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Wedding Invitation
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: Wedding Invitation ( 8385 )
Wedding Invitation
October 14, 2016, 12:34:50 PM »
Thought it migth be nice to have a Wedding Invite board
So I start with my two dear friends
Gratulation to Momma_Andrea & Kaitlyn1989
also Known as Lady Andrea and her Peaches
for international use call planer
: October 14, 2016, 05:05:35 PM GsCougar
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Wedding Invitation
#1 :
October 15, 2016, 11:32:44 AM »
It went off well. There are pictures coming, I'm sure.
I am now a married woman, and I would like to share my vows for those that couldn't be there...
You came at me like a whirlwind and made me nervous, from the start.
But you are an “All or Nothing” kind of girl. You lead with your heart.
You are the most positive and loving person I have ever met.
You are like the sun, You shine on EVERYONE. No matter what.
We weren’t supposed to fall in love, but we did
I needed inspired, and you did
I needed appreciated, and you did
I needed understanding, and you did
And finally I needed loved
And of course, you did.
The day YOU needed, I HAD to be there.
You wanted to walk away as if I wouldn’t help
But I HAD too. It was already too late
I Loved you.
I don’t ask for your hand for the game
It’s not a game and hasn’t been for some time.
I asked for your hand because I have run out of words
Words that say I love you, that I need you.
That there is only joy with you, and I don’t want to be without you.
I will love you
I will cherish you
I will always be with you
I will guide you
I will lead you
I will honor and keep you
You have my collar, and now you have my ring.
Re: Wedding Invitation
#2 :
October 15, 2016, 01:21:14 PM »
I want to say Congratulations again to my two Very wonderful friends, On this your Wedding day, It was beautiful, and I think you both for allowing me to be a part of it. I love you both. and with Andrea posting her vows to share, I would like to add This song for the both of you..
The VOW - Geoff Moore and the Distance.
Re: Wedding Invitation
#3 :
October 15, 2016, 09:59:36 PM »
To all my friends that made this morning so special for Andrea and me, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
My Lady Andrea tends to be the thinker, and worrier, in our dynamic dou, she was a bit nervous that we had not planned, had not rehearsed, She wanted everything to be perfect for me, for her PEACHES..... Me, on the other hand, well, I did not worry. I have been floating on air and staying up too late to be anything but HAPPY. But thanks to ALL of you, our morning ceremony in Winter place went perfect, without a hitch.
I will write each of you that attended a special thank you letter for participating with US, but there are two special thank you I want to convey publically.
- TIM: Our "PREACHER" thank you for making it "official" for conducting the ceremony flawlessly.
- SARAH: Our Wedding photographer / videographer, your talents are only surpassed by your kindness and generosity. Danke
I leave those of you who were unable to attend our ceremony my vows to my love, my Lady A,, Andrea.
It was your writing, your posts, that attracted me first,
you lived in forum, I lived in game. You a Writer, I a Nurse.
I watched from afar, it was all I could do until our worlds merged,
I read your words, in them, a strong, quiet, humble soul emerged.
Our introduction a tad bit bumpy, my approach to “west coast”,
My impetuous, all-in style made you nervous with each post.
Although I was uncertain, my heart was not, knowing something I did not
I continued my pursuit, until one day you say “OK, let’s give this a SHOT”.
Andrea, from that day to this one.
Each day falling deeper in love,
I wake each morning with you in my head,
as I do each night when I lay to bed.
I know when we started neither wanted this, it was heaven sent.
I know I was supposed to be the muse, but became each other’s instead
I care not about your looks, your age, your religion, politics, money or fame.
The object of my desire lies much deeper inside, living in heart and brain.
I asked you to take my hand not so long ago, to take a chance on me.
I gifted you my submission. Willingly wanting to be your devotee
You offered me a collar, a token of your love. Of COURSE, I said YES.
And now you have proposed to me, you want me to be your Wife
For “Good” times, “Bad” times, “ALL” times, for the rest of our life.
“Of Course I DO” I say. I am yours as long as you will have me. You are my drug.
The symbols of my love, this bond, all around me; in Collar, Ring and Plug.
Hero Member
: 2208
French Nympho Shemale
Re: Wedding Invitation
#4 :
October 16, 2016, 01:40:51 AM »
This event was very emotional for me.
Many people were present to witness the revival of the winter place on that day was the place of love.
Congratulations to both, I wish you all the happiness in the world.
The link of the video by GsCougar:
: October 16, 2016, 02:02:28 AM Nat33
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Re: Wedding Invitation
#5 :
October 14, 2017, 02:22:21 PM »
Hi ALL *
I apologize for the short notice, we had not planned to do anything organized but Andrea and I would both like to renew our vows for this…. our “
” wedding anniversary.
But wait…. Didn’t you just celebrate your anniversary last weekend? On October 7th? Well, Yes… we did, but that is when Andrea asked me to break her last cyber rule and be her "
". But it was on the 15th of October we were officially married by Tim, witnessed by many of our closest friends.
We plan to renew our vows in Winter sometime bout 9:30am EST on Sunday, October 15th. Then hang out dance, chat, do some shots of Ouzo and get naughty.
Those that have nothing better to do and would like to join us…. You are welcome. Would love to see some that have been missing for quite a while. *hint* *hint* Those that can’t make it …. Join us in forum or in spirit, know we love our friends and playmates too.
A very Happy
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