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: What do you think of the meeting room also known as the colding room ?  ( 14241 )
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

Well i think that all is in the thread tittle :D

To me the idea is good , exept that as soon as you enter , the ones yet inside jump on you and play glu pots and bomb you with repeated and insistant cold invits without saying a single word .

If it stay like this , it will be a room i will avoid personally .

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

Hello Rukya  :)
D'abord bises  :-*

Me I call the meeting room "The Colds Arena" since the start !
Blind Date and Meeting Room = same things  >:(
I never answer except when I want to make myself a cold invite.
It's not the fault of the game, but the fault of the players who don't know how to use what they are given.
Each plays like he / she wants  8)

If we could sit on the benches and a table with chairs would be great.
For me neverless it's a very good idea because I asked it for a meeting place before  ;D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 10457


Useless room as some  members 

I call it a meat marked

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 1379

  I haven't been in since I learned of the bugs that are mentioned in the other post.

  But before that, I did go in from time to time.  And yes, I kept on getting colds.   Grrrr.  (Probably from people who didn't know that I'm a shemale)  :D :D  It is a good idea but, in my opinion if you just want to chat, go with friends and not on your own.

  The people who cold invite.  It can't really be stopped can it ?  You can't really disable the option,  it wouldn't be much of a meeting room then would it ?  But, it is annoying.  Yes the players that do it are playing like they want to but, I wonder if they know that they are pissing most people off.

  Yes, sitting on benches or a table with chairs would be a good add.  Maybe, if you sat down the cold invites could be ignored automatically.  This could be further added attractions like the 360 Degree camera (Don't know how to do the Degree Symbol, Sorry)  :D

  All in all,  it looks nice,  Nice idea.  Will I go there,  Maybe but, only with a friend (s) who just want to chat in there and that can be done in Free Chat or the Poker Room.

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

I think the poker room is better now for the meetings but that could change if colds invites prompts decrease and if you go with a group of friends discuss in the meeting room.
It teaches to the "Quick Fuckers" to talk before!  :D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 7883

Honestly, I went there just twice when the room was added and found it well done under the graphic aspect of the thing, except the walk animation (ugly don't suit it so muct, it's even worst!), then recently it said it's always full, so......

Aaaanyway, I agree about the cold and more action to do there  as sitting somewhere. plus, I think we need the chance to chek other users profile, something that miss now in it or, at last, I wasn't able to do (call me noob, I don't care!).

In my opinion, the meeting room is something we were in need from long time (I asked for one since I join in 2011), but it come out in a far away then perfect way! Hope AChat Team will improve it soon to offer us a better experience!
« : November 11, 2015, 11:03:49 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10457


I heard   free users  cant talk in the room is this true

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

This could be further added attractions like the 360 Degree camera (Don't know how to do the Degree Symbol, Sorry)  :D

In my keyboard , the ° symbol is made with shift+) , azerty keyboard  :P

About sitting on table , yes it would be a good solution . And let non premium members talk would be good too , like this they can say at least "hi" before send an invit.

I dont understand this "not premium = not talking" policy . They favorize cold invits .
« : November 11, 2015, 06:27:38 AM Rukya »

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

One thing too: When a guy invite me he don't know if I'm a woman or a TS so better talk before or an update to see the profil :)
If not some guys have a BIG surprise in room  ;D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 10350

Oh Nat and Zu, I hope you accept all cold invites and give them a big surprise when in room you say "Now let me fuck your ass" ;D

Is it true that free members can join but not talk???

I like the idea of sitting and invites are blocked automatically!

HB, what do you expect from a meeting room? It's a general chat room, nothing else. Maybe invites could be removed - if you talk and want to room, just leave the place and invite as usual.

@Zu: My degree is left aside the "1" button. 1st on the left side, 2nd row.

Hero Member
: 7883

HB, what do you expect from a meeting room? It's a general chat room, nothing else. Maybe invites could be removed - if you talk and want to room, just leave the place and invite as usual.

I espect to have the chance to see the profile of someone I'm talking with and not to beforced to go out of the meeting room and do a search for him/her.......it0's the least we need in a common room, Lover! Something usefull even in the poker one, in my opinion

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

HB, what do you expect from a meeting room? It's a general chat room, nothing else. Maybe invites could be removed - if you talk and want to room, just leave the place and invite as usual.

I espect to have the chance to see the profile of someone I'm talking with and not to beforced to go out of the meeting room and do a search for him/her.......it0's the least we need in a common room, Lover! Something usefull even in the poker one, in my opinion
+ 1 and also for the ridiculous turkey walking we have in the meeting room !

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

Is it true that free members can join but not talk???

I just tested it with the avi I use to design men clothes... and it seems frees can talk, but don't hear anything. I stayed there +-10min, could write, but heard noone. (Even if they wouldn't maybe answer a free, I should have been able to hear the convo in the groups). I also don't even know if I got heard from anyone...

So seems legit their only choice is to cold invite :(

Hero Member
: 10457


that woud  explain why there's so much invitations  ...

still pointless room  if  they cant receive any interaction

I would say that  Achat has to work on promoting  more to pull in new members
This  room would of helped  a lot  but as  the fun things are  for prem only

how is this   going to  get new members to stay....

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

Thanks Peeka. Though the question is, if they can send cold invites. If they can't talk, maybe they can't do anything but walk? Leasts it's healthy...lol

The A-Team won't change it asap, but in mey eyes it's a wrong decision.

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