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: Current S Pose upgrade requests.  ( 79368 )

« #75 : December 21, 2017, 01:00:54 PM »

Yep, ME again…. correcting my mistakes.  :o

A little birdy dropped a tweet,
whispering “Better take a peek.”
at those numbers I posted here.
“They just don’t add up, my dear.”

hmm, something is amiss.  ???

I am pretty darn detail oriented,
an uncontrollable gift of my OCD.
So, shocked I was to hear this news,
And quickly set off to solve the RUSE.

Well just like anything else…. the deeper you peel the more you expose. Eventually my relentless mind discovered the reason for these discrepancies…. a bit of an anomaly.  ::)

My first review of “Available Poses” was taken from the “Old” Store located on Achat’s website. Where the Forum is also found. This Analysis is from the "OTHER STORE"... within Achatville, once you are logged in.  For reasons I can’t explain… there are differences between the two.

POSES:                            OLD STORE                         NEW STORE                    DIFF

Total Poses:                                395                                     423                        28

      -   MF                                  144   36%                          152    35.9%            8
       -   MS                                    94  24%                            99    23.4%            5   
       -   MM                                   17     4%                            23      5.4%            6

      -   FF                                     58    14.6%                        62    14.7%           4
       -   FS                                    61     15.4%                       65     15.4%          4

       -   SS                                    20       5%                          22       5.2%          2

UPDATED…Total possible Poses for each Gender:

       -   MF, MM, MS                   254      36.7%                        274   37%              20
       -   FM, FF, FS                      262       37.9%                       279   37.8%           17
       -   SM, SF, SS                     175       25.3%                       186   25.2%           11     

                                                  691                                         739                         48

Ouch… my head hurts. I can’t see it, can’t figure it out. What am I missing here? Why would they be different.
hmm, more digging might be necessary….. ugh a prisoner of OCD  ;D

But NOT till after the HOLIDAYS;)

Thanks again for putting up with my ramblings  ;D  And regardless of FAITH, GENDER or SEXUALITY..... I wish everyone in this “our” unique universe…. the warmth of Companionship with those you love.... in any world, in any spirit. The differences matter NOT, we are ALL in this together.

*Big HUGS*


« #76 : December 26, 2017, 12:35:08 PM »

Hi ALL *hugs*…… my holidays are over just 3 days separated the bridge between Christmas and New Years and the difference between 5 days or 12 home playing in the snow. BUT it’s back to work I go, NO Vacation time left for me in Santa's now empty BAG.  :o So while I linger here pouting in the airport I will pick up where I left off and vent some steam.  ;)

Though the results of this ANALysis support many of my suspicions it also reveals both a surprise and anomaly. It is not the MALE gender that has the MOST pose options, regardless of their appeal or popularity, as I assumed but the FEMALE gender by a margin of 5. BUT... the overall quality of poses by gender regardless of their sexuality favors the MALE gender, especially when it comes to social or non sexual poses which are offered to few others but wanted by ALL.

The obvious winner in the class of SEXUALITY is MF (152 poses – 36%) with its closest competition MS (99 – 23.4%) over 50 poses behind. The obvious SNUB to MM (23 – 5.4%) and SS (22 – 5.2%) orientations is so BRIGHT it is BLINDING.

YES, I admit Pandorra’s suggestion of simple economics and the need to profit drive most decisions as well as these numbers. But what about the laws of diminishing returns? Don’t they also apply here? The numbers now so skewed, some poses becoming excessive and redundant, as I have mentioned in earlier posts, while others still lack the most basic of poses….. an inability to sit, chat, have a drink and get to know each other or catch up with a friend. Though these discriminated orientations do not represent a majority in here…. I bet they would ALL be willing to purchase many of the poses only offered to MF or MS. Yep… 100%. I bet Achat is not getting that kind of ROI from some of the "questionable" MF releases. Just say’n…..
BUT….. the real disparity is hidden in all these numbers, the real truth lies in the details and what is missing.

Let’s take a look at just some obvious examples to see what some are missing:

Let’s Talk Pose: currently only offered in MF. This should be available to ALL orientations.
Talk about Yourself Pose: currently only available in MF & MS, similar to Let’s Talk. Ditto.

*Social poses most commonly used in the real world when two people want to get to know each other a bit better… off the dance floor with a bit more “quiet”. BUT… so many can’t enjoy that in this world. Not if you are FF, FS, MM or SS. 

Dance Pose (Clothed): Available to ALL  *BRAVO* ACHAT, Well done. Let's see more of this inclusion. REPEAT, please.  ;D

BUT, what about ....

Slow Dance Pose (Street Clothes): FF, MM, MF. This should be available to ALL orientations
Slow Lap Dance Pose (Sexy Clothes): FF, MF. Huh? WTF…. No MS? No SF? No “S” anywhere?

Romantic Moments Pose (Sexy Clothes): MS, FF, FS, MF. Love this pose… so would ALL MM & SS who currently can NOT.

Spoons Pose: currently only offered in MM, MS, MF.  This should be available to ALL orientations and for FF… it should come w/o attached strappy as default and providing some “actions” with it when attached. Anyway, I see this as primarily a cuddling pose, you could lose the strappy all together and I would not care.  ;)

Lover’s Siesta Pose: Similar to Spoons Pose: currently only offered in MF. LOVE this pose too.... would be GREAT if both of these were offered to all orientations. But at least ONE of them should be offered to ALL.

Foreplay Pose: Offered in MF, FF, MS, FS.... once again MM and SS are left behind.  Sure would be nice if there was an “Embrace” action in this pose. One allowing us to hug n cuddle from the front too.  ;)

Gentle Foreplay Pose: SS, FF, FS, MS, MF – so close to being ALL inclusive….

Pampered Pose: MM, FF, FS, MF – as is usually the case for the “minority”… it is a choice of either or. 

Body Massage Pose (Naked): currently only available in MF.  YEP…. MF only. This should be available to ALL orientations in both Clothed & Unclothed versions.  ;D

Refreshing Massage pose (Naked): currently only available in MF & MS, Similar to Body massage but from a sitting position. This too should be available to ALL orientations.

Hot Legs & Feet Pose: currently only available in MF, FF, FS - YEP... once again MM and SS are missing from the party. AND... for FF would be better if the “strappy” was only attached in select actions. Not in the way.  ::)

Leg & Foot massage Pose: currently only available to MF, similar to Hot Legs & Feet. YEP... MF batting 1000, MM and SS are at 0.

Lap & Foot massage Pose: currently only available to MS, similar to Hot Legs & Feet.... and you know whose missing.  ::)

OMG, did you notice it? What is missing? From ALL of the MASSAGE (5) related poses above…
This is where SS and MM orientations suffer the worst discrimination.

Scissors Pose: FF… Yaaaaay… Thank You ACHAT.  :-*

Well it is time for us to be boarding our flight, leaving my holiday ghost of Christmas past behind but keeping all the memories…. it’s back to our lives we go and that means WORK for me on Wednesday. Might post more, depends how needy I become…..  ;) in-flight internet access is so expensive.  >:( GRRRRR and NOT so speedy. Probably pretty discriminating too, bet it will not like Achat.  :o BUT.... there are ways around that.  ;)

Bye for now….. i will let the words of others fan the flames and come back when needed to add more fuel to the fire.   ;D

Well, to the BRAVE and the BORED that made it this far...... a big THANK YOU for reading and

: 23

« #77 : October 05, 2019, 01:42:47 PM »

I have readding all you peaple!
 that are my wishing poses


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