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: free gift for new accounts good or bad idea  ( 11621 )
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« : April 01, 2016, 08:45:54 AM »

I think to give new players free gift of 1,000A$ is a bad idea.. I have meet more players with more then 1 accounts, some have up to 10 accounts
and the only reason they have so many is because of the free 1,000A$ and this is not good for the game..
What Achat should have done is give them the free gift  after they have be here for over 3 months

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : April 01, 2016, 09:24:14 AM »

The idea is good but people make it bad. The best would be, you have to register with an email and just can create one avi. Of course, you can use more emails and register often, but even there is a way to avoid it.
The idea of giving a gift after 3 months is good, though I think they want to keep new members and not wait too long.

Perhaps it would be better, to get free prem for 3 days when you start, so you can see what you get. And then, if you buy a membership, you get 1,000 extra.

Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #2 : April 01, 2016, 12:36:27 PM »

Thats not the point from my point of view... the question is...

Nice friends deserve a free gift? and the answer is yes.

Only my opinion :)


« #3 : April 01, 2016, 02:16:59 PM »

Personally, I can't imagine having half the fun in here without making the "small" investment.
omg, all my clothes !!!!!  I  love them, but that is just me.  The cost, less than a good dinner out,
and it lasts a lot longer with fewer calories, gotta like that.
As far as multi-accounts; I do not know how they do it, I can barely manage one. *giggles*
Hero Member
: 1379

« #4 : April 01, 2016, 03:30:05 PM »

  The thousand dollars are to draw people in.  Like all businesses,  they want more people here.

  Whether its a good idea or not,  only the ACHAT team themselves will really know by that one account being made into a premium one.  People who use this thousand dollars just to have the privilege and then making a new account are bad for the game.

  So yes, I believe in the long run it is a bad idea.  But, how do you bring new people in to experience what paying customers have ?  I don't have the answer.  Sorry.

  It doesn't cost a lot to be premium here.  Well I don't think it does.  Gifting them after 3 months is a pretty good idea.  But what is stopping them from making a new account after the gift, after the three months.

  BUT.  (And I'm being selfish here,  Sorry).  What do paying customers get in return for staying here and paying for premium for more than a year or so Hmm ?  Cold invites ?  Pestered in Free Chat ?  Giant Cock poses ?  What ?  Only the ability to orgasm, change the speed and have access to the clothes and poses that we have already bought with OUR money.  It's Okay saying gift the new players, what are they doing to keep the older ones ?  (Told you it was Selfish)  ::)

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #5 : April 01, 2016, 05:04:09 PM »


I think it's a good and a bad idea !

Good idea: because it will bring people to try the game.
Bad idea: because many create accounts and send gifts to their principal account or worse create other avatars! to do what ? I don't know !

But we see on Winter place and in game more new people sending colds invites and don't speak !

Oh and I hope that the next update will be a ring on the place for the fighting, at least it will be a show  ;D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Full Member
: 205

« #6 : April 01, 2016, 06:55:49 PM »

The 1000 A$ welcome gift and 3 day premium trial is a good thing.
Because without that you can't really see if the game is even worth becoming a premium user.
Seriously, how can you make a decision on playing (and paying for) a game if you, as a new member, can't do anything and even get ignored by the majority of the premium users. ( And please don't all pretend like you are speaking with the free users all the time, even though I almost tend to believe that most people of the forum might, but we are outnumbered anyways)

I can totally see how you can get frustrated with a game if your "free account" is practically useless unless you spent at least 100 REAL $ for premium, clothes and poses. And why should you consider doing that if your first experiences in the game are that you can't do anything on your own, not even get a pair of shoes to customize your character at least a tiny bit.
I mean, you are anyhow dependent on finding someone with the right poses to "fully" experience this game even with your 1k gift and 3 days free premium. But without that "Starter pack" your chances of getting to know AChat are significantly lower, because you look like any free member and you can't use all the controls and for male avatars can't even try out a group play.

So I think that you even need to give new players the chance to see if paying for the game is something they consider worth. I remember dozens of talks with free members in which I tried to convince them that the game is indeed very good but you have to take a leap of faith and get you premium and invest some money in your character before you get to experience the real deal. But with that welcome gift they can see for themselves if it might be worth investing more Real$ into AChat.

And on the other hand.. what is even the downside to the starter pack?
I really can't see how it is a problem for the "old" players. Sure there are probably some people who create a second and maybe 3rd or even 4th account to get the 3 day premium and try out things and buy some different clothes etc. But those people will eventually grow tired of always making a new account which doesn't really "progress" and either get some real premium and poses and clothes. Or they leave after a while for good. But what is the actual problem with that? If you get tired of following someone with their account hopping, I suggest that you don't become friends with them. Tell them that you don't like their doing and ignore them. It is not like they are really doing any damage to the game or players, do they?
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #7 : April 01, 2016, 08:02:04 PM »

IMVU fixed this years and years ago by making that "starter" money non-transferable. You can't make multiple accounts and just give the dough to yourself. It was put into a seperate account. All you could do was buy stuff for your personal inventory.

That being said I think its a great idea because you get excited about shopping and the possibilities of the game. And then you want to do more.
« : April 01, 2016, 08:04:45 PM Momma_andrea »

Full Member
: 205

« #8 : April 02, 2016, 03:08:17 AM »

The 1000A$ starter money aren't transferable as well :)
Hero Member
: 1379

« #9 : April 02, 2016, 03:23:42 AM »

  I suppose, thinking about it, it's the only way to draw people in and show them what they can do as a premium user.

  When my premium expired I had no access to anything, so yeah, it's very limited as a free user.

  I think what everyone might be saying is that some people abuse the "starter pack" and that is what pisses people off.

  I myself have been approached by free users, in free chat and in the Meeting Places.  Mostly just cold invite, lol.  But, some have asked about this place.  I've told them what I think about it.  (All good by the way).

  Anyway, I'm waffling here  ::)   Good to see you still come here Elena.  :-*

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #10 : April 02, 2016, 03:50:12 AM »

The 1000A$ starter money aren't transferable as well :)
So then what's the beef?  I wish I had gotten free cash and a 3 day pass when I joined.  But Noooo, I'm old school and had to take the plunge with no trial.
Now my problem is minors.  I just did a full on sex act, with no email, no credit card, no verification of my adulthood whatsoever.

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #11 : April 02, 2016, 08:56:46 AM »

Achat should open all the poses in demo with robot that would show new people what its like sex ways in here and just let them into one of the meeting places were they could see what clothes look like on other and after a few months then give them free gift  and the reason I say a few months a lot of new people leave after a month. Does who stay over 3 months do stay for long time 

: 43

MSN Messenger - Mxfli2005@hotmail.com
« #12 : April 02, 2016, 10:10:05 AM »

The 1000A$ starter money aren't transferable as well :)
So then what's the beef?  I wish I had gotten free cash and a 3 day pass when I joined.  But Noooo, I'm old school and had to take the plunge with no trial.
Now my problem is minors.  I just did a full on sex act, with no email, no credit card, no verification of my adulthood whatsoever.
I support this problem with minors Andrea. You have to assume, they agree at regristration that they are old enough and that satisfies the requirement by Achat. But talking to some of the trial people, they should not be here. I know they could log a credit card for trial, but that may have run me off in the first place. I appreciate the free trial, that is what got me to become premium, and love it here. I was a colder, and regret it, but the ability to talk led me to meet a wonderful woman and now enjoy each other's company is one of the main reasons I stayed.
My only thought would be to allow a free trial to new people. This trial would have a few directives in large print (code of conduct) they would have to agree with. The second thing I would like to see that they could have the ability to talk and dance in public, go to blind date and use robot boy or girl. If a premium wanted to take them to room, they would get  the pos. of the premimum user and the ability to cum for the trial period. They could not invite anyone to room. This would make them talk their way into a room with premimum users and not cold everyone. I don't think that would help get more long term people but it may eliminate the minor from finding his way around using people and the system. I know, I have talked to a few who are not of my generation and have met some women, I could not and would not room with, because I did not believe they were old enough. I could not tell the difference between role play or truth. Error on the side of caution even though it's a game and not life. My mental side of ethics are something I can't seperate here. I will hold anyone to the fact they agreed to the regristration, being a adult and will report issues immediately. I don't mind them giving them A$ As trial players to buy clothes and develop a look, but could / should controll how they have sex. Get them to understand there are real people playing the game. They would now have the skills to meet people of the same interests. Just my thoughts.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #13 : April 02, 2016, 11:37:13 AM »


  When I first started here (almost a year ago) I asked a similar question about minors. 

  It was removed and I got a warning (a P.M) from an ACHAT Administrator about breaking TOS. (SCARY)  :-[

  Be warned.

  I don't know if it has changed but, people on a 3 day trial can cum.  It was quite a shock.   :D :D :o :o

  Oh and Thedge.  I Cold Called at the start too.   Only once though.   :-\ ::)

  Anyway, whether we think it's a good idea or not, if it's bringing in new punters, they're not going stop it.
« : April 02, 2016, 11:42:36 AM zuzannah »

: 43

MSN Messenger - Mxfli2005@hotmail.com
« #14 : April 02, 2016, 01:44:35 PM »

Zuzannah, at no time am I questioning TOS. I agreed to the TOS just like everyone else. I treat all people here as a adult. That is where the discussion comes into play. I question the person and their experiences in life, not the TOS. It is my decision as a user to determine if I associate with them or not.

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