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« : August 06, 2015, 06:42:50 AM »

Hello there! today one member send me a message and we had a very interesting conversation...
he caution me what Gerdarine is a male... so..? a half girls here is males  ;D
correct me if i wrong, but this is game, gerdarine female avatar, she acting like female... who care if she is male in real? Achat is place, where our little darkest desires may be come true ^_^

So... i guess hatred without real cause, and conviction other peoples hate her too just... "because" may calling as extremism, dont think you?
and most sadly thing... what that guy was not first... but no one have any proof about it... only "everyone know that!", "i just caution you!", "he is acting like a male robot!"... or just no answer... Guys, realy, you are completely ridiculous... we all play in game, we are realise here our desiers, we all just an avatars. and only evil, insecure, jealousy snob can tell it to EACH player one by one... this is not normal guys... all who do it... you need a doctor...
: 4

« #1 : August 06, 2015, 06:46:02 AM »

14:13 06.08.2015
shestud: Gerdarine is  a man  do not beleave him  he is a robot man  for your information
14:42 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: so... why you telling me it? ))
14:43 06.08.2015
shestud: to get cautious
shestud: and  to  not beleave him
shestud: he is a lair   he is not a mistress  or  a master
14:44 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: so you are real shemale?
shestud: i am  CD
Zireael к shestud: proof it
shestud: do you want  see  my  cock
Zireael к shestud: no
Zireael к shestud: i want proof what you are cross dresser
shestud: first proof  you are a girl  then me
14:45 06.08.2015
shestud: you first
shestud: if  i am CD or shemale  that is not the case
14:46 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: no thats a point
Zireael к shestud: you judge other peoples
Zireael к shestud: and you are just a same liar
Zireael к shestud: not realy fair... what you think?
14:47 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: you must understand one thing, man
Zireael к shestud: before judge someone, be sure what you are infaliable
Zireael к shestud: this is game
Zireael к shestud: this is place where is peoples make their dreams come true
shestud: do not  talk about lying  Man  if i am a lair  you will be the first one
14:48 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: if you dream to be crossdresser its fine
shestud: dream  yes
shestud:  but  not cheating ppl
Zireael к shestud: if gerdarine want to be a female mistress its fine
shestud: but  cheating ppl   what do you think about it
Zireael к shestud: we ar all not interract out of game
Zireael к shestud: this is not cheating
Zireael к shestud: this is desires
: 4

« #2 : August 06, 2015, 06:46:34 AM »

14:49 06.08.2015
shestud: do you like someone cheating you
Zireael к shestud: gerdarine - female avatar
Zireael к shestud: this is not cheating i said
Zireael к shestud: you just not understand point
shestud: it is
Zireael к shestud: for me, for example
14:50 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: you are same like gerdarine
shestud: why is that
Zireael к shestud: maby you cheat me what you are crossdresser and in real you have no courage for wearing female panty?
shestud:  a man  who  pretending  girl  just like you
Zireael к shestud: i dont know it
Zireael к shestud: right?
14:51 06.08.2015
shestud: talk about yourself first
Zireael к shestud: so for now you judge me, okay
shestud: do you have apussy ?
Zireael к shestud: any proofs?
shestud: answer me
shestud: have you ever seena pussy in your life
shestud: can you use your dick
Zireael к shestud: no, you answer me, you judge me.
shestud: i don't think so
14:52 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: you i understand
shestud: you don't know  and you don't have right to hudge me
Zireael к shestud: you call everyone liars just because they not agree with you?
shestud: me
shestud: no  just because they  lie
14:53 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: i guess gerdarine said what you are just boring asshole right? )
shestud: that all  end of story
shestud: good luck
Zireael к shestud: so okay
Zireael к shestud: proof what gerdarine male
Zireael к shestud: and proof what i am male
Zireael к shestud: and proof what you are CD
shestud: no you profff i am not CD  or  shemale
Zireael к shestud: and i will say sorry )
14:54 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: so for now you telling me you are just a man?
Zireael к shestud: so why you play as shemale?
shestud: i am asking a proof  just you did
Zireael к shestud: damn i register on forum just for let anyone see our conversation ))))))))))
Zireael к shestud: someone have my proofs )
: 4

« #3 : August 06, 2015, 06:46:59 AM »

14:55 06.08.2015
shestud: someone has mine  too
14:56 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: so lets back to your caution
Zireael к shestud: you have any proofs what gerdarine female?
Zireael к shestud: male*
DrImpregnate: wanna chat sexy girl
14:57 06.08.2015
shestud: many ppl  knows that    and there is a smooking gun
shestud: i am not the only one
shestud: i descoved that recently
Zireael к shestud: so... many ppl believe in invisible pink pony... (google it) so it exist right?
shestud: maybe you know that  too
14:58 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: so you judge gerdarine only because many ppl do same things?
Zireael к shestud: and this is normal?
14:59 06.08.2015
shestud: if you lie and you can't defend yourself that would another case
Zireael к shestud: you know what this is calling "extremism"? )
shestud: that is a proof of your lies
15:00 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: you know what hitler in 30's years did same things agains jews?
shestud: i have to go   good luck with him and with your day
15:01 06.08.2015
Zireael к shestud: he blame them only because they are jews... like you blame gerdarine just only because she not proof you what she is a woman and many ppl said same things?
Full Member
: 205

« #4 : August 06, 2015, 07:15:02 AM »

Hello and welcome to the forum Zireael.
I hope you stay for a while and contribute some ideas and thoughts to the community *hugs*
Hero Member
: 10457


« #5 : August 06, 2015, 09:45:20 AM »

HI zireael

welcome to  and hope you enjoy all your time here

I say online gives us the opportunity to bring out our desires fantasies ,
we might not always  do what we  do in realty so this  gives us  inspiration for fantasies

Every one comes here  for there Fantasies  how they choices to play  is fine if both party's agree to it and it dose not  go off the Tos


out of respect every one  make sure its ok with the other side ...I am hatro 

I would like even if its  fantasies to know who is on the other side of the avatar
out of courtesies


We are people with  feeling   and  emotions
we are all people that control  our avatars
 It may be a game but it is still us  ...
and actions can hurt

I say be kind  but also not be a push over to...

Be Careful of the he said she said online there's a lot of that ..all drama best I can say is ignore it
try to walk away  from it  , if  its   possible..

and like any other  game and in realty to there  is many jerks ..

Enjoy  Achat  with how ever  wants to play with you and  gives you all your desires pleasures

Enjoy your time have  fun  be happy   Zireal

(  Just to say I am happy with my  guy  of almost  1 1/2   and lots of grey hair   :D not looking  any more   

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 7883

« #6 : August 06, 2015, 09:55:40 AM »

Hello zireael and welcome to AChat forum!

First of all, let me ask you if you like to stay, to introduce yourself here


Second, I heard that rumors about Gerdarine soooo many times! Is it true!? I don't know and I don't care, she is not doing something bad, in general.

Aaaanyway, for you and for all, a little reminder: if you post chat log here, I suggest to moderate the name of your partner in chat! thanks!

Hero Member
: 1379

« #7 : August 06, 2015, 11:48:32 AM »

  Hi Zireael.  Welcome to the Forum.

  There are always idiots who think they are funny and saying nasty things about other people gets them off.  Use the Ignore Button.

  Speaking for myself I'm a guy behind a Shemale.  After been asked a few times about why,  It's hard to explain.

  I try to explain to the people I'm close too.  ;)  But, it's just a decision I took when I first started here and I am glad that I chose to.

  Anyway,  I have sent you a message in ACHAT about an appeal we have here about More poses for Shemales, Lesbians, Gays and Bi people. But I'll mention it here too.  If you wish to add to it then please do.  The link is Below.


Hero Member
: 1669

« #8 : August 06, 2015, 12:04:06 PM »

Hello zireael,  Its so nice to meet you..

Achat is a strange place.  It is a sex chat site but it is also a GAME for many people. Behind the anonymity of the internet, they can make up their own moral code and hide it behind an avatar of their own choosing and live out their most desired fantasies.    As long as they maintain that persona INSIDE the game there is nothing wrong with it and can be great fun for both parties involved.  

What crosses the line is when a person brings  the LIE into real life situations  and uses it to manipulate and indulge their own selfish fantasy far beyond the confines of this GAME and takes advantage of the vulnerability of others who are here for more than just the GAME..  and who open themselves up to caring and feeling with their hearts.   That part is reprehensible and intolerable... and mean spirited.. and that its when the fantasy becomes cruel and hurtful.  

If this person is not doing anyone any harm.. then I would be more cautious of the messenger.

Full Member
: 126


« #9 : August 06, 2015, 12:27:43 PM »

AChat is a strange and sometimes wonderful place with it's ample share of jerks and people that play childish games. Cliques and tight knit childish gangs are here as well as circles of legitimately good people. Ignore the jerks and arses that get off on throwing their weight and bloated opinions around. They only care About making nice people miserable anyways. Enjoy yourself and AChat . I hope you are around a good long while and happily so.

: 29

« #10 : August 06, 2015, 05:22:43 PM »

out of respect every one  make sure its ok with the other side ...I am hatro 

i know its a typo but this made me think of ppl fucking hats :)


Hero Member
: 10457


« #11 : August 06, 2015, 05:36:23 PM »

out of respect every one  make sure its ok with the other side ...I am hatro 

i know its a typo but this made me think of ppl fucking hats :)


what do you mean JEn

I only said I am hetro because she said  that it dose matter who is who

for me  its  my choies is hetero  .... it dos matter to me.

I would like to know

think of it this way you  get close to some one  fall in love and then you  fined out its not some one you thought it was

 I respect all other sex orations   they should mine to ....  I think best every one makes it clean when
 they start a relationship of there liking ...

hetero   for you  :P

I was multitasking  like always 

but I do  a lot Of typos 


Btw     I  think this topic should be in

every thing about  sex and love  or

Liers and theives on achat
« : August 06, 2015, 07:57:50 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 29

« #12 : August 07, 2015, 03:10:47 PM »

u wrote hatro <- h A tro so I thought of hats u know HATrosexual

and 4 some reason needed 2 share that

Wasnt trying 2 b contraversial

probably best 2 forget it

I know what u mean about ppl lying about their gender
its not a problem 4 me but if u have a particular sexual orientation then u wouldnt want 2 b doing it with the wrong person i suppose

that depends i spose n whether u believe gender is an aesthetic quality or means something more

or something

just rambling now


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