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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 298681 )
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #210 : August 14, 2016, 10:38:59 PM »

Hi Lydia. You cannot keep secrets safe! now i must explain here what is your post!


Hi all. I think many people dont understand what means the Lydiarose post. So, i think i must give some explains to my visitors of the Silver Blonde Garage. But anyway... We must protect the identies of players and persons. So I will try explain and dont disturb nobody.

I had some affairs in the game, after a couplle of months here. Behind each avatar have one real person, like you and me (never  forget it people, respect the others avatars, they are persons with dreams, feelings and lifes).

Resume, Gorbachaev - the ex leader of old Russia - played Achat and was one of my "affairs" in game. Who is him? Who is the name of avatar? Sorry, I never will said. Try discover. Hihihihihi....

Enjoy the the game, people...

kiss for all

(happy now lydia?!?!?! If the KGB hunt me I will send them againnst you too!)

« : August 14, 2016, 10:40:52 PM cassianna »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #211 : August 15, 2016, 04:16:25 AM »

sorry cassianna but Gorbe asked me to send you picture as he has to leave ACHAT because KGB in Achat


« #212 : August 15, 2016, 10:31:19 AM »

KGB, is everywhere Bahahaha..
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #213 : August 15, 2016, 01:22:45 PM »


The True Champion

Some monnths ago, I disputed the first beauty Contest of Achat. The Achat Angels.

This was a very  sad time for me, because i was suffered bullying in game, work of the "corner gang" or "bullying gang", a group of old players seeking funny attacking others players with menaces, insults, stalking until  the target cannot enter more in meeting place.   

I was invited  to enter in the contest by the manager of event. I accepted. When the evennt start i will know the judges and for my big surprise, just one of them dont is a "gang member".  But , anyway,  I will try...

Of course, the winner was the spouse of one of heads of gang.  I get the second  place for little diference. I think  the neutral judge gived problems to gang judges.

I acepted the situation. But today i feel like a fool and idiot. Sometimes we lost things just because fear. A lot of persons and until one of the judges asked me what happened. I cannot back  in  the time. I cannot fix my mistakes. If I can back in the time I will tryed change the gang judges for others. But I cannot.

The instructions of the  gang judges are: "Cassianna cannot Win". One friend   hear the speaks and show me the chatlogs days after the contest.

In my heart I know I win. The gang of bullying stolen my victory moved by hate and envy. Some weeks after, I lefted the game because the atacks and verbal violence caused by this persons.

Sorry for my next words, but...

I was the true champion of the first Achat Angel Beauty contest. everybody know it. Sorry if someone dont liked hear  it.
And about Gangs, Bullying, cheaters, haters... Fuckyou all!

The First True Champion of  Achat Angel Beauty Contest

Kisses All


« : August 26, 2016, 11:09:18 AM cassianna »


« #214 : August 15, 2016, 01:31:27 PM »

don't feel bad Cassi, the cheaters may win the A$, but they are the REAL LOSERS.
Full Member
: 161

« #215 : August 16, 2016, 01:14:35 AM »

I know how it feels to be betrayed. A victory stolen by a bullshit manipulated public vote that wasn't meant to be taken into consideration, but suddenly all faked votes are counted as legit ones. Honesty and fairness don't pay these days.
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #216 : August 16, 2016, 04:29:51 AM »

don't feel bad Cassi, the cheaters may win the A$, but they are the REAL LOSERS.
yeah! but really hurt so much when the things you have are taked from your hands by dirty ways. Anyway Fuck them.

I know how it feels to be betrayed. A victory stolen by a bullshit manipulated public vote that wasn't meant to be taken into consideration, but suddenly all faked votes are counted as legit ones. Honesty and fairness don't pay these days.
i hope all things will be fixed in next round.  the contest come sufering a lot of cheats from some conteters and  from some judges too. Belived me. have a lot of persons working hard to ruin contest. I never will understand this persons. 



I think I must post this type of images.  because my haters, cheaters, and others never rest! Each step i give they come against me. cassianna must lost! cassianna must go out! cassianna must fall! Really, look other target,  iam tired.

But , anyway, for give a gift to my haters and others visitors I will post "Fucking Cassianna"! Enjoy! And haters gonna hate!

Kisses all

Full Member
: 180

« #217 : August 16, 2016, 08:37:07 AM »

be strong Cassianna, be above the enemies                                                                                                                                 

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #218 : August 17, 2016, 08:22:55 AM »

be strong Cassianna, be above the enemies                                                                                                                             
Hi My friend Vika, thankyou. But I dont have enemies. just some  people hating me in secret, behind false friendships. hihihihi. Snakes in the grass. Kisses and i will use long  boots now when walk in the garden, hahahahaah



Hello people, just to post something more. One black white pic, street  style using the dress with graffitti desing in a grafitty wall in a urban street. I Really llike the urban style. Nothing more, until the next post.

Kisses All

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #219 : August 18, 2016, 11:14:58 PM »

What Happen to the FUCK CASSIANNA Posters ???

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #220 : August 19, 2016, 02:19:04 AM »

I know how it feels to be betrayed. A victory stolen by a bullshit manipulated public vote that wasn't meant to be taken into consideration, but suddenly all faked votes are counted as legit ones. Honesty and fairness don't pay these days.
i hope all things will be fixed in next round.  the contest come sufering a lot of cheats from some conteters and  from some judges too. Belived me. have a lot of persons working hard to ruin contest. I never will understand this persons. 


The 8 judges used and known to the Forum Moderators, I have full confidence in.
Obviously I cannot speak for the 2 Unknown to me but I trust that they will be fair in their judgement too as they are picked by the Contest Manager.

The Question is, how do you know who the judges are when they are supposed to be anonymous & if you don't know, then to say the judges are questionable is  a very sweeping and wrong thing to say.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #221 : August 19, 2016, 04:02:43 AM »

Thanks BB I agree 110%

And if Lydia will make me a judge everything will go smooth........

And then I can Fuck the winner......And Nobody can get me to vote for them :):):)


« #222 : August 19, 2016, 04:19:15 AM »

How did we get to this place? I do not understand?  Nothing but FUN, that is all we ever wanted. I wanted more, for all to see and experience our Forum community.  We all embarked on this contest with excitement and anticipation, some "temptresses" using clever n silly ways to sway friends n strangers for votes or attention to contest. Innocently, for FUN. Others maybe less so. It is hard to know such things, only "intentions" can answer such a question, and only they know.

It is not that a few "Cheaters" tried to take advantage of a Contest, the first of it's kind. With no road map, no guide showing us the way to a "perfect" contest, if such a thing is really possible. NO, It is what has happened to US ALL afterwards that weighs heavy on my heart.

I do not want to be writing this, I should be expressing my feelings and showering my emotions on another, but I CAN'T. My emotions hijacked by the distress I hear n feel all around me. Over WHAT? An EVENT, a contest, over that which was to bring us together, introduce us to new friends.  How can this be? We are all human, all have feelings,  expectations, dreams n fears. Many of us speak different languages, further complicating communications, leaving "thoughts" lost in translation.  I wrote about the power and perils of "WORDS" but until this, had not considered the importance of "LISTENING".  The complexity of "translation" it's self. How much of the true "intent", the "thought" is conveyed? I wonder?  Words are so slippery, feelings so sensitive, each demanding our respect n understanding.

Those who "really" know me in here know I am if nothing else a creature of the heart; impulsive, unfiltered, a chatter box.  I am here mostly for FUN, searching for the "unexpected", no different than most. I stray away from public displays of "DRAMA" preferring discretion, but so many have been wrapped up into this tornado that I feel compelled to express my feelings publicly.

Please, STOP . Let us all take a deep breath, pause and remember why we are here? What is really important? This path leads to nothing but the dark-side, no different than cancer, spreading silently. We all need to find that hero in each of us to, the one that rises above the noise with a quite calm, understanding and the compassion for others.   To have the courage to reach out, offer a hand, a hug whatever your heart tells you.

I see friendships at odds, being tested. Emotions n feelings caught up in uncertainty. MY friends, each hurting in their own way. Each expressing these feelings differently, some with art, or poetry or silence.  You are each my friend, I am so sorry I have neglected this contest, my friends. I feel partly responsible, I have been SELFISH. I am after all a creature of the heart, and it has been touched by another. But I can't stand by , say nothing, do nothing. I CARE, I can't help it.  I HATE this. What it is doing to those of you that have such influence in our world. You are examples to others, you share your voices so others can hear. What they hear becomes their world. Our world. These feelings, thoughts and ultimately "WORDS" have the POWER to shape the very world around US. We are responsible. We each choose.

My personal plea, I ask for a moment of reflection, a pause in the storm. Let the world, the noise slip away and look inside. Look for your own Army of One.  Search your heart for what is important to you. I already know how this turns out, I am a Karma girl after all, I am an optimist and see the beauty and possibilities in others. We all choose how we see this world, I prefer to see it's beauty, It's BEST.

Live for your family, lovers n friends, not for any other.

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #223 : August 19, 2016, 04:28:26 AM »

Wow Kaitlyn, you had time for all that :).........

Maybe that people just want to get laid to..........

So make me a Judge I will sort them out while you all are having the Beauty Contest !!!!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #224 : August 19, 2016, 05:46:46 AM »

I could post so much, saying it's ironic who is talking about cheating, judges, troublemaker... but I don't want. Because I agree with Kaitlyn in almost every word.

Well said Kaitlyn!!!

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