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: Please ban vikkee  ( 60431 )
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: 161

« #90 : October 02, 2016, 04:51:44 PM »

my thing is I dont like  when others start calling  names   and we have to see it 

Oh really...the freak did that for several weeks while he was terrorizing us. Where have you been when this happened? There have been plenty of pics.

I have not heard  how it all started  I just hear your side and why it got out of hand

I didn't tell you my side yet. Just to sum it up..he couldn't handle a "no". Explaining it to you would be a waste of time anyway...so is any further answer on whatever you'll write here next. Enjoy the role of defending the poor misunderstand underdog...
Hero Member
: 10457


« #91 : October 02, 2016, 04:56:39 PM »

it is not  for him its  a the way members behave with each other that's what I am speaking up

i do not like it and  no one should be  calling each other  insulting name to each other !!!!

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #92 : October 04, 2016, 08:56:03 AM »

ok, let's go one step back. You're all right in your point of view. No matter if it's Laura, Anastasia, Vaughan or Roxxy. Like i said, from YOUR point of view. And this is what everybody is doing here. You can discuss it, you can talk about, but keep the tone friendly.

AChat is looking for him, they are going to ban every avi he's creating. This is because you are keeping an eye on him. Well done!

Vaughan and Roxxy also are right. Focus on your fun now. The more attention you pay to this, the less fun you have. Is this what you want? Having less fun? Ignore him, report him if he's harrassing you and let AChat do the work.

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: 10350

« #93 : November 16, 2016, 06:59:16 PM »

Who is still having troubles with him or his alts?

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: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #94 : November 16, 2016, 07:02:55 PM »

He as been behaving himself and making his own circle of friends.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #95 : November 17, 2016, 12:28:36 AM »

he is fine as long as he keeps his distance. no further problems.
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: 161

« #96 : November 17, 2016, 02:40:08 AM »

Ask him about making "gifts", Vaughan...and what he is spreading about "fake people"...
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #97 : November 17, 2016, 02:43:19 AM »

V i understand that's he's behaving and everything but he still caused allot of damage.......and if i'm going to loose friends cause of what he did i will never forgive him for that!!!

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: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #98 : November 17, 2016, 03:25:40 AM »


I have never had any problems with Vikkee and yet I have spoken hours with him!
I think that at the moment he has been quiet for quite a while and has the right to play like everyone else.
You will never stop people from telling "stories" and the worst being those talking in your back.
At least Vikkee we know him and he redeemed himself a conduct I will say!

If it does not bother you anymore, leave it alone and everything will go much better, at least I hope  :)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind

« #99 : November 17, 2016, 03:49:59 AM »

Short reply to question asked: It all started with me politely saying no to 30 cold invites, then when I finally had enough and ignored Vikkee Vikkee2 appeared, ignored him Vikkee3 appeared, and so on. dont blow up on laura for protecting me. its all under control and should just all be dropped in my opinion. But I'm just the original victim here. My wife laura has just been protecting me and having to take all the bull I keep seeing here from every one that feels she is being mean. Vikkee was the worst stalker I have seen in my long time here and used very cold tactice along with many different avi's to ruin my time here and I almost quit. Laura is the only reason I am still here. I love my wife.
I love you laura.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #100 : November 17, 2016, 02:18:02 PM »

No one condoned his behaviour.  Read back in this topic, you will find I and others supported you in condemning his behaviour.
He knows what he did was wrong.

The situation was going on for far too long and everyone was getting too wrapped up in it.  So some of us tried a different tack.

We communicated with him and told him in no uncertain terms his behaviour was wrong and unacceptable and told him how he should behave. I had a few man to man talks with him, I swore at him and had no holds barred with him with the issues he had.

For whatever reason, he listened and now things have improved.  They may not be perfect, but they have improved.

Hopefully they will continue to do so. 

No one blew up at Laura and no one is causing any bull for any of you to take. 
On the contrary, We tried and I think succeeded mostly in stopping it.

In doing so though, I and my spouse were verbally insulted for trying to keep the peace and show him, how Achat should be enjoyed.

That is hard to take, when actually you are supporting the very people who are attacking you. Still things move on and hopefully we will all enjoy things again.

With any luck, it is all quietening down now and we can all enjoy our time here.

Happy Autumn, Happy Summer, Happy Achat Life.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #101 : November 17, 2016, 04:14:24 PM »

No vaughan your way was not working, I and others were still being attacked when your back was turned. It was after I made peace with him things got better but I guess you didnt know that. Oh well think what you want but you have on many occasions also been rude through out the whole thing, not helping much altho you thought you was in your world, think what you will I am over it all.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #102 : November 17, 2016, 05:24:04 PM »

I'm sure you making peace, went a long way to improving the situation too. Thats good Twiz. Well done for taking those steps.

Its nice to see that you and your friends are grateful others tried to help resolve or at least limit the attacks.

It wasn't just me who you seem to single out who worked with him though, others including moderators  worked with him too. 

And it wasn't my world, It was the Achat meeting place and the situation was making everyone miserable. It was getting out of hand.
At least some of us tried to make it better and surprisingly, we made progress bit by bit.   I'm not sure why you and your friends suddenly made us enemies. We were supporting you and encouraging him to leave you and your friends alone.

As for him attacking you behind my back.....  how exactly is that my fault? You can keep that accusation Missy.

When I saw things or received complaints I spoke to him as did the others to try and resolve it. Mostly it worked. He seemed to listen to us. I'm not saying it was perfect but it improved slowly.
But... I also saw how you and your friends attacked him to without provocation which set the whole thing off again. So of course, I would say to you to stop it too as it was just going to set him off again.

I wasn't rude to you or your friends at all. It was the other way round. I just answered your accusations and attacks. Mostly when you came to me to disturb my peace. I stayed away and  still do.

I just wanted a place to enjoy things again.  I still do and stay away from the drama.

Personally, I think this topic should be locked down and deleted.  If hes not causing trouble anymore, it should be filed and archived or something.

I'm not posting in this topic again. Its done as far as I am concerned.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Full Member
: 161

« #103 : November 17, 2016, 06:38:00 PM »

YOU were attacked and disturbed in your peace? Seriously? Quite a strange interpretation of the happenings.

Sorry, but don't blame us for staying away from you when you decided to befriend the one who attacked us for two months and ruined achat completely for all of us. Nobody attacked you when you came near. Nobody went over to attack you. Some expressed their opinion about the situation when you came near, thats right. That you have to deal with though. Adults express their opinions, adults have to take it. Besides that i saw nobody coming over and attacking you, especially not my wife. Some don't mind him being near, others do. You made your decision, you picked the isolation you went into on your own. You even said that when you wrote you "stay away from the drama", you "stay away and will do". Live with it, but don't blame me/us/anyone else for YOUR decisions.

You say its not your fault when he keeps annoying us with weird messages and unwanted gifts. That's true so far. The situation is better, yes. He stays away from us, yes, most of the time. Obviously he's still trying to annoy people, however. What he does might not be a reason for more bans, but it's still annoying, just a change in "tactics". You don't want to hear that such "attacks" happen, because it shows "your way" isn't working perfect, fine. But they are reality, not "accusations", MISTER.

You want this topic to be closed and deleted, hmmm, WHY? This is a FORUM. It's filled with thousands of topics. Even if situations are solved or improved, the topics are still there. This is the basic meaning of a forum. But out of ten thousands THIS one topic you want to be deleted. Why? Everyone shall know who he is and what he did, no matter if he "changed". And everyone who comes here to do what he did and still does shall see that example, how this community defends itself and that the moderators and staff react when people complain. Everyone shall see that you can have dozens of accounts to annoy people, you will lose them all in the end.

To me it seems you claim the role of a martyr here, who "sacrificed his achat experience and friendships for the benefit of all others". You demand that everyone accepts "that guy" as a good friend and that everyone pretends that nothing ever happened from now on. Love, peace and happiness...yeah it would be nice to have nothing but that, but face the truth, thats utopia.

Sorry, but thats not going to happen. At least not from my side. And even if i was the only one left...i will NEVER accept this guy here in this virtual world.

There is no reason for further posts here as long as he "behaves", on that part i agree, yet i ask the moderators to keep that topic open and available. I hope I am wrong, but i'm quite sure it will be needed again, sooner or later.
Hero Member
: 10350

« #104 : November 17, 2016, 07:41:43 PM »

The topic will not be removed and it will stay open.

I started this new discussion with my question. That wasn't my intention. I just got some complaints and wanted to know, if there are more. Obviously at the moment he is calm. And I ask you all to be calm too. Don't fight with each other because of a 3rd person

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