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: Silver Blonde Garage  ( 297628 )
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #450 : July 15, 2017, 08:14:35 AM »

Hi Cassianna love the Wonder Woman poster

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #451 : July 15, 2017, 05:00:21 PM »

Hi Cassianna love the Wonder Woman poster

Hello Lydia, my friend. The Wonder Woman is to Sophie! I sended to her by email. Hihihihihi. Thanks, Kisses!



Hello people, one more weekend, one more post!
Today a sexy style Cat Woman , using the cat ears of the last outfit. Enjoy.

thinking... thinking ... hahahaha

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #452 : July 19, 2017, 12:40:14 PM »


Hello people, I bring more one story of MrAnonymous to share with yours. The story now is very hot, hardcore and really sexy. I hope you like too. Remember you can check it and others stories in our specific topic about stories, The Tales of Silver Blonde. Enjoy the work of MrAnonymous again and my images to story.

Kisses All



by MrAnonymous

"Don't take candy from older men, & don't talk to strangers !!!" "Words of wisdom my Mother tried to teach me, when I was a little girl growing up. Sadly it took the incident I'm about to describe to you, before I realized just how right she was ......... & how life has many twists & turns." "I call this story ....... "The Beginning"

17 years old, riding in her friend's car, on her way home from school. He's a boy she had met at the new school she recently enrolled in, as her family had just moved to the area about a month ago. Her parents had to enroll her in a prep school, which had a strict dress code, since the public schools in the city had been closed.
The school uniform was a white short sleeved blouse, that resembled a sailor's shirt, with a long blue skirt, that reached to the knees. She liked the blouse, but being 17 years old, & a bit of a rebel, she chose to wear a very short blue mini skirt, with the blouse, & blue platform heels instead.
She's a good looking, long legged, petite young girl, with beautiful, long, blond hair, & small, but firm breasts, with an independent attitude, that had already made her popular with the boys at the school.
On the way home, she & her friend had argued, as he was more interested in getting her into the back seat, than getting her home. In her anger she told him to pull the car over & let her out.

 Getting out of the car, she slammed the door shut & started walking down the sidewalk in the city, as he drove away. As her anger cooled, & her head cleared, she realized getting out of the car might not have been the smartest thing she ever did, & that in her anger & haste she left her bag with her cell phone in the car, & now she had a long walk home ahead of her, in an unfamiliar city. But she was a self reliant girl, confident in her ability to take care of herself in any situation.

All she needed to do was find a store or building with a phone & call her parents to come get her. But looking around, all she saw were what seemed to be abandoned buildings. So ... taking a deep breath, she calmed herself, & continued walking, knowing she'd run into someone who could help her sooner or later.

After about 15 minutes, she stopped & looked around for something that looked hopeful, when she saw a man leaving a building not too far away. He looked to be a well dressed black man in his early 20's, & so she called to him as she walked up .....

"Hello Sir, my name is Cassi. I was wondering if you could help me ?"

"Hi there young lady, what seems to be the problem ?"

"I was wondering if you had a phone I could borrow, so I can call my parents to come pick me up ?"

"Hmmm, I don't have one, but there is one inside this Pub I'm sure you can use. Come with me & I'll show you."

"Tyvm" Cassi happily entered the building with him, & found it was indeed a nice Pub, with other people in it.

They both walked over to the bar, "Charlie, I have a friend here that needs to use your phone."

"No problem Bubba, its in the back room, help yourself." the bartender says with a smile & a wink.

Bubba got a pen & paper from Charlie, wrote down the address for the Pub, & showed Cassi the phone in the back room. Relieved, Cassi called her parents, giving them the address, & walked back over to Bubba.

"Tyvm for your help, you're a life saver." Cassi said with her brightest smile.

Bubba looked her up & down & smiled, "Well a young lady like yourself shouldn't be alone in this part of the city, especially dressed as you are."

"Shall we sit & have a quick drink while you wait ?"

"Oh ty, I am a bit thirsty, some water would be fine."

Bubba led Cassi into a smaller empty room with a table & chairs.

"Have a seat & I'll be right back with our drinks." he said with a smile & a wink. Bubba returned & handed Cassi a glass.

Taking a sip, Cassi was a bit surprised, "Oh ... wine, my parents never let me drink wine. Mmmmmm, it tastes good, a little bitter though."

"Oh, should I take it back & get you some water ?"

"No, this is fine. I won't tell if you won't." Cassi said with a smile as she took another drink.

"My name is Daniel, I work here for Charlie sometimes. Nice to meet you Cassi."

"Well Daniel, I'm very happy to have met you too, & for your help." Cassi said smiling. "My this wine is good." as she took another drink.

Not sure if it's the wine, Cassi noticed Daniel was a very handsome, well built man, & she felt a warmth creeping through her, as from a speaker nearby soft music started playing. "Oh, they have music here too ?" Cassi asked.

"Yes, would you like to dance while we wait?"

Normally Cassi wouldn't dare dance with a stranger, alone in a strange place, but her parents would arrive soon, he seemed nice & was helping her, & either the wine or the warmth spreading inside her, caused Cassi to take the chance.

Slow dancing to the music, Cassi's body tingled as he held her hand, & slipped his other hand to grip her slim waist.

"You dance well Cassi." he said with a smile, as he took both her hands, placed them on her rear, with both his hands holding them there.

"Ohhh, ty Daniel." Cassi smiled, "So do ... you." Cassi felt him slightly squeeze her cheeks with both hands, & she tried to change position & remove his hands, but his hands were over hers, he held them in place & squeezed again, a little harder this time, which startled her.

"Ummm, ty for your help, the drink & the dance, but maybe I should wait for my parents outside." Cassi said as she stopped dancing & attempted to pull away from his grasp.

"Oh no Cassi, that won't do, couldn't let you do that honey." he said as he lifted her skirt & pushed his hands under her panties. "Omg, what ....  what are you ......... mmmmmmmmmm .... ?"

Pulling Cassi hard against him, pressing her breasts against his chest, he forced his mouth over Cassi's to muffle her protests. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm .........." forcing his tongue deep in Cassi's mouth, all pretense of dancing gone, he pulled down her panties, exposing her tight little ass to his probing hands, he forced his thigh between Cassi's legs, lifting it to rub roughly against her exposed tight little pussy.

Cassi struggled to break free, but he was too strong & easily held her tight against him, hungrily he moved his mouth to Cassi's breasts, sucking, nibbling, pulling her nipples with his teeth, as his hands roughly squeezed her ass, & his leg rubbed against her clit.

"Ooohhhhhhhhhh ....." Cassi tilted her head back & moaned softly, "plz .... don't ... oohhhhhhhh ....."

He unzipped his pants, turned her around, grabbed Cassi's breast roughly with one hand, pulling her against him with his other hand, forcing his huge black throbbing cock between her legs, nibbling on her neck.

"Omg, plz ... stop ... oohhhhhhhh ... my .. parents will be here ... any minute !" Cassi groggily said as she weakly struggled to free herself.

He whispered in her ear, "No Cassi, they're not coming, at least ... not ... here, they've been sent to the wrong address."

"Omg ... nooooo ... oohhhhhhh ....." Cassi said weakly as she tried to keep her eyes open.

"Mmmmmmmmm, & the pill I put in your drink will keep you quiet for a while as we ..... play."

He lifted Cassi in his strong arms, & just before she passed out, Cassi realized she was about to be raped & should have stayed in the car ............ When Cassi woke up, she found herself naked, lying on her back, handcuffed to a mattress with her hands above her head, in a back room of the Pub, with her panties shoved in her mouth. Daniel also now naked, was kneeling at her feet, just .... staring at her.

Cassi struggled to free herself, & to yell for help "Mmmffgghmm ..." which made Daniel .... smile ..... "Ahhh, you're awake ....... good ...... now the ... fun can .... begin ..... struggle all you want Cassi ..... it will do you no good ....... & making too much noise, will only get you ... punished ...." Daniel slowly eases himself on top of Cassi, reaching up to grab her wrists above her head.

Slowly he starts licking Cassi's belly, then her navel, slowly moving up to her exposed breasts, licking between Cassi's breasts, he moves lower, & starts licking around her nipples, causing them ... against her will .... to become ... hard & ... start to ... ache ..... Taking each of Cassi's aroused breasts in his hands, he starts fondling & squeezing them, playfully at 1st, but then rougher, teasing her nipples, causing her to moan & arch her back, "Mmffgmm oohhhh mmffggmm .." Lowering his head, he starts sucking .... biting .... & pulling Cassi's now hard & aching nipples ..... making her ... moan ... louder ... "Mmffggmm ...." & arch her back more ......."Mmmmmmm ... Cassi, I see you're enjoying this ......"

"Mmfggmm nooo mmffggmm ....." Cassi protests, struggling to free herself.

Daniel moves himself further up Cassi's twisting body, till he's sitting on her chest, with his huge, hard, black cock only inches from her face .... 0.0 ..... Grabbing Cassi's hair with one hand, he starts slapping her face .... hard, knocking her head back & forth, tears from her eyes, slipping down her cheeks, causing Cassi to suck her panties deeper in her mouth.

Then holding Cassi's head still, he starts slapping her face with his cock, pulls the panties from her bleeding lips, & tries to force his cock in her mouth.

Cassi clamps her teeth shut, trying to resist, but he starts slapping her harder with his hand, roughly pulls her hair, causing Cassi to open her mouth to scream, he forces his black cock deep in her mouth .......

Cassi gags & chokes, tries to bite him, but his cock is just too big, & she's gasping for air, as he grabs her head with both hands, & forces her to deep throat him ......... gagging ... choking .... trying to breathe, tears rolling down Cassi's cheeks, he starts raping her mouth ... with his huge, throbbing, black cock ........

Handcuffed with her arms above her head, Daniel sitting on her chest, holding her head in place as he roughly fucks her mouth, Cassi is helpless to do anything but fight for breath...

He leans forward, forcing his cock deeper down Cassi's throat, releases her head, reaches behind him, & starts pinching her already aching nipples ... "MMFFGGHHMM AAHHHHH MMFFGGHH ..." Cassi screams, gagging on his cock .... "AAAAGGGGGGGAAGGHHHH .." which seems to excite him even more ..... "Oooohhhh ... fuckkkk .... babyyyyyy ...... " he moans, raping Cassi's mouth, torturing her nipples .......... Cassi feels the head of his cock swelling, fearful he's going to cum in her throat ..... making her choke to death ........ but ... at the last minute, he pulls his cock from Cassi's mouth ...... slides himself down her body, & kneels at her feet.

"Damn Cassi, your mouth almost made me cum baby ...... but I want to explode my hot cum ... deep in your ..... tight, little pussy ...." he says, gasping, & staring at Cassi like a crazed animal.

"Omg ... noooo ... plz .....plzzzzz ... don't ..... oohhhhh ..." Cassi begs ... struggling again to free herself. Suddenly he starts slapping Cassi's hips ... hard ... causing her to twist & turn her body ..... whimpering with each .... hard .. slap ...

He rolls Cassi onto her belly & starts slapping her ass .... causing Cassi to cry out in pain ...... "Ooowwwww ... plz ... stop .. omg .. plzzz ....!! "

"I told you .. if you weren't .. quiet I'd have to ... punish ... you ....!!" he shouts as he slaps Cassi's ass till its painfully deep red .......... as she lays there crying & begging him to plz stop ..... he rolls Cassi onto her back, grabs Cassi's ankles in each of his large hands, spreads her legs apart ..... & ..... plunges his huge, hard, black cock .... painfully .... deep into Cassi's tight, little pussy .......

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..... !!" making Cassi scream again in pain. Mercilessly he pulls Cassi to him as he thrusts again .... & again ... & again ... & again .... in & out of her pussy ....... his black cock .... so hard ... so deep ....

The pain is excruciating ... "AAAARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH ..... !!!" Cassi screams again & again ......... till her raw throat can scream no more ..... & still he pounds Cassi with his huge cock, his cum filled balls slapping against her ass ........ won't .... he ... ever ... stop .... ? Letting go of Cassi's ankles, his body falls on top of her ........ reaches under her ..... grabs her ass with both hands .... still pounding her sore pussy ........ kisses her neck ..... sucks on her neck .... bites her shoulder ..... leaving teeth marks ....... arches his back ... raises his head ..... still pounding Cassi's pussy ... so hard ... so deep .......... the pain of her tight little pussy being pounded & stretched by his huge, black cock ......... slowly against her will ........ turns to .... pleasure ......... Cassi raises her hips to meet his ... strong ... thrusts ..... tilting her head back ......

Cassi starts to moan ... "Ooohhhh ... " softly at 1st ..... Cassi starts twisting her hips ...... causing him to grind his pelvis against her ....... making him grind his cock ... even deeper ... inside her .....

"OOOOooohhhhhhhhh..." Cassi groans louder ....... starting to lose herself to the pain & the pleasure .... as she become aroused ...... against ... her ... will ...... Suddenly Cassi feels the head of his cock swell ... enormously large ... inside her ......

"AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!" he growls .... & Cassi feel his ... hot ... cum  ... explode inside her .............. burning her ........

Cassi explodes with her own intense orgasm ...... "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! "   her hips ... bucking up & down ... uncontrollably ..........

Cassi feels him cum again ... & ... again .... burning her .... inside .... causing her own orgasm to ... intensify .... "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! "

Cassi must have blacked out for a few seconds .......... cause the next thing she remembers is ..... Daniel laying fully stretched ... on top of her ......... panting for breath in her ear ..... his cock still inside her ....... the handcuffs removed ......... her entire body bruised, aching, but an intensely, satisfying warmth also envelops her entire body ........... slowly ........ Cassi raises her stiff arms ...... wraps them around his neck .... & ... hugs him ...... dried tears on her cheeks, tasting the salty blood from her bleeding lips ......... feeling so ..... exhausted ..... & ..... satisfied ........ Daniel raises himself up on his elbow, & looks down at Cassi ........ softly wipes the blood from her lips, slowly ... painfully ... pulls his limp but still large cock from Cassi's aching pussy ..... gets up & walks over to a table, comes back & hands her a glass of scotch, "Come on Cassi, get dressed & I'll take you home. Tomorrow after school I'll pick you up, & you're going to start working for me."

"Oh ... 0.0 ... ? " Cassi asks as she takes a sip of her drink & winces from the pain of her bleeding lip ..........

"Yes .... you'll be my whore & I'll be your pimp ...... but I'll take care of you, you'll have nice clothes, a car, & your own apartment if you want it, & I'll .... protect you .... "

"The nerve of this man !! Cassi thinks to herself, he has just painfully ... brutally ... raped her !! And now he expects her to agree to be his whore & not report him to the police ...??!! Cassi took a sip of her drink ..... licking her lips ... to help numb the pain .... the scotch burned her raw throat ..... Cassi took another drink ........ & ... knew ...... tomorrow after school ....... her new life ..... would begin.

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #453 : July 26, 2017, 09:34:06 AM »


Hello good people

I was a time offline in achat because some troubles with computer and real life work, but I will try keep the contact and the posts here. Ok, lets go because I have some things to said ...


I was a victim of a set of attacks and bullying practice inside the game last year. When a group of idiots and troublemakers started hunt me in game with insults and menaces. This gang of bullies did it against a lot of users here. So I writed a lot of posts here in Silver Blonde Garage explained about this bad behaviour and, sometimes, criminal practices. One of the moderators contacted me to we make a special post in a topic to show this information, because the bullies, the cybersociopaths and the game stalkers are a sad reality. So I want said thanks to forum moderator Lover, and you can check him topic about the theme here:


Please visit, read, learn and help us to make a better game to everyone. :)


Oh yes, Iam suffering some technical troubles with the game, its other reason I cannot enter in meeting places. Each time I enter, after some seconds, (or minutes, if I have luck) the screen turn full black. I dont know if someone had this trouble. I sended message to support and i will wait the help.


Ok, when the Achat support team doesnt fix my troubles, I dont lost my internet time waitng. So I started a long adventure in other virtual places, and I sended Cassianna to Hyborian Age, in the times of King Conan. Welcome to Hyborian Age, save the king and live in the lands of barbarians, beasts and demons. Iam enjoying. And the better.., I have one horse! Yeah!!!

I give a Image of my meeting with the king Conan, in the royal palace of Tarantia. I enjoyed the wine... and other things... hahahaha

Ok people, but the things not are sample. To bring Cassianna to Hyborian Age , I needed build a avatar there too. So I want shere with you the Kassianna of Aquilonia, the hyborian version of Cassianna of Achat. I will give a picture with the both Cassianna s to you see. Choose one...

Kisses All

Full Member
: 180

« #454 : July 27, 2017, 06:40:06 AM »

You are both very sexy, not an easy choice,HIHIHIHI, I am also on my way to the kingdom of Conan,I'll see you,Kisses

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #455 : August 17, 2017, 11:11:07 AM »

You are both very sexy, not an easy choice,HIHIHIHI, I am also on my way to the kingdom of Conan,I'll see you,Kisses
Hi Vika Maria!! Kisses my super friend!!!I wait you in Hiborya! I have a powerfull weapons, armors, gold and the more important: Snowflake! My battle horse! Kissessss!!! :)



Hello people!!!

A long time I dont post here... yes Iam busy in my real life, and I have playing other games too. But last week I watched Ghost in the Shell, the mobvie with miss Johanson, based in the japanese comics of Masamune Shirow. Oh my God! The movie have a amazing look, cyberpunk style, cyborges, high tech, modern, fashion, colorfull and a lot action and beauty images. I really liked a lot the movie because the "look" and the "style"- modern, flat, dynamic, fast, furious sexy...

The soundtrack have nice songs too, I will give the link of the song with the movie clip to you enjoy, "Enjoy the silence" by KI :Theory from Ghost in the shell soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NxJJpFT8dQ

So ... lets go the nem image, inside the ghost in the shell world

Kissses All

« : August 17, 2017, 11:17:14 AM cassianna »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #456 : August 23, 2017, 05:25:04 AM »

  this is my game cassianna   

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #457 : August 23, 2017, 05:38:00 AM »

this is me in other game

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #458 : August 29, 2017, 12:25:43 AM »

  this is my game cassianna  

I see, I see. But iam more sexy! In all games ! hahahaahahah. Welcome back my friend!



Hello people
Some sexy pictures to you enjoy your favorite silver blonde, hahahaha

Kisses All

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #459 : September 05, 2017, 03:28:45 AM »

me and my horse cassianna


Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #460 : September 05, 2017, 07:18:34 AM »

me and my horse cassianna

Ok Lydia, very good. Next post I will show you my Snowflake! Kisses my friend



Hello my people, Iam back to game after some weeks out. I will try keep the Silver Blonde Garage active with news pictures, but maybe I must reduce the number of posts because my time is more short now. But Anyway, I hope you continue visiting the topic and keep the contact. Thakyou very much by all messages and support.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #461 : September 13, 2017, 07:21:05 PM »


Hello good people

Iam here, again... and over over over, hahahaah

How are you? Someone stay alive here? Of course you are, i checked the views! Thank you very much by the visits.
I was bought the new outfit and I wanted try it. But today the weather dont helped much. So, i did a picture with the new outfit in a dark and wet night, after the rain. Everybody follow my topic know ... I like Black & White images.

I hope you like it too.

Kisses All

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #462 : October 22, 2017, 04:21:22 PM »

Hello People,

have someone here?

I was out last weeks. Somethings happened. I tough about close the Garage, leave the game. But after some break, Iam here again. I will try continue.

I experienced some bad moments here last years. And Its hurt me sometimes. The bad memories, the bad events, the bad persons, continue present like a wound never healed. After all , we learn.

Its just a topic where I post my things. I just wanted share some feelings with my few friends here.

Kisses All

After some time you learn the difference,
The subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning,
And company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts,
And presents aren't promises.

And you begin to accept your defeats,
With your head up and your eyes ahead,
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today,
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn, that even the sun burns if you get too much,
And learn that it doesn't matter how much you do care about,
Some people simply don't care at all.
And you accept that it doesn't matter how good a person is,
She will hurt you once in a while,
And you need to forgive her for that.

You learn that talking can relieve emotional pain.
You discover that it takes several years to build a relationship based on confidence,
And just a few seconds to destroy it.
And that you can do something just in an instant,
And which you will regret for the rest of your life.

You learn that the true friendships,
Continue to grow even from miles away.
And that what matters isn't what you have in your life,
But who you have in your life.
And that good friends are the family which allows us to choose.
You learn that we don't have to switch our friends,
If we understand that friends can also change.

You realize that you and your best friend can do do anything, or nothing,
And have good moments together.
You discover that the people who you most care about in your life,
Are taken from you so quickly,
So we must always leave the people who we care about with lovely words,
It may be the last time we see them.

You learn that the circumstances and the environment have influence upon us,
But we are responsible for ourselves.
You start to learn that you should not compare yourself with others,
But with the best you can be.
You discover that it takes a long time to become the person you wish to be,
And that the time is short.

You learn that it doesn't matter where you have reached,
But where you are going to.
But if you don't know where you are going to, anywhere will do.
You learn that either you control your acts, or they shall control you.
And that to be flexible doesn't mean to be weak or not to have personality,
Because it doesn't matter how delicate and fragile the situation is,
There are always two sides.

You learn that heroes are those who did what was necessary to be done,
Facing the consequences.
You learn that patience demands a lot of practice.
You discover that sometimes, the person who you most expect to be kicked by when you fall,
Is one of the few who will help you to stand up.

You learn that maturity has more to do with the kinds of experiences you had
And what you have learned from them,
Than how many birthdays you have celebrated.
You learn that there are more from you parents inside you than you thought.

You learn that we shall never tell a child that dreams are silly,
Very few things are so humiliating,
And it would be a tragedy if she believed in it.
You learn that when you are angry, you have the right to be angry,
But this doesn't give you the right to be cruel.
You discover that only because someone doesn't love you the way you would like her to,
It doesn't mean that this person doesn't love you the most she can,
Because there are people who love us, but just don't know how to show or live that.

You learn that sometimes it isn't enough being forgiven by someone,
Sometimes you have to learn how to forgive yourself.
You learn that with the same harshness you judge,
Some day you will be condemned.
You learn that it doesn't matter in how many pieces your heart has been broken,
The world doesn't stop for you to fix it.

You learn that time isn't something you can turn back,
Therefore you must plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure.
You really are strong.

And you can go so farther than you thought you could go.
And that life really has a value.
And you have value within the life.
And that our gifts are betrayers,
And make us lose
The good we could conquer,
If it wasn't for the fear of trying.

William Shakespear

« : October 22, 2017, 04:26:09 PM cassianna »

Full Member
: 180

« #463 : October 23, 2017, 01:15:50 AM »

Hello , my Super Friend                                                                                                                                                 
  Friends aren't much –
It is known long ago and all.
When difficulties at a threshold,
When suddenly an array of problems –

The friend won't be separated from you,
And he will never betray.
All clouds it over the head
Will part with yours for time!
With it it is never boring for me,
And cheerfully time flies.
So there is a wish this friendship
For a long time to me to keep!

Friends aren't much,
On fingers to count them …
Therefore friendship with you
Always I am honored                                                                                                                                                           
Galina Semkova                                                                                                                                                                                    Life is Beautiful                                                                                                                                                                                           Viktoria S                                                                                                                                                                              And as our friend Tsar says, when one's heart is not very good or someone does something to you, then you need to raise your hand to the top and sharply lower it to the bottom, only the main thing to lower sharply to the bottom, and say, the hell with it.checked, it works,
 Kisses my Syper Friend

Jr. Member
: 89

« #464 : October 25, 2017, 03:54:27 AM »

My little friends, while jumping in achat street, told me yesterday these words...


Trois lapins en conseil
Regardent le gros chêne
Grignoter le soleil
Quand s'endort la verveine.

Trois petits nez experts
Hument avec envie
Les parfums découverts
Que l'ombre leur confie.

Trois lapereaux amis
Guettent le ciel qui roule
La colline et ses bruits
Jusqu'au ruisseau qui coule.

Trois amis réjouis
Ecoutent la raînette
Inviter le soir gris
A bleuir la fleurette.

Trois pattes noires vont
Battre sur la prairie
L'espoir de faire un bond
Vers l'étoile infinie.

Catherine, for you Cassi

oh! I promise to learn more enghish to please you cassi !
sorry for my bad french!

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