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it's cheating game...
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: it's cheating game... ( 8033 )
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it's cheating game...
October 20, 2016, 06:06:15 PM »
: October 29, 2016, 02:57:09 PM sam100
Re: it's cheating game...
#1 :
October 20, 2016, 08:03:07 PM »
Hi Sam, I am sorry you feel this way. I am sure you must have had a bad experience, I can sympathize with you. Yes, there are some here that engage in subterfuge, exploit the good will of others and cause trouble. But this is true in RL as well and I believe if you give this world some time and patience you will find there area many beautiful souls living and sharing this world.
I for one, value candor and honesty. It is imperative to me, it is what makes this world "real". We are truly nothing more than our words, As long as my heart is at peace and my conscience clean this world exists, it is "real". But, fill it full of lies and it all falls apart. It is either "truth" or it is a meaningless waste of time in my opinion. But that is just me, I do not get to log in as often as others, I still have to work, so my time here is "precious" to me. The key word being "ME". I am here for me, but while I am a visitor in this world I always treat others with respect and compassion, I am a Karma girl after all, I truly believe in a universal Tao.
Well, I tend to ramble, I am "chatty", I hope you reconsider and stay, come to meeting places and join in on the group chats. If you see me, come on over, I am always will to chat, duh, *giggles*, or snag a hug. And I love to dance.
Regardless, I wish you the best in all your worlds, *hugs* Kaitlyn
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: 671
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Re: it's cheating game...
#2 :
October 21, 2016, 02:24:25 AM »
Sam Sam Sam...........
I understand where you going with this..........
But yesterday a Crazy girl mention something and it hit me like a brick against the Head.
The web page read: funny-adult-games-play ! ! !
And this is my findings about the game:
* In every game you play there must be a winner
* Games does have groups, Partners or alliances
* Games have cheats, cracks even hacks
* Games have Losers
So what I'm trying to say is, yes you going to get people that always want to be the Best, win people over and maybe there only way of doing so is the lie. That is the People that play the game to win!
Then you get your Groups, partners and Alliances, those are the people that can make friends easy, get along with other people easier than most i guest. That can share the same things that others can't. yeah most people think groups are Bullies and like to attack people, but if your part of a group your much stronger than when your just one person. Packs protect there Family.
Cheats, Cracks and Hacks, for me is people that will try to manipulate others in making the game easier for themselves, people that create more than one profile, people that ask for A$ so they can also play the game, people that will try and get easy access in to room even tho they don't have there own room or Poses. So yes Achat does have cheats, cracks and Hacks.
Then you get the Losers, those are the people that's playing a game that always want to blame Mods, administrators, other Users and everyone else accept themselves for not play THE GAME right.
So to everyone that might complain again, whether or not its about Lairs, cheaters or anything else, This is real life GAME, if you can't play the game play House with The Sims, there you can cheat money, partners and everything else.
Kind Regards
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: 6966
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Re: it's cheating game...
#3 :
October 21, 2016, 03:13:07 AM »
Well said all.
This is a fantasy sex game.
It is what you make it.
Ages ago, I learnt from experience of playing, enjoying the game, meeting good friends and not so good, of being hurt and frustrated, of laughing and crying ... that eventually I found there seemed to be phases in the game.
I found if you was in the same phase or frame of mind, your relationship or friendship was most likely to survive.
If you was in a different phase it was most likely doomed.
However, if you understood the phases, then your friendship could possibly survive your relationship break up, and you would remain chat and fun buddys.
Here are the phases to check for yourself
Phase 1
= Kid in a sweet shop, have sex with anything that will take you in a room, Male, Female, Shemale, or even just your sexual preference, it doesn’t matter
Phase 2
= Bored of meaningless sex, looking for a relationship, where you have regular harem lovers, that you care for but not a special one
Phase 3
= Special lover or spouse, who becomes priority, still play but with ground rules. You will leave a room and go to your special lover as soon as you are able to go to your special lover / spouse
Phase 4
= Special lover or spouse and exclusive, no other lovers. The only thing you can do with someone else is dance and talk. No sex or nudity.
Phase 5
= meet in Real Life. You both agree to meet in a real life encounter
Phase 6
= Relationship becomes serious and it moves from virtual to reality, becoming a Real Life couple, maybe to living together and even marriage.
You can move up and down through the phases as things happen, usually relationship improvements / break ups in your Achat life.
Whatever phase you are in the game, remember, treat someone as you would like to be treated yourself.
Virtual or Real life should still be played with respect & manners.
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: 10350
Re: it's cheating game...
#4 :
October 21, 2016, 09:04:19 AM »
Agree with all that has been said before! Let me just add something:
Are there cheaters? Yes, for sure. Are there idiots? Of course! This is a game, where people from all over the world are meeting. And like in real life, every kind of character is here. This means, there also are many nice, interesting, honest and wonderful guys. You are offending all of them, which is telling more about your character than of any other
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: 2208
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Re: it's cheating game...
#5 :
October 21, 2016, 09:23:18 AM »
Hello everyone,
I agree with everything that has been said and as I often say: "Everyone plays as he/she like, I play with or not"
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
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: 1379
Re: it's cheating game...
#6 :
October 21, 2016, 10:55:53 AM »
So, you've had a bad time of it. And sounds like you have been hurt, massively. I sympathise. I happens to all / most of us here one time or another.
BUT, what you are saying is wrong.
You think everyone is a liar ? I play as a Shemale here. I'm just a guy in Real Life. I tell people this. Does this make me a liar ? Psychotic ?
You also saying people are handicapped and old. What are you really saying here ? I have my guesses but, I'll keep them to myself, because I might be wrong. (Usually am)
So ........ Aren't we allowed fun ? Aren't we allowed to join this game because we are handicapped or old ?
I understand that you're upset but, You're Bang out of order.
Full Member
: 180
Re: it's cheating game...
#7 :
October 21, 2016, 11:50:57 AM »
hi, people,I want, to clear a situation,Sam, wasn't deceived,the guy has just big imagination,the guy wanted a real meeting, but was refused,deception wasn't and there is no subject for discussion,this situation causes laughter in me,I think the guy was drunk and wrote a complete nonsense.
Re: it's cheating game...
#8 :
October 21, 2016, 11:57:23 AM »
SO... Why are you here if not to escape reality?
your saying your better then everyone here and are always truthful?
I think your in your own little fantasy world! Just sayin"
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: 2808
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Re: it's cheating game...
#9 :
October 21, 2016, 12:50:20 PM »
I looked at the phases, I am in
Phase 3
= Special lover or spouse, who becomes priority, still play but with ground rules. You will leave a room and go to your special lover as soon as you are able to go to your special lover / spouse
That's cool. Anyone who is in Phase 3 or under come say Hi.
Anyone is phase 4, come say hi too but I wont room you, you know
(well only if you are GsCougar)
@ Sam100 - chill bro you know the saying there is always someone worst off ...
Well a good friend of mine spoused... turned out she was a ... he...
Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: it's cheating game...
#10 :
October 22, 2016, 09:28:18 AM »
As I see any one can play as they wish to play
you just need a a partner to play with you
Phase 1+100 you make your own game .
one thing I will add if you really want some kind off deep deep intimate relationships
I think you should really go out side the door of your realty home and meet real people you can hold kiss
( spend more $ then on here
and chances are they might cheat on you too in realty
so lighten up from fantasy and make the best of your time on here
it's a opine and a suggestion from me , Sam
: October 22, 2016, 09:54:25 AM FoxyRoxxy
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: 6966
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Re: it's cheating game...
#11 :
October 22, 2016, 11:08:36 AM »
Funny, the ramblings of a drunk... hahahahahaaaa
Thank Goodness it was nothing more serious that the happy juice without the HAPPY. Only one thing we can do about that...
: October 22, 2016, 11:14:11 AM Brandybee
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: 1669
Re: it's cheating game...
#12 :
October 23, 2016, 01:36:26 AM »
Full Member
: 180
Re: it's cheating game...
#13 :
October 23, 2016, 04:04:49 AM »
Sam, I want to ask you why you pursue the good person, my friend, stop doing it. You speak about honesty and love, and in too time you attack the good person, leave her alone. Sam attacks my friend and my friend wants to leave a game. Stop attacks, people come to a game for rest and fun
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: 9502
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Re: it's cheating game...
#14 :
October 23, 2016, 05:51:23 AM »
Quote from: Jaynie on October 23, 2016, 01:36:26 AM
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