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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 298505 )

« #180 : July 26, 2016, 02:05:54 PM »

Vika you are sooo Gorgeous!!! :)

« #181 : July 26, 2016, 02:08:11 PM »

Cassi your Amazing.. WOW

« #182 : July 26, 2016, 04:51:26 PM »

Hi Cassianna, Your artwork of Lisa n Laura is a beautiful tribute to their love.
I am sure they are both over-joyed by your work and generosity.

I have been watching you,  and others, in Forum for weeks now.
Silently, from the "sidelines" not quite ready to jump back in..... until now.
I could not resist the urge to share my feelings of your beautiful work and your
tremendously kind and generous spirit. Thank you, for all you do here.  :-*
« : July 27, 2016, 01:50:12 PM Kaitlyn1989 »

« #183 : July 27, 2016, 01:27:12 AM »

Hello Cass,
I do have to say this in your thread too:"You are one of a kind pixelpushing Artistic wizard"

And what I love , is that you are a very kind person who is willing to share her knowledge if some comes to you and ask you .

I am also a fan of your art and yes it made me starting mysel again playing with pixels.

This is one side of those chatroom. You can find good Ppl who share there hobby and knowhow, for that our world grow and we will have fun and entertaining.

Thanks from my side again
keep up your great work ( I know how much time you spend for that )



« #184 : July 27, 2016, 08:23:45 AM »

Cassi ty ty ty so much for doing the poster for Laura and I, it is a beautiful tribute, and a gift we cherish.
Your amazing works just dumbfound me.
Many thanks and much love *kisses N hugs* to you, so happy to call you friend. ;)
« : July 27, 2016, 08:25:30 AM twiztedsoul »
Full Member
: 161

« #185 : July 27, 2016, 04:20:25 PM »

A thousand thanks for that lovely poster, cassianna...a wonderful wedding gift. Another masterpice of yours...simply stunning...
: 9

« #186 : July 27, 2016, 04:38:02 PM »

That poster of Laura & Lisa is amazing. Your talent for doing this never ceases to amaze me. Each poster you create is better than the last. You must make one for me & Remy when we have our special day. I also hope you will be available to attend when we have it.

Take care & many Hugs & Kisses



« #187 : July 27, 2016, 05:22:19 PM »

OOHHH, Congrats Miss_B.. :) :P ;)
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #188 : July 27, 2016, 08:26:56 PM »

I have to say cassianna ever time you put up new poster I go WOW,, 
Hi my friend Lydia! Thankyou very much, I hope you liked each poster. A big kiss for you!

Cassianna, I have no words.                                                                                                                                                       
Yeah, You dont have words, I saw It! You posted your tits in a topic of artwork! Very Good! I sended a copy of your post to tsar (Czar) ! He must  saw what the little czarine doing in internet! Kisses Vika Maria!

Vika you are sooo Gorgeous!!! :)
yes, she is gorgeous! hahahaha

Cassi your Amazing.. WOW
Hi Anatasia! Thankyou very much my friend! We are amazing! All thiings here is because my friends! thannks for your friendship!

Hi Cassianna, Your artwork of Lisa n Laura is a beautiful tribute to their love.
I am sure they are both over-joyed by your work and generosity.

I have been watching you,  and others, in Forum for weeks now.
Silently, from the "sidelines" not quite ready to jump back in..... until now.
I could not resist the urge to share my feelings of your beautiful work and your
tremendously kind and generous spirit. Thank you, for all you do here.  :-*

Hi Kaithlyn. Thankyou very much for this sweety post and amazing words. OMG, what do you trying? Do you want make me cry now? you are a amazing nice person. Thankyou very much for all. One thousand kisses kisses kisses :)

Hello Cass,
I do have to say this in your thread too:"You are one of a kind pixelpushing Artistic wizard"

And what I love , is that you are a very kind person who is willing to share her knowledge if some comes to you and ask you .

I am also a fan of your art and yes it made me starting mysel again playing with pixels.

This is one side of those chatroom. You can find good Ppl who share there hobby and knowhow, for that our world grow and we will have fun and entertaining.

Thanks from my side again
keep up your great work ( I know how much time you spend for that )


Hi GS Cougar!!!!! Thankyou very much, my friend!!!! OMG OMG , one picture of me in a mage witcher style sword sorcery !!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou very much! I Loved! I loved!!!!! witchcraft!!!! cool!!!! Thankyou very much again again  again!
Welcome to garage Cougar and feel like your home. Feel free to post, speak , talks, change ideas, send critics, messages , anything! The garage is a open place  to share good things, goso words and good friends. You are a wonderfull artist and is a honor for me receive your words and your post here! Thankyou  very much my friend! kisses kisses kisses

Cassi ty ty ty so much for doing the poster for Laura and I, it is a beautiful tribute, and a gift we cherish.
Your amazing works just dumbfound me.
Many thanks and much love *kisses N hugs* to you, so happy to call you friend. ;)

Hi twisted! Thankyou very much my friend! Like I said before , my great reward is a smile of persons. I feel great when the people like something I did. Its a very special and magic feeling when somebody feel happy. Its a good vibe. Thankyou very much!!!! Kisse kisses kisses!

A thousand thanks for that lovely poster, cassianna...a wonderful wedding gift. Another masterpice of yours...simply stunning...
Hello lauraaaaa!!!! Kisse my friend! Thanks, thanks, Thankyou very much! I feel very happy with your words! But I must confess, I had two beautyfull models ! I just put them in  the screen! a thousand Kisses my friend!!!!

That poster of Laura & Lisa is amazing. Your talent for doing this never ceases to amaze me. Each poster you create is better than the last. You must make one for me & Remy when we have our special day. I also hope you will be available to attend when we have it.

Take care & many Hugs & Kisses

Hi Miss Bahavin! Thankyou very much for your nice post! Thankyou my friend! When you want, we will make the super poster for your super weding! iam ready! :) kisses kisses kisses, thanks thanks thanks!!!!:)


Thankyou very much for everybody! Really I feel very happy after received all coments and all words of yours. For me each word,  each phrase is very important and i feel gratefull for everybody. its give me will to make more and  better! Becaause it , I always try answer each coment (i dont know if you read, but I do it). OMG, Iam really happy and nervous after all support words! THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!!! :) AND DONT MAKE ME CRY!!!!!! :):):)



I had one friend in Hospital last weeks. To help him to recovery more fast I sended this poster for him.  He said I can sahre the poster and the Nurse Cassianna with everybody. So, I bring for yours the nurse cassiannaaaaaaa.... enjoy  and take care

Kisses All

: 10

« #189 : July 28, 2016, 03:49:58 PM »

Cassianna, your a true GEM!! amazing work..
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #190 : July 30, 2016, 09:51:37 AM »

Cassianna, your a true GEM!! amazing work..
Hello TKnight. Thankyou very much my friend. I liked much the nurse costume in  this picture too. a big kiss, and welcome to garage :) .




Hello peoplle...

I want post news about the Achat Forum Beauty Conest. The Voting time of first round of the contest is open. Everybody can vote and chose your favorite girl or shemale. Iam  very happy because iam one of the girls in  the contest.

To voting in your conntester is very easy. I will help you ...


1. Login in Achat Forum with your Forum Account. If you dont have a Forum Achat Account you can  create one.
2. Go to Voting Topic page in forum. Have two contests by category: Women and Shemale.

    To voting in Women category: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,4310.0.html

    To voting in shemale category: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,4309.0.html

    You can vote just one time in each categorie. The voting time end August 14, 2016.

3. Look the poster with a gallery of all contesters and chose your favorite. Each contester have a number over the picture. Vote in the number of the contester.

4. Thankyou very Much for The Achat Forum, Bitchs Corner Topic , Kaythlin 1989, the others sponsors and the  Achat Forum Beauty Contest team and contesters.

Hey people, try find me in  the gallery!!!!

Kisses all

« : July 30, 2016, 11:54:49 AM cassianna »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #191 : August 01, 2016, 12:25:33 AM »


Hello people, today i just entered to send kisses for all visitors, friends and nice persons. Thanks for visits, coments and posts.
I will leave for yours a animated image, sending a thousands of kisses for all. I hope you enjoy.

Kisses All

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #192 : August 01, 2016, 04:38:05 AM »


I had one friend in Hospital last weeks. To help him to recovery more fast I sended this poster for him.  He said I can sahre the poster and the Nurse Cassianna with everybody. So, I bring for yours the nurse cassiannaaaaaaa.... enjoy  and take care

Kisses Al

Believe me she did made me better much quicker :):):):)

Best friend ANYONE can ask for!!!!

Kisses and Hugs


Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #193 : August 01, 2016, 04:40:40 AM »

love the new one cassianna

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #194 : August 01, 2016, 04:42:08 AM »

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