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: European Championship 2016 in France  ( 82799 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #120 : July 02, 2016, 06:49:16 AM »

LAST 16 

Match 1: Switzerland - Poland (14:00, June 25, St-Etienne)  1-1     Pens  4 - 5   
Both Teams unadopted.

Match 2: Wales-  Northern Ireland (17:00, June 25, Paris)   1 - 0
Northern Ireland :  SissyBOy
Wales:  Vaughan.                                Northern Ireland :  SissyBOy to pay forfeit.

Match 3: Croatia - Portugal (20:00, June 25, Lens)   0 - 1
Croatia  :   Foxman57  ;  Skydance
Portugal :  Honeybatcher                                 Croatia  :   Foxman57  ;  Skydance to pay forfeit.

Match 4: France - Republic of Ireland (14:00, June 26, Lyon) 2:1
France :  Nat33  ;  inga84  ;   VixenVee345
Republic of Ireland : AusWoody                         Republic of Ireland : AusWoody to pay forfeit.

Match 5: Germany - Slovakia (17:00, June 26, Lille) 3:0
Germany  : Lover ;  Jayc ;  aurora_sun ;  GsCougar
Slovakia :  unadopted

Match 6: Hungary - Belgium (20:00, June 26, Toulouse) 0:4
Hungary : Unadopted.
Belgium : Covems  ;  Lydiarose

Match 7: Italy - Spain (17:00, June 27, St-Denis) 2:0
Italy : Kaitlyn1989  ;  vika92 ; fisher316
Spain :  Jaynie                                          Spain :  Jaynie to pay forfeit

Match 8: England - Iceland (20:00, June 27, Nice) 1:2
England:  Stone  ;  Brandybee  ;  tangoracer  ;  Ecky  ;  Anthony
Iceland : unadopted                                                 


Match 1: POLAND - PORTUGAL  (20:00, June 30, Marseille) Pen 3:5
Poland : Unadopted      Portugal :  Honeybatcher.            

Match 2: WALES - BELGIUM   (2000, July 1, Lille)  3 - 1
Wales:  Vaughan. 
Belgium : Covems  ;  Lydiarose             Belgium : Covems  ;  Lydiarose  TO PAY FORFEIT.

Match 3:   GERMANY - ITALY (20:00, July 2, Bordeaux)
Germany  : Lover ;  Jayc ;  aurora_sun ;  GsCougar
Italy : Kaitlyn1989  ;  vika92 ; fisher316

Match 4:   FRANCE - ICELAND (2000, July 3, St-Denis)
France :  Nat33  ;  inga84  ;   VixenVee345
Iceland : unadopted.


PORTUGAL  v  WALES  QF2 (20:00, July 6, Lyon) 
Portugal :  Honeybatcher.
Wales:  Vaughan.

Winner QF3 v Winner QF4 (20:00, July 7, Marseille)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #121 : July 02, 2016, 04:47:38 PM »

Well, what could possibly be better than an outdoor music festival on a beautiful day?

Over hearing that Germany edged Italy (6-5) in a "shoot-out" and now advances to semi-finals.
First, congratulations to you all. My "OLD" Italian Boys showed me their love and gave you ALL you could handle.
Why so happy, because this kind gentlemen explained that a "shoot-out" ONLY occurs after full Regulation play and
Extra Time play. Only when a GAME ends in a DRAW does it require a "SHOOT-OUT" to determine winner.If you read our "BET" carefully you will note that I WIN if game ends in DRAW.

How ironic, you get to bask in Germany's victory yet i too get to bask in my own "Betting" victory.
I LOVE getting BARGAINS, oh i mean ODDS.

I will have to take a look at the Fashion catalog before assigning wardrobe selections.
Stay tuned for updates and your banner tribute to my feline prowess of course.
*giggles* deviously  "Be afraid, be very afraid" of any mirrors that is. hehehe

Well, back to the music, fun n sun for me. This little "time-out" was worth it.
« : July 03, 2016, 03:49:38 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #122 : July 03, 2016, 08:14:15 AM »

Required reading when wagering Kaitlyn1989

« : July 03, 2016, 08:16:34 AM jayc »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #123 : July 03, 2016, 09:29:38 AM »

No jayc and Kaitlyn, there is no draw in a 1/4 final. The official result is 6:5 for Germany. That you were asking and hoping for a draw was nice, but not important :D


« #124 : July 03, 2016, 10:00:19 AM »

OK,  GERMAN Fans (Lover, JayC, Aurora and Cougar) I am up for a "BET" if the ODDS are right.
Of course my "Blue Ball" Italian boys get the toughest draw in the Quarter finals, sorry France,
but Germany is the "Team" to "Beat", so I figure I deserve some help, *giggles*
My proposition, should you have the courage to accept:

     - You WIN, I wear whatever you choose even if I have to purchase and you OWN my Banner until my next game or end of Tourney.

I did read this sentence perfect and was laughing about . the next game after losing quarter final is in october against netherlands i think  ;D ;D ;D
     - I WIN or DRAW, YOU wear whatever I choose and I own your Banner for same time frame.[/color
There is no draw in quarter final

this told me a lot bout football understanding and i was laughing about and so i accepted.
even the italian team is a better loser with  6 yellow cards and needed a penalty to get a chance

« : July 03, 2016, 10:12:51 AM aurora_sun »

« #125 : July 03, 2016, 10:25:07 AM »

Ahhh, but the GAME did end in a DRAW. Yes, it required a "shoot-out" to determine winner for Tournament play.
That is why I mentioned ODDS and DRAW in my wager, Germany needed to beat Italy out-right before "shoot-out"
to win wager.  Is there a JUDGE in the house????? *giggles*

« #126 : July 03, 2016, 12:41:06 PM »

No jayc and Kaitlyn, there is no draw in a 1/4 final. The official result is 6:5 for Germany. That you were asking and hoping for a draw was nice, but not important :D

Lover said it ALL
It isnt a "normal" Game it was 1 off the finals  SO...SORRY Kaitlyn  take it as it is

6 : 5


so simple

take it as a sports :)
« : July 03, 2016, 12:44:31 PM GsCougar »

« #127 : July 03, 2016, 01:36:45 PM »

Hmmmm, when i made this wager i was trying to be playful n clever, to get a few giggles.

Aurora_Sun, How am I a poor loser? Why? You do not know me well enough to make such accusations.

GSCougar, I am always a "good sport", I am only here for FUN, I know nothing of these games
and do not care bout the gifts, only the FUN. I definitely do not want to create hurt feelings.

My proposition: Allow Forum members to decide. Create a poll with a finite time frame.
I am willing to live by my fellow Forum members decision. I know this puts me at a disadvantage,
Lover and JayC have been here long time. I just hope Forum members can be fair.

Do i not deserve at least an "impartial" ruling on our "BET"?

I leave it up to you, after all i am OUT NUMBERED.
« : July 03, 2016, 01:45:48 PM Kaitlyn1989 »

« #128 : July 03, 2016, 02:44:50 PM »

one last time to for me unknown kaitlyn:
the deal was : If italy will win or will lose (draw is to laugh at)
neither we didnt bet results after 90 minutes. in no match

your team italy lost the match .
you dont accept actually you want to sell it as a success.
in my humble opinion definately  that is a bad loser.

Did i watch the wrong match??
how should i explain anybody that i have to pay the forfeit when my team won the match?????

i m looking forward to the end
But you have taken the fun

« : July 03, 2016, 02:53:16 PM aurora_sun »

« #129 : July 03, 2016, 04:12:08 PM »

Good intentions, bad decision.

I can see I have made a mistake, you have no sense of humor when it comes to these games.
You are so quick to judge, I have not even had a chance to say NO and I am already a POOR
LOSER  and have ruined your fun. At least Jayc got the humor, and a chuckle. 

« : July 03, 2016, 05:19:50 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #130 : July 03, 2016, 07:10:54 PM »

As  an impartial Welsh Dragon in these matters and the fact that I fully support the clash of bad taste in dress to adorn this topic, I think you are both

right & wrong.

Therefore  both teams should dress up atrociously and post their pics here.

The Welsh Dragon has spoken and breathed fire. 

We await your attire with baited breath

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #131 : July 04, 2016, 01:29:35 AM »

As  an impartial Welsh Dragon in these matters and the fact that I fully support the clash of bad taste in dress to adorn this topic, I think you are both

right & wrong.

Therefore  both teams should dress up atrociously and post their pics here.

The Welsh Dragon has spoken and breathed fire. 

We await your attire with baited breath

As simple as that...........Well said Vaughan

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #132 : July 04, 2016, 03:37:09 AM »

Vaughan I have be away on holidays for the last few weeks

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #133 : July 04, 2016, 03:55:32 AM »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #134 : July 04, 2016, 04:03:13 AM »

Vaughan purple ribbon ?

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