As I said stupidity is all over in here his no good but is also not not any worse than other's
I just see him as most here that promote incest , human trafficking, Slavery ( ownership of a another) .
how about the tie-up others torturing they say its a porn site now we got all this whoring going on
let's not forget the bullying harassing group bullying gossip and slander
we all did and done it and any one that says they not you are liers ..
I am one to say I done some .... and I also been on both end
He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone ( so who is any better then the other person )we all see it going on no one is that dum to not see what go's on
The Jesus and Hitler Avis who ever they are you so should all see that its a
sickle mental health problems who ever it is ...
I really think if people can't handle public drama from others
( no one can control a another persons behavior or action )
they should stay in their privet room
Like realistically why deal with all the public drama when
you can be at peace in a private chat dance with your loved one hmm

or they really need to be pushing administration
for privet rooms to hold private friends
All this don't bother me this AVI I just see stupidity
I just see there is no privacy anymore on this site
and no respect for each other that's why I don't go in much
The why you treat me I treat you
I go with the Flow !!!