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: fix  ( 4784 )
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« : September 20, 2016, 12:19:17 AM »

fix the game getting tired of being disconnected trying to get into summer or winter and i have my fire wall set to  allow the game

« #1 : September 20, 2016, 08:13:37 AM »

I can't tell if my "issues" are related to me and my setup or if others are having same problem and this might be Achat related.

I have two "issues" going on:

LOSING CONNECTION:  I think "part" of this is my incoming dsl line, which my fiancĂ© had analyzed last week, sure glad we have one "techie geek" in the house, sometimes that is ... anyway.... I tend to ramble, sorry  *giggles* My provider has acknowledged their is something wrong with my signal and will FIX soon. *holding breath, turning blue." Fingers are crossed.

ACHAT CRASHING: My "NEW" issue is related to WINTER meeting place, not SUMMER. The past couple of days I have received a pop-up error message when attempting to LOAD Winter, telling me a "problem" with this program caused Achat to close down. I am running Windows 10, with a 6th gen I5 processor, 8Gb  RAM and a Nvidia GTX940 video card w. 4Gb, and I have my firewall open to this program.  This seems to coincide with a recent Windows 10 update, but I do not know if they are related.

I have also, recently, reloaded the Achat client twice, hoping it would help. But it appears to only be a temp fix

I also, have noticed another strange issue; if I lose my connection while I am in Winter, and I try to get back into Winter again, I ALWAYS return as a ghost, even if I reboot Achat and Windows 10 as well. Never had this problem before.  I even have tried to visit Summer before returning to Winter, but no help, still ghost until  someone saves me by "instant" Action which only seems to work sometimes.

The real reason I am posting this is to know if others are experiencing any of these same issues or if it's just "tech" challenged little ole me.
Any help or feedback is appreciated. Thank you all. Have a GREAT Day, SMILE  *hugs* Kailtlyn   

« : September 20, 2016, 05:17:31 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
Hero Member
: 1379

« #2 : September 20, 2016, 11:30:29 AM »

  I had a problem last night in the Winter Meeting Place too.

  Started dancing and it bugged out, you know, I'm at right angles to my partner.  We all know that one though.

  Anyway,  I exited and I got the ACHAT is not responding and it shut down.  But I get this problem with the Summer Meeting Place too.  Sometimes, when I exit Summer the background of the front page is white  :D.  So I have to restart. 

  Also,  (yes there's more),  I just get the loading screen when trying to enter any Meeting Place and it seems to freeze there.  Waited for a bit and again have to reload.  This has happened a lot.  Grrr.    ::)

  Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit (Updated).  (8gb of Memory) My firewall allows Achat. 

  So it's not just Windows 10 Kaitlyn.  But, I have never experienced the ghost effect.

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #3 : September 20, 2016, 12:15:02 PM »


My bugs:

- The slow dance bug
- The mouth bug (sometimes)

Sometimes too when I want enter in the Winter place my game freeze and don't load the place, need to restart. (Same bug as Zuz and yes it's often)

Windows 7 Home 64 bits, 32 Go memory, NVidia gforce 970 GTX, firewall open for AChat.

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #4 : September 20, 2016, 12:19:56 PM »


My bugs:

- The slow dance bug
- The mouth bug (sometimes)

Sometimes too when I want enter in the Winter place my game freeze and don't load the place, need to restart. (Same bug as Zuz and yes it's often)

Windows 7 Home 64 bits, 32 Go memory, NVidia gforce 970 GTX, firewall open for AChat.

Same here... and also, Meeting Place when is so full of people, froze and i walk like a turtle and so hard to type :P , but i think is also cause my laptop is a little old... :P


« #5 : September 21, 2016, 07:49:23 AM »

Update: OK, now I can't get into either meeting place without Achat crashing NOW  *pouting*

I ran the "Troubleshoot Compatibility", seemed like a good idea, but I tried every option, none made a difference

And after ALL that I see a message from Windows that implies this PROGRAM is INCOMPATIBLE   WTF?

I have no problem getting into game, chatting in lobby or going to my dressing room, I just can't get into Meeting Places.

Did someone BAN ME?  I promise, I am NOT "VIKKEE". *giggles*

Please HELP !   I MISS chatting with my friends already, this really " SUCKS " NOW.

UPDATE: OK, Now I can get into WINTER and SUMMER, no problem.  huh? I did not do anything. NOW I GET IN? I am confused.  But, all is well..... For now, I guess.    STAY TUNED..   Sorry
« : September 21, 2016, 02:00:40 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
: 12

« #6 : September 23, 2016, 09:06:53 PM »

yes i have  same problems pc crashing and be disconnected  going into summer or winter  or even room my firewall is set  to alow but still does not work the game has issues that need fixing forget the clothes and poses  fix the game i dont pay to get booted   i pay to play
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