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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 298319 )
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #375 : February 07, 2017, 09:46:30 AM »

Well the Original-MM is top  but you equal TOP  DONT like Madonna

MM and CASS just look the best

Hello Cougar, welcome back to Silver Blonde Garage. Thankyou very much for the nice comments!!!:) But  you dont liked  the Madonna?!?!?! I must confess Madonna was my favorite image. Hihihihihihi. Big Kisses!

hi cassianna love the posters my Dad once kiss Madonna
Hi Lydia, your father is a Irish Stallion? First is Sinnead Oconnor, and Now is Madonna too? OMG, I hope he dont come play Achat, hihihihi. Kisses :)



Hello people, today I bring a photomontage with a cover art of movie poster Millenium, is a nice image. Millenium is a set of books writed by swedish author Stieg Larsen, based a in a investigative jornalist in thriller styles stories. The main theme of crimes is sexual violence against the women, because the author was a witness of a rape crime when had 15 years old, He never forgive himself for dont tryed help the victim. The victim was a girl called Lisbeth, the same name of one protagonist of the books. Larson dedicated the books to her.

The books did a good sucess in Sweden and be converted in movies. In 2011, was did a american version from the movies with Daniel Craig (one of the last James Bond). Larson dont lived to see the movies and the sucess of the the books, he died before in 2004.

The story is interesting, a thriller about crimes and violence, but the more interesting is the story behind the story. A real crime , a hiideous crime - rape attack - and the guilty feeling for dont tryed help gived the power and inspiration to all creation of Larsen. When somethings is wrong and we try fix things with some way.

Kisses All

« : February 07, 2017, 11:00:05 AM cassianna »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #376 : February 09, 2017, 07:18:29 AM »

hi cassianna my father was a bit wild when he was younger and still is lol as for you poster you would be batter off with Jason Bourne then that English shit 

Full Member
: 180

« #377 : February 09, 2017, 11:19:00 AM »

Hi my Super Friend, excellent work, your posters excellent, I had a lot of rest, now there is a lot of work,HIHIHIHI during week-end I will return, miss you

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #378 : February 09, 2017, 06:43:45 PM »

Hi my Super Friend, excellent work, your posters excellent, I had a lot of rest, now there is a lot of work,HIHIHIHI during week-end I will return, miss you
Hello Super Vika Maria! Welcome back, i hope you come back soon my friend. We all missing you. Big Kisses!

hi cassianna my father was a bit wild when he was younger and still is lol as for you poster you would be batter off with Jason Bourne then that English shit 
Hi Lydia my super friend. Dont stress me, he was my favorite James Bond! But anyway, that post is about Millenium, and the work of Stieg Larson. I hope you liked. Kisses



Hello people, I dont have much time to make nothing special, but I must make the garage work. So I bring one sample poster of your Silver Blonde in a warm day in the city. I see you later. Thanks the visits.

Kisses All

« : February 09, 2017, 06:45:38 PM cassianna »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #379 : February 11, 2017, 03:27:31 AM »


Hello people, Just to wish a good weekend to everyone. Enjoy this time making waht you like.
I will try enjoy some beach, waves, longboard and the light of sun. And I dont forget the sunscreen.

Kisses All

Full Member
: 180

« #380 : February 13, 2017, 03:27:57 AM »

I hope you had a good weekend, New Zealand beaches very beautiful,you in this bikini, look fantastically too, I have such bikini  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #381 : February 15, 2017, 10:50:45 AM »

cassianna this is my new look

« : February 15, 2017, 10:56:46 AM Lydiarose »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #382 : February 15, 2017, 04:20:45 PM »

I hope you had a good weekend, New Zealand beaches very beautiful,you in this bikini, look fantastically too, I have such bikini  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Hello super Vika Maria! Thankyou very much. I feel happy if you liked my country and enjoyed the beach and the sun. I hope all was good in your travel. But dont try, Russians dont surf. hahahaha. One thousand kisses.

cassianna this is my new look
Ohhhh, very nice!!!! Skyrim! very cool Lydia. Now I understand why you desapear from here! Cool! And you have a horse!!! Amazing! I want too!Hey, your  avatar is more pretty in skyrim , hahahahaha. Many kisses my super  friend!



Hello people

I bring more some images for us today. A sample picture in black white. I tryed make a little bit realistic fusing the game avatar Cassianna with a real life model.  I must fix some  details after,  but I think is cool to post here and share this experience with  you. I hope  you like. I will try make the same in a colorfull image soon.

Kisses All

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #383 : February 17, 2017, 11:42:08 AM »

your  avatar is more pretty in skyrim , hahahahaha. Many kisses my super  friend!
      just to let you know as well as the horse and how have a daughter there too, its nice to have a daughter who does what I tell her and calls  me mum and does what I tell her with out getting mad with me   hahahahahaha

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #384 : February 17, 2017, 05:37:48 PM »

your  avatar is more pretty in skyrim , hahahahaha. Many kisses my super  friend!
      just to let you know as well as the horse and how have a daughter there too, its nice to have a daughter who does what I tell her and calls  me mum and does what I tell her with out getting mad with me   hahahahahaha
Ohhhh Lydia!!! hihihihi :) Kisses My friend



Hello people

Like I said, I bring the same picture in color now. I hope you like. I just have a passion by black & white pictures, but many people love colors. So enjoy the color version.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #385 : February 20, 2017, 11:32:49 PM »


Hello people

Today I show a "Coca-Cola girl" image. I had this idea after bought this dress, a long time ago. But I always make other picture  or image and the time pass. When I dressed the dress first time, I think: Look like a Coca Cola desing style. So I wanted make some image using the same theme. Something remember a Coca Cola publicity image.

I will give to you, The Cassianna Cola, I hope you enjoy the sweet taste of the Silver  Blonde of Achat.

Kisses All

and Enjoy Cassianna... hihihihi

If you liked Cassianna, I will give to you the close of Cassianna Cola Logo.

More Kisses All

« : February 21, 2017, 05:41:52 AM cassianna »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #386 : February 21, 2017, 11:47:12 PM »

hi cassianna  always knew things go better with cassianna coca so the guys say

Full Member
: 180

« #387 : February 22, 2017, 07:48:28 AM »

hi cass, I would like to see, cognac  Girl , HIHIHIHIHIHI , kisses my Super Friend

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #388 : February 22, 2017, 02:48:13 PM »

hi cassianna  always knew things go better with cassianna coca so the guys say
Ohh yes, Cassianna Cola, the best flavor of achat, hahahahaha. Kisses Super  Lydia!

hi cass, I would like to see, cognac  Girl , HIHIHIHIHIHI , kisses my Super Friend
I know,, I know, you are a Cognac Camus girl! But You must stop, you are the czarine, and the czar Alexander cannot  know about the actions of  the  little czarine unnder cognac efects! Big Kisses Vika Maria Romanov!



Hello people

Achat is a social game. Here we can meet a lot of different and nice persons. But we can meet some special kind of person: Sadist, aggressive, abusive, manipulative, evil… Sociopath. The presence of sociopaths in online games, social networks and other internet midia is a sad reality. This specific kind of person uses the cyberspace to exploit, devastate and manipulate others driven by grandiosity or severe narcissism, without guilt or remorse.

I experienced contact with a true sociopath in game and was a stressful episode in my game adventure here. This set of events drove me out of the game and I just can back some months later because the support of friends. The internet sociopaths are called Cyberpaths and they can make your time in here a true hell, using practices like cyber-bullying, cyber-harassment, cyber-stalking, internet defamation, trolling and all kinds of social and emotional attacks to disturb and break the target.

After my bad experience here, I looked help in many places, talking with people, contacted sites about the theme, online forums and a lot of  sources to help me to understand what happened and why happened. And now I want share with yours one interesting text about this theme.

Kisses All

Sociopath of Social Midia

Merriam-Webster defines a sociopath as a person suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder. The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia, in turn, describes Antisocial Personality Disorder as an “often criminal” mental health condition of unknown cause “in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others.” More practically, a sociopath is someone who can be charming, even engaging, while flattering and seemingly enjoying the company of others. He or she is, however, utterly unconcerned with others’ feelings. The sociopath is often arrogantly self-absorbed, prone to breaking the law whenever the mood strikes him or her and does not feel guilt or remorse for lies, thefts, or harm done to others. Sociopaths are also susceptible to substance abuse problems.

The modern, social media-connected world has done more than connect countless friends, family members and strangers with the many sociopaths in their midst. Arguably, connectivity through the Internet is generating more sociopaths, fostering this “disorder” and swelling the ranks of manipulative, remorseless miscreants throughout society.

A self-described sociopath from Brazil writes, “The Internet is powerful because it forces us to a much more subtle and interesting game over people. It’s the game of words, no facial expressions, no voice altering, no changing the way you carry yourself, just pure words creating havoc among our friends.”

You read that correctly. Not only are there entire online communities devoted to a twisted kind of fellowship among those who believe themselves sociopaths, but these people consider what they do a game played among “friends” whose purpose is to cause havoc. Implied in the Brazilian sociopath’s statement is also the fact that Internet sociopaths are self-centered and even self-obsessed, causing “havoc” because they enjoy the attention this confers (either directly or swirling around them as the locus of the social chaos they’ve created).

Internet lawyer Mike Young argues that the Internet isn’t creating sociopaths. “Instead,” he counters, “you see sick and twisted individuals using the Internet as another weapon to inflict pain on others. Being anonymous makes it easy. It’s easy to get into a flame war online with these types … and that’s a losing proposition because they thrive on it. You lose a little part of yourself when you tread in their world of irrationality.”

That, of course, brings us back to the Internet and social media. The more connected you are, the more connected you remain, the greater the possibility you will find yourself interacting with a sociopath. You’ll know the sociopath readily enough once you become enmeshed in an online argument with him or her.
The one of you with a “personality disorder” will argue illogically and irrationally, lying at every possible opportunity and accuse you of every ill he or she commits.

Sociopaths are adept at projecting their flaws on others while manipulating the people around them through selective flattery and distortions of the truth. They will commit libel, slander and defamation; they will engage in criminal threats and legally actionable falsehoods without a second thought; they will attack your character; they will threaten the safety of your family; they will describe sexual and non-sexual violence against you.

And that’s just while they’re getting warmed up.

Internet sociopaths are so experienced in online manipulation that what they do is akin to extortion. The sociopath will hector, harass and harangue a victim until that victim grows weary of the conflict. Seeking peace, the victim may try to extend an olive branch, offering a kind of forced civility or simulated friendship. Our social media have already redefined “friend” as “someone with whom I have passing interests in common” or even “someone to whom I am ostensibly connected for some reason both of us have forgotten.” It isn’t too far a leap from this to “forgiving” the lies, threats and machinations of an online sociopath in the hope that befriending such a person will earn you a cessation of hostilities.

This is precisely what the sociopath wants. Once he has beaten you down and convinced you to be his “friend,” he will continue to sow havoc because he enjoys the reflected heat and light of flame wars. He basks in the glow of negative attention, perhaps even preferring it to the false positive attention his victims offer by way of appeasement.

We have all experienced this, even if we weren’t aware of it. Every one of us who has had an argument online has argued with a sociopath. We see evidence of their shirtless vanity, their duck-faced “selfies,” their center-of-the-universe status updates every day. We have endured their threats and calls to violence. We have absorbed their lies. We have watched them manipulate those around us. We have cursed their irrationality even as we sought in vain to explain it in rational terms.

Amoral behavior has no moral explanation. You won’t find one. Acknowledge the existence of Internet sociopaths – and tread carefully through the online seas in which they swim.

Read more at http: www.wnd.com/2013/07/the-sociopaths-of-social-media/#GgvIxwyjU0XpxgoI.99


« #389 : February 22, 2017, 04:12:04 PM »

Oh, Oh, I know, I know..... Waves  Middle finger to them here....

see wisdom of the day...
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