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: Kaitlyn1989 and Momma_Andrea  ( 42311 )
Jr. Member
: 73

only reward for love is the experience of loving

« #15 : May 14, 2017, 07:48:55 AM »


FREE to be ME

« #16 : May 15, 2017, 08:00:47 AM »

I come home to a message. It is short, just 5 words. yet touches me in a way that captures my complete attention. It's never just the words that evoke feelings which you have no control, but the voice that give them this power. When writer n reader share the same moment, same thought, same truth. It becomes difficult to think of anything else... thus I continue reminiscing, my trip down memory lane.

I came  upon our wedding vows which I have not visited for far too long. Yours I read first, more than once I confess.

I don’t ask for your hand for the game
It’s not a game and hasn’t been for some time.
I asked for your hand because I have run out of words
Words that say I love you, that I need you.
That there is only joy with you, and I don’t want to be without you.

I will love you
I will cherish you
I will always be with you

I will guide you
I will lead you
I will honor and keep you

Andrea, you honor your vows as you do your words. My love for you has always been strengthened in my trust n respect for you.  And I can say without feeling my words are contrived that I am still falling in love. Yes, we have had a couple of little bumps along the way, each of us not fully in control of our emotions for the other, But when I reflect, as I have today, on my feelings for us..... it is easy to realize that I love you more each day.

I told you Sunday morning I was looking for an image that I had in my head, I could not find that perfect one but found several that together express how I feel bout YOU, bout US.



WE are US

Happy n Laughing

Affectionate n Caring

Aroused n Hungry

We are all of these things and much more.

I LOVE YOU too my  precious little secret


« #17 : May 16, 2017, 10:01:23 PM »

This is what most people think goes on at our place

*whispers* Secret, this is what really goes on at our home.

YEP, That's what happens when you FALL in LOVE.  :P

« #18 : October 04, 2017, 01:43:34 PM »

A typical Saturday morning at our place ..... well, before I hurt myself that is.

I am a fitness nut and like to get an early start.


As for my LADY Andrea ..........

She likes to get an early jump on BREAKFAST.


« #19 : October 06, 2017, 08:35:12 PM »

A year ago today my Lady_Andrea asked me to undress and meet her in Winter meeting place. My assumption was to be paraded around naked n embarrassed as punishment for lack of a promised morning treat. Instead, she quickly invited me to dance, embraced me in her arms and caressed me with her words. That was when she asked ME to break her last rule.   ;D

Of course, I screamed YES before she could finish..... I tend to be the impetuous one.  :o

Now it is my turn to ask ........

Andrea, you are a year wiser and I am no longer something "new",
Our home has never come with doors, it's more like a nesting tree.
Each of us free to come n go as we please, never a jealous thought.

Knowing now what you do, If I offered you the option today to renew our vows or go from me, would you stay?
Would you take my hand once again, walk by my side, share your words, listen to mine, LOVE me another year?

Will you keep me as your "wifey" for another year?
Keep me as your angel, your princess, your SLUT?
Feed the monster inside like no one can but you?
Be my everything and let me be yours in return?

However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you

Whatever words I say
I will always love you
I will always love you

                                                                         ~ The Cure - Love Song

Your Peaches always.

Kait LOVES Andrea
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #20 : October 07, 2017, 04:38:54 AM »

From day one it was a roller coaster ride, exhilarating, exciting and yes, New.  My princess, you are still all that, but now you are also "Comfort" you are "home". Yes our doors are open, but it's always me -n- you. 
I say Yes my little love. Yes for another year.

Andrea Loves Kait

Full Member
: 161

« #21 : October 07, 2017, 05:32:29 AM »

Congratulations on your anniversary!  ;D

« #22 : October 07, 2017, 10:56:33 AM »

Hi Laura *hugs* Thank you for sending CONGRATS ....  ;D

You too Sarah *hugs* thank you for your kind and candid words. I owe you a reply... after I finish celebrating which could take ALL day.  :o

I am usually way too distracted to think of taking any pictures,
but I posted notes all over my lappy this morning just in case.

Me and my Lady Andrea cuddling on the sofa in Winter meeting place,
reminiscing n celebrating, where my LADY asked me to break her last cyber rule.

hmm, i think that is a smile on her face.
Although i know she is trying hard to hide it.

A YEAR later..... we are still braking rules  ;D

YOU are my perfect imperfection....

I LOVE US and how YOU add spice to my RL

Your Peaches

Your Kait

« #23 : October 27, 2017, 07:39:06 AM »

Just Sayin

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #24 : October 27, 2017, 02:46:01 PM »


« #25 : December 25, 2017, 08:36:16 PM »

Little TUGS here and there,
summon me to your lair.
Touching me in places,
caught in your embraces.

Little TUGS that claw and scrape,
reminding me there's no escape.
The strings you pluck deep inside,
leave little place for me to hide.

It makes no matter where I am…
what I am doing, or even when.
These little TUGS they come and go
as they please hiding inside my shadow.

Reminded of “US” in everything I do,
countless times each day I think of YOU.
Always with a smile and love in my heart,
your spirit leaves me before you depart.

On this Christmas holiday I want to celebrate,
all that is good in US n leaves me feeling great.
It is not about the presents underneath my tree,
it’s about who I share my time n keep close to ME.

As I count my gifts n blessing I include you as ONE,
Sharing each day of my life filling it with spice n fun.
We tend to break the rules and paint outside the line,
you released my monster, I became your Frankenstien.


Merry Christmas….. Andrea


Your Peaches

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #26 : December 28, 2017, 05:44:34 AM »

She makes me smile from miles away
She sends her heart just every day
She loves and laughs and plays with me
She is my love for all to see

Another year is going to begin
Kaitlyn you are my favorite sin
A resolution you'll never be
because I can't live with out you n me

We are US and there is no other
We are ONE for one another
Peaches, love, for all to hear
Stay with me. Be my NEW YEAR


« #27 : December 28, 2017, 01:03:49 PM »

Just three stanzas is all it takes,
to preheat her Peaches sweetcakes.
In those words a spell that binds me,
stronger than any collar, leash or key.

YES… just three stanzas is all it took,
to remind me I was still on her hook.
Whatever she released inside of me,
is busy playing and wants to stay free.

In just three stanzas can I do the same?
Can I make her mine n own her flame?
With just my words and nothing more,
can I TUG her strings, make her my encore?

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #28 : December 31, 2017, 10:04:56 AM »

I love you, Peaches
More than anyone could ever know
« : December 31, 2017, 10:08:31 AM Momma_andrea »

Sr. Member
: 323

« #29 : October 08, 2020, 10:00:46 AM »

An Engagement missed
An Anniversary nears
A Thread awakens

Ev’ry bump endured
Has only brought us closer
Over these four years

Not a day goes bye
Without YOU dancing in thoughts
Doing what YOU will

Nor a morning missed
Without your words to greet me
YOU are my Sunrise

And MY addiction.  :-*
An unexpected journey
A magical GIFT

Accidently in Love


Regardless where our journey takes US... it's Priceless.   

YOU are my Nesting Tree, my home without doors, my Safe place

Thank YOU Andrea.... i LOVE YOU
« : October 08, 2020, 10:35:00 AM Kaitlyn1989 »

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