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| | |-+  Erotic Story Contest 12. O.T.
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: Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 12. Voting ends Fri 15 July 2016.
1. Free Style.   -5 (10%)
2.  Group sex. 3 or more persons / orgy.   -12 (24%)
3.  Halloween, Supernatural, Spooky.   -1 (2%)
4.  Mind Control   -6 (12%)
5.  The Elements. Earth or Wind / Air or Water or Fire.   -6 (12%)
6.  New birth for mankind following apocalyptic event   -2 (4%)
7.  Spy / Espionage Story.   -1 (2%)
8.  Contest Manager's Staring out to sea pic   -1 (2%)
9.  Interracial - Different race / tribe / skin colour   -1 (2%)
10. Opposites attract -   Black / white ;  Vanilla / Dominants ;  Cop / robber ...   -15 (30%)
: 47

: Erotic Story Contest 12. O.T.  ( 40961 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« : June 04, 2016, 08:54:32 AM »

Thanks everyone, past and present who has taken part in the story contests so far.

Due to the recent changes in Achat and Forum access, the next contest will be judged differently in the interest of fairness. 

I am interested in your views and will outline an idea I have been throwing around with some of you in general chat.

The new judging system :-

1.  The stories will be published and after reading them all, chosen select member judges, not taking part in the contest, will put them in order of preference, the favourite being identified as 1   and  then placed in order of preference with the least favourite being last. The judges will be identified at the end of the contest and not during the process. (I do not want any bribed with sex LOL )

2. Participating authors will also be asked to take part and do the same and put the stories in order of their preference, the favourite being identified as 1   and  then placed in order of preference with their least favourite being last.

3. A public vote will also still occur and voting take place as before so the Forum Village can still participate.  This will be considered the “Public Judge” and will also establish the members’ overall order of preference. The one with the most votes will be the favourite story and then the other stories listed in order according to votes cast against the story.

4. The stories will be given points on each list received.  The least popular in each list will be given 5 points, the next 10 points and so on in multiples of 5s till the top story has the most points.

5. Once all lists are in, or the deadline for lists to be in has passed, the 3 stories with the most points win and will determine their podium position.

I think this will be a fairer way of the winners being identified in the erotic story contest.

In the coming weeks, I will approach certain members who I believe have the appropriate qualities to be fair and just judges in such a story contest.


I am now also opening this topic to discuss new themes for Erotic Story Contest 12.

To ensure that 3 Story Contests a year can be organised, it is imperative that members get an opportunity to discuss, vote and be involved with the contest’s every step of the way.   

Open for theme suggestions :-   Saturday 4 June 2016  to  Thursday 30 June 2016.
Poll Open :-  Friday 1 July 2016  to Friday 29 July 2016.

So without further ado,  Please could I have  suggestions for the next  Erotic Story Contest  12

All  ideas would be greatly appreciated. 

The following themes have already been covered in previous contests :-

1 -  New Years Resolution
2 -  In The Summer
3 -  Time Travel
4 -  First Time
5 -  Public Event
6 -  Medieval
7 -  Journey.
8. - Cheating & Infidelity.
9 – Out of this World.
10 - War Time.
11 - Christmas Time.

As in line with TOS ( Terms of Service )  no themes will be accepted involving bestiality or anything under --- age.

Time Line for Contest 12

1. The new Topic  for Erotic Story Contest 12  - theme suggestions will be opened from Saturday 4 June 2016 to   Thursday 30 June 2016.

2. Poll Open for Forum Members to decide the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest  12  :-  Friday 1 July 2016  to Friday 15 July 2016.

3. Submitting:    Opening date for submitting stories is Saturday 16 July 2016.

4. Deadline:    The Deadline for submitting your stories is Mon 31 October 2016 - Halloween ( 7pm UK Time )

5. Voting:   The poll will be opened Tues 1 November 2016 (Or following the publishing of the stories on Mon 31 October 2016).

6.  Tues 1 November 2016  -  Wednesday 30 November 2016. New Topic opened for ideas for themes for Erotic Story Contest 13

7. Voting. The poll will be opened Thursday 1 December 2016  to Friday 30 December 2016 to vote on the theme for Erotic Story Contest 13

8. Closing:  The Erotic Story Contest 12 stories poll will be closed Friday 30 December 2016 ( 7pm UK time )

9. Winners of Erotic Story Contest 12 will be announced Saturday 1 January 2017. ( Or following the close of the poll on Friday 30 December 2016 )

10. The new theme for Erotic Story Contest 13 will be known and open for story submissions Sunday 1 January 2017 until Friday 31 March 2017

I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...

Happy writing, reading and other things ......   hehe
« : July 17, 2016, 05:13:01 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 9

« #1 : June 04, 2016, 09:07:08 AM »

I think it should be a free form...no topic...just write a story
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #2 : June 04, 2016, 10:03:14 AM »

I disagree, a theme gives the creator a starting point to work from or something to be manipulated to fit their story.
That being said I propose
GROUP - 3some, 4 some, moresomes, whatevs. somewhere in the story must be one group scene

Hero Member
: 1600

« #3 : June 04, 2016, 01:25:41 PM »

Being the contest ends on Halloween  how about a supernatural theme?
Hero Member
: 1842

« #4 : June 04, 2016, 01:53:10 PM »

I like the idea of the new judging system and hope that independent judges will accept the invite & become involved in the process.

I would like  Mind Control to be considered as a theme. It has been suggested before and I think it has very intriguing possibilities.


« #5 : June 04, 2016, 08:49:04 PM »

@Iamincharge :  I agree with you. I personnaly wrote already 2 stories and I just found inspiration from my past experience , daily life,... and to be forced to fit in a subject, might be difficult for me.

That being said, I understand it has its advantages to have a subject,...to drive a bit the contest and maybe more easy to judge stories with a same subjects than stories with no subjects in common.

I like the voting system proposed. voted by judges, by your peers and by the public.... nice idea.

If you really need some subjects :
- on Achat... (imagine a stories that happen , at least partially, on achat or linked to a achat users (fake name, no real name please)
- one of the elements
   - With water (swimming pool, shower, beach, rain, sauna, ....it must include water element)
   - With air (parachute, skydiving,....)
   - With fire ( firemen, volcano, ...)
   - With earth (no idea so far)
- a new birth for mankind (either a new colony on another planet, or mankind have been mostly eradicated on Earth and just a few survives, we need to repopulate....)

I have no preference for subjects
Hero Member
: 3444

« #6 : June 05, 2016, 09:27:33 AM »

Yes Brandy I think that new way of judging will work a lot better  :) 

And as for the theme The Story Contest has always had a theme and should keep it. If we lost the theme then there is no consentiency.

We have always had a vote for it but maybe this time get the ideas and let the bott in the square to pick it the first one it picks is the theme. 
(Only an Idea)

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #7 : June 05, 2016, 12:52:36 PM »

Just to say that I like the idea of Tangoracer good about the choice of the theme.
The robot in the Square can do that  :)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 3444

« #8 : June 05, 2016, 02:14:21 PM »

Just to add to point two of the voting with the authors putting in there votes.
Thier own story must not score any points. And the votes must be sent PM to The MODs and keep secret until all the votes are in and counted

(Just an idea again)

Full Member
: 184

I like it Trashy, Classy&Sometimes a little Nasty

« #9 : June 10, 2016, 07:32:53 PM »

Well folks I'm not a writer but what would yall think about a SPY story
Here is the song that gave me insight for it.
Just an idea.....lol


Seduction begins with the words you whisper in her ear and the pictures you paint in her mind
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #10 : June 11, 2016, 03:34:17 AM »

Judging ideas.

Thanks Tangoracer about your judging ideas to improve the fairness of the voting process. I can see you are as keen as I am to ensure this contest is as fair as we can possibly make it.

I have thought long and hard about using the bot. I have decided against it for the story contest. I want people involved and the bot makes it more clinical.
I do not want to use the robot random draw on this one.  I think the "Pachi the bot" is perfect for sweeps and where A$ is involved. It shows transparency and once the players and drivers / contestants known, there are little chance of variables to spoil the process.

The story contest has and will always be about involving our members from start to finish. To inspire our writers ; to encourage others to read and enjoy the stories and to learn or improve descriptive narrative for the game. It helps get people involved, gives confidence and forges new friendships.

I therefore want members to post ideas for the stories ; to vote for the theme they would like our authors to write on and to feel part of the process.  It helps me also to encourage new members to join Forum and get involved, and gets members mixing.

The robot is useful for other contests, but in this I think the way to choosing the theme works best by involving our members.


I like the idea that the Author Judges cannot vote for their own story. 

I think this is fairer and I will ask Author Judges to put the stories in order of preference, with their favourite story at the top and least favourite at the bottom of the list, omitting their own story from the list.
They can still vote in the public vote however and vote for their own on this occasion if so wished.

The lists from Independent Judges and Author Judges will be sent to me by PM in Forum and within the specified time limitations and  I will name one other adjudicator at the time. This is to safeguard the anonimity  of authors and the voting process and to ensure no lists are altered after being sent.

I hope you all can see my though processes on this.


Contest 12  Theme Ideas  so far -

The first 10 ideas or deadline date will decide the theme list up for voting.   Deadline for theme suggestions is  Thursday 30 June 2016.   

1.  Free Style. Write any story you wish. Usual rules apply : No under ----  age, no bestiality.
2.  Group sex. 3 or more persons / orgy.
3.  Halloween, Supernatural, Spooky.
4.  Mind Control
5.  The Elements.  Story to include - Earth or Wind / Air or Water or Fire.
6.  New birth for mankind following apocalyptic event
7.  Spy / Espionage Story.

« : June 18, 2016, 08:48:53 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #11 : June 18, 2016, 06:09:26 AM »

I like Patosh's idea of repopulation after a cataclysmic event.  New colony though I think is to close to "Out of this World" which we did.
But 2 people or a group fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic world; I like it.
« : June 18, 2016, 06:11:31 AM Momma_andrea »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #12 : June 19, 2016, 03:44:35 AM »

Contest Managers Pic

Tell the story of the person staring out to sea.

Is it a mans story, a womans story or a transgender story...
Is their story one of hope and joy? 
Is it a past erotic experience they remember with fondness or.... maybe with regret?
Is it a story of the one who got away?
Or maybe they are still together and the future is theirs to choose....
Only you can tell it....


Contest 12  Theme Ideas  so far -

The first 10 ideas or deadline date will decide the theme list up for voting.   Deadline for theme suggestions is  Thursday 30 June 2016.   

1.  Free Style. Write any story you wish. Usual rules apply : No under ----  age, no bestiality.
2.  Group sex. 3 or more persons / orgy.
3.  Halloween, Supernatural, Spooky.
4.  Mind Control
5.  The Elements.  Story to include - Earth or Wind / Air or Water or Fire.
6.  New birth for mankind following apocalyptic event
7.  Spy / Espionage Story.
8.  Contest Manager's Staring out to sea pic

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #13 : June 24, 2016, 09:17:10 AM »

What about an interacial story -

Maybe a story of love or lust between a couple with a different skin colour,  black / white  ;  Asian / white  ; black  / Asian ;  Chinese  /  White.

Maybe a story of a BBC - Big black cock.    Maybe a bull and cuckold story.

Could be an interesting theme to explore.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #14 : June 25, 2016, 04:34:02 AM »

What about an interacial story -

Maybe a story of love or lust between a couple with a different skin colour,  black / white  ;  Asian / white  ; black  / Asian ;  Chinese  /  White.

Maybe a story of a BBC - Big black cock.    Maybe a bull and cuckold story.

Could be an interesting theme to explore.

This is right but I would put it under    Opposites attract.
Race - Age - Culture   without naming the details just make sure the Story is about  to see that the contrast could hardly be starker.

I am not a puplic writer ( my english grammer isnt the best :)  but i will sure read them all , so go on writers bring some tasty, inspiring story to the screen :)
Good luck to all
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