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| | |-+  Poll: Like/Dislike system
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: What do you think about the User Level and like/dislike system?
Usefull   -21 (11.4%)
Useless   -77 (41.6%)
I'd rather a Profile   -70 (37.8%)
Other, explain you   -3 (1.6%)
I don't care   -14 (7.6%)
: 137

: Poll: Like/Dislike system  ( 84046 )
Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #105 : February 03, 2017, 04:45:15 AM »

It really doesn't matter what Achat do to prevent these idiots o making extra accounts. That person will always be a assface, that are playing the game just to ruine our day or how I play the game!
I agree totally with you Nat, if you want to sign up for the game you need to sign up using credit card details before you can play the game. Achat doesn't have to bill you but at least they will have proof that your older than 18 and your safe to play the game! They can even give those people a 7day trail version, just asking as they have proof that that person is older than 18 years. Then we all can play the game in peace

Full Member
: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #106 : March 11, 2017, 07:22:09 AM »

I think a simple system like cast a vote would be good. No LIKE or DISLIKE.
If you like a partner - you just put up a VOTE for him\her and tha builds up statistic for that player. More VOTEs - the better player is represented.

And searches (lists sorting) should be based on number of VOTES that player has.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #107 : April 02, 2017, 02:20:08 PM »

I personally think that AChat must remove this system of dislikes and make players pay by bank cards even if it"s cheap 5$ for example.


I do not see this ever happening  on the bank cards     its already bad  they have  trouble using bank cards

for  some in  different countries and not all have bank cards   
I   think they are in for the money  so this will stop a lot of it  I dont think they want to  lose  on it  ... what they need to do is  change   the  like to a   more privet  way     rating there  sex partners   in sex        ;D        like  who can you rate  if  you never met and talked to   or even know them     its plain  silly   to even  have it   makes no common sense  ...

I have  adopted to it tho   I dont care if they   rate me    I dont care   makes me laugh now  ..I would miss it if it was  gone  to   ...

I   see this  game as a  joke now ....   Just my thoughts

They  should change it  and give  more  profile on the  person  ...I   dont want to know what they  have
I want to know about the person   who comes to me  age   location     and add or ignore   ext ext 
« : April 03, 2017, 10:30:31 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 1

« #108 : September 04, 2017, 11:17:28 AM »

I think It doesnt work correctly.In addition to this, It becomes irritating when it uses for disturb or humuliate someone.
: 27

« #109 : November 16, 2017, 01:02:59 AM »

yes, systrem dosen't work.

« #110 : November 16, 2017, 08:54:24 AM »

GOOD intentions.... BAD idea

This system is cancerous, feeding the DARK side.

Pretty sure most Forum dwellers, and Achat Dev Team, already know my thoughts on this topic.  ;D

« : November 16, 2017, 09:22:59 AM Kaitlyn1989 »
: 7

« #111 : December 18, 2017, 04:12:00 PM »

As a relative newcomer, but one-year premium member, I find the like/dislike system useless.

As a bisexual female, I find that that voting works two ways:
 (a) whenever I politely decline to be a guy's fuck-toy, I'm a bitch and get a dislike.
 (b) whenever I chat with a woman and treat her like a real person, I get a like.

So, with women, having a good number of both is a badge of honor, of sorts. Needless to say, this is contrary to what the novice would expect.

I imagine that for men, like/dislike works in a more expected way. Nice fellows are generally liked by women, while assholes are generally disliked by women, and most men probably don't rate each other at all (except for mutual likes to appear more attractive). But I don't really know, since I've only had one multi-sentence conversation with a man that didn't involve sex.

Once I realized that "level" referred to how many sex places and positions you'd bought, I found it a generally useful value, but that's not the usual understanding of the word "level" in the online world.


I cannot see sexual orientation of anyone until I ask, or we become friends.  My usual  "gaydar" with looks and body language doesn't work in Achat.

On the other hand, the (s) tag for shemales is very helpful. Saves a lot of embarasment later - on when you realize none of your FF or FFF sex positions will work.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #112 : January 14, 2018, 06:49:47 AM »

The dislikes have finally been removed for each location room.

You can no longer give dislikes out to members.   There will be no more sneaky and mean dislikes given out anonymously.

You can still give likes however.

Big cheers and waving of banners. 

Looks like Achat have finally listened to it's members.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #113 : January 14, 2018, 05:44:49 PM »

Hi ya V *hugs*    Thanks for sharing the GREAT news. I just have two words….




There are two types, ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Both take time but one just happens and is kinda out of our control, while the other needs us and our energy.

ACTIVE change needs believers and champions, it takes effort to change minds and perseverance against the weight of time.

This is an example of what ACTIVE change looks like. With humble beginnings, it started with a post by NAT33 made over 14 months ago. First it was our forum members who shared their views then others from the Achat community flocked to the cause, wanting their voices heard too.
I wish NAT was here with us to finally celebrate this change. If only Achat had been more responsive…. NAT and so many others might still be here.

BUT…. I am happy this feature is gone.

THANK YOU, again
: 13

« #114 : June 20, 2018, 08:24:22 AM »

Everything at Achat is so slow ---  ;D

« #115 : April 26, 2019, 09:44:00 AM »

I am a new one, I dont know how it used to be once in here without LIKE system. But I LIKE it because it gives experienced users the chance to interact at a minimum, ans also decent and polite level with the new users. Once they get 1 LIKE from other users, and they are told that the just got a LIKE, they will open themselves up to you, they will begin to trust you, and suddenly realise the platform is user friendly and easy going, and not reserved only for the so called "Elite" users but also for new members. The 3 day trial system and the LIKE system go hand in hand and I believe they are both important for the new users to decide whether it is worth buying the premium membership or not.

I am not a fan of whoring new members and teach them how to get premium without paying a dime. It is demeaning for them as human beings, and also counterproductive in the long run. Achat platform needs real money and also real sponsors to survive, not just brothels and pimps. So, yes, the LIKE system is useful, as well as the good old old fashioned chat in any of the open places up there. It is what they do on Facebook or any other social network on the internet. It is trendy, it is useful, and the developers made the right choice with this one. Kiss  :-*!!!
« : April 26, 2019, 09:47:20 AM MiddleNick »
Hero Member
: 1379

« #116 : April 27, 2019, 01:11:35 PM »

  It was better without the "Like" system in place in my opinion.  You also had "Dislike" as well.  That has been removed, I'm happy to say.  I don't even look at the stat anymore, not really interested.  Because I'm old.   :P

  What used to happen was, if you was cold called in a meeting place (and you do, everyone does and it's annoying), Guess what ?  Yayyyy you got a dislike from them.  So really your personal like, dislike stats went out of the window.  I've seen some people here with almost double the amount of dislikes compared to likes, just because they declined.  Unless, you are one person here  (who will remain nameless  ;) wanted people to put a dislike in his Stats for fun to see how many he / she could get.  See how I said he / she there to keep them anonymous  :-*

  So, really it was totally pointless, because some halfwit that cold calls didn't like it when you declined them. 

  I can see your point on the 3-day trial, it wasn't available to me when I joined.  I still would have joined in any case.

  Anyway, I'm rambling now, if you think it's a good idea then fine.  It's your opinion.  I'm just saying what happened when it was introduced.


« #117 : April 28, 2019, 04:58:13 PM »

  It was better without the "Like" system in place in my opinion.  You also had "Dislike" as well.  That has been removed, I'm happy to say.  I don't even look at the stat anymore, not really interested.  Because I'm old.   :P

  What used to happen was, if you was cold called in a meeting place (and you do, everyone does and it's annoying), Guess what ?  Yayyyy you got a dislike from them.  So really your personal like, dislike stats went out of the window.  I've seen some people here with almost double the amount of dislikes compared to likes, just because they declined.  Unless, you are one person here  (who will remain nameless  ;) wanted people to put a dislike in his Stats for fun to see how many he / she could get.  See how I said he / she there to keep them anonymous  :-*

  So, really it was totally pointless, because some halfwit that cold calls didn't like it when you declined them. 

  I can see your point on the 3-day trial, it wasn't available to me when I joined.  I still would have joined in any case.

  Anyway, I'm rambling now, if you think it's a good idea then fine.  It's your opinion.  I'm just saying what happened when it was introduced.

I totally completely agree, DISLIKE must have been quite a pain in the butt for most users. Some users maybe also created alternate accounts just to make it hard for others who minded their own business. Good thing they removed it, and kept the LIKE only  ;). I understand now why so many others won't have this LIKE system no matter what. But eventually they, the guys in charge, did listen to you all, and they changed it because they realised you were right. Which means they actually read your complaints, and they care about you, and are also flexible people. Good for you that you claimed your rights as members, and so good for them that they listened to you.

Sorry for being so damn righteous in my previous post , I didn't know about the DISLIKE, and all the little things that made it bad choice as new addition to achat platform. Kiss Zuzannah  :-* !!

: 23

« #118 : October 05, 2019, 12:55:27 PM »

I was reading and thinking in the ideas of all you people. I prefer a personal system of rating, means what if you can rate your partner after sex in a five heart scale or symbos (broken , blu , green, red, golden heart). And if this is showed only to you in the search results intead of that blue star comming from the older versions.
Cheers! and find me to fuck!

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