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: Ways to combat gift whores  ( 14985 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« #15 : November 26, 2015, 05:52:52 PM »

  I know its only brain storming.  ;)   People who gift, spend more. You know,  Add ACHAT $ before they have to renew themselves.  You really think the ACHAT team will stop that ?

  If someone is totally F$£%£^G stupid of gifting a Whore and then gets hounded by more of them because of it, it's their problem.  Not yours, not mine.  It's their own bloody fault.  Plus I have no idea at all what the Whore Gifters Gift.   I'm not interested.  I don't care.  I've never asked for gifts.  So, I don't know.  And will never ask,  if I can't pay my own way I'll quit, until I can pay for my own Membership.

  A particular Free User person was introduced to me.  ;).  But other Free users have chatted to me.  Some have been ok. MOST have been rude and down right obnoxious.  So, who can blame people from ignoring them.  I know they aren't all the same but, it does prey on peoples minds.

  Stop Gift Whores.  Two easy solutions.   Block Gifting for free users or...   STOP F$&*$&$G gifting them.

  As for guys who can't get a room other than gifting a whore.  Again, not anyone's problem, apart from their own.  They should be more polite to none Gift whores.  We aren't responsive to Wanna Fuck. Maybe they can't be polite.  I Myself have been "shouted" at by a Free User for just saying No Thanks to them.

  Something else has just occurred to me though with this VIP thing.  If a free user had access to clothes, speed and able to cum,  they would never, ever subscribe anyway.  Would they ?  What would be the point when someone with "VIP Status" give them everything.  So, instead of saying will room for gifts they would say VIP's Only.  :D.  So after thinking about that for a while.  Lets hope it'll happen.  Then I won't get hounded by Free Users all the time asking "WANNA FUCK" or cold calling,  only the VIP People will get that.
« : November 26, 2015, 06:29:13 PM zuzannah »


« #16 : November 26, 2015, 10:41:12 PM »


in partial response to your last post:

"Something else has just occurred to me though with this VIP thing.  If a free user had access to clothes, speed and able to cum,  they would never, ever subscribe anyway.  Would they ?  What would be the point when someone with "VIP Status" give them everything."


this was a point i made previously. some free users will never upgrade because they can't afford to. that is why they are gift whoring. so the vip users are currently paying for many free users to become vip (via gifts). i am attempting to reduce this by cutting out the middle man. achat would still get their money. it would just go straight from the vip user to achat. and not pass between to gift whores. also, these changes could increase the amount of vip users, since all free users would have a more enjoyable time here. i believe a lot of free users quit the game after a short time, because of bad experiences here. so by having a better more welcoming experience more people may decide to stay.

there are still many benefits to upgrading to vip. for one, all of the control. you get to buy the poses you want, the clothes you want, etc. you would also get to create your own identity. under the proposed changes a free user's persistent identity would still be boring and ugly. you would only get glimpses of how sexy and hot you can be if a vip user dressed you up. so it is like giving them a taste. granted the users that were never going to upgrade, still aren't. you just aren't forcing them into gift whoring to gain a better experience. there wouldn't be a need to gift whore with these changes. if the cost structure is set right, it would also be impractical to do so. that is, the amount of whoring necessary to buy a membership, customize your avatar, and buy poses, would out weigh the time required. if the free users are basically getting what they want (a sexy avatar and ability to satisfy their partner) that is all they need in the short term. i think there will be a remainder of current gift whores that may try to continue the practice, but i think they will find it hard to continue the practice. for one, there will be less johns, since they can now have a good time with free users. similar to how a vip picks a room. he/she can now essentially pick an avatar. he would have a closet full of avatars set to his liking. he would just need a willing free user to play along.

a different point you brought up, leaves me confused. it sounds like you are vip. why don't you have your block free user option set to on? that will stop them from pestering you. i am a free user and i get annoyed by what you described too. i just block a ton of people to get some peace. i have a different post about changes that would help that issue.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #17 : November 27, 2015, 04:00:32 AM »

  Yes, I am a Premium user.  What you call VIP.

  My Free user option isn't blocked because what I've said above.  I have a good friend who is a Free User plus, some others are not always Premium.  So if I use that option, how can they get in touch and vice versa ?

  But now, I'm getting confused   ::)

  Premium members are what we have now.  Is VIP  what you would call this new option ?  Buy Premium first and then have the opportunity to buy this new option later and then therefore be called VIP.  Yep, just read BB's post. hehehe.

  Hardly VIP though is it.  VIP, in my opinion, is what Lover has said earlier.   I would call this option the F.U. Option.  And have this option shown on your Avi screen somewhere too.  So the Free Users actually know that you have bought it.  Maybe it could be on the search filters too.


« #18 : November 27, 2015, 06:07:17 AM »

hi zuzannah,

totally understand about the free user block issue. makes sense now. you are right i am new and have always referred to the current premium as vip. that is my bad. then when lover suggested adding the options i was talking about as a vip subscription that made the topic confusing (my fault though). i like the designation you suggest. i actually wish they did a better job of that now. they gave me a blue star like three days after being here. and someone congratulated me on being vip. which caused me confusion. i contacted tech support and they said it was because i was a valued member. if they had different color stars. i think i saw some old threads about that issue, so i didn't bring it up.

the more i think about this i am starting to understand why lover suggested having this be a subscription add-on. i think that makes more sense than how i was thinking of it. so; free, prem, vip. and if you did happen to get gifts you could be a free/prem but not be able to go up to vip. if i think of this in terms of the flow of actual money. the vip sub, as lover suggested, makes the most sense.


  Yes, I am a Premium user.  What you call VIP.

  My Free user option isn't blocked because what I've said above.  I have a good friend who is a Free User plus, some others are not always Premium.  So if I use that option, how can they get in touch and vice versa ?

  But now, I'm getting confused   ::)

  Premium members are what we have now.  Is VIP  what you would call this new option ?  Buy Premium first and then have the opportunity to buy this new option later and then therefore be called VIP.  Yep, just read BB's post. hehehe.

  Hardly VIP though is it.  VIP, in my opinion, is what Lover has said earlier.   I would call this option the F.U. Option.  And have this option shown on your Avi screen somewhere too.  So the Free Users actually know that you have bought it.  Maybe it could be on the search filters too.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #19 : November 27, 2015, 10:09:03 AM »

To stop this  gift soliciting   and keeping  Members  or free  users 

it will take a lot more then a few suggestions  ..

You also have to see its a money making business  ..

'If it was my business I will go with what makes a profit .

Yes many will go but many will also stay...  Lets all be honest with ourselves Achat is the best place
for sex poses  and there prices are affordable  just right   ...They have a lot to grow in still 

 but,   I hope we all

agree they have the most amazing easy to control poses . and also this is why many also stay there are member  here for many years
 this tells you Achat is good and will stand  even  if some  go ...

They  would have to change all the program system.that will take a lot of $$$$ , to help control some of  it,
 and with all they have on there hands now
I don't see this happening any time soon,
But will not get ride of soliciting for gifts or as you call it whoring ...Taking time to talk to them you would understand that many do it for many reasons  ..and some are  just whore's   and none of it will stop

for the only reason that 

  No one!  can Control the actions of a another person ever !

you cant tell others to gift or not gift  to F*** or not to F****

every one that's on  a  here is a  Adult  to make their own choices...Yes  or No

up to them ....

 I would also think of Achat  it is a business and they are here to make a business

I am satisfied  with the poses 
 and actions they provided us with well not  1 or maybe too little

and I can stay  I hope they make better clothing  lately I am not pleased with this

but over all I am happy  here  with the hard work they are doing  maybe not all be right   with some bugs  but they get to them and fix it...

and to the ones that leave Achat you know there is  no other place like here   ...

you  are welcome to come back  when ever you like ,

For me I will continue to enjoy A Chat and posting here in the forum

And thank you  Achat  ... :)

( suggestions help here in the forum from all members so we can all brainstorm together )
« : November 27, 2015, 10:13:21 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #20 : November 27, 2015, 10:10:51 AM »

My way to combat this is easy. I dont talk then, and if someone ask me for a gift for room, i say NOT. Easy...

If person insist, i just put in ignore.

I am a little radikal, i know... but after some years here, is the only efective mode i find.

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #21 : November 27, 2015, 10:49:34 AM »

My way to combat this is easy. I dont talk then, and if someone ask me for a gift for room, i say NOT. Easy...

If person insist, i just put in ignore.

I am a little radikal, i know... but after some years here, is the only efective mode i find.

Same for me and when a girl ask to me for rooming and I see her profil asking for gifts, it's very simple my answer is " No thank you" and I room only with men  8)
Like said Zoe if you start to talk you have to dicuss for nothing since many hours !

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 10457


« #22 : November 27, 2015, 10:53:32 AM »

Like you all  are saying  its very easy   say No and ignore !

just as man are  stalking you  for sex   No!  No no  has a lot of power  :D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #23 : November 27, 2015, 11:15:05 AM »

Like you all  are saying  its very easy   say No and ignore !

just as man are  stalking you  for sex   No!  No no  has a lot of power  :D

Always Roxxy, a no means a NO. but some people dont understand this :)


« #24 : November 27, 2015, 11:50:13 AM »

hi all,

seems like there are three points from the above posts that you all keep bringing up;

1) achat is busy, these changes would be too costly to implement, etc..

to me that is for achat to decide. in my mind they are easy changes.

2) just say no.

i totally agree. i don't know why people pay gift whores and why there are so many here. but they are here and there are a lot of them. thus the reason for the proposed changes. the just say no argument was an old anti-drug campaign in the usa (under ronald regan). it didn't work. we have more drugs than ever. the fact is people don't say no they say yes yes and more yes.

3) who are you to say what someone can and can't do

i'm not saying what anyone can or can't do. i'm suggesting that achat can make more money by making the prem users happy. they will get more free users upgrading to vip. the free users will be happier and will not have to resort to whoring. yes you can whore or do whatever you like. i have never said anyone can't. and under the proposal lover made achat would also be getting the prem adding on vip. that is the money that is currently being spent on the gift whores and then goes back to achat. so if anything, achat would make the same amount of money. but most likely more money. and there will be more happy users all around.

this all seems like no brainer stuff, i guess i am missing something.
Hero Member
: 1379

« #25 : November 27, 2015, 12:38:10 PM »

  You not missing anything Alley.  It's just people expressing their opinion that's all.  *Hugs*

  What it is you see, is people want different things.  This is your idea.  And after a while of thinking about it, it could be a good one, if people are willing to pay a little bit extra.  But how much extra? We would have to wait and see.

  You might think it's a no Brainer.  But, the ACHAT team must be Very, VERY busy at the Moment. (If not all the time).  Don't know if you have seen some posts on here but, there hasn't been a new F-F pose for TWO years.  I don't know what gender you room with but, if you room with other Shemales you must have noticed that there is only around Twenty poses, S-F about Fifty Five, while M-S has about Seventy and M-M about 20.  People are screaming for LGBT poses and we aren't getting them.  An appeal has even been created about this and it will be sent at the end of the year to the ACHAT team.  After that we all wait.  Whether any new LGBT poses come out is entirely up to them.

  So What I'm saying is, your idea is a good one, for some people.  But,  be prepared to wait for it to be implemented.  If it ever gets added.  People have also been screaming for a Meeting Place too for sometime and (I think) the new buy system actually in game.  I don't know for how long though,  that is for the Forum Moderators tell us.  I wouldn't like to guess.


« #26 : November 27, 2015, 01:32:42 PM »

hi zuzannah,

yes along the lines of what you and another person mentioned achat does have the best pose selections out of all the other options (about 5 at my last count). that is the reason i came back to using it. i like that there is a designated shemale gender and that there are poses for it. i haven't experienced a lack of poses. if anything i thought they had more than enough. but i have seen the complaints in the forums before. i would say to those complaining achat is still better than the other options. but more poses never hurt. and if there are less for lgbt then that should be a priortity when it comes to creating new poses. i have been very happy with group poses and personal poses. i also like that you can play achat for free. the biggest reason i use achat is that it works on my crappy computer. the other options require a gaming rig pratically.

i know from using other software that the developers always say creating the animations is the most time consuming/expensive thing to do. gui and system changes are relatively easy. i think that is why you are waiting so long. also moving freely in the environment is clearly new for them and will take some time for them to figure out. i just hope we don't end up needing gaming rigs to play achat.

coming from other software there are pros and cons to the meeting place. i asked achat in support years ago to add the ability to walk along the beach in the room that has a beach. we now have the meeting place. not that my request is related to their action. but to me the meeting place is a dumb idea. if they added filters to the gui, and my suggestions in this post, it would be much easier to find partners to play with. once you get to the room is where moving would be more useful. i would love to walk along the beach hand in hand with my lover. bobbing around in a florida suburb is lame. i just take that as their first baby step. i hope to god it gets better or gone altogether.

so now this thread is officially off topic i guess. oh well. it was useful. i never expected achat to implement my ideas. i just want them to get to understand them. it never hurts to share ideas. it's their software they are going to do what they want with it regardless of what i or anyone else says.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #27 : November 27, 2015, 02:23:06 PM »

All suggestions are welcome  CD

and a lot can work with brainstorming together

I would like to make a suggestion to all new  forum  members there are lots of  great  ideas  &  suggestion's
from the past and we talked a lot on gifting  , this will be a  little more east to understand  with reading the
forum .It is something that all Achat members need to  get involved to to be informed of what is happening.
I enjoy the  forum for this  I take me four month to really try to understand it   and  I keep on learning new things every day here
aside  loving posting and  having fun here  ..keep suggestion and enjoy   ...

People will stay  and  become premium users because they enjoy Achat  and there poses

that is the reason many maybe not agree with  how they run the  program   but they are still here

main reason they love the poses ...

whoring or not  members  Love it here  ...
« : November 27, 2015, 02:32:31 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #28 : November 27, 2015, 04:12:04 PM »

The biggest problem with the A-Team, they don't tell us what's on their todo-list and which ideas are welcome. We're always fishing in the murky. We have had many good ideas, some have been implemented, some haven't. But we never knew if they liked an idea, until it suddenly was there.
Most of the changes in the last 3 years have been suggested here. Like the meeting place. But we stopped talking about it long ago and now it's there. Maybe they like the idea of VIP-members... and 2020 we have it :D

One thing is sure though - there is a lack of existing poses for shemales, FF, MM and groups. Some might not be easy to do, but FM has a lot, which easily could be adapted. Why they don't do it? Only they know. All I was told, they are working on it, but we have to be patient... ::)


« #29 : November 27, 2015, 08:26:30 PM »

with the game i came from, the developer communicated in the forum. however, they put out buggy awful software, release after release. loosing most of their users along the way. so communicating doesn't necessarily translate to results. ideally a developer would communicate and put out good software. but that doesn't seem to exist anywhere. achat is still the best option out there in my opinion, but it's not perfect. if everyone offers their ideas in a constructive, positive manner, it can't hurt anything. but i have no expectation that my ideas will be implemented. however, if i don't at least share the ideas, i am guaranteed that they will never be implemented.

in economics, there is a concept of dollar votes. by paying for something, you are essentially supporting it with your dollars (ie votes). giving a non verbal approval, if you will. this is one reason i haven't paid for a membership. i have to spend too much time blocking people, because there are no filters. gift whores run rampant. these things turn me off. if i were to pay achat now, i would be saying i am fine with the current situation (and i am not). you shouldn't pay for prem, if you are unhappy with the amount of lgbt poses. if they implement what you want, then pay them.

on another note, it's hard to suggest things, when they block free users from the forum. once i got a gift, i was able to join the forum. that doesn't help anything either.
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