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| | |-+  hi kaitlyn here
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: hi kaitlyn here  ( 46458 )

« : March 06, 2016, 10:58:03 PM »

hmm, where do I start? Uh oh, brain freeze. Sorry, silly girl, just ask my friends here. *giggles*
Life never ceases to amaze me, the infinite possibilities which greet us each day. How something so insignificant can lead you down a path to something so very special. What began as a night of "intoxicated" fun for me n a friend turned into something so unexpectedly special. You just have to read my banner, says it all, for me anyway.
For those of you I might have encountered on that first night, I soooo hope I did not offend you and I apologize if I did. Memory of that night is a bit "fuzzy". *blushes*  For those of you that greeted me afterwards ….. THANK YOU … especially kat and annie; so patient, engaging, and genuine, you really made me feel welcome.
1st,this place is absolutely AMAZING. Don't have a clue how you do it, but WOW. The graphics, real enough to make me blush.
2nd;LOVE the clothes, shoes. jewelry, hair, make-up ….  Want MORE plsssss   *Big Smile*
But most of all it’s the Achat community. I have been so blessed to have met some very special souls in here. Each relationship different, each fulfilling a different "me", but all meaningful. Exploring parts of me that I could never do in rl, having trouble even in here, just ask Susie, hehe, but I'm learning, don't give up on me girl.
I've been here about 6 weeks now, my friend?,  Well, she didn't last much longer than a week, funny how things work out. Me, I plan on staying, only problem, the longer I seem to be here the less sex I'm having, What's up with that? *giggles*
Still not a very good  "clicker", prefer the keyboard…..I am chatty ,,,, but learning and ALWAYS amazed at all the angles and graphics. Leave me speechless …..
Keep surprising myself in here and loving it. Thank you all. * Hug n Kisses*   Kaitlyn
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #1 : March 07, 2016, 03:37:16 AM »

G'day  Kaitlyn,

Welcome to the forum.
People are friendly here I hope you find  as many good friends as I have.

We also have an open chat room where a lot of the members hang out and  chat.

Here's a bit more about it.

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square

Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us Smiley   Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

The Square

Look forward to seeing you there.

Oh, the bar is open  and the chef  will feed you :)

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #2 : March 07, 2016, 06:57:05 AM »

Hi Kaitlyn welcome to the forum and the game,,

: 43

MSN Messenger - Mxfli2005@hotmail.com
« #3 : March 07, 2016, 07:34:02 AM »

Very nice write up Kaitlyn. I accept you apology from your fuzzy night, and just to say, you are a WILD drunk!!  :-* Glad you found this place and are enjoying the people here. It is a small place if you stay as you are realizing. It's the Hotel California for me, I have checked in and can't check out. Welcome to the community and if you feel special it's because you are! BTW - the comment about your first night is a joke, I was not with you but there is always hope you go on another bender  ;) Welcome and enjoy the fun.  - Thedge

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #4 : March 07, 2016, 07:47:15 AM »

Welcome to THE forum Kaitlyn  :)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : March 07, 2016, 10:14:37 AM »

Hi Kaytlin, welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you will have more sex again :D And I'm also sure, you get to know some of the best members, cause they are here in forum :)
Look around, share your ideas and wishes and join our funny and even more crazy games and events.

Have fun!

Hero Member
: 1600

« #6 : March 07, 2016, 11:44:29 AM »

Greetings Kaitlyn  and welcome to the game and this forum, we hope you enjoy your time here  :)

« #7 : March 07, 2016, 11:19:36 PM »

Thank you for all the warm welcomes:

     - woody; love your personal quote
     - lover; I sure hope so, hehe
     - thedge; haha funny boy

Next stop the suggestion box .....
     - hmmm ...where is all the cuddling?

Hug n kisses to all, Kaitlyn
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : March 09, 2016, 04:57:30 AM »

A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute ...

1.  Do you like Skiing ?
We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Alpine racing season. 
The stake collected is shared out between winners. 
Would you be interested in joining us for the last race? It will be a bit of fun. 

This tells you about it, the Results & previous winners -

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Alpine Skiing Sweep http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3997.0.html  

The sweeps are throughout the season. There are 26 slots for each sweep and you are welcome to join us at The Square for the live races.
The topic will tell you the details.


2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 11 -  Christmas Time open for Voting.

The Contest 11 stories are now published and I ask members take the trouble to read and vote. :)  It shows support for our authors here in the Forum Village. Your vote is important and shows that you support their efforts and our little contest. 

Here's the links for you to read and vote -

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > "Christmas Time" THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11. 


3.  Do you like F1 racing?

We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
It involves gifting our Forum bank account 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > 2016 Formula One Sweeps. http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,4099.0.html 

And the Results -
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2016 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results http tbd   


4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in " Collecting Ideas A  to  I"  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/board,29.0.html


Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know  ;D

5. Pantiless Friday Protest - More Poses for LBGT
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest

6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.

Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends...
7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians


8. We are also having a fun date game to meet and greet new friends. Sex is optional and not expected. Be warned it is a game designed to make new friends and your blind date could be of any gender -  Male ; Female or Shemale.
You will be coupled up and given two dates. 
One as a giver -   You will give a massage or dance.
One as a receiver - You will receive the massage or dance.

The current list is now closed to volunteers but the date reports are a fun read.  Watch out for similar MEET & GREET games in the future.
Here is the link -

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Meeting Place Date Game


9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

Here's a bit more about it.

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square

Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us :)   Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

The Square


   ••  Come join in all the fun  ••

Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #9 : March 18, 2016, 12:46:21 AM »

  Hello Kaitlyn, and welcome. we ahve not met, but I have seen you in meeting rooms.. happy you like it here and have joined forums.  hope you have lots of fun.
Jr. Member
: 73

only reward for love is the experience of loving

« #10 : May 15, 2016, 07:29:31 PM »

hi hi hi

FREE to be ME

« #11 : July 04, 2016, 10:08:12 PM »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #12 : July 05, 2016, 09:10:05 AM »

Kaitlyn, I don't see a reason to say this has been fun. It still is. There have been some discussions about the wager - 2, 3 people had different opinions. This happens and we (the contest manager) can't see all possible upcoming discussions when we start.
Don't take this discussion personal and keep your "bad" mind - maybe for the next event you can use it ;)

: 10

« #13 : December 07, 2016, 12:16:07 PM »

Hi Kait  :)   

« #14 : January 30, 2017, 05:14:47 PM »


As unexpected as my arrival was to this special little world so it seems will be my departure. I prefer to call it a “hiatus” instead of “goodbye”. My two worlds collided this past weekend, shaking my reality forcing me to see just how drawn in I have become to one world and how much I have neglected the other. Time for me to step back, re-examine my priorities and make some difficult decisions.

It has been a difficult weekend for me. I saw it coming but remained in denial, thinking I could continue “walking between worlds” living in both as some others do. But I have discovered that I cannot. I can no longer keep up with this pace, my RL just too demanding and too many are paying the price of my greed. As in all worlds, all strengths are weaknesses. Some are just more difficult to see than others. I am no exception.

How quickly one year has passed, so much has happened, both here and there. Discovering this new world; with new friends & lovers, real feelings and addictions. While in my RL; a wedding this May followed at some point with an “anxious” relocation. A new life in a new place, leaving all that I know behind me. The moment I said “YES” to Tristan I relinquished some control. I decided to share. Can’t have it both ways.

No long sad goodbyes, that is not how I feel. Just as in our RL we do not get to choose how long we live, when we die. Those are not for us to decide, we are only responsible for how we decide to LIVE each day and how we treat others. Whether my time here is considered short or long is not important. It is what I take with me from this world, this experience that matters. I thank you all for a truly mind altering experience, one I have so much enjoyed and could never forget. Some special souls in here have touched me, helped me become the person I want to be.

To all my friends and my special lovers, you know who you are….. THANK YOU for sharing. Your time, your thoughts, feelings and most of all your spirit. Thank you for opening my mind to “other” possibilities. Other realities. It is NOT the cover of the book that is capable of touching your heart, it is the pages, the LIFE within and story it contains. It is no different for US whether in RL or here. It is not the flesh or the look of our avatar but what lies inside. A lesson well learned in here.

OK, before I sign-off temporarily …. I have some confessions and admissions to make.  First the confessions:

1)   YES, I had ALT accounts. TWO to be exact, other than me
2)   NO, I NEVER played with them in public or tried to deceive others
               •   One I inherited from a friend, MALIAH, who found this place first but soon lost interest and that is how I
                     became Kaitlyn1989, with a SEX and NAME change.
               •   The other is a MALE created by me for my Lady Andrea. His name I will NOT share, that is up to Andrea, but
                     we do NOT take him out in public. Our intent never to deceive others, only to please each other.

Next a few regrets:

1)   I regret hurting anyone. Yet I know I have hurt at least ONE, maybe two. Maybe more. But to AEEM, who I know I let
      down and hurt, I say sorry one last time. My actions unintentional and naïve but that does not excuse me of the pain
      I caused you.
2)   I regret not finishing my Erotic Story, not only for myself but for promises left empty to both Andrea and Brandybee
3)   And I owe Jean, Sarah and Lover an apology. I am sorry. The very strength that prompts me to say YES, to get
      involved and contribute. Is also the very weakness that prevents me from saying NO, and getting in over my head.

Lastly, an admission: Although I am taking a hiatus from this world to focus on my RL, I am taking one with me. Not stealing her, she is staying, but I will be keeping her close. I can’t leave her behind, my heart just can’t do without. That is my Lady Andrea.

*HUGS n KISSES* ALL, I wish you the best in all of your worlds. No goodbye, just a see ya later, I always like to keep my options open.

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