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Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #240 : October 15, 2015, 10:02:42 PM »

Please keep the aggression out of posts and be tolerant in regard to player's late replies.
They may have good reason for delays and to assume otherwise would be arrogant & inappropriate as well as unfriendly.

Real Life sometimes intervenes and things on occasions are started with good intentions but situations change and are not always possible to continue.
We have had incidents in the past where players have been hospitalised ; internet problems ; deaths ; births ; other RL situations... etc..

It is always best and nicer to assume that RL has intervened and they have been unable to take part with good reason, something that was perhaps far more important than a friendly game such as this at the time.

It can be frustrating but never the less is part of Forum life.

We play, we move on to the next wager and when that player returns, we gently remind them of the wager they LOST & their agreement,  in PM, so they have an opportunity  to pay their forfeit.

Remember this is a public forum and it is also unfair to jump to conclusions and assume that the delay in honouring a wager is just tardiness. It may well be the case too but we should presume a good reason first without trying public humiliation / personal attacks and aggression.

Jayc will take care of this as director of this event.  This now ends this discussion. We move on with the game.

Lets keep the game friendly, fun and welcoming.

And please some replies to these challenges already bubbling ...

I love some of the outfits so far.  They are chronic  LOL.  Well done to the ingenious wagers and congrats to the players who are dressing up and showing their new looks and sportsmanship.


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Jr. Member
: 90

« #241 : October 16, 2015, 02:02:48 AM »

SUNDAY Oct. 18 2015

New England Patriots -  Stone   at    Indianapolis Colts -   TonyG

Do you dare to wager with the undefeated England ;     Colts aka TonyG?

If you are brave enough to take on My England and lose, the forfeit will be ...
For 1 whole week, including your rooms & poker  -

Gollam look, palest skin
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Banner -  Ride me hard, ride me fast with a riding crop!

I would gladly accept your wager my dear Stone (someone has to teach a lesson to your undefeated Patriots anyway :P)
but with some minor changes tho...Greeks bargain hard as u know  ;D
First...no gimp mask (or else Maron is filing for divorce right now  :D)
Second...we ll make it for 3 days, not a whole week (cause i have another personal wager pending ;))
and finally...I ll ask for 10 pity points from your almighty undefeated Patriots...

and as for my terms, I'll go easy on u asking to dress like this if u lose:
- UK flag bikini
- red thigh high boots
- party hat
- cock shaped necklace and earrings
- heart shaped sunglasses
- fancy short hairstyle (pink and purple)

and your banner will read : "COLTS shaved my Queen"  :D

Im sure u ll look great Stone ...chuckles  ;D

so may the Colts win...

gooooooo COLTS!!!

« : October 16, 2015, 02:51:46 AM Tonyg »

Hero Member
: 3435

« #242 : October 16, 2015, 05:20:06 AM »

Washington Redskins at New York Jets

SUNDAY Oct. 18 2015

*takes up the hatchet, throws it in Tango´s direction*

Hey there Chief, wager time  :-*
If you are brave enough to take on my Jets and lose,
I ll take control of your profile and banner for 3 days
daring u to wear....

and your tagline will read ...

"My REDS got skinned like Wieners by the mighty JETS" :D

I ll wait for your smoke signal Tango, Chief of the Reds
« : October 16, 2015, 05:35:51 AM maron211177 »

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 1842

« #243 : October 16, 2015, 12:19:27 PM »

SUNDAY Oct. 18 2015

New England Patriots -  Stone   at    Indianapolis Colts -   TonyG

Do you dare to wager with the undefeated England ;     Colts aka TonyG?

If you are brave enough to take on My England and lose, the forfeit will be ...
For 1 whole week, including your rooms & poker  -

Gollam look, palest skin
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Banner -  Ride me hard, ride me fast with a riding crop!

I would gladly accept your wager my dear Stone (someone has to teach a lesson to your undefeated Patriots anyway :P)
but with some minor changes tho...Greeks bargain hard as u know  ;D
First...no gimp mask (or else Maron is filing for divorce right now  :D)
Second...we ll make it for 3 days, not a whole week (cause i have another personal wager pending ;))
and finally...I ll ask for 10 pity points from your almighty undefeated Patriots...

and as for my terms, I'll go easy on u asking to dress like this if u lose:
- UK flag bikini
- red thigh high boots
- party hat
- cock shaped necklace and earrings
- heart shaped sunglasses
- fancy short hairstyle (pink and purple)

and your banner will read : "COLTS shaved my Queen"  :D

Im sure u ll look great Stone ...chuckles  ;D

so may the Colts win...

gooooooo COLTS!!!


Hi TonyG,

Point 1 -   No gimp mask mmmm ...   Only if you are willing to drop your pity points to 8 as per the point spread, and the Halloween pumpkin head can take its place.
Otherwise the gimp mask stays but I will give you the 10 points as requested  :)
The choice is yours :)

Point 2 -  3 days instead of a week ... accepted.

Pont 3 -  Gimp Mask + 10 point start for your team   or   Halloween Mask + 8 point start for your team as recommended by the point spread.

Dress  & Banner -  Agreed.

Do we have a deal ?

« : October 16, 2015, 12:22:19 PM Stone »

Full Member
: 212

Mama don't let your Babies grow up to be Cowboys

« #244 : October 16, 2015, 12:44:40 PM »

I'm gonna just step on in here and call a foul....
Everyone knew the gimp mask was part of the betting, and has been for several seasons now. Therefore joining in the betting it should of been expected that sooner or later the chances were the gimp mask would be worn if a bet was lost. So if the gimp mask is something you just absolutely refuse to wear, then why join in?...Suck it up and wear the mask if you lose like everyone else has or don't play.

Willie Nelson=My Heros have always been Cowboys.
Hero Member
: 3435

« #245 : October 16, 2015, 01:05:13 PM »

its called bargaining Sammy ;)

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Jr. Member
: 90

« #246 : October 16, 2015, 03:23:20 PM »

SUNDAY Oct. 18 2015

New England Patriots -  Stone   at    Indianapolis Colts -   TonyG

Do you dare to wager with the undefeated England ;     Colts aka TonyG?

If you are brave enough to take on My England and lose, the forfeit will be ...
For 1 whole week, including your rooms & poker  -

Gollam look, palest skin
Red Cowboy hat
Gimp mask
The top portion of the golf outfit
The Summer flowery shorts
The Stars and Stripes ankle boots with black socks.

Banner -  Ride me hard, ride me fast with a riding crop!

I would gladly accept your wager my dear Stone (someone has to teach a lesson to your undefeated Patriots anyway :P)
but with some minor changes tho...Greeks bargain hard as u know  ;D
First...no gimp mask (or else Maron is filing for divorce right now  :D)
Second...we ll make it for 3 days, not a whole week (cause i have another personal wager pending ;))
and finally...I ll ask for 10 pity points from your almighty undefeated Patriots...

and as for my terms, I'll go easy on u asking to dress like this if u lose:
- UK flag bikini
- red thigh high boots
- party hat
- cock shaped necklace and earrings
- heart shaped sunglasses
- fancy short hairstyle (pink and purple)

and your banner will read : "COLTS shaved my Queen"  :D

Im sure u ll look great Stone ...chuckles  ;D

so may the Colts win...

gooooooo COLTS!!!


Hi TonyG,

Point 1 -   No gimp mask mmmm ...   Only if you are willing to drop your pity points to 8 as per the point spread, and the Halloween pumpkin head can take its place.
Otherwise the gimp mask stays but I will give you the 10 points as requested  :)
The choice is yours :)

Point 2 -  3 days instead of a week ... accepted.

Pont 3 -  Gimp Mask + 10 point start for your team   or   Halloween Mask + 8 point start for your team as recommended by the point spread.

Dress  & Banner -  Agreed.

Do we have a deal ?

Looks like we have a deal Stone...
Since Maron is allergic to latex we agree on Halloween Pumpkin Head + 8 point start for my team, 3 days and the banner as we said...

« : October 16, 2015, 03:30:47 PM Tonyg »

Jr. Member
: 90

« #247 : October 16, 2015, 03:32:52 PM »

I'm gonna just step on in here and call a foul....
Everyone knew the gimp mask was part of the betting, and has been for several seasons now. Therefore joining in the betting it should of been expected that sooner or later the chances were the gimp mask would be worn if a bet was lost. So if the gimp mask is something you just absolutely refuse to wear, then why join in?...Suck it up and wear the mask if you lose like everyone else has or don't play.

If u want to see me in a gimp mask Sam why dont u say so?  ;D

« : October 16, 2015, 03:36:15 PM Tonyg »

Hero Member
: 3435

« #248 : October 16, 2015, 03:39:58 PM »

OK ... play nice kids or back to your rooms!!!

everyone is allowed to have an opinion on things
nothing is eaten as hot as it's cocked , I mean cooked
in my opinion the bargaining is as much fun as the wager itself
noone has to withdraw from anything ....

The rules are ....  there are no rules lol.   

Actually both team opponents have to agree to the bet or wager.
We are playing for control of profile dress (No Nudity),  Profile taglines & placement of avatars.   
Anything more than that is at the discretion and agreement of the players for each game

so kiss and make up kids, or u ll get grounded for a week

xoxoxo MUM

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Jr. Member
: 90

« #249 : October 16, 2015, 03:51:29 PM »

OK ... play nice kids or back to your rooms!!!

so kiss and make up kids, or u ll get grounded for a week

xoxoxo MUM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
« : October 16, 2015, 05:08:29 PM Tonyg »


« #250 : October 16, 2015, 04:21:23 PM »

As I see it negotiations were made, and agreed to,and this will continue to happen.Seems no-one wants to wear the mask... so be it, as MUM said, there are no rules. Can we please get back to the game?

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #251 : October 16, 2015, 05:08:31 PM »

chuckles .... whoa....

Seems to me Stone & TonyG have negotiated & agreed their wager.

Negotiate your own folks ... and be warned writers ... singers.. poets ... I have a stage at the AB&G and a Halloween party on the horizon. I might throw in a little post for my opponent to entertain us there, especially as we have the Cocks N Roses to accompany the person at the mic.

Get your dancing shoes ready :)   I hear the yellow ones and green ankle boots are popular with the girls ,  and stars and stripes ankle boots for the gents !  :o :o :o

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #252 : October 16, 2015, 08:13:08 PM »


remember its sposed to be

  F  U  N  !!!

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
: 14

« #253 : October 18, 2015, 01:34:54 AM »

Martinus I offer the following wager if my Panthers beat your Seahawks:

For three days you are to wear the following:

Gimp mask
Pink casual wear T-shirt
Skeleton costume
Yellow Extravagant leather shoes
And I take control of your banner which will read:  My Seahawks were plucked by the Panthers
« : October 18, 2015, 01:38:08 AM Bigbeef »

« #254 : October 18, 2015, 05:00:57 AM »

Game time approaches and it seems we have a lot of people who im sure, just like me, are feeling left out :(

Peeka, Oli, Woody and myself are without a wager this week ... UNTIL NOW

As I am a terrible glutton for punishment *winks* I propose a group wager :D

This goes out to you all, and anyone else who wants to play along, even if already in a wager or waiting for one *pokes Tango*

My proposal ....
Pumpkin Head or Scream Mask in poker :)

Party Hat in poker, to rub in the celebrations :P

3 days ....   Who's In??
« : October 18, 2015, 05:12:16 AM Blayne »
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