Hi cassianna I may not be in the game that mush but you know I'm always here for you. You are the friend who help me thank you. You are the one who always make me smile when I see you in game. You are the one who put the smile back on my daughters face. You are a true friend.always your friend Lydiaaaaaa Fucking Roseeeee from Ireland
Hello my super friend, I was happy to meet you in this game, this song for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-9xIUiuLd8&ab_channel=СергейБобылёв Piknik - On the verge of the World's Edge Over there on the Earth's very edgeIn a distant land beyond blue hazePaying heed to the unheard-of wordsBlood's so sweetly sweetly growing cold. Winds glide there almost touching stars,Over there trees're not afraid of storms,Ships are dreaming of the ocean ledgeOver there on the Earth's very edge. Why my heart rips from the wounded chest.For a moment please slow down your pace.In the heavens clear voice is heard,Bright star rises over my blue Earth
OMG Cassi, Amazing poster, I looove, kisssssssss