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« #435 : June 05, 2017, 06:04:06 AM »


xoxox Rita
Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #436 : June 05, 2017, 06:05:43 AM »


Nice Picture ...
but your body shape looks bit more as drawn by dutch painter P.P.Rubens

On the journey to Valhal
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #437 : June 10, 2017, 01:56:30 AM »


xoxox Rita
Kisses , Super Kisses Rita


Nice Picture ...
but your body shape looks bit more as drawn by dutch painter P.P.Rubens




Hello people
Iam back

Just to said Hi and wish a nice weekend to every visitors, friends and good persons.  The image today is a oriental themed, chinese style. Ok, a blonde chinese girl is rare, but anyway its just fun.

It is a title of Guns Roses album. Yes I really love Guns & Roses. But chinese democracy is joke, a paradox, a ironic reference to a old political system where the people dont have voice. We dont need back to old comunist china of Mao to see it. Any place  where a little group of persons use the power to drive themself interests against the others people is it.  Each one of us experienced similiar situations  where the justice fail and the will of few people is over the wellness of all group. Just to think.

Kisses All 

Full Member
: 180

« #438 : June 10, 2017, 04:06:36 AM »

Hello my Super friend,A good poster, but democracy from the outside, does not lead to anything good, Iraq and Libya have an example, every nation, worthy of its ruler, and the poster is beautiful, like all your posters,Kisses

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #439 : June 16, 2017, 05:12:45 AM »


Hello people

A special post to my friends in north hemisphere where the summer start now. Enjoy the summer and the high temperatures!!!

Kisses All

Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #440 : June 16, 2017, 07:32:33 AM »

I wished the water of our Northsea was that bright blue just like yours

and I want some palmtrees too  :(

« : June 16, 2017, 07:34:17 AM BillyBlueeye »

On the journey to Valhal
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #441 : June 28, 2017, 02:04:45 PM »

I wished the water of our Northsea was that bright blue just like yours

and I want some palmtrees too  :(

Oh Yes Billy; Here we have a better weather and more days of  summer! Hihihihihi. Big Kisses, My friend!



Hello People,

Iam back  after some weeks offline because the work in Real life. So today I want introduce my good friend SlutBabeXXX in the forum comunity. She is a nice person and a true romantic girl. I tryed put all romance, sweet and beauty of  SlutBabeXXX in her  picture, but  I know its impossible to do. Anyway, I show to you, SlutBabeXXX.

PS: The boys can cry. She is married.

Kisses All

Full Member
: 161

« #442 : June 28, 2017, 02:44:36 PM »

Another awesome piece of work, Cassianna. Beautiful!
Full Member
: 180

« #443 : June 28, 2017, 10:56:54 PM »

Praise the artist,                                                                                                                                                                             
                            That life gives the canvas an empty,                                                                                                                                                         
                            Picking up the colors and palette,                                                                                                                                       
                             And a thin brush on the move                                                                                                                                             
                              The sketch will create, like magic.......                                                                                                                               
                                kisses , My Super Friend

: 12

I, me and myself dont always agree

« #444 : June 29, 2017, 03:33:30 AM »

Another awesome piece of work, Cassianna. Beautiful!

Wow an awesome picture of a awesome lady. Very difficult to get sexy and beauty in the same person but you managed it

:) Davina :)
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #445 : June 30, 2017, 05:23:11 AM »

Praise the artist,                                                                                                                                                                             
                            That life gives the canvas an empty,                                                                                                                                                         
                            Picking up the colors and palette,                                                                                                                                       
                             And a thin brush on the move                                                                                                                                            
                              The sketch will create, like magic.......                                                                                                                              
                                kisses , My Super Friend

Another awesome piece of work, Cassianna. Beautiful!

Wow an awesome picture of a awesome lady. Very difficult to get sexy and beauty in the same person but you managed it

Hello Girls, Thankyou very much by the nice comments. I must said I had a very beautyfull model :) . Welcome To Silver Blonde Garage and I hope you like the posts here. Big kisses to all.



Hello people, today I bring news to topic. I start the new section with sex stories called The Tales of  Silver  Blonde. I dont write the stories, I just post here and give the support with artworks and images, using the Silver Blonde Garage space. The stories are work of some closed friends and are inspired in our "friendship". They writed some short stories about "us" and we wanted share them  work with you. But some authors are very shy guys and dont want show your real avatar name in public. Because it someone use a pseudonym, a alternative name.  And I will keep the secret :).

Kisses All

Welcome my Achat friends to the debut of a new idea I came up with. Periodically I will be posting stories about myself & some of the experiences I've had here, writed by closed friends, which I hope you will find .... enjoyable. For our debut, we will begin with a story I call ... "The Conquest" by MrAnonymous.

Standing on the sidewalk chatting with some friends, she surveys the crowd of people. She knows from experience that here in the City, is the best place to find potential clients. Wearing a black, backless, low cut,short evening dress, she knows she'll draw men like bees to honey.
She's a sexy, long legged, full breasted, platinum blond, wearing her hair tonight in a pony tail. She's confident in her alluring beauty, having recently won 1st place in a local prestigious beauty contest, from which she used the prize money to start her own high class partner service. Having her own, well established list of happily satisfied clients, due to her well known voracious appetite of pleasing them, tonight she is in the mood for something a little .... different.

Tonight she's looking for something .... specific .... she has noticed a handsome, middle aged, well built man who has recently been frequenting her area of the City. Being curious by nature, she asked around, & discovered he recently separated from a long relationship. So ... having no appointments tonight, she's decided to bring some .... pleasure to his otherwise ..... depressed life. Laughing at a joke made by one of her friends, she notices the man walk through the nearby crowd. He's alone as usual, & she watches as he walks away, down a less frequently used side street.
She waits a moment, watching ... to be sure he's not there to meet anyone. But as she's seen him do before, he walks down the street, & stands alone, outside a Pub. She finishes her conversation with her friends, says her goodbyes, & starts walking down the side street.

She's stopped along the way by men, wanting her attention, but tonight she's on a .... mission. Skillfully refusing their amorous advances towards her with a polite smile, she resumes her walk down the side street, towards her destination. Looking around to be sure she's not being followed, as. she normally would be, she smiles to herself as she approaches the man.

"Hello ..." she says to him, as she gives him a friendly smile ......

"My name is Cassianna, my friends call me ... Cassi. I was wondering if you could help me ?"

"Oh, hello .... " replies the man, startled out of his thoughts. "My name is Tom, how may I help you milady ?" he smiles back.

"I was wanting to go inside the Pub for a drink, but it's not wise to enter by myself & I hate drinking alone ... so ... I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a drink ?"

Surprised by her offer, but taken aback by her beauty & apparent gracefulness, he smiles .... "I'd be honored to buy you a drink milady .... but I fear I would be poor company for such a beautiful lady as yourself." he replies.

"Oh ... and why is that ?"

"Well, I recently screwed up a long time relationship, with a girl I really cared for, and am busy feeling sorry for myself ......"

"All the more reason for you not to be alone, standing in front of a Pub, come ... buy me a drink and tell me about it ..." Cassi laughs, slipping her arm under his, as they enter the Pub.

Having been a frequent patron of the Pub, and a friend of the owner, Cassi orders them a couple of drinks, and leads him to a back room, where they can enjoy their drinks with a little privacy.

"This is a nice place, " says Tom, looking around, "My 1st time being inside."

"Yes it is, shall we sit ?"

"Sure," says Tom pulling out the chair for her to sit in, then taking his own. A moment later the waitress walks in with their drinks and serves them.

"Cheers .... " says Tom lifting his glass in a toast.

"Skol ..." Cassi replies as they touch their glasses together.

"Mmmmmm, this is good red wine ...." says Tom.

"Yes it is, the wine here is excellent. I hope you don't mind I ordered it for you.  I can have them bring you something else if you want ..."  Cassi replies ... smiling.

"No, this  is fine, I actually prefer a good wine when relaxing, instead of beer or a mixed drink." he says, setting down his glass."Your dress is very nice, you look very beautiful in it ... very .... elegant." Tom says with a smile, admiring her graceful beauty.

"Oh .... tyvm, " Cassi smiles back, "It was a gift from a friend. " "So ... Tom,  what do you do for a living ?"

"Hmmm ... I'm a writer ...... I write stories, novels ... things like that."

"Oh, have you written anything I might have read ?"

"Hmmm, I doubt it ..." he says, sipping his wine, "I mostly write fiction, or fantasy stories ..."

"Fantasy ... ?"

"Yes, but I'm just a beginner & not very good at it yet."

"Well Tom, seems to me the important thing about a story is .... what the author thinks when he writes the story ... his source of ..... inspiration .... maybe I could inspire you to write a .... story ..." Cassi replies smiling.

"Hahahahaha ..." laughs Tom nervously, taking a big drink of his wine, "I'm sure you could inspire many fantasy stories ... but it might be a bit hard for me to do."

"Ohhh ... why is that ...?" Cassi asks, leaning forward, resting her chin on her hand .... the low cut of her dress, displaying her full, ample breasts to his view.

"Ummmm ..... " stutters Tom, staring at her breasts ... "I'd be ... you .... you might not ... like it"

"Hmmm ... doesn't matter if I like it, it matters if ... you ... like it Tom ..." Cassi says smiling, "And I'd be interested in reading your feelings, desires, imagination about me, in the shape of a ... story ... I'd be curious what type of ... impression .. I give to ... others ... your story would show me that ...you'd be like a ... movie director .... in your movie ... what is my .... role ?"

"Ummmm ... " stutters Tom, taking another drink of wine, "Ummm .... I'd have to give that some ... thought ...."

"I'd be ... curious ... to read what you come up with .... about ... us" Cassi replies, leaning ... closer ...

"Us .... 0.0 ..." asks Tom, surprised ... as he chokes on his wine. *Cough, cough* .... "Excuse me ... sorry .... I .. I don't understand .... "

"Well .... we're having a good time, I enjoy your company, & it seems you enjoy .... mine ..... you don't think you could write a story .. about ... us .. ?" Cassi replies, smiling she takes his hand in hers.

"Ummm ... maybe so ..... I'd have to .. give it some ... thought ... I'd .. I'd have to ... think about it."

"Mmmmm .... yes think about it ..... do you need some ... inspiration ....  maybe ?" Cassi asks, as she slightly squeezes his hand.

"Ummmm ... no .. no .. I .. I don't think .. so .... " laughs Tom nervously, attempting to pull his hand back, but Cassi squeezes it tighter.

"I think you need ... inspiration ..." Cassi says, smiling.

"Ohhh ... stutters Tom, "You're a very beautiful lady Cassi, but ...... "

"But ...... but what ... Tom ?"

"A man could get lost in your beauty ...." 

"Ohh ... ? go ahead Tom ... get ... lost ... mmmmmm ... " Cassi says as she leans forward & kisses Tom full on the lips.

"Mmmmmmm ... . 0.0 " Tom pulls away ... embarrassed ... "I'll give the story some thought ..."

"Please do ......" Cassi replies, leaning back & smiling. Soft, slow music starts playing through the speakers overhead.

"Shall we ... dance ?" Cassi asks, leaning forward & taking his hand again.

"Sure ..." smiles Tom as they rise from their seats. "I'd be ... honored ... milady" he smiles as they walk to the small dance floor nearby.

Awkwardly Tom holds Cassi's hand & nervously slips his other hand around her slim waist & they start slow dancing, alone ... in the room. Cassi leans forward, gives Tom a quick peck on the lips, & rests her head against his, slipping her other hand to hold the back of his neck.

"Mmmmmmm ... this is ... nice." Cassi softly purrs ...

"Yes ... it .. is ..." Tom answers back.

Cassi lets go of his hand & places both hands around Tom's neck ...... looking into his eyes .... "Mmmmmm .. you dance well Tom ..." she says softly.

"Ty, so .. so do  you ..." smiles Tom.

As Cassi gives Tom another quick peck on the lips ....... Tom drops both his hands & places them on her small, firm, rear ...

"Mmmmmmmmm... you like what you feel... Tom ... ?"

Tom gives Cassi's cheeks a little squeeze ... "What's not to ... like ..? ... you're a very ... beautiful ... lady Cassi "

"Mmmmmm .... are you feeling .... inspired ?"

"Ummmm ... is .. is hard .... not to ..." stutters Tom.

Cassi moves both her hands behind her, placing them over Tom's, gives them a gentle, firm squeeze. "Mmmmmmmm .... Tom ..... I can feel your ... inspiration ..... growing ...."

Tom pulls Cassi closer, her breasts pressed against his chest, he kisses her full on the lips, "Mmmmmm ..." Cassi opens her mouth, their tongues mingling together, "Mmmmmmm ...."

Tom pulls Cassi closer, kisses her more passionately, she bites his lower lip, softly pulls on it, Tom moves his hands up Cassi's back, slips the straps of her dress over her shoulders, the dress falls to the floor, Cassi removes Tom's shirt, Tom fumbles with his pants, Cassi lowers herself, undoes his pants & pulls them to the floor, then removes his underwear, exposing the proof of her effect on him.
Cassi's eyes open wide, as she stares at the size of his inspiration .... he's definitely ... inspired, smiling ..... she takes hold of his shaft & starts licking its head with her warm tongue .....

"Ohhhhhh ...... >.< " Tom softly moans, as Cassi licks the head .... then the shaft ... slowly ... expertly ..... she takes his cum filled balls in her hand, gently squeeze them ..... while taking Tom's cock in her mouth.

"Omg ...... " moans Tom, tilting his head back, enjoying the warmth of Cassi's mouth on his now hard, throbbing cock.

"Mmffgghhmm ..... " Cassi fondles his balls with one hand, as she holds his cock in place with the other, moving his cock in & out of her mouth, as she sucks, licks, & softly scrapes his cock with her teeth ...

"Mmffgghhmm... "

"Ohhhhh... fuck..." moans Tom as he grabs Cassi's head with both hands, pulls her head harder against him, Cassi grabs Tom's ass with both hands, pulling him to her,  forcing her to take his entire cock in her mouth, "Mmffgghhmm .... " feeling it hit the back of her throat, Tom holds Cassi's head ... tighter .... pulls harder ... forcing his cock deep down her throat, making her gag & choke, "Aaaagggggghhhhhhh ...." Cassi tries to pull her head back, but Tom holds her head tight against him ... & starts to move ... faster ... choking her ... involuntarily Cassi closes her teeth on Tom's cock, startling him, causing him to let go of her head, she pulls away, stands up, grabs Tom's head, & pulls it to her breasts, Tom takes her firm breasts in his hands, squeezes, fondles them, taking Cassi's hard nipple in his mouth, he licks, sucks, nibbles, softly pulls on it, "Oohhhhhhhh ...... " Cassi moans, pulling his head harder against her, "Nnghghghnn" Tom continues to tease & nibble on Cassi's nipples, softly biting & pulling on them, "Nnghghghgnn" "Aaaahhhhhhhh ......" Cassi moans louder, Tom turns her around, reaches from behind, one hand on her waist, the other squeezing her breast, he pulls Cassi tight against him, his hard cock pushing its way between her thighs, its throbbing head rubbing against her clit.

"Oohhhhhhh ...... Tom ...." Cassi moans as she places her hands on his hips, "I ... I can .. feel your .... inspiration .... between my thighs ......" Cassi whispers huskily, as she nibbles his ear lobe.

Tom squeezes Cassi's breast harder, holds her tighter, slowly walks her over to a nearby wall filled with wine bottles, he presses Cassi against the wall, the wine bottles in her face, she places her hands on the wall & tries to push back ... Tom grabs Cassi's breasts in his hands from behind, & slowly forces his cock in her now wet, tight, pussy.

"Omg ... Tom .... please ... oohhhhhhh ..." Cassi moans as Tom forces himself deeper ... slowly stretching her tight pussy. Pressed against the wall of wine bottles, Cassi reaches around, grabs the back of Tom's head, as he pushes his cock now as deep as it will go .... "Oohhhhhh ... Tom .... it's so ...... BIG !!! ... it ... hurts ... >.< "

Tom grunts, "Unghhhhh ...." & starts moving his cock in & out of Cassi's tight pussy, slowly at 1st, she feels her muscles pulled in & out along with the movement of Tom's cock.

"Ohhhhh fuck Cassi ... you're so .....tight ... >.< " Tom whispers in her ear, pushing as deep as he can with each thrust, Tom fondles Cassi's breasts with both hands, squeezes them hard, pinching her hard nipples, pulling on them, "Aaaahhhhhh ...... " she cries out, feeling pleasure from the pain. ยด

Tom starts moving faster, in & out of Cassi's pussy, pushing deep with each hard thrust, causing the bottles on the wall to rattle in their slots. Cassi pushes her ass back to him, Tom grabs Cassi's hips & starts moving faster, harder, Cassi reaches around & grabs Tom's ass, pulling him to her, forcing his cock ... even deeper ... inside her.

Tom bites Cassi's neck, grabs her shoulders with both hands, presses Cassi harder against the wall of bottles, & starts pounding her pussy harder ... faster, pushing deep .... the sound of the rattling bottles in Cassi's ears ...... his cum filled balls slapping against her, she tries to push back, Tom grabs both of Cassi's wrists, pulls them behind her, pressing her breasts flat against the bottles on the wall, & starts pounding Cassi's pussy even faster, harder, mercilessly, painfully,  fucking her, the bottles rattling furiously.

The pain Cassi feels being ravaged by Tom's cock, gives way to pleasure, her body shudders, the muscles of her sore pussy clamp down harder on Tom's cock, causing Cassi to scream with pain & pleasure, "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... OMG... Fuuuuckkkk... Meeeeee ... "

Tom grabs Cassi's neck with one hand, pulling her head back, choking her, while his other hand... rubs her swollen clit, Cassi's helplessness being pressed against the rattling bottles, choked, her clit being roughly handled, while being furiously, painfully,  fucked...   so hard... so deep ..... excites her as never before, Tom releases Cassi's throat, grabs her hips with both hands, & starts ramming his cock in & out with all his  strength, pounding Cassi against the wall of bottles, the bottles rattling furiously, in danger of being shaken loose & falling on the floor.

"Aaaaarrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! " Tom growls as his cock finally explodes deep inside Cassi, "OMFGGGGGGG... Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...." Cassi screams as she feels his hot cum burning her inside, & Cassi explodes with her own intensely strong orgasm.

They both lose themselves in the moment, lost in the intense pleasure of their orgasms ...... Finally exhausted, their bodies shaking from the intensity, Tom starts to pull away ..... "Nooooooo ...... " Cassi whispers, "Not ... yet ..... " They slowly ease down to the floor, Tom still inside Cassi, laying behind her ....  Cassi leans back & purrs in his ear, "Don't take him away .... just ... yet .... It feels so ... mmmmmm ..... good ...... " Tom smiles & hugs Cassi tightly, "So ....... are you .... inspired ?"

"Hahahahahahaha ...."  laughs Tom, "Inspired ...? ... lady you nearly ..... killed me with your .... inspiration." "Yes my little minx, I am completely inspired. We're lucky the wall was filled with bottles of wine & not champagne, or we'd have had an explosion, the way the bottles were shaking in their slots."

"Mmmmmmmm... but we did have an explosion ...... I'm still shaking from it.... " Cassi smiles as she slowly move the cheeks of her ass against him, "You get 3 minutes rest, then we start.... round #2 ... "

« : September 15, 2019, 04:18:36 AM susy_a »

Full Member
: 180

« #446 : June 30, 2017, 07:50:18 AM »

Hello my friend, beautiful stories, we have a new author, erotic genre,Your friend writes good stories, read with pleasure. It's time to throw things into the washing machine, hahahhah, to get distracted from not modest thoughts,

BIG KISS, my SUPER FRIEND :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
« : June 30, 2017, 08:35:23 AM vika92 »

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #447 : July 02, 2017, 10:13:42 PM »

Hello my friend, beautiful stories, we have a new author, erotic genre,Your friend writes good stories, read with pleasure. It's time to throw things into the washing machine, hahahhah, to get distracted from not modest thoughts,

BIG KISS, my SUPER FRIEND :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Thanks a lot super czarine. Iam very happy you liked the story, and I will send the congrats to author. He asked me about reviews and feedback, happyness I have your words, my czarine :). Big Kisses and always be welcome to Garage. Kissessssss



Hello people

Today I bring a image edited from the game Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt. Using my avatar like one of the protagonist. Sending Cassianna to wild and violent world of the Witcher to battle against monsters and other menaces aside the Geralt of Rivia.

The Witcher is an open-world role-playing game that casts you as a legendary and sexy monster hunter named Geralt of Rivia. Geralt of Rivia was born in literature. The lead character of Witcher first appeared in the fantasy novels of Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. But his true home is in video games. In the game you spend most of the game guiding Geralt as he explores a collection of massive open outdoor areas, taking on quests, slaying monsters, talking with people, making difficult moral choices, and gradually leveling up his gear and abilities. Basically, doing the whole RPG thing.

I hope you like the image.

KIsses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #448 : July 06, 2017, 07:00:26 PM »


Hello people

I show today me, Cassianna, like the Wonder Woman! I think I have my super powers too. Its a photomontage using one of the poster of the new movie of Wonder Woman. I did this poster to a little and cute friend and I hope she like. Now I share with yours too.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #449 : July 12, 2017, 08:01:40 AM »


Hello people

I post today to said we created the specif topic to my erotic stories, in the eroctic stories section - of course - The Silver Blonde Tales. You can see the stories of MrAnonymous and others good authors there , too.
I will continue post the stories here and there.  Every stories will have the images , so is a mix of story and images, the reason I think must be showed in both topics. Other reason is because we have a lot  of posts here in Silver Blonde Garage. The spcific topic - The Silver Blonde Tales - is more easy to find the material and read. I hope you enjoy the work of MrAnonymous.

Kisses All


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