Yes, I've been in there a few times this past few weeks and I have noticed that the cards are dealt to you real slowly.
Might be that. Also seen Administrator in there a few days ago. (Don't know if this is a User or an ACHAT Dev).
Just have to wait and see. 
Hi ZuZ,
It's an admin because I talk to him and Françis asked for his problem with the music and tell that they add a "stop music button" and after a new patch arrived with that.
I dance a slow with him too for the slow dance bug (no synchro) but of course all was fine ! grrrr

but he understood the problem.
Bugs I tell him:
Slow dance
Dance in the air in the NY place
Problems and frozing to enter in places sometimes
He promise that he come more often on the place, maybe he liked to dance with me in batwoman ?

Just being in there and all I'm getting is "Game is Starting" on top of the screen.
Chatted to some in there, one of them said he was frozen ??
The game isn't starting. Just chatted to someone in there again, they've waited for 5 mins or so and still waiting to be dealt in.
Yes it's exactly that ! "Game is Starting" ....