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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 297712 )
Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #60 : May 13, 2016, 01:17:47 PM »

I love that black-white poster, specially the eyes  ;)

On the journey to Valhal
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #61 : May 13, 2016, 01:31:31 PM »

Very good work of Cass.Ya I love black white posters. It very stylishly.

Thankyou very much Super Vika. Me too, I loved Black White pictures. Have a special style.

I love that black-white poster, specially the eyes  ;)

Thankyou my friend Billy. Yes.... hihihi, to broken the BlackWhite pattern I keep the eyes color to make a special effect. :)

Thankyou Super Deedee!!! I big Heartth from the Big Friend! Kisses

And now, Silver Blonde Garage presents...


I  bring  to us today the beauty of Super Raluca, a amazing friend with a great beauty and big heart. The Black Panther of Achat show to us your wild beauty and unique style. Enjoy Raluca...

Kisses All


Full Member
: 180

« #62 : May 13, 2016, 01:48:25 PM »

as always magnificent work, I have no words to express the admiration.

: 13

« #63 : May 13, 2016, 06:51:45 PM »

I'm so impressed with your awesome and creative artworks, Cassianna! Every time that I visit your Silver Blonde Garage I know that I'll see creativity and talent and your new artworks show that again. The red poster has a brilliant tonality that suits perfect with your red dress in it. The poster of Vika shows what a really pretty eyes she has and you capture the beauty of the color of her hair. The poster of your face very close has a brilliant brightness and your beautiful eyes and your blonde hair look so amazing in it. You use the black and white in a magnificent way too. In my opinion, it's an elegant tonality and you show that. And the poster of Raluca is a wonder! The colors of her hair and skin are so atractive. You do fabulous artworks, Cassianna. I'm so glad to see them. Ty for this awesome Garage! Kisses!

Full Member
: 146

« #64 : May 13, 2016, 10:30:41 PM »

mouth wide opened ! taken my breath away! :o :o [/color

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY AVA! turned from panther into jungle princess :) :)

unfortunately i cannot discribe it in the right words.
 i only can say: i love it!
and some teardrops of joy are  running over my cheeks  :')

thank you for being my friend :-* :-*
« : May 13, 2016, 10:38:57 PM raluca93 »

: 21

« #65 : May 13, 2016, 10:33:42 PM »

Cassiana rocks!


« #66 : May 14, 2016, 05:47:51 AM »

hamma, wild panther, grrrrrrrr :)

boah ey, meine sis ;)

great job cassianna, like all your work.
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #67 : May 14, 2016, 09:04:33 AM »

as always magnificent work, I have no words to express the admiration.

Thankypu very much again Vika, I feel  happpy if you like this work. kisses Super friend.

I'm so impressed with your awesome and creative artworks, Cassianna! Every time that I visit your Silver Blonde Garage I know that I'll see creativity and talent and your new artworks show that again. The red poster has a brilliant tonality that suits perfect with your red dress in it. The poster of Vika shows what a really pretty eyes she has and you capture the beauty of the color of her hair. The poster of your face very close has a brilliant brightness and your beautiful eyes and your blonde hair look so amazing in it. You use the black and white in a magnificent way too. In my opinion, it's an elegant tonality and you show that. And the poster of Raluca is a wonder! The colors of her hair and skin are so atractive. You do fabulous artworks, Cassianna. I'm so glad to see them. Ty for this awesome Garage! Kisses!

Hi Sarita!!! Thankyou very much! I loved your comment. I will try make the better to offer funny things to visitors of Silver Blonde Garage. I feel good when the persons like the works and post your ideas and preferences here. This feedback is very important to drive me in the next work. Because this I know the peoples like more the super posters and Black White images. I will post more of it, soon. Kisses and thankyou very much Sarah.

mouth wide opened ! taken my breath away! :o :o [/color

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY AVA! turned from panther into jungle princess :) :)

unfortunately i cannot discribe it in the right words.
 i only can say: i love it!
and some teardrops of joy are  running over my cheeks  :')

thank you for being my friend :-* :-*

Is you Black Panther! I happy if you liked! I tryed make the better possibble to show your beauty! Thanktou very much for all, Super Raluca! Kisses!!!!

Cassiana rocks!

Thankyou very much super dee!!! Welcome and kisses my friend!

hamma, wild panther, grrrrrrrr :)

boah ey, meine sis ;)

great job cassianna, like all your work.

Hallo Aurora_Sun. Welcome to garage, I hope yoou enjoy the works and feel free  to  comment withs sugestions, critcs, ideas, and anything. Thankyou very much for your comment and your gentle words. Danke Schon. kisses.


Some posts ago, my big friend Lydia Rose asked me about a image from the game tomb rider. I donnt forget, and now I bring it for her and for us too. Is a fast work, not much detailed. But I hope you like.

Kisses All

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #68 : May 14, 2016, 09:19:34 AM »

OMG Cassianna you did it WOW That is the best,,, I love you as Laura Kroft

I have set it as my desktop background

Full Member
: 180

« #69 : May 14, 2016, 10:01:18 AM »

about my god!!!!!!!! it is a fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full Member
: 146

« #70 : May 14, 2016, 11:19:07 AM »

yeah great poster, i like ;) great idea and great work

all in all i cannot say which one of your work i like the most :D

except the black panther of course ;) :-* :-*


« #71 : May 14, 2016, 02:40:08 PM »

Cassianna, each time I visit your "Silver Blonde Garage"  I always see something new, but this time I see something truly special. I think I have spent bout 5 min now just looking at your artwork, all the variations in lighting, color, resolution n texture
have truly created a beautiful and mesmerizing piece of work. You look absolutely EVERY bit of a HEROINE, a modern day
female version of "Conan". I love it. amazing. Thank you.
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #72 : May 15, 2016, 09:42:07 AM »

OMG Cassianna you did it WOW That is the best,,, I love you as Laura Kroft

I have set it as my desktop background

Thanks Lydia, my friend, lara croft i did specially for you, because I know you like the game. kisses :)

about my god!!!!!!!! it is a fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, yes super Vika, but  everybody love a good fantasy! hihihihi Kisses to my czarine!!!

yeah great poster, i like ;) great idea and great work

all in all i cannot say which one of your work i like the most :D

except the black panther of course ;) :-* :-*

Thankyou very much super  Raluca. But remember in your super poster we have a very special component: You - The Black panther of Achat! Thankyou very much my friennd. Kisses kisses!

Cassianna, each time I visit your "Silver Blonde Garage"  I always see something new, but this time I see something truly special. I think I have spent bout 5 min now just looking at your artwork, all the variations in lighting, color, resolution n texture
have truly created a beautiful and mesmerizing piece of work. You look absolutely EVERY bit of a HEROINE, a modern day
female version of "Conan". I love it. amazing. Thank you.

Hello super  Kaithlyn! Thankyou very much for your visit again! Now  you gived me more  ideas, like Conan, barbarians, Cimmerians, Frank Frazzetta , Robert Howard and much others references jump in my head now... well, we will think about and I will try make something about it. Super Kisses kaity!


Hi people

Today I bring to us one new. We will start the Event GARAGE GIRL. this week.
I decide make this "event" just because a lot of persons ask be about the Super Posters of Avatars, and I noticed the peoplelike much the idea. So, to put a little bit more of action I will try make it like a sample event to public of forum can participe too.

How It Works?

The girls who want be a Garage Girl and be  presented in the silver blonde garage with a super poster and maybe  a little interview, just need send me ,  via private  message in forum one message with the subject title "garage girl".   The time to inscription is until next thursday 19 may 2016.

How select the girls?

The girls selected will be presented  in forum and will be submitted a public pool of votes here to make the ranking. The number of girls presented is related with the number of girls inscripteds. Something else 6, 10, 12 until 20, maybe.

How the people vote and when?

When  the time of votes  start in friday 20 may until friday 27 may 2016 (one week), everybody can vote, just visiting my topic and voting in the post of pool votes here, using your forum achat account.

What happen with the winners?

Really is a ranking pool to public  decide who is the next girl in poster. The better ranked girls will be presented in topic with a super poster. Each week, one new girl be presented. The more high ranked girls will be posted first.

I hope we  enjoy it

Kisses All
« : May 15, 2016, 11:44:04 AM cassianna »

Jr. Member
: 73

only reward for love is the experience of loving

« #73 : May 15, 2016, 10:43:16 AM »

ty  cassi

FREE to be ME
Full Member
: 146

« #74 : May 15, 2016, 02:25:53 PM »

ohhh such a great idea my dear friend!

may i nominate a girl, or only the girl by herself?

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