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: Client 678 vs 2.13 Date 10/06/2016  ( 11976 )
Hero Member
: 1379

« #15 : October 28, 2016, 11:18:59 AM »

  This isn't working for me.

  Where is the folder ?

  When I press the camera, a dos box appears and then it shows me the contents of the "My Documents" Folder,  there's nothing there.

  I've searched my harddrive for this screenshots folder.  There isn't one.  Also for jpgs.  It's not there.

  Windows 7 64 bit.

: 17

« #16 : October 28, 2016, 11:31:44 AM »


First check the Windows date format (Short date format at Control Panel). If it uses "/" as a date separator, change format to use a different character, like a "-" or a "."

Then, a screenshot file shoud be created.

If you cant open it, rename the file to add a "." before the "jpg" extension.
The file should now be recognized as JPG.

Screenshots are located at:
Hero Member
: 507

« #17 : October 28, 2016, 11:51:38 AM »

You will find the screenies here:


Where USERNAME is the name of your current user account.

The problem is that AChat installs in AppData which is a hidden folder by default. You may change its properties or the general folder properties to show hidden folders too.
Or you send a link of the AChat or Screenshots folder to your desktop, with a right-klick -> send to - this might be the easiest option. If you go to this folder by typing in the path, you can access it, although it lays inside a hidden one.
Hope this helps.

Hero Member
: 1379

« #18 : October 28, 2016, 12:30:21 PM »

  Thank you both for responding.   :-*

  I've changed the date format to a "." and I already have show hidden files, folders and drives selected.

  Nothing comes up.   The screenshots folder isn't there.

  LOL.  I've tried something.  When this option was first added I deleted the Screenshots folder.  I've just created a screenshots folder in the ACHAT folder and it works.   LOL.

  Only one thing that is weird though.  When I select another folder from my hard drive it opens up another window showing that particular folder.  LOL.   I have to close all windows explorers and re open for it to stop.  LOL.

  Thank you both again.  For the help.  It got me thinking.    :-* :-*

  Oh btw.  I've just tried it with the "/" for date format again and it's still OK.

: 17

« #19 : October 28, 2016, 01:12:08 PM »

Great to hear that it is working now.

The developers issued a patch some days ago to make the file name independent of the date separator character... apparently it is working  ;)
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