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: Please ban vikkee  ( 61342 )
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: 161

« #75 : September 28, 2016, 02:38:10 PM »

Vikkee, Vikkee, Vikkee...

Why did you delete your topic? It looked like this:

Let me guess..."oh i was wrong, it was a bad idea, i changed"?
Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #76 : September 28, 2016, 03:41:54 PM »

Hi Laura,

It was me who cleared the topic.
I think it's better to keep the fun spirit of the Forum. I saved the whole topic before in case.

Thank you.

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
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: 161

« #77 : September 28, 2016, 04:06:57 PM »

Now that attempt was funny indeed  ;D
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #78 : September 28, 2016, 05:18:56 PM »

This topic makes me feel uncomfortable now.
Its beginning to feel like a vendetta or witch hunt.

Achat have banned the offending accounts and no doubt will continue to do so.

This player has indeed deserved to be banned but I would also like to point out,
he was chatting nicely and has done for the last 3 nights.
I have witnessed him being approached and verbally abused and not being the antagonist on these 4 occasions.

This may well explain why this has continued as it has and seems never ending.

I personally think this topic should be locked or removed and any abuses reported through support and not publisized here anymore. It just feeds the dramas.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #79 : September 28, 2016, 05:33:21 PM »

AND MISTER HIGH AND MIGHTY HAS SPOKEN!  This guy terrorizes, makes rl threats. and so on for two months strait, and because he kisses you butt nicely for three days, you think we should forgive him... your dumber then a box of rocks....
« : September 28, 2016, 09:22:38 PM Anatasia97 »
Full Member
: 161

« #80 : September 28, 2016, 11:47:05 PM »

...he was chatting nicely and has done for the last 3 nights.

Yes, and while you were chatting "nicely" with him he attacked me here in the forums and sent out more fake accounts to harrass users.

I have witnessed him being approached and verbally abused and not being the antagonist on these 4 occasions.

He ruins this community since weeks, he stalks, he harrasses, he threathens people in real life, we speak of CRIMES here. I guess he has to live with that. Besides that, ask your nice new friend why he attacks ME when OTHERS approach him. If he feels treated unfair, why doesn't he complain to support?

I personally think this topic should be locked or removed and any abuses reported through support and not publisized here anymore. It just feeds the dramas.

I disagree, its shows people how some people really are, while they are chatting "nicely" to you. Besides that, i agree with Anatasia. I wonder that it's really possible that people can be THAT naive. You and your new buddy may dislike this topic, fine, don't read it then, stick to your diaries, maybe you can invite him for your parties and stories. In the meantime I will keep dragging trolls like him to the light, describe their actions and crimes, make it public, everyone shall see how they really are, no matter how "sweet" their words are.
Full Member
: 161

« #81 : September 29, 2016, 12:01:52 AM »

There you go, Vaughan...befriend him...

Oh, wait, they are not attacking someone YOU love. Nevermind then, its all just drama we feed...
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #82 : September 29, 2016, 02:07:30 AM »

I'm just tired of it. I bet other members are too.

Your way isn't / does't work. The preceding weeks have proved this very point.  How long will it take for you to realise it...

My way has him engaging, shows / educates / teaches...  maybe it wont work, but while he is with us, he is not causing havoc in Winter.

As for the topic, it was dealt with by a moderator and he was spoken to about it and even apologised to her. She removed it because it was WRONG.
Posting it again here... doesn't make it right.

Ignoring a perpetrator and turning your back, refusing to engage, does work. My friends and I have proved it over and over. We did again last night. We turned our back, carried on chatting and refused to allow a silly dick to disrupt our pleasant evening.
After about 5 minutes, he poofed, realising he was not achieving zilch.

You all do the same and work together as a team, it will show the plebs... their behaviour is childish and achieves nothing, nothing at all.

You are all intelligent people, why are you attacking me when I am just trying a different way to achieve the same goal... to rid the meeting place of problem members so everyone can enjoy.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Full Member
: 161

« #83 : September 29, 2016, 04:06:33 AM »

I'm just tired of it. I bet other members are too.

As said above, nobody forces you to read this topic. I will keep gathering all information here, so that everyone can see what is going on. Unless moderators tell me thats not allowed to do.

Your way isn't / does't work. The preceding weeks have proved this very point.  How long will it take for you to realise it...

YOU don't realize that some of us cannot join winter without being attacked within the first minutes. Not saying that its always him, but he is one of them. He uses several accounts at the same time, is it that hard to understand? While he talks to you he uses another to harass people. Not to mention messages he is sending.I guess you saw the pic above. I was joining winter for like 5 minutes. Yeah, YOU don't get attacked that way. Others do. 

My way has him engaging, shows / educates / teaches...  maybe it wont work, but while he is with us, he is not causing havoc in Winter.

Enjoy his presence then. Feel his warmth, his friendship. Don't be surprised when others turn away though.

As for the topic, it was dealt with by a moderator and he was spoken to about it and even apologised to her. She removed it because it was WRONG.
Posting it again here... doesn't make it right.

Oh, thats very nice by him that he apologized to THE MODERATOR. Who did he attack again with his topic?

Ignoring a perpetrator and turning your back, refusing to engage, does work. My friends and I have proved
 it over and over. We did again last night. We turned our back, carried on chatting and refused to allow a silly dick to disrupt our pleasant evening.
After about 5 minutes, he poofed, realising he was not achieving zilch.

You all do the same and work together as a team, it will show the plebs... their behaviour is childish and achieves nothing, nothing at all.

You are all intelligent people, why are you attacking me when I am just trying a different way to achieve the same goal... to rid the meeting place of problem members so everyone can enjoy.

Nobody is attacking you. But maybe when the day comes that YOU or YOUR-soon-to-be-wife-whatever gets targeted for weeks, you will start to understand. You probably enjoy the role of Robin Hood, sticking up for a oh so poor misunderstood guy who gets attacked by oh so many bad and hateful people. Hey, he made fun of people who had cancer, he laughs about people who got HIV, he threatened to kill people, promised to rape us, insults us, our families, our friends, our parents and so on. No big deal, he is nice now, forgiven and forgotten.

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #84 : September 29, 2016, 06:25:10 AM »

I look at the posts below and I think its not each other we should be getting on to but Achat for giving these fool 1,000 to come into the game and just hassle people who have paid for a month, 3 months or year here. this is not good from Achat they take out money and that's all they do or they say put them on ignore list. what I say to Achat play the game and see how long ye can put up with all the hassle.. so come on  ACHAT do something   

Hero Member
: 10457


« #85 : October 02, 2016, 11:22:16 AM »

I want to say that I see a lot of the drama coming from some to , and I see a lot bulling  not just him.  you post pic with  Members. do you even  get every ones permission  to do this !  I don't know but I would not like my pictures and my conversion being posted  in the forum from a meeting place on acaht   be where ever it is  with out permission ,,,I do see a witch hunt and I am  seeing some segregation now with all this why can't you just ignore  like many of us do and enjoy it  you are all adult grow up move on  if you dont like then leave there are  many other game  to go to  ... stop all the drama  ..and as I think  this is a alt accnt  to,   ( my thoughts )...  Laura_AFS   .. tell us why he is  doing this  I mean no one  just go's  and  harasses others without a reason,  I want to know  how it really started why it started ? ...and the reason  I post on this  is ..Some one  tried to  have a chat ban me for their own hate to me to , a long time ago and the women came spied  all her poison about  me lied to the forum  members   about it  and it was lies lies till I posted her chat  where she was the one instigating it all,,  I see same thing here .. before any one  keeps  doing this  I ask achat  administrators  to really look at the all the pictures ,every one can see there is also a lot bullying  from others  ,,,
« : October 02, 2016, 11:29:42 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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: 161

« #86 : October 02, 2016, 02:23:56 PM »

That bullshit needs to be answered.

1. You complain about pictures showing chat of members. So what? None of them complained, your weren't  at any of the pictures, such pictures are posted daily. Why do YOU complain then? Do you ask people in meeting place whether you are allowed to read what they are saying before you read? Guess not. None of the chat of the not involved people is anything else but random smalltalk. Furthermore, I highly doubt you are authorized in ANY way to judge about that. Moderators saw my posts, they didnt complain, they are the authority here.

I wonder anyway why you come to my thread and keep commenting that issue, you weren't involved, i didnt even see you in meeting place ever. I guess you are too busy trolling in the forums to attend in the game at all.

2. You ask ME why I am doing this? I, among others, am attacked since weeks. You really ask me why I defend myself and the one I love and my friends? Are you serious? If you want to ask questions, why don't you ask that freak himself why he started it? Btw, you said tell "US"...i doubt you speak for anyone else besides your own. I didn't see any elections for a speaker or anything. Who is the "us" you are speaking for?

3. I am not interested in your "reasons" to annoy me and all the others who were attacked by that freak in here.

4. FYI...all pictures that were posted here were sent to support already when i requested the bans for this freak. I'm confident they knew who started it. Feel free to send them whereever you want to and ask questions as much as you like. Don't be surprised when you are asked who you are and why you even bother when you were not involved in that issue.

I recommed you to quit spamming here.

« #87 : October 02, 2016, 03:09:59 PM »

I am gonna answer this also:

First, this freak did not terrorize you for two months, You where no where to be seen!
Second, Your opinon means nothing to me, We did not ask for it nor is it wanted.
Third, stick to spamming everyone elses threads, and mind yyour own business.
when you know what your talking about, then maybe your opinion will count, until then....
Full Member
: 161

« #88 : October 02, 2016, 04:20:55 PM »

I can post my opine and I can say any thing I want  when I see you all insulting others  calling ling them trolls
freak how give you the right to call other member same you are no one  high and might  and judging  maybe you should look in to it yourself

Speaking of insults, just check the screenshots of what vikkee the freak said. That says all.
And a "troll" is someone who posts in blogs and forums without really participating or being involved in the topic. Just to clear that up.

and for your information a moderator  is a moderator   of the forum they  are not Administration

And still THEY are the authority here and decide what pictures can be posted. You have no say in that, yet you complain about something that didnt hurt you.
Where are your complaints about vikkee and his behaviour? I guess making fun of people who went through cancer or who got HIV is nothing to complain about? Promising people to kill them or to rape them, no big deal, huh? Racism, homophobic namecalling, hey, that's ok?

and I do go at time to the meeting please and I Do know how to ignore it ....
and I can go when i want not when you want  me !

Not arguing that, but as long as you are not attacked for weeks don't come here and tell me/us how to handle things. Plain and simple.

« #89 : October 02, 2016, 04:48:51 PM »

Roxx, he didn't call you names, and many others, or threaten your life, or any of the other real crimes he committed. you really should know what you talking about before youu open your trap... keep trolling forums, your nothing but a joke here anyways!!
« : October 02, 2016, 04:58:44 PM Anatasia97 »
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