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: An Open Letter regarding HDSR / HDSR-U  ( 48203 )
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #75 : August 05, 2015, 05:26:25 PM »

Thanks for your statement icebox.

Miss Dee, what if you call your house just HDRSU?

Then we can close or remove this topic.

I'm not changing anything. HDSR is run by Me and Master Adoni and Chantal. Period. I'd like the mods to close or remove this topic or not. Ive said all im going to....HDSR is mine, period.

« : August 05, 2015, 05:31:22 PM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 58

« #76 : August 05, 2015, 05:32:44 PM »

you own HDSRU period nothing more nothing less

Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #77 : August 05, 2015, 05:43:45 PM »

HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

  Why didnt you posted this a month ago when you created  HodP ,why didnt u made it public,here in the forum , so everybody would know .Was it just a mistake ?No , you did not because you didnt gave a shit  ,you had said bye to hdsr long time before Mistress Amber left. You told me 3 months back  that u were planning to start your own thing , either here or on some other game . Thats why you created your  own branch inside HDSR , the  VW Clan , as a first step to gather ur loyal subs ,forcing them btw to delete of their  lovers lists  the members of  hdsru (just a branch not a rival house). You didnt lead our  house   u were working constantly to  divide it ,  to spread misstrust among its members and finally , as a logical consequence  you abandoned it.
 Mistress Dee is one of the leading Masters/Mistresses of HDSR with Mistress Amber and your blessings , nobody else left exept her, so she keeps running HDSR .
 If u want the topic to be done , call back your supporters and your cheerleaders  and all will  be fine .
                                                                                                                       Chantal Vice of HDSR

you know i'd have a discussion on 'the rule of law'  with you, but i doubt you could carry your end, so i just treat you with the contempt you deserve.  people are judged by the people they associate with.

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Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
: 9

« #78 : August 05, 2015, 05:49:30 PM »

HDSR is build from Amber and me. We foundet and has leaded the house. NO i dont have give HDSR in any other ones Hand. HDSR is in my eyes closed and a part of AChat history.

My meaning is : MissDee leads HDSRU

Thats is her house and so all can be happy. HDSR is closed and owend from me. HDSRU is MIssDee and i have nothing to do with it.

For me the Topic is done now.


Master Oli

  Why didnt you posted this a month ago when you created  HodP ,why didnt u made it public,here in the forum , so everybody would know .Was it just a mistake ?No , you did not because you didnt gave a shit  ,you had said bye to hdsr long time before Mistress Amber left. You told me 3 months back  that u were planning to start your own thing , either here or on some other game . Thats why you created your  own branch inside HDSR , the  VW Clan , as a first step to gather ur loyal subs ,forcing them btw to delete of their  lovers lists  the members of  hdsru (just a branch not a rival house). You didnt lead our  house   u were working constantly to  divide it ,  to spread misstrust among its members and finally , as a logical consequence  you abandoned it.
 Mistress Dee is one of the leading Masters/Mistresses of HDSR with Mistress Amber and your blessings , nobody else left exept her, so she keeps running HDSR .
 If u want the topic to be done , call back your supporters and your cheerleaders  and all will  be fine .
                                                                                                                       Chantal Vice of HDSR

you know i'd have a discussion on 'the rule of law'  with you, but i doubt you could carry your end, so i just treat you with the contempt you deserve.  people are judged by the people they associate with.
  Lol really? You playing the genius in a sex game Aussy , im so impressed. Now back to sleep :)
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #79 : August 05, 2015, 05:56:14 PM »

All answers as i supposed

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #80 : August 05, 2015, 06:02:42 PM »

Is this topic still open? Hmmm well ... that's funny. I know who owns this House. Me. Adoni. ChantalVice.  ;D

Jr. Member
: 58

« #81 : August 05, 2015, 06:30:12 PM »

bull shit

Jr. Member
: 52

« #82 : August 05, 2015, 08:40:34 PM »

Geesus Christ ! .. Reading this thread is like watching a bunch of kids ... some are hypocrits ..some are  bullies .. and some are just in it for the drama ... grow up the lot of you ! .. NEVER ever try to judge me on anything ever again .. from what I have seen not one of you is fit to judge another person ... This Thread needs closing ... but no doubt another will soon sprout up with another victim to persue .. some are just not happy unless they are looking down on others ... me ..I'll stick to writing my stories ..Good Luck to you HB you need it handling this lot ...
Hero Member
: 10350

« #83 : August 06, 2015, 01:55:28 AM »

Everything is said now. This topic is closed.

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