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Additional body shapes.
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: Additional body shapes. ( 12457 )
: 5
Additional body shapes.
January 25, 2017, 12:40:01 PM »
I'd love to see one or two more variations for a bigger/thicker female body added to Achat... ideally something along the lines of cosplay model Ivy Doomkitty, or model Ashley Alexiss. The current models I feel are just too... lacklustre. And I know from personal experience (as well as from conversations on Achat) that many men enjoy a cuddlier/curvier girl! If anyone else is in agreement with me here, perhaps we should start a vote/appeal/petition?
Re: Additional body shapes.
#1 :
January 25, 2017, 01:52:00 PM »
Hi Sheyna *hugs* Welcome to forum. Congratulations, YOU have already taken the first step towards realizing your dream. All causes and campaigns begin with one brave voice, one simple request, and then the conviction to persevere. Keep posting, showing examples and others will follow. If you are looking for a success story? A story of sheer will and perseverance than look no further than the COLLARS thread in forum. It too started with a single voice, a simple request and some 6 years and 292 posts later they are now reality.
Ahhh, yes
Well, good luck to YOU and your crusade ..... most of all have FUN
: 5
Re: Additional body shapes.
#2 :
January 25, 2017, 04:33:29 PM »
Thank you for the welcome & the support :-) I love Achat despite having taken a little break from it, work commitments have reduced my time to sit at my computer... but I hope to remedy that in the coming months. And to make my dream achat figure become a reality, if there is anything I can do to help the developers make it so, I'll try :-)
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Additional body shapes.
#3 :
January 25, 2017, 05:05:04 PM »
More figures and shapes is something we have been asking for a long time. Maybe we get it one day, until this day, you have to ask and ask and ask.
A poll isn't necessary, i can tell you the outcome lol... just make people posting here. Perhaps Achat is able to fulfill your wish one day.
Welcome to the forum Sheyna
: 8
Re: Additional body shapes.
#4 :
August 14, 2017, 08:57:17 PM »
Yea, I agree. I want the same thing for men.
Maybe some guys want to be a bit heavier or more muscular? There should be more diversity, cause it feels like everybody's body shape is the same.
"The best way to de-stress your mind is to have someone fuck the stress out of you!"
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: Additional body shapes.
#5 :
August 15, 2017, 04:20:06 AM »
Whilst different body shapes are a good idea, you have to consider the poses.
But, aren't the poses fixed to a specific body shape ?
If for instance if I'm caressing the chest of a muscular guy, my hand is actually touching his body, BUT if the guy is smaller in stature, then what ? my hand will be away from his body making it look wrong. And vice versa. If my hand is touching the smaller stature guy then my hand would be inside the chest of the muscular guy because it's bigger.
I hope I've explained this right. And correct me if I'm wrong about the poses being fixed please
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Additional body shapes.
#6 :
August 15, 2017, 08:49:06 AM »
You're right Zu!
: 14
Re: Additional body shapes.
#7 :
November 26, 2017, 08:02:45 AM »
I have tried to do this with different body shapes in my limited time spent on the sims and using Blender to do animations. The body shapes are very limited unless you re-do the animations/poses for different body shapes which is not really practical. I too would very much like to see some fuller figures as I do love a curve but when hands start to disappear into bum cheeks it really does ruin the overall affect. I would think it would be more than possible to introduce body shape sliders into the game but they would have to have very limited affect.
: 21
Re: Additional body shapes.
#8 :
November 17, 2018, 10:53:00 AM »
Yeah I too want to see more body shapes in Achat so everyone doesn't have the same shape. I understand it takes time to make it but I feel it would be better for Achat in the long run. Even if its just a pose who cares you can change the dick size anyway why not do it for one pose or two poses. Also id love for Achat to make bigger breasts like HUGE ones lol and bigger asses. Its only fair
: 10
Re: Additional body shapes.
#9 :
November 19, 2018, 06:52:56 AM »
All could be done. needs a lot of work and some has to pay for.
For each shape the poses got to work to.
But it would be fun having a resizer so outside of poses your nude body looks diffrent.
Meanwhile.....let your imagination work
: 21
Re: Additional body shapes.
#10 :
December 23, 2018, 04:22:31 PM »
im willing to fund it how much?
Full Member
: 206
I bite but not hard :p
Re: Additional body shapes.
#11 :
March 28, 2019, 09:54:19 AM »
to be honest i like to see the new thicker small body have larger boobs, Also like to see the original small body have the butt of the larger breast version body.
Kinda like long time ago in the original Achat before the thicker small body was added, you could choose your top or bottom and the top. So you could have a small butt and big breast or big butt and small breast. I love to have some body where the breast are average or small with the thicker/bigger butt because thats how i'm built IRL. I didn't get much boobs but i got an ass ;p Achat doesn't have to add the top and bottom selectors again but kinda do it like it is now have different builds and have 2 or 3 choices in that build. so it does not conflict too much with clothing. Kinda like how the new small body currently works.
Say you want smaller breast you pick smaller chest and have like 3 models for small boobs... like petite body small boobs (currently we have this model), small boobs petite body but larger booty (we do not have this model), small breast thicker body (currently we have this model)
then you can do something similar to the larger boob body where its big boob body, big boob buy petite body, big boob thicker body
: 5
Re: Additional body shapes.
#12 :
July 14, 2019, 09:19:53 AM »
Decided to check up 2 years on, and still no change to the body options. You'd think with the amount of subscriptions and other cash flow AChat must get from it's members, they would be able to fund the necessary hurdles that adding bigger bodies would introduce, such as Zuzannah said. Still refusing to return until I see a result. Once I do I'd happily subscribe again.
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