As I was standing there wondering what to do...

I heard. " Psst Psst over here"
I looked at the house and noticed the garage door was slightly agar.
"Yes over here, come, come."
Intrigued I approached and as I got closer saw inside it was dark but Mad Dog Martinus was standing there watching me.

"Hey," he said, "I heard about your Situation! Look I got a gun, it cant be traced and its loaded."
"Well I'm not quite feeling that bad yet..." I tried to reason.
"No not that," Mad Dog Martinus rolled his eyes, "You are homeless & all your money has been stolen. The solution is to rob Achat HQ. !"
"Oh... of course. I am a PAUPER! Why didn't I think of that. It's the answer to all my problems. Rob my money back!" The light bulb on my head finally switched on. "But .... wait. Arn't you the Chief of Nymphomania Sex Police Dept?"
"Yes, which is Why NO ONE will ever suspect me.... And I know the perfect accomplices. Go find ... Gorgeous-Coug & Marvelous-Marnie. They will help you with the heist. Good Look & V .... May the Force be with you"
I thanked him and took the gun, examined it and as a sign of mutual respect, I bade him , "Live Long & Prosper" with the two finger salute.
I went and found Achat HQ & did a reccy (reconnaissance) of the area.

It looked an easy enough job with the right people.
What I needed was a get away driver... I knew immediately who to ask Slasher-Santony85. He was a taxi driver by day, but at night ... was anyone's guess.

I explained the situation and he was only too eager to help.
"I got two cars he said - the yellow taxi or the blue car. Which do you want? "

I opted for the faster more sporting looking blue. Suddenly as we were talking a police car cruised by.
"Shit shit, look casual" I quickly told Slasher-Santony

"Everything Okay Boys?" The officer asked as he crawled by us.
"Yes Sir. Could be better." I answered him.
"Yes Sir" Slasher-Santony reiterated.
"On your way then" The officer dismissed us.
We walked off.
"That was a close call" Slasher-Santony voiced his thoughts.
I agreed, feeling the gun in my pocket.
While Slasher_Santony made his preparations, I found Gorgeous-Coug & whispered my plans to Rob Achat HQ in her ear.

She was very excited & toasted our plans

We filled the others in on our plans.

Later that day we carried out our plans. The ladies carried out a pole dance to distract security....

The crowds gathered and I was able to sneak passed security of HQ, skip down into the basement, use my 007 British Intelligence skills gleaned from watching the bond films to bypass locks and break into the vault.
I counted the exact amount of A$ out for my house to credit mt account, stuffed it into my pockets.
Then left the building to roar away in the blue get-away-car
I soon met up with the ladies & Slasher-Santony to celebrate the night way.

A Toast to the Heisters -
The A$ is now safely in my account and my user level is back up again.
Thank you to all who took part, assisted in the fun and yanked my chain when I was a Pauper...
Cheers All.