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Meeting Place and Shemales
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: Meeting Place and Shemales ( 12287 )
Hero Member
: 2208
French Nympho Shemale
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#15 :
January 10, 2016, 03:04:45 PM »
Of course Rukya you're right but for a start Zuzannah have a good idea with the 3 colors.
Before the action I allways say that I like or not and if the partner don't talk I exit the room
You know a lot of men and also girls don't know what is a shemale, so sometimes I explain my life but it's not really exciting for me and... very long so after I don't want and don't need sex
In the meeting room like in game I never invite and I allways say "I'm a shemale" some guys are very polite, some are very interested and some don't answer me
With these 3 colors I hope that resolve a lot of problems like that but I don't know.
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#16 :
January 10, 2016, 05:12:58 PM »
i think the three colors is a good idea, as i mentioned before. in response to adding bisex, straight, etc... almost all the guys that want to have sex with me have hetro in their profile. but really they are versatile. meaning they are top and bottom. so the profiles even as they exist now are not accurate. if you had top, bottom, versatile, (in combination with bisex) it would be more clear. so you could be bisex top, or bisex bottom, or bisex versatile. here is the problem, a lot of guys don't know what they are and almost no one on here has an accurate profile. so ultimately it is a waste of time for the devs to add features like the one requested by a user in this thread. you were assuming people fill out their profile correctly and that is far from the case. i think the three colors is enough. most people understand male, female, and shemale. the three color system would prevent a lot of issues for men and shemales in the meeting place. that is what the original poster was saying and I agree.
the thing that sucks about this place is every time someone suggests something they have to defend themselves constantly. i wish people here would just let people suggest something and if you agree say you agree and leave it at that. i don't know why everyone here feels the need to shit on every idea that comes along. they are proposing things for the devs consideration not for the peanut gallery. you are making it so no one wants to propose something because it isn't worth the effort to defend and clarify it for 25 posts.
: January 11, 2016, 11:33:05 PM cd_whore
: 5
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#17 :
January 19, 2016, 04:37:14 AM »
I don't understand why you can't click on someone and have their bio, as in the main game (or "Sex experience with partners" as it appears to be referred to now), displayed. I would have thought that would be as simple as anything and it would be consistent.
: January 19, 2016, 08:21:16 AM Concerto
: 44
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#18 :
January 20, 2016, 06:22:08 PM »
Because in Achat nothing is simple, even if it is simple (say, adapting wine drinking pose for every orientation seems to be very easy, but it was never done).
Anyway, meeting place is still in very alpha stage, so profiles might be added later.
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#19 :
January 21, 2016, 04:12:42 AM »
Yes, something has to be done. The amount of guys thinking that I'm a female is really getting out of control now. And more than once the same guy asking. You'd think they would remember wouldn't you ?
I still think colours first. (Easier). And then profiles later. But that would mean some people (including myself I suppose) would have to change my profile. (Because I don't say I'm a guy in RL on the Free Chat Profile. I don't like the text to go past the Profile Box. Yeah I know, I'm Obsessive Compulsive)
Maybe a smaller separate profile could be created for the Meeting Place instead of the one you have in Free Chat. Just a couple of lines. Saying Gender and then something about yourself. Maybe like the ACHAT Square has got.
Something, anything to stop people from chatting up people that they don't want to chat with.
: 5
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#20 :
January 21, 2016, 07:01:31 AM »
err... the poses are ported from the main game, what could be any more complex than that. There is no reason that a textual bio, that is probably held in the same database as pose ownership anyway, can't easily be displayed as an overlay.
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#21 :
January 21, 2016, 12:13:23 PM »
What's with the err..... ?
All I am suggesting is colours for different genders. That's all. Not profiles.
If you want to suggest profiles do it on another Post.
I'm locking this one.
: January 21, 2016, 12:16:20 PM zuzannah
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#22 :
January 22, 2016, 02:00:15 AM »
Both ideas would be useful as a quick guide.
A colour code such as purple for S's to distinguish between F & S would be useful for both. Although I do enjoy the fun of telling an eager suitor I'm shemale LOL.
A quick bio as Concerto suggested would also be useful. It would be nice to know the girl or guy you are chatting up is not gay when you are hetero.
What I have noticed though, and I think its a good thing for the game, there is a lot more interaction between players and prejudices that existed in the game are slowly being broken down. I think this is in part due to the fact you cant distinguish between F & S's.
It would be a pity if the separation of the two allowed it to continue and flourish.
Now, i'm talking myself out of it being a good idea LOL. But that's what Forum is for ... hammering out ideas and everyone putting their views and ideas up.
It's a good topic Zuz. Nice one.
: 5
Re: Meeting Place and Shemales
#23 :
January 22, 2016, 12:27:33 PM »
Glad to see it has been unlocked
I don't particularly like the current color coding. However, it is being used to differentiate between those that are nearby and others so, unless that is changed, it would make gender color coding more difficult to implement.
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