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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 299509 )
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« #390 : February 26, 2017, 07:23:06 PM »

Wow Cassianna! The creativity and great ideas that you have are always amazing! I love the way you look as Coca-Cola girl and you did a fabulous job adapting the logo to your name. In addition, the red outfit fits absolutely great with the color of the logo. It's awesome to watch your designs. They are always a magnificent surprise and very creative. Hugs! :)

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #391 : February 26, 2017, 07:45:06 PM »

Oh, Oh, I know, I know..... Waves  Middle finger to them here....

see wisdom of the day...
I happy if you liked the post about cyberpaths, one sad reality in social games. I will try more articles and texts about this theme soon. Kisses Anatasia.

Wow Cassianna! The creativity and great ideas that you have are always amazing! I love the way you look as Coca-Cola girl and you did a fabulous job adapting the logo to your name. In addition, the red outfit fits absolutely great with the color of the logo. It's awesome to watch your designs. They are always a magnificent surprise and very creative. Hugs! :)
Hello super Sarah... Thankyou very much, always is a pleasure receive good comments from visitors and friends, Its give me will to continue making new things here. And I have this idea about Coca Cola loge since I bought that dress. I know you love that dress too, hihihihihi. A big kisses !


LGBT Want More Poses

Hi Folks...

My great friend Eidamir a active fighter from the LGBT in game started a topic to ask the game devolpers for more  poses to lesbians, gays and shemales. I and the Silver Blonde Garage alwasy will give our support to Eidamir and her topic, ideas and "fight" with posts, coments and images. She wait your support too, with comments , visits, and any interest for more  LGBT poses in game.

The name of topic is "We Want More Poses"  , in forum Pool section or just copy and paste the link above:


To support her topic I did some posters. I will show one now.

Kisses All

« : February 26, 2017, 09:23:55 PM cassianna »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #392 : March 01, 2017, 02:53:26 PM »


Behind the Mask

Hello People,

I will continue the post about Cyberpaths and online violence in game. But before I want share my experience with yours. When I lefted the game because the assaults caused by one player and him/her group, I didn’t understand the reasons for all rage, hate and violence generated against my person. I never did not against these persons and in some days I was the target of a campaign of harassment, insults, menaces and defamation.

Its created a lot of questions in my head. I talked with some persons related with internet media and they explain me about Cyberbullying and other aggressive practices online. So I search in web about it, contacted some sites and discovered more about this theme. I had opportunity to change my experience with others persons suffered the same in sites about this theme. When they told about the practices, behavior and actions from the author of these events, always are the same description, like a pattern. It sended me to research more about the theme and I find about the Cyber Sociopath/Psychopath – a kind of online social predator, called too Cyberpath.

So, today I bring information to recognize a Cyberpath in online environment. It’s a checklist with the patterns of behaviors, practices and actions commons to all cyberpaths. I hope be useful for everyone to protect himself against these predators.

Kisses All


Cyberpath Characteristics Checklist

Cyberpath (Online Sociopath/Psychopath) is a term used to describing anyone who skillfully uses cyberspace to exploit, control, subjugate and manipulate others. Driven by grandiosity or perversion, they experience no remorse or guilt from the devastation they cause others. Many Cyberpaths do not break the law and live unscathed by law enforcement, fraternal organizations, religious institutions and legal systems. Just as classic sociopaths/psychopaths, Cyberpaths are remorseless, without conscience, divisive and highly deceptive.

The difference between the pre-Information Age Sociopath/Psychopath and Cyberpath  is access to cyberspace, social media and Information and Communications Technology. The “veil of anonymity” cyberspace afforded to all online users allows the Cyberpath to completely cloak their modus operandi, goals and nefarious online activities. Coupled with their grandiosity and distorted fantasy life, cyberspace and the internet acts as an accelerant to identifying and targeting unsuspecting, discouraged and vulnerable online users.

We provided below is a 70 trait bullet list for your review. Is Your Cyberpath One?

1.   Exhibits a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that is witnessed by online users.

2.   Always charming and beguilingly plausible, especially to those who are capable of protecting or enhancing the cyberpath’s position.

3.   Despotic, authoritarian and controlling towards online victims, potential targets and loved ones.

4.   Is extremely and successfully manipulative of people’s perceptions and emotions (eg guilt and anger)

5.   Is adept at offering weak and inadequate people the positions of power, control, security, influence or respect that they crave but who lack the necessary competencies to achieve - such people are unaware that their consequent dependence on the predator makes them permanent manipulates, pawns and expendable agents of helping the cyberpath with his/her harassment

6.   Identifies those essential to the cyberpath’s survival and manipulates their perceptions of them by making them feel special and thus obligated to reciprocate with support and protection

7.   Manipulates others into making fools of themselves in situations where they cannot back down or from which they cannot withdraw - these people become increasingly susceptible to further manipulation and are then trapped as pawns in the cyberpath’s game

8.   Is likely to be surrounded by people who, having been subjected to control, manipulation and punishment by the cyberpath, look wretched and who start to exhibit behavior best described as disordered, dysfunctional, sullen, aggressive, defensive, hostile, retaliatory, counterproductive or cult-like and for whom disbelief, disavowal and denial are instinctive responses

9.   A history of conducting frivolous, vexatious and malicious legal actions and threats, especially (but not exclusively) against anyone who can recognize the cyberpath for what he is.

10.   Is skilled at identifying, undermining, discrediting, neutralizing and destroying anyone who can see through the cyberpath’s mask of sanity at all times

11.   Pursues endless vindictive vendettas against anyone perceived as a threat or who attempts, knowingly or unknowingly, to identify or reveal or expose the cyberpath, or who makes efforts to hold the cyberpath accountable.

12.   Is adept at placing people in situations where the cyberpath can tap into each person’s instinctive urge to retaliate in order to use them as his or her instruments or agents of harassment.

13.   Gains gratification from provoking others into engaging in adversarial conflict.

14.   Once conflict has been initiated, the cyberpath gains increased gratification by exploiting human beings’ instinctive need to retaliate - this is achieved by encouraging and escalating peoples’ adversarial conflicts into mutually assured destruction, revels in the gratification gained from seeing or causing other people’s distress.

15.   When faced with accountability or unwelcome attention which might lead to others discerning the cyberpath’s true nature, responds with repeated and escalating attempts to control, manipulate and punish.

16.   Is adept at reflecting all accusations and attempts at accountability back onto their accusers.

17.   Is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise pool negative information about the cyberpath (eg ‘keeping victims apart’ so there is comparison or sharing of activities or statements made by the cyberpath).

18.   Has no limits on his or her vindictiveness.

19.   The need to control, manipulate and punish develops into an obsession with many of the hallmarks of an addiction.

20.   Is skilled at mimicry and can plausibly and spontaneously regurgitate all the latest emotional jargon.

21.   Is always identifying the behaviors and strategies to which other people respond with the desired effect.

22.   Is able to anticipate and credibly say what people want to hear.

23.   Is easily able to win people over before betraying them or deceiving them or ripping them off.

24.   Easily manipulates and hypnotizes a vulnerable or emotionally needy person to be their spokesperson or agent of aggression.

25.   Exploits anyone who has a vulnerability.

26.   Is pushy and extremely persuasive.

27.   Has no emotions, no emotional processing capability and no ability to understand other’s emotions.

28.   May start projects or relationships with apparent enthusiasm and energy but quickly loses interest.

29.   Is callous, cold and calculating.

30.   Is devious, clever and cunning.

31.   Is ruthless in the extreme regards people as objects and playthings to be discarded when surplus or inconvenient to requirements.

32.   Displays zero empathy completely without conscience, remorse and guilt.

33.   Externalizes blame for his/her problems online and often claims that he/she was “set up”.

34.   Unable or unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their online actions.

35.   Remorse only experienced when control and manipulation of an online user has been lost.

36.   Malicious and evil

37.   Has a selective memory evidenced by quickly recalling other online user mistakes, but forgetting  his/her own.

38.    Frequently changes his/her opinion, behavior and philosophical beliefs depending on the online user or forum he/she is attempting to manipulate.

39.   Habitually disputes the qualities, abilities and personalities of other online users.

40.   Described by online users as being an extreme narcissist and at the center of his/her own universe.

41.   If an online victim has been secured, habitually manipulates the victim using love/hate cycles.

42.    Pathologically lies in both offline and online environments.

43.   Engages in the defense mechanism of projection online by accusing others of faults and weaknesses that are actually his/her own.

44.   Demands absolute loyalty from online users and views constructive criticism as a personal assault.

45.   Twists and distorts offline facts presented by online users to mimic his/her online image.

46.   Often manipulates online users to cyberbully, cyberstalk or cyber harass targeted online users.

47.    Interprets most online user communications with a sense of paranoia.

48.    Expects total online victim submission, but at the same time, seek acceptance and admiration for his/her tyrannical tactics.

49.   Exhibits a distorted sense of reality confirmed by online users.

50.   Unable or unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their online actions.

51.   Believes he/she is exempt from digital citizenship and netiquette in online environments.

52.   Habitually engages in internet troll behaviors.

53.   If engaged in Internet Trolling, views his/her online provocations with pride.

54.   Feels immune by the consequences of his/her own online actions.

55.   Targets the ignorance of online users and creates an impression of superiority.

56.   Often gives vague answers in online forums.

57.   Intentional or unintentionally, they habitually alter their personal history in online environments.

58.   Depending on their level of interpersonal dexterity, their superficial charm may or may not be initially recognizable.

59.   Described by online users as being charming with a pleasant personality and easy to chat with in at least one online social environment.

60.   Extremely convincing with online users when seeking out accomplices for his/her malevolent or deceptive plans.

61.   Has little interest in making effort to comfort online users unless manipulating them.

62.    In at least one online environment, does not recognize the rights of others and viewed as non-existent.

63.   Perceives online users, not as human, but objects to be subjugated and defamed.

64.   In addition to viewing online users as objects, views them as targets “ripe for picking”.

65.   Suffer Internet Abuse and Internet Dependence at much higher rates than online users who are not reliant upon Internet in order to    properly function in day-to-day functioning.

66.   Denies being dysfunctional in online environments unless part of deceptive strategy.

67.   Although a rare occurrence, becomes emotional or tearful, in online environments, which is rooted in frustration.

68.   Compulsively engages in repeated online deceptive, assaultive, deviant, illegal and immoral acts.

69.   Habitually creates online conflict and distrust with online friends and loved ones.

70.   In at least one online social environment, defined as being a master of exploitation.

Some Internet References


« : March 02, 2017, 02:56:53 AM cassianna »

: 15

« #393 : March 02, 2017, 09:51:11 AM »

Full Member
: 180

« #394 : March 02, 2017, 10:50:21 AM »

Good article, exhaustive information

: 15

« #395 : March 02, 2017, 12:03:58 PM »


Behind the Mask

Hello People,

I will continue the post about Cyberpaths and online violence in game. But before I want share my experience with yours. When I lefted the game because the assaults caused by one player and him/her group, I didn’t understand the reasons for all rage, hate and violence generated against my person. I never did not against these persons and in some days I was the target of a campaign of harassment, insults, menaces and defamation.

Its created a lot of questions in my head. I talked with some persons related with internet media and they explain me about Cyberbullying and other aggressive practices online. So I search in web about it, contacted some sites and discovered more about this theme. I had opportunity to change my experience with others persons suffered the same in sites about this theme. When they told about the practices, behavior and actions from the author of these events, always are the same description, like a pattern. It sended me to research more about the theme and I find about the Cyber Sociopath/Psychopath – a kind of online social predator, called too Cyberpath.

So, today I bring information to recognize a Cyberpath in online environment. It’s a checklist with the patterns of behaviors, practices and actions commons to all cyberpaths. I hope be useful for everyone to protect himself against these predators.

Kisses All


Cyberpath Characteristics Checklist

Cyberpath (Online Sociopath/Psychopath) is a term used to describing anyone who skillfully uses cyberspace to exploit, control, subjugate and manipulate others. Driven by grandiosity or perversion, they experience no remorse or guilt from the devastation they cause others. Many Cyberpaths do not break the law and live unscathed by law enforcement, fraternal organizations, religious institutions and legal systems. Just as classic sociopaths/psychopaths, Cyberpaths are remorseless, without conscience, divisive and highly deceptive.

The difference between the pre-Information Age Sociopath/Psychopath and Cyberpath  is access to cyberspace, social media and Information and Communications Technology. The “veil of anonymity” cyberspace afforded to all online users allows the Cyberpath to completely cloak their modus operandi, goals and nefarious online activities. Coupled with their grandiosity and distorted fantasy life, cyberspace and the internet acts as an accelerant to identifying and targeting unsuspecting, discouraged and vulnerable online users.

We provided below is a 70 trait bullet list for your review. Is Your Cyberpath One?

1.   Exhibits a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality that is witnessed by online users.

2.   Always charming and beguilingly plausible, especially to those who are capable of protecting or enhancing the cyberpath’s position.

3.   Despotic, authoritarian and controlling towards online victims, potential targets and loved ones.

4.   Is extremely and successfully manipulative of people’s perceptions and emotions (eg guilt and anger)

5.   Is adept at offering weak and inadequate people the positions of power, control, security, influence or respect that they crave but who lack the necessary competencies to achieve - such people are unaware that their consequent dependence on the predator makes them permanent manipulates, pawns and expendable agents of helping the cyberpath with his/her harassment

6.   Identifies those essential to the cyberpath’s survival and manipulates their perceptions of them by making them feel special and thus obligated to reciprocate with support and protection

7.   Manipulates others into making fools of themselves in situations where they cannot back down or from which they cannot withdraw - these people become increasingly susceptible to further manipulation and are then trapped as pawns in the cyberpath’s game

8.   Is likely to be surrounded by people who, having been subjected to control, manipulation and punishment by the cyberpath, look wretched and who start to exhibit behavior best described as disordered, dysfunctional, sullen, aggressive, defensive, hostile, retaliatory, counterproductive or cult-like and for whom disbelief, disavowal and denial are instinctive responses

9.   A history of conducting frivolous, vexatious and malicious legal actions and threats, especially (but not exclusively) against anyone who can recognize the cyberpath for what he is.

10.   Is skilled at identifying, undermining, discrediting, neutralizing and destroying anyone who can see through the cyberpath’s mask of sanity at all times

11.   Pursues endless vindictive vendettas against anyone perceived as a threat or who attempts, knowingly or unknowingly, to identify or reveal or expose the cyberpath, or who makes efforts to hold the cyberpath accountable.

12.   Is adept at placing people in situations where the cyberpath can tap into each person’s instinctive urge to retaliate in order to use them as his or her instruments or agents of harassment.

13.   Gains gratification from provoking others into engaging in adversarial conflict.

14.   Once conflict has been initiated, the cyberpath gains increased gratification by exploiting human beings’ instinctive need to retaliate - this is achieved by encouraging and escalating peoples’ adversarial conflicts into mutually assured destruction, revels in the gratification gained from seeing or causing other people’s distress.

15.   When faced with accountability or unwelcome attention which might lead to others discerning the cyberpath’s true nature, responds with repeated and escalating attempts to control, manipulate and punish.

16.   Is adept at reflecting all accusations and attempts at accountability back onto their accusers.

17.   Is adept at creating conflict between those who would otherwise pool negative information about the cyberpath (eg ‘keeping victims apart’ so there is comparison or sharing of activities or statements made by the cyberpath).

18.   Has no limits on his or her vindictiveness.

19.   The need to control, manipulate and punish develops into an obsession with many of the hallmarks of an addiction.

20.   Is skilled at mimicry and can plausibly and spontaneously regurgitate all the latest emotional jargon.

21.   Is always identifying the behaviors and strategies to which other people respond with the desired effect.

22.   Is able to anticipate and credibly say what people want to hear.

23.   Is easily able to win people over before betraying them or deceiving them or ripping them off.

24.   Easily manipulates and hypnotizes a vulnerable or emotionally needy person to be their spokesperson or agent of aggression.

25.   Exploits anyone who has a vulnerability.

26.   Is pushy and extremely persuasive.

27.   Has no emotions, no emotional processing capability and no ability to understand other’s emotions.

28.   May start projects or relationships with apparent enthusiasm and energy but quickly loses interest.

29.   Is callous, cold and calculating.

30.   Is devious, clever and cunning.

31.   Is ruthless in the extreme regards people as objects and playthings to be discarded when surplus or inconvenient to requirements.

32.   Displays zero empathy completely without conscience, remorse and guilt.

33.   Externalizes blame for his/her problems online and often claims that he/she was “set up”.

34.   Unable or unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their online actions.

35.   Remorse only experienced when control and manipulation of an online user has been lost.

36.   Malicious and evil

37.   Has a selective memory evidenced by quickly recalling other online user mistakes, but forgetting  his/her own.

38.    Frequently changes his/her opinion, behavior and philosophical beliefs depending on the online user or forum he/she is attempting to manipulate.

39.   Habitually disputes the qualities, abilities and personalities of other online users.

40.   Described by online users as being an extreme narcissist and at the center of his/her own universe.

41.   If an online victim has been secured, habitually manipulates the victim using love/hate cycles.

42.    Pathologically lies in both offline and online environments.

43.   Engages in the defense mechanism of projection online by accusing others of faults and weaknesses that are actually his/her own.

44.   Demands absolute loyalty from online users and views constructive criticism as a personal assault.

45.   Twists and distorts offline facts presented by online users to mimic his/her online image.

46.   Often manipulates online users to cyberbully, cyberstalk or cyber harass targeted online users.

47.    Interprets most online user communications with a sense of paranoia.

48.    Expects total online victim submission, but at the same time, seek acceptance and admiration for his/her tyrannical tactics.

49.   Exhibits a distorted sense of reality confirmed by online users.

50.   Unable or unwilling to accept personal responsibility for their online actions.

51.   Believes he/she is exempt from digital citizenship and netiquette in online environments.

52.   Habitually engages in internet troll behaviors.

53.   If engaged in Internet Trolling, views his/her online provocations with pride.

54.   Feels immune by the consequences of his/her own online actions.

55.   Targets the ignorance of online users and creates an impression of superiority.

56.   Often gives vague answers in online forums.

57.   Intentional or unintentionally, they habitually alter their personal history in online environments.

58.   Depending on their level of interpersonal dexterity, their superficial charm may or may not be initially recognizable.

59.   Described by online users as being charming with a pleasant personality and easy to chat with in at least one online social environment.

60.   Extremely convincing with online users when seeking out accomplices for his/her malevolent or deceptive plans.

61.   Has little interest in making effort to comfort online users unless manipulating them.

62.    In at least one online environment, does not recognize the rights of others and viewed as non-existent.

63.   Perceives online users, not as human, but objects to be subjugated and defamed.

64.   In addition to viewing online users as objects, views them as targets “ripe for picking”.

65.   Suffer Internet Abuse and Internet Dependence at much higher rates than online users who are not reliant upon Internet in order to    properly function in day-to-day functioning.

66.   Denies being dysfunctional in online environments unless part of deceptive strategy.

67.   Although a rare occurrence, becomes emotional or tearful, in online environments, which is rooted in frustration.

68.   Compulsively engages in repeated online deceptive, assaultive, deviant, illegal and immoral acts.

69.   Habitually creates online conflict and distrust with online friends and loved ones.

70.   In at least one online social environment, defined as being a master of exploitation.

Some Internet References



wow excelent  love this work    congrats  for all that we almost can see  faces on that   
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #396 : March 03, 2017, 10:12:11 AM »

Hello My super friend Francis. I feel happy ifyou liked the post. Its the second post from one set of posts about Cyberviolence in social midia. We have this trouble very active here in achat comunity, but I think soon, we will have some changes to protect the users from assaults of haters, bullies, stalkers and cyberpaths. Keep in contact with  the Garage, because I will post more things about this theme. Big kisses aand welcome to Silver Blonde garage Beijos e muita diversao em jogo, amigo!.

Good article, exhaustive information
Hello super Vika Maria Romanov, our eternal Czarine and future emperess of all great Russland.Welcome again to Garage and if you like the posts, keep contact with our garage, because many other posts about this theme will be postings. A giant kisses to my  czarine!



Hello people

This week we had a nice update. I really loved the outfit of Harleyquinn for Achat. Is a full set with Hairstyle, Collar, Panty, Breasts, tshirt, shorts, stockings, boots and makeup. The price is expensive, But I really liked a lot. No, no ,  I dont receive nothing to make this publicity, hihihihi. For anyone dont understand what I said, Harleyquinn is a batman enemy, a lover of joker  and she and her team of anti-heroes are in the movie Sucide Squad.

So to celebrate this new and nice update,  I give one more poster. Me Cassianna like Harleyquinn, Enjoy this photomontage and have fun, people.

Kisses All

« : March 03, 2017, 03:28:08 PM cassianna »


« #397 : March 03, 2017, 02:53:48 PM »


Hello people
This week we had a nice update. I really loved the outfit of Harleyquinn for Achat. Is a full set with Hairstyle, Collar, Panty, Breasts, tshirt, shorts, stockings, boots and makeup. The price is expensive, But I really liked a lot. No, no , I dont receive nothing to make this publicity, hihihihi. For anyone dont understand what I said, Harleyquinn is a batman enemy, a lover of joker and she and your team of anti-heroes are in the movie Sucide Squad.
So to celebrate this new and nice update, I give one more poster. Me Cassianna like Harleyquinn, Enjoy this photomontage and have fun, people.

Kisses All

Hi Cass

Great Picture !!
But you are right, it seems expensive at one , but think we get 9 pc set. So...it isnt that much.
I saw less for more A$

I like that and many other do too. I nice ad to the dresses.

Kepp those great photomontages coming
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #398 : March 06, 2017, 06:37:29 PM »

Hi Cass

Great Picture !!
But you are right, it seems expensive at one , but think we get 9 pc set. So...it isnt that much.
I saw less for more A$

I like that and many other do too. I nice ad to the dresses.

Kepp those great photomontages coming

Hi Cougar, thankyou  very much for the visit and the  nice comments. Always is very good receive a feedback about the posts here. I really feel happy when  the people like something here. many people liked the Harleyquinn post too. Because it will make a new harleyquinn again.
many Kisses.



Hello people,

Today I bring more one verson of  Cassianna as Harleyquinn for you enjoy.
I hope  you like this photomantage too,

Kisses All

« : March 06, 2017, 06:40:05 PM cassianna »

Full Member
: 180

« #399 : March 07, 2017, 10:13:57 AM »

Very much to be pleasant to me CASSIANNA HARLEYQUINN, you the best, my super friend :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

: 1

« #400 : March 07, 2017, 06:40:38 PM »

Hello Cassianna
Please let me write in german, my english isnt good enough to honor ur threat and ur beautyfull Posters.

Liebe Cassi,
leider ist mein englisch zu schlecht um deine Beiträge mal eben zu lesen. Ich brauche da sehr viel Zeit und Geduld für. Deine Poster jedoch, mein Gott was soll ich sagen, sind einfach wundervoll. Du hast ein sehr großes Talent. Ich liebe jedes einzelne deiner Poster. Deine Bilder sind so fantasievoll, ausdrucksstark und gefühlvoll das ich mich kaum von ihnen trennen kann. Bitte liebe Cassi mach weiter so, du hast dir meinen Respekt und meine Hochachtung verdient.
*Hugs u with big kisses*
ur Friend Laura2004  :D
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #401 : March 10, 2017, 06:33:31 AM »

Very much to be pleasant to me CASSIANNA HARLEYQUINN, you the best, my super friend :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Hello Super Vika, my great Czarine!!! Thankyou very much and a lot kisses my friend!!!

Hello Cassianna
Please let me write in german, my english isnt good enough to honor ur threat and ur beautyfull Posters.

Liebe Cassi,
leider ist mein englisch zu schlecht um deine Beiträge mal eben zu lesen. Ich brauche da sehr viel Zeit und Geduld für. Deine Poster jedoch, mein Gott was soll ich sagen, sind einfach wundervoll. Du hast ein sehr großes Talent. Ich liebe jedes einzelne deiner Poster. Deine Bilder sind so fantasievoll, ausdrucksstark und gefühlvoll das ich mich kaum von ihnen trennen kann. Bitte liebe Cassi mach weiter so, du hast dir meinen Respekt und meine Hochachtung verdient.
*Hugs u with big kisses*
ur Friend Laura2004  :D

Hallo Super Laura, Oh mein Got!!! Danke schon mein gross Freund! Du Bist Wunnderbar!!!!Kuss Kuss Kuss!!!



Hello folk...

Iam again, today I dont have nothing really special, just more one sample image, a photomontage to keep the Garage Working. I had a lot work in real life and my time to game and to garage is limited in these days, I hope in next week I will have more  time to post more things. A big kisses and thankyou very much to all visitors.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #402 : March 12, 2017, 07:04:58 AM »


Hello again,

I post now the same image but in black white style. I liked more.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #403 : March 13, 2017, 02:19:48 PM »


Hello people

Iam here again... your super silver blonde, hihihi. Today I want introduce my friend Laura2004 in the forum comunity. Laura2004 is a new user in game, a wonderfull girl from Germany. The Silver  Blonde Garage always bring the more hot girls of game for visitors. So, now enjoy the beauty of Laura2004,  the first  garage  girl from 2017. Wunderbar!

Kisses All

« : March 13, 2017, 02:28:09 PM cassianna »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #404 : March 15, 2017, 05:31:00 AM »


Hello people

Today a Mad Max style, based in the poster of the new movie MAD MAX Fury Road. A full  action movie, I personally like more  the first movie with mel Gibson. I think the new movie is cool, but is so much... over effects. But its very funny and unstoppable action. Anyway, Lets go to poster.

Kisses All

« : March 15, 2017, 05:34:36 AM cassianna »

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