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| | |-+  Please ban vikkee
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: Please ban vikkee  ( 60512 )

« #15 : August 30, 2016, 09:34:57 PM »

 what is even worse, is he even said himself, "if this was fb I would be arrested for what I am doing here... I love achat because they do nothing about it."
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #16 : August 31, 2016, 04:23:43 AM »

vikkee: but i was loving twiz first time and then lelu
fla: how did you hurt them
vikkee: i was loving them
fla: oh, dear
vikkee: but these guys dont like the way i love them
10:56 31/08/2016
flam: guys? are you gay
vikkee: i am boy
vikkee: i hate gay

« : August 31, 2016, 04:40:34 AM Lydiarose »

: 21

Creating tears, disguised as a clown.

« #17 : August 31, 2016, 01:05:27 PM »

I`m not one to comment on here very often, but Vikkee has made me contribute. I have been here several years, and met many good people, and a few bad ones. But Vikkee is just plain horrible. I can`t believe Achat let him get away with what he is doing. Is there ant monitoring here? Do Achat actually have any control? I AM BEGINNING TO WONDER.
Many of the people that are being upset, by his persistent persueing of them, are long standing, paid up members. Why should they suffer at the hands of an idiot, who is allowed to develop numerous faces, all of which are used to abuse people. I amsure this would amount to mis-use of Achat, which I believe is against the rules.
Whay can`t you do anything Achat?
Or should I say why won`t you do anything?
Here is a suggestion...Why don`t you limit people by IP address? ( 1 character per address) or
                              Why don`t you limit characters by credit card? (1 character per registered card).
You  seem happy to take our money, and even more happy to give free A$ to new members,but never happy to act when a loyal player complains.
Another suggestion....Make the Meeting Places for subscribed members only, except for a couple of hours each day. Then when we have a character like Vikkee appear, we can escape from him.
And another...When you have an ignore button, why don`t you make it so that the ignored person cannot hear his targets conversations.Vikkee listens, and is usually waiting when someone moves to another meeting place or poker.

The man is a serious stalker, and would  be deemed a danger in the real world. I, personally, am not enjoying my time here now. I want to see friends in the Meeting Place, but all I see there is a ginger mop running around terrorising unsuspecting newcomers.
I pay for the pleasure of coming here, as do many others. We have supported you for a long time, but enough is enough. I pay my subscription monthly, and as of now, you get no more, unless you sort out this major problem. I will not pay to be abused by a lunatic that you are quite happy to tolerate. There are other sites out there, offering similar things to this site, and I will move on.

I really hope I don`t have to, but if I do, so be it.

Banning by IP address isn`t difficult. Many other sites seem to manage it. Why can`t you?. You have peanty of evidence, and I know that many logs have been saved, which I`m sure you have access.


Hero Member
: 1600

« #18 : September 01, 2016, 12:16:18 AM »

I have received a reply from Achat admin, and the  player vikkee and all his other alias names  has been banned  :)

let support know if he rears his ugly head in the game again.

thanks for your reporting and patience regarding this matter 

Full Member
: 161

« #19 : September 01, 2016, 01:03:52 AM »

Dear Team,

when we finally could spend some hours in meeting place without IT yesterday I was having that light, secret hope that he could be gone.
Now that it's finally confirmed i want to thank you for taking care of that freak.

Kisses, Laura

« #20 : September 01, 2016, 02:31:14 AM »

YAY I can go back to meeting place, ty so much I finally feel safe again.
MP is my haven and not being able to go was getting to me, the thought of having to find a new place saddened me to
a point of tears.
I love achat and have been here for years and so missed being able to talk to my dear friends.
I want to thank all my friends for your huge support, you all really showed me how much you cared, I love you all.
TY achat support for making him go away, I can now be with my friends and enjoy laughs once again rather that a pounding headache and tears.

P.S. TY to my beautiful wife for your support, deep love and being by my side always in the good and bad.
I love you laura_afs more than you will ever know.
Even tho you show you your heart daily and your love is is endless, you really dont know how much I love you.
Many kisses, Tight hugs, and all my love to you Laura
Hero Member
: 1379

« #21 : September 01, 2016, 02:45:22 AM »

  Banning him and all his accounts is one thing, but (and sorry for asking this).  What's stopping this person from just making another one ? (2 .3. 4, 5).

  Has the ACHAT team blocked his I.P. address ?

  The thing is I've just read online that all you have to do is turn off your router for about 5 minutes and if that doesn't work leave it off over night and your I.P. Address changes, when you turn your router back on.  I'm not technical about this.  Do I.P. blockers work in another way ?  If they have blocked his I.P. address I hope it works.   I don't want to lose all my friends here just for one person who think it's fun to mess with them.

Full Member
: 161

« #22 : September 01, 2016, 03:19:24 AM »

YAY I can go back to meeting place, ty so much I finally feel safe again.
MP is my haven and not being able to go was getting to me, the thought of having to find a new place saddened me to
a point of tears.
I love achat and have been here for years and so missed being able to talk to my dear friends.
I want to thank all my friends for your huge support, you all really showed me how much you cared, I love you all.
TY achat support for making him go away, I can now be with my friends and enjoy laughs once again rather that a pounding headache and tears.

P.S. TY to my beautiful wife for your support, deep love and being by my side always in the good and bad.
I love you laura_afs more than you will ever know.
Even tho you show you your heart daily and your love is is endless, you really dont know how much I love you.
Many kisses, Tight hugs, and all my love to you Laura

omg yes, a big thank you to everyone who supported this thread and reported this cretin. thanks to all the people who stepped in his way in the meeting places and showing him that he and his behaviour are not welcome in achat world.

@moderators: please leave this topic open for a while, if he is seen again, we report him here

@ my babe: I love you. If we weren't married yet, i'd ask you right now to marry me ;D
Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #23 : September 01, 2016, 03:33:09 AM »


Some people like and enjoy the disorder and conspiracies.
Personally when someone searches for a drama and it happens every day on the meeting places, I leave this person talking to himself!
If no answer to these idiots, they will stop because the idiots are not patient.
They seek a confrontation and enjoy when it works !!!

Remember that some love war and others peace and tranquility.
Let them fight each other, this could be fun  ;D

Yes Laura the topic remains open in case this person will manifest again.


I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind

« #24 : September 01, 2016, 09:32:24 AM »

He is back sigh. Achat will not see any more money from me until this menace has been completely banned so much for my $24.95 a week achat I will not pay to be abused.

« : September 01, 2016, 09:34:32 AM twiztedsoul »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #25 : September 01, 2016, 11:02:14 AM »

Big sigh,  i sent another PM to the mods contact at achat.

in the meantime  report report report.

« #26 : September 01, 2016, 12:13:01 PM »

he is not gone, sexyanna1234 is him and he continues to attack my friend twiztedsoul.. this is such B>S> they can block his ip, why do they not do it??

« #27 : September 01, 2016, 12:14:18 PM »

Yes jayc I did send a report with the same screen shots, its pretty bad tho I cant enjoy what I have paid so much to have, like having a new toy I can only look at.
Full Member
: 161

« #28 : September 01, 2016, 02:04:50 PM »

Big sigh,  i sent another PM to the mods contact at achat.

in the meantime  report report report.

We know its not your fault...but...there is no report function in meeting place obviously. All we can do...and did..is sending mails to support.

I addjusted my introducing post, i will again collect all names.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #29 : September 01, 2016, 02:26:25 PM »

  There is always someone who thinks it's funny to do this kind of thing, they must take some sick, twisted satisfaction from it. It only takes one to spoil it.

  BUT, why give him / her the satisfaction of you leaving this place.  You must love it here and the people you know, or you wouldn't come back.

  I haven't experienced anything you have here with this stalking / trolling.  (Whatever it's called).  I don't know how I would respond to it either.

  What I'm trying to say is :   Don't give the F***** the satisfaction.

  To Laura, Twiz and to Ana.

  It's always a pleasure to see you in the Meeting Places,  and I guess I'm not the only person to think that.  Please don't let this person spoil it.

  To Steve.


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