Let bad weather storm in heart
And in a lump the soul contracts...
We will live...в any season...
Life from God... that it is also good...
Let tear... salty is found
Snake thin on a cheek creeps...
We will live... we have the right to enjoy...
Life - a roulette... suddenly and will carry...
Let it will want to raise a howl once
From powerlessness... lips wound in blood...
We will live... life isn't given twice...
As well as miracle... first love...
We will live... having entrusted itself to God.
And everyone to value a moment...
And always to look for the road...
We will live, friends. . will l to live.

(http://s1320.photobucket.com/user/vichkasergeeva9292/media/9800066_zps1vmf22sl.jpg.html) Cassianna, come back is bad without you