hey Guys and Girls......i also have a few ideas but that's only by the experience i have in the Meeting place:)
1) Can we please have one room for Prem Users and the other Room for Free User-
*its nice to see so many users in the meeting place but seriously, when cold
invites start to happen and if you try to add a guy to group and mean while
he's a free user is not fun anymore.
2) Block or Kick Users-
*When cold invites start the it ruins the whole fun in the Meeting place. And
when the people start to talk about it all hell brakes loose:)
3) If Achat needs A$ for poses-
*I said it once, can't we buy drinks or even a leash in the public place? drinks
you can buy for lady's or guys, a leash a master can leash his/her slave on and all
can see who's the master and slave. we even can buy flowers.....just to start and
treat or spoil some of the lady's

4) Once a week or a month we hold a auction-
* Like Lydia said we can get guys and lady's to stand in one line and the guys can
bet on the girl he wants, so if i want girl x and another guy also want her the
one with the most A$ can gift her and take her to room. I know some girls ain't
stuff you can buy, but they can get out of the line then. or we pay for the girl/guy
to strip he's/her's clothes. the one first in his underwear, loses. and then he buys
everyone a round at the bar

Sorry if it's stupid or not possible but i'm just thinking of why I left Red Light Center. everything is slowing down and the people's demands become more.
have a wonderful AChat day
Your Sincerely