FORUM SIGNATURE BANNERS.1. Make your own banner but please ensure that it is no bigger than 750 (length) x 90 (width)
2. Once made, Right click on the banner you like to copy the http image addresss ;
3. Then paste it in the signature text box by right clicking and choosing the paste option.
See instructions below.
TO POST A FORUM BANNER.Remember the agreed size for a banner is 750 in length x 90 in height.
You have to post it at the correct way in the correct place or it won’t work.
Here's how: 1. Make a copy (ctrl+c) of the "insert image" brackets [img.]http:// [/img.] (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)
2. Go to your Forum profile.
3. Then select: Forum Profile Information. You'll get a pic like this

4. Then at the signature section add your banner http or url address between the “insert image” brackets (Paste = ctrl+V), just like in the pic is pointed at: [img.] HTTP address here [/img.] (Remove the dots after the g in both brackets)
(Copy = ctrl+C ; Paste = ctrl+V)
If you use Flickr, you have to grab your banner url as HTML/BBCCode with HTML selected, it would look something like this :
<a href="" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>5a Then you have to extract your pic's url by deleting the things you don't need
<a href="" title="mrsl3 by gijoe027, on Flickr"><img src="" width="750" height="90" alt="mrsl3"></a>
like this : This is what you then post on your profile page in the signature box.
If you use Imgur - you get the http address by right clicking on the pic ; choosing "Copy Image address"
6a. This is what you then post on your profile page in the signature box.
7. Save Changes to your profile & check your posts to see that it has taken.