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: A Achat Wedding ( 4723 )
: 23
A Achat Wedding
February 03, 2017, 12:06:58 PM »
We have come together in the presence of God/Our Creator/Divine Spirit and these witnesses to join you, Rouge, and you, Becky, in holy matrimony. This is a special time of celebration that the two of you will long remember, and because of this, we are grateful to share in your joy.
Marriage is a serious commitment meant for your welfare and enjoyment. Marriage also offers each of you the opportunity to grow together as a couple and as unique individuals.
In each of you, God/Our Creator/The Divine Spirit has planted an idea of how you would like to be treated in a loving marriage. This idea is a seed of desire that requires each of you to give to the other in constant and consistent positive behavior that reflects your desired results.
Only then can these seeds, these ideas, come to fruition, womenifest in reality, and deliver abundantly. If these solemn vows which you are about to make are kept faithfully, your marriage will surely prosper in all the goodness you both desire.
Please face each other and join hands.
Becky, do you have something you would like to say to Rouge before we begin?
Rouge, do you have something you would like to say to Becky before we begin?
Rouge, do you take this women, Becky, to be your lawfully wedded Wife, and do you promise to love, honor and respect her, and comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for so long as you both shall live?
rouge: I do.
Becky, do you take this women, rouge, to be your lawfully wedded wife, and do you promise to love, honor, respect her, and comfort her, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her for so long as you both shall live?
Becky: I do.
Your wedding rings are symbolic of your commitment to each other and your endless love for each other.
Rouge, please place your ring on Becky's third finger of her left hand and repeat these words:
I Rouge,
give to you, Becky
this ring as a symbol
of my commitment
to love, honor, and respect you
with all that I am
Becky, please place your ring on Rouges third finger of her left hand and repeat these words:
I Becky,
give to you, Rouge
this ring as a symbol
of my commitment
to love, honor, and respect you
with all that I am
I pray with you now that Our Almighty and All-Loving God/Creator/Divine Spirit blesses your union as a loving sanctuary and that It guides you with Its perfect plan on your journey ahead so that you may fulfill your purposes on this Earth and thereafter.
I further pray with you that you always be considerate of each other, and remember to always turn to Our Creator in times of need, and to rejoice in It in celebrations of cherished moments and gratitude. What therefore God/Our Creator hath joined together, let no women put asunder. Amen
I now with divine blessings and the authority vested in me by the Sate of Louisiana, Achat Parish, joyfully pronounce you Husband and Wife.
You may kiss your Bride!
dinner menue is hog jowls ,black eyed peas,fried gator,hushpuppies,crawdads,broiled mullet,Gumbo,collards,and peach cobbler
music by The Louisianna inbred band
: 23
Re: A Achat Wedding
#1 :
February 10, 2017, 06:33:30 PM »
Shezawolf: sets 12 guage on the tree
Lynn75: ty
BeckyAnd: ehehehe
charrua: lol
Shezawolf: ya ready?
jcpleasure: yes
charrua: no grabby feely g
charrua: it is a wedding
Mrgoodbar: grins
Lynn75: lol
Shezawolf: questions are answered yeap or nope
jcpleasure: lol
Hezawolf: smiles
Mrgoodbar: wait
Mrgoodbar: give me the rings
Shezawolf: yall answer the same question
jcpleasure: here
Mrgoodbar: thanks
Minni91: LOL
Rogue_: hehehehe
Lynn75: k
Shezawolf: ready
jcpleasure: yeap
Mrgoodbar: wait on V
Minni91: V not omig?
Lexi_F: here he comes
charrua: should heza be on this side?
Rogue_: welcome V
charrua: hi v
Lexi_F: yep, slide over heza
Vaughan: ty hi all
Lexi_F: nice
Minni91: looks good
Hezawolf: hey V
BeckyAnd: He was rubbing Minni's butt. yu interupted
Lynn75: lol
Minni91: shhhhh
jcpleasure: lmao
Rogue_: hehehehe
charrua: hehe
Minni91: was enjoyin tht
Shezawolf: ya'll promya'llse to leave my apple cores and dya'llrty butter knya'llfes on the counter
jcpleasure: Yeap
Shezawolf: looks at lynn reaches fer the gun
Hezawolf: chuckles
Shezawolf: yeap or nope
Lynn75: lol
Lynn75: yeah
Shezawolf: ya'll promya'llse to overdraft the checkya'llng account
Lynn75: yep
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yep
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll promya'llse to complaya'lln about the kya'lltty lya'lltter
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to encourage us to try new and strange thya'llngs
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: probbly did already
BeckyAnd: **stuffs some chew in my mouth
Minni91: bubble POP
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to fya'llll your 'ya'll love you' Bank every day
Lynn75: spits yeap
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to never use a recya'llpe when fya'llxya'llng dya'llnner
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to be the best parts of me that fya'llt perfectly wya'llth the best parts of you
Lynn75: yeap
jcpleasure: hell yeap
Minni91: *chuckles*
Shezawolf: Although ya'll wya'llll be ya'llmperfect, ya'll pledge to be sensya'lltya'llve and respectful of your unya'llque talents, abya'lllya'lltya'lles and quya'llrks
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll pledge to lend you strength for all of your dreams
Through our unya'llon we can accomplya'llsh more than ya'll could alone
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll belya'lleve ya'lln you
ya'll promya'llse to forget to stack the dya'llshes on the rya'llght and leave stagnant water ya'lln the sya'llnk
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll promya'llse to always drya'llve the speed lya'llmya'llt, even on the freeway
Lynn75: yeap
jcpleasure: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll promya'llse to cuss loudly at vya'lldeo games
ya'll vow to snuggle you as often as possya'llble
jcpleasure: hell yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to make you really really laugh out loud
ya'll vow to always try one bya'llte of any meal you create
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: hell yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll vow to be the best parts of me that fya'llt perfectly wya'llth the best parts of you
Lynn75: yeap
jcpleasure: hell yep
Shezawolf: Although ya'll wya'llll be ya'llmperfect, ya'll pledge to be sensya'lltya'llve and respectful of your unya'llque talents, abya'lllya'lltya'lles and quya'llrks
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll pledge to lend you strength for all of your dreams
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: Through our unya'llon we can accomplya'llsh more than ya'll could alone
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: ya'll belya'lleve ya'lln you
jcpleasure: yeap
Lynn75: yeap
Shezawolf: i by the state if Alabama AChat i pronouce you bother n sister ,damn husband n wife
Rogue_: hahaha
jcpleasure: yeeeeehawwwwww
jade_kali: lol
BeckyAnd: Hoooooo Doggies Cons Grits or something along those lines
Mrgoodbar: hands JC his bread wrapper ring then hands Lyn hers
Lexi_F: woooohooooo!!
charrua: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Lynn75: yeehawwww
Hezawolf: congrasyou two
Rogue_: yaaaaaaaaaaahooooooooooooo
charrua: WOOT WOOT
Shezawolf: pot luck on da benchs
Vaughan: claps yehaw
Minni91: congrats u2
jcpleasure: thank ya'lllllll
Lynn75: ty
BeckyAnd: LOMG That was so cool Hehehehehe
Shezawolf: music buy all homo gerbil band
Lynn75: ty
Rogue_: heheheheh
Vaughan: congratulations
Lynn75: lol
Minni91: gerbl
Lynn75: ty all
Shezawolf: cingrats ya'll
jcpleasure: thx jade
jade_kali: np
BeckyAnd: Congratulaions yu twpo
Lynn75: ty all for coming
Lynn75: me so happy
Shezawolf: dance be nekked n doesy dough
jcpleasure: lets eat
Mrgoodbar: lets get the four wheelers out boys
Lexi_F: nice vows there Sheza
Lynn75: mmmmm
BeckyAnd: Damn. Fricking funny ass wedding and I still cried hehehehehe
: February 12, 2017, 03:14:24 PM Shezawolf
: 23
Re: A Achat Wedding
#2 :
February 12, 2017, 03:05:17 PM »
Minni91: taking pics
Shezawolf: brides maid?
KarlaTee: tessa?
Shezawolf: We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Niccs and KarlaTee in matrimony; which is an honourable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.
Shezawolf: Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Who gives this woman to be married to this woman?
Shezawolf: Niccs, do you take KarlaTee for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?
niccs: i do
Shezawolf: KarlaTee, do you take Niccs for your lawful wedded Wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?
KarlaTee: i will
Shezawolf: you can play a song if you want now
niccs: i niccs take the karla to be my wedded ife to have and to hlod from this day forth for better for worse for richer for poorter in sickness in health to love honour and cherish till death
I KarlaTee take thee Niccs to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health
KarlaTee: i karlate take thee niccs to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold fom this day forwrd,in sickness and heath to love honor and cherish til deah do us part
Shezawolf: hell tosses a ring to niccs
Minni91: lol
Shezawolf: May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.
niccs: hehehe
KarlaTee: :****
Shezawolf: put it on her finger
Shezawolf: With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.
niccs: with this ring i thee wed .wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment
Shezawolf: May this ring be blessed so that she who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.
Shezawolf: tosses karlaTees ring to her
KarlaTee: with this ring i thee wed. wer it as a symbol of our love and commitment
Shezawolf: May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. Niccs and KarlaTee, are now beginning their married life together, we hope that they may have loving assistance from their family, the constant support of friends, and a long life with good health and everlasting love.
Shezawolf: In so much as Niccs and KarlaTee have consented to live forever together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company, having given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are Niccs and wife.
Shezawolf: You may now seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss.
Shezawolf: kiss will ya
KarlaTee: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Shezawolf: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple
Mrs. and Mrs.niccs
Music by: The naked guy in the leopard chaps
: February 12, 2017, 03:21:05 PM Shezawolf
Full Member
: 114
Minni Mouse
Re: A Achat Wedding
#3 :
February 12, 2017, 04:04:58 PM »
Full Member
: 114
Minni Mouse
Re: A Achat Wedding
#4 :
February 12, 2017, 04:06:56 PM »
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