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: My dream version of Achat would be....  ( 3315 )
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« : April 13, 2016, 12:23:17 AM »

My dream version of Achat would be....

... first of all, I understand creating alot of bodytypes would be a lot of work, but it could be done as easily as some other 3D chat sites have done; 1 bodytype with slider controls for width of hips etc

And when it comes to slider controls, I'd like to se a brutal/rough control slider...

And the meeting place shold be places.. Again, like other 3D chat sites... What if I wanna allow voyeurs..? What if I want their load too..?  :P ;D

And this is not reality.... So the POVview should be a tiny bit zoomable..

I also understand the buisness aspect, but having to buy the same pose twice for the difference of male and shemale is just greedy...

And i really got PISSED OFF at ACHAT for STEALING my A$'s at the profile animations. I would never ever have bought it if I knew it was that
lame ass tragic waste of time and money...
In fact, it pissed me of so much that I will NOT buy any A$ untill that transaction is undone.
And as that probably will never happen, my amout of poses will keep beeing limited, and I'll get bored and go back to another site.
Only happy customers keep buying................
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : April 13, 2016, 02:44:19 PM »

Hello Munnchelle, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your dream :)

I also am sorry for some things that have happened with the game. Achat is trying to be more realistic and giving more chances to individualize your avi, but IMO they should give the chance to go back to the fancy one.
The idea with sliders is a very good one, it should be easy to implement. All I can say is, I hope you still enjoy the game, in which your mind is still the most important fact. And that with time, we get more and better ways to get the AVi we all want,

Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #2 : April 16, 2016, 09:51:51 PM »

Well , everyone have its own dream for Achat . Mine would be achat with way more poses made for lesbians lol . About the sliders , it would be a good thing i think .

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