didnt lead our  house   u were working constantly to  divide it ,  to spread misstrust among its members and finally , as a logical consequence  you abandoned it.
 Mistress Dee is one of the leading Masters/Mistresses of HDSR with Mistress Amber and your blessings , nobody else left exept her, so she keeps running HDSR .
 If u want the topic to be done , call back your supporters and your cheerleaders  and all will  be fine .
                                                                                                                       Chantal Vice of HDSR

« : August 05, 2015, 05:28:25 PM ChantalVice »
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