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♥ The A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ 2017-COMPLETE STORIES
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: ♥ The A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ 2017-COMPLETE STORIES ( 15630 )
♥ The A-Chat Tattler 2nd edition ♥ 2017-COMPLETE STORIES
February 20, 2017, 03:11:08 PM »
Here you will find the Story of the month in full length again
its an attachment to the Newspaper.
We will start with the Edition of March
Discussion can be held in that thread,1767.0.html
have fun reading
Listing of the Members Interviews :
1. JyP and Lynn,4631.msg159253.html#msg159253
2. Tangoracer,4631.msg159253.html#msg159253
3. Vaughan,4631.msg159253.html#msg159253
4. Corta,4631.msg159253.html#msg159253
5. Martinus,4631.msg159795.html#msg159795
6. Shezawolf,4631.msg159797.html#msg159797
7. Zuzannah,4631.msg159798.html#msg159798
8. Iamincharge,4631.msg159799.html#msg159799
9. Lady_Andrea,4631.msg159964.html#msg159964
10. MarnieJo,4631.msg161157.html#msg161157
11. Lover,4631.msg161158.html#msg161158
13. ItsAmy123,4631.msg161160.html#msg161160
14. AusWoody,4631.msg161185.html#msg161185
: June 15, 2017, 11:18:58 AM GsCougar
Page 3 March 2017 Healthy Living
#1 :
February 21, 2017, 11:47:19 AM »
quote author=Stone link=action=profile;u=3684 date=1486660439]
Healthy Living by Stone.
So you want to eat & be healthier, try this…
As a single person, living on my own, ready-made meals that you can ping in a microwave are so tempting to have for ease and the same can be said for buying processed food like cut meat ready to put in a sandwich… but when you look closely at the salt, sugar and shit content, you are eating your way to a heart attack and bad health.
So I made a few simple changes to my lifestyle and have never looked back.
It is true - You are what you eat. Food is the fuel for the body to function. If you miss out on some of the things your body needs then eventually it will start to malfunction. That means health problems.
Isn’t there enough health problems we might encounter without bringing more on through our own ignorance?
If you eat and make energy, more energy than you actually use, your body will turn it to fat and hence you will gain weight.
So if you eat a lot, it stands to reason, you have got to exercise a lot and vice versa.
And to lose weight, you have to exercise more and eat less or more wisely and proportionately.
The secret is getting the balance right.
No crash diets! No being hungry! The secret is to find the right balance.
Here’s the simple rules, I follow. It works for me. I dare you to try it too!
1. Keep your eating and meals to a 10 hour window.
So for example if you eat breakfast at 8.00am you should not eat after 6pm, make sure your last meal for the day is about 5pm. If you eat breakfast at 9am then 7pm is your cut off point. If you know you are going out for a meal with friends, then make sure that you count back so you don’t extend your eating window. Most meet up for a meal between 6pm – 8pm, so your first meal of the day should be 9am – 11am. Do what works best for you. It can be flexible on times but the 10 hour eating rule must be true.
2. Eat a balanced diet that consists of Protein (the size of a deck of cards), veggies (Biggest portion & as much as you like) and carbs (the size of your clenched fist)
3. Eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day and
4. Drink 8 glasses of water (250ml = 1 glass)
. I carry a 500ml bottle of water with me and know I need to drink 4 of those a day. (Tip. I forget in my busy day what bottle I’m on, so carry different coloured tops – Black = 1 ; Red = 2 ; Silver =3 ; Blue =4.)
5. Try to do 10,000 steps a day.
For me that’s a 2 hour walk. I generously rounded it up. I break it up to 20 minutes / 30 minutes a day. So for 20 minutes, I fit 6 sessions in a day. It is 4 sessions if it’s 30 mins or I can mix and match a combination throughout the day. For example, I go out for an hour’s walk with my dog.
Tip - Park your car a 10 minute walk from your work place. Right there is 1 x 20 mins of your walk with the return walk to your car.
Or Get off the bus /public transport 1 stop or 2 stops early for the same reason. Use 10 or 20 min’s of your lunch break to walk around.
6. Make sure that during your walking sessions you make your heart beat faster and your breath quicken.
Quicken your steps to a brisk walk or even do a brief run or jog depending on your fitness, even better if you sweat a bit. This exercises your heart and helps circulation.
Here’s the 3 Healthy steps to eating a balanced diet:
1. Protein.
Protein is an essential nutrient, responsible for multiple functions in your body, including building tissue, cells and muscle, as well as making hormones and anti-bodies. Everyone needs protein in their diet, but if you do endurance sports or weight training you may need to increase your protein intake, and to factor it into your training routine at specific times to reap its muscle-boosting benefits.
For most of us, our daily protein requirements are easily achieved by a healthy, balanced diet. The advice for adults is to avoid consuming more than twice the recommended daily intake of protein (55.5g for the average man and 45g for the average woman). This is because there is evidence that, in the long term, consuming too much protein can lead to health issues such as an increased risk of osteoporosis and a worsening of an existing kidney problem.
One of the main issues with our Western diet is that most of our breakfasts and lunches are low in protein but high in carbohydrates, with a protein-packed evening meal. It is better to aim to spread your protein intake out throughout the day.
Protein Foods: In your meal choose lean protein like chicken, turkey, fish and low fat dairy – about the size of a deck of cards.
Here’s some examples of Protein Foods:
A) Eggs.
A medium egg has around 6g of protein in an easily digestible form. An omelette is a good way to start the day and is a good recovery snack too.
B) Milk
. Dairy foods are packed with protein and contain bone-building calcium, too. Chocolate milk is the age-old recovery food after exercise, since it contains energy-replenishing carbohydrates and a blend of both slow and fast release whey and casein proteins. You can get the same recovery-boosting effects from a milk-based fruit smoothies such as a cranberry & raspberry smoothie
C) Yogurt
. A combination of casein and whey protein, yogurt is a great protein-rich food. Since most of the lactose is removed, it can work for most people who are lactose intolerant.
D) Fish and seafood
. Fish and seafood are good sources of protein and are typically low in fat. While slightly higher in fat than other varieties, salmon packs in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce joint stiffness and inflammation.
E) Soya
. If you’re dairy intolerant, eating soya protein foods such as tofu and soya-based drinks is a good alternative. They can help to lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease. A dairy-free cherry soya yogurt for example is a great option
F) Nuts
. Nuts such as pistachios are a practical protein choice if you’re on the move. Around 50 pistachio nuts will provide 6g of protein, plus sodium and potassium, the electrolytes lost in sweat during exercise.
G) Pork.
High quality proteins also contain branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are key in supporting muscle recovery. Leucine, in particular, makes up one third of muscle protein and helps to stimulate repair after exercise. Pork is one of the richest sources of leucine and therefore a great addition to a post-exercise meal or snack.
Eggs, chicken and lean beef also provide good amounts of leucine.
H. Chicken and turkey
. When it comes to animal protein, opt for lean protein from white meat poultry such as chicken and turkey.
I. Beans and pulses
. These are great, value-for-money protein sources. Beans and pulses are also a good source of iron and fibre.
2. Veggies. Pack your plate.
Make this the biggest portion on your plate every time and try and eat as many different colours and varieties as possible.
It is recommended you eat at least 5 fruit or vegetables a day.
Eating a variety of fruit and vegetables, whether fresh, canned or dried can all count towards your 5 a day. And eating 5 a day may help to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.
Eating a variety of fruit and vegetables will give you plenty of vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of fibre and other essential nutrients, all of which are important for your health.
5 Portions a day - Rules - They have to be different vegetable and different fruit and different consistencies to count towards your 5 a day.
So 5 medium apples will only count as 1 portion. 5 fruit juice drinks even if different flavours only count as 1 portion. (Careful though, Brought Fruit juices are bad carb. Best make your own)
A portion weighs approximately 80g, which is roughly a handful and 150ml of liquid fruit / veg.
Tinned fruits and vegetables count. Ensure they are tinned in their own juices or water.
Convenience Foods.
Convenience foods can be high in added salt, sugar or fat – which should only be eaten in moderation- so it’s important to always check the nutrition information on food labels.
. We eat too much salt. Too much salt can raise your blood pressure, which puts you at increased risk of health problems such as heart disease and stroke. But a few simple steps can help you to cut your salt intake.
Adults should eat no more than 6g of salt a day – that's around one teaspoon. Children should eat even less. Salt and sodium in your food
Salt is also called sodium chloride. Sometimes, food labels only give the figure for sodium. But there is a simple way to work out how much salt you are eating from the sodium figure:
Salt = sodium x 2.5. Adults should eat no more than 2.4g of sodium per day, as this is equal to 6g of salt.
Cutting back on added salt is only a small part of the solution. To really cut down, you need to become aware of the salt that is already in the everyday foods you buy, and choose lower-salt options.
Frozen fruit and vegetables and dried fruit and vegetables also count towards your 5-a-day.
Potatoes and other root vegetables such as yams and cassava do not count because they contain starch and are eaten as starchy staples (Carbs) like bread and pasta.
5-a-day- Portion Examples:
1 medium sized apple ; 3 celery sticks ; ½ a large corgette ; 2 (5cm) inch of cucumber ; 8 cauliflower florets ; 3 heaped tablespoons of canned sweetcorn ; 8 Brussels sprouts ; 12 chunks of pinapple ; 2 inch (5cm) slice of melon ; 2 kiwi fruit ; ½ an avocado ; 1 medium tomato ; 7 cherry tomatoes ; 1 medium pear ; 3 heaped tablespoons of cooked kidney beans ; 1 medium onion ; 1 handful of chopped carrots ; 2 x broccoli florets; 1 x handful of vegetable sticks – carrots, spring onions, yellow or red or green peppers; 3 whole dried apricots ; 1 medium sized orange; 2 small satsumas ; 16 medium okra ; 2 medium plums ; 1 leek; 1 medium banana ; 3 heaped tablespoons of fresh or frozen peas; 10 Blackberries ; 7 strawberries ; 20 raspberries ; 1 handful (14) of grapes; ½ grapefruit ( 8 segments) ; 2 handfuls (4 heaped tablespoons) of blueberries ; 1 heaped tablespoon of raisins ; 1 heaped tablespoon of Sultanas ; 7 spears of asparagus ; Lettuce (mixed leaves) 1 cereal/dessert bowl ; Mushrooms 14 button or 3-4 heaped tablespoons ; Parsnips 1 medium ; Spinach or watercress : fresh 1 cereal bowl ; Spring onion 8 onions ; Swede or Turnip: diced and cooked 3 heaped tablespoons ; Beetroot: 3 'baby' whole, or 7 slices ; Beans, runner: cooked 4 heaped tablespoons; Radish 10 radishes ;
3. Carborhydrates
- Keep carbs to the size of your clenched fist on your plate. Use wholemeal rice or low – GI foods like sweet potatoes.
Carbohydrates are one of the main types of nutrients. They are the most important source of energy for your body. Your digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). Your body uses this sugar for energy for your cells, tissues and organs. It stores any extra sugar in your liver and muscles for when it is needed.
Carbohydrates are called simple or complex, depending on their chemical structure.
Simple carbohydrates
include sugars found naturally in foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. They also include sugars added during food processing and refining.
Complex carbohydrates
include whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes. Many of the complex carbohydrates are good sources of fibre.
For a healthy diet, limit the amount of added sugar that you eat and choose whole grains over refined grains.
It’s vitally important to your health that you know the good carb bad carb difference.
The good carbs are carbohydrate foods that can provide your body with:
• Energy fuel for physical activity,
• The nutrition needed for optimum health,
• And the nutrients necessary for good brain function.
• Organ function and a healthy, attractive appearance.
And most of the good carbs are healthy high fibre foods that help you to:
• Lose weight,
• Lower cholesterol,
• Prevent constipation,
• Reduce triglyceride levels,
• Carry toxins out of your body,
• Avoid or even reverse diabetes,
• Maintain stable blood sugar levels,
• Decrease your risk of heart disease,
• And have much better sustained energy.
Your best good carbs sources are from this healthy carbohydrates list:
• Raw and lightly steamed vegetables,
• Legumes, beans, nuts and seeds,
• High fibre 100% whole grains,
• Raw, whole, fresh fruits,
• Most low fat dairy.
• Starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals should make up just over a third of the food you eat. Choose wholegrain varieties, and eat potatoes with their skins on for more fibre.
We should eat some starchy foods every day as part of a healthy, balanced diet. During cooking, aim for a golden yellow colour or lighter when frying, baking, toasting or roasting starchy foods like potatoes, root vegetables and bread.
Other healthy carbohydrate foods.
Blue cheese 1 oz 0.7
Cheddar cheese 1 oz 0.4
Cottage cheese, 2% fat 1/2 cup 4
Egg 1 extra large 1
Feta cheese 1 oz 1
Milk, 1% fat 1 cup 8
Milk, fat-free 1 cup 13
Mozzarella cheese 1 oz 0.8
Parmesan cheese 1 Tbsp. 0.2
Provolone cheese 1 oz 0.6
Ricotta cheese 1/2 cup 6
Swiss cheese 1 oz 1
Yogurt, low-fat 1 cup 17
Yogurt, fat-free 1 cup 18
Bread, whole wheat 1 slice 14
Bread, multi grain 1 slice 17
Oatmeal, cooked 1 cup 25
Pancake, buckwheat mix 1/3 cup (3 cakes) 33
Pancake, whole grain mix 1/3 cup (3 cakes) 28
Pasta, whole wheat 1 cup cooked 37
Popcorn, popped 3-1/2 cups 19
Rice, basmati brown 1/4 cup dry 31
Rice, brown 1/4 cup dry 33
Rice, brown 1/2 cup cooked 22
Rice, wild 1/2 cup cooked 18
Rye bread 1 slice 15
Bad carbs are detrimental to a healthy diet.
Consistently eating from the bad carbs list will rapidly sabotage all your health and weight management goals.
The “bad,” unhealthy carbohydrate foods list includes:
• Sodas,
• Candies,
• All pastries,
• Jams and jellies,
• Fruit juices and drinks,
• Refined grains, like white rice,
• Bread and pasta with refined flour,
• Most pudding, custards and other sweets,
• Cakes, cookies and any sweet bakery products.
Bad carbohydrate foods have been highly refined and processed, removing the majority of fibre and nutritional value. Plus, bad carbs are often loaded with unhealthy additives, preservatives and high-calorie fats.
Scientific studies show that unhealthy carbohydrate foods contribute to:
• Gaining weight,
• Heart disease,
• Alzheimer’s,
• Diabetes,
• Arthritis,
• Stroke
As part of a healthy balanced diet, you should eat fewer foods and drinks that are high in sugars
Sugary foods and drinks can cause tooth decay, especially if you have them between meals.
Many foods that contain added sugars also contain lots of calories, but often have few other nutrients. Eating these foods often can contribute to you becoming overweight.
Being overweight can increase your risk of health conditions such as:
• heart disease
• type 2 diabetes
• stroke
What is sugar?
All sugars are carbohydrates found naturally in most foods. Their main nutritional value is in providing energy. However, sugar is also added to lots of foods such as sweets, chocolate, cakes, and some fizzy and juice drinks.
In the ingredients list, sugar added to food may be called:
• glucose
• sucrose
• maltose
• corn syrup
• honey
• hydrolysed starch
• invert sugar
• fructose
• molasses
How much sugar?
Added sugars shouldn't make up more than 5% of the energy (calorie intake) you get from food and drink each day.
This is about 30g of sugar a day for those aged 11 and over
Fruit juice and honey can also count as added sugars, as they're sometimes added to foods to make them sweeter.
Fruit juice is still a healthy choice (one 150ml serving counts towards your 5 A DAY). However, the sugars can damage your teeth, so it's best to drink it with a meal and no more than one serving a day.
This is because sugars are released during the juicing process. Sugars in whole pieces of fruit are less likely to cause tooth decay because they are contained within the food.
You shouldn't cut down on fruit as it's an important part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Check food labels
- Read the nutritional information on food labels to see how much sugar the food contains. Remember that sugar has many different names. The nearer the beginning of the ingredient list the sugar is, the more sugar the product contains.
Look for the "Carbohydrates (of which sugars)" figure in the nutrition label to see how much sugar the product contains for every 100g:
• more than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g is high
• 5g of total sugars or less per 100g is low
If the amount of sugars per 100g is between these figures, that's a medium level of sugars.
Cutting down on sugar - These tips may help you cut down on sugar:
• instead of sugary, fizzy drinks and juice drinks, go for water or unsweetened fruit juice (remember to dilute fruit juices for children to further reduce the sugar)
• if you take sugar in hot drinks or add it to cereal, gradually reduce the amount until you can cut it out altogether
• check nutrition labels to help you pick the foods with less added sugar, or go for the low-sugar version
• choose tins of fruit in juice, rather than syrup
• choose wholegrain breakfast cereals, but not those coated with sugar or honey
In your 10 hour eating window:
1. For a meal, try building a Buddha bowl from the foods above.
Protein – Deck of card size ;
Veggies – Pack your bowl with a variety and
Carb serving the size of your clenched fist.
They are filling & healthy. Use the Protein, Veggie & Good Carb rule sizes above for each meal will keep you healthy. We all like a treat though so…
twice a week ONLY, have a bad carb… but ONLY if you have been good!
2. Then enjoy a fruit bowl with cut segments and whole fruits to ensure you get your 5-a-day-in.
3. Don’t forget your 250ml glass of water (x8) and
4. 2 hour of walking whether as a whole or in sections throughout the day.
Thanks to Stone
: March 01, 2017, 01:02:09 PM GsCougar
Page 5 March Edition 2017 Interviews
#2 :
February 23, 2017, 12:09:49 PM »
Minni was very busy and brought in a few interviews. A big thank you to her and all who toke there time to answer to her
So this month you can read the first 4 ( picked by drawing)
1. JyP and Lynn
JCpleasure and Lynn75 interview
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
Lynn75: i am from USA and I am a cook
jcpleasure: Im from USA as well and a computer technician
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
L: been here since November 2016 and became premium member in December 2016. I came here to check it out an paid cause I wanted to stay
J: Been here since November 2016 , I joined because a friend recommended it here
L: I prefer making and chatting with friends
J: I enjoy chatting and spending as much time with my spouse as possible (looks to his left at Lynn)
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
L: I felt like a newbie, I met a few people who made me feel welcome an showed me the ropes around the game, made me feel welcome to hang-out with the group they were with, I can now call them really close friends
J: My first day here was spent in the poker room ,wasn’t for another week that I entered into the meeting places to chat and meet people
L: i came straight to the winter meeting place
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
J: Meeting new people and chatting with friends
L: Yes making a lot of new friends and hanging out
4) Your best memories?
J: My marriage to Lynn (2nd February 2017)
L: our wedding *snuggles up to JC*
5) Your worst memories?
J: All the alternate accounts causing drama and spying on others
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
L: I would remove the likes/dislikes system, I would change how many alternate accounts one person can have
J: I would remove the dislikes and likes system also and add more places to chat
L: agree, more places to chat
J: and then remove all alternate profiles
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
J: I don’t like female dom poses
L: I like them all, well those I know of
Minni91: Do you like all the giant cock poses Lynn?
L: *blushes*
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
L: Personality is a big turn on for me
J: Able to type emotions into actions
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
L: I hate jealousy; it’s definitely a turn off
J: I agree
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
J: the woman next to me (looks to his left at Lynn)
L: sweet, romantic, loving and a great talker
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
J: Open, controlling, helpful, honest and dominating
L: Sweet, loving, kind, funny and sexy
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
L: “I want to mate you”
J: “Lets fuck”
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
J: do your legs hurt? You’ve been running through my dreams all night
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events, dating game, races, contests)
J: I’m not involved in the forum
L: I’ve just read a few stories that friends have written
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
J: Be yourself and don’t rush things and put some clothes on!!!
L: be polite and wear clothes and definitely no cold invites
Thank you both for your interview, both still being fairly new to the game, let's hope you both stick around for a long time to come and get involved.
And a thank you to Minni
2. Tangoracer
Tangoracer Interview
This month we have Tangoracer
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
Been here over 5 years (8th Feb 2012) Was told about the site while playing yahoo crib (card game) after having a bit of fun with the lady I was playing with and she sent me the link.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
My first impression Totally different to what I had seen and played before. On my first day I was nervous, I got chatting to my card playing friend and she took me to her room and I was hooked hehehe
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
Meeting some great people that I now call my friends
4) Your best memories?
Catching my fallen angel (Jingerbird)
5) Your worst memories?
Seeing great friends leave its hard to look at your friends in the forum and see so many that have left
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
The game is pretty much sorted now with the meeting rooms, but one thing I would like to see is all the poses are made for all the genders.
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
My favourite pose is a cuddling one, laid behind the lady holding her after a good........!!!!!!
Never leave a lady without letting them relax and recover lol even fall asleep with them
Worst pose anything with the big cocks looks so unreal.
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
Someone who has a good sense of humour, is also chatty and flirty. What turns me on, you will have to come and find that out yourselves
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA - and of course the cold calls
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Flirty, Loving, Sensuous, Hot and a laugh
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Joker, Loving, Happy (usually), Charming and Hot
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
You smell nice I wouldn't mine smelling like that in the morning......!!!!!!
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
Don't do cheesy chat up lines just chat and be myself (has been said I can charm the panties off anyone..!!)
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
Yes I'm a full member in the forum first post was in the Bar and Grill (page 4) July 15, 2012 and posting ever since 3383 posts. I help to organise events, including the winter dating game, and also join in with the betting for the races (NFL, F1 etc)
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Advice for newbies - Always say hello, never cold call and make the effort to get involved with the conversation.
Thank you Tangoracer, always a pleasure to talk to you!
Thank you Minni
3. Vaughan
Interviewee is Vaughan!
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I joined December 2015 so have been a member of Achat 15 months now.
I joined because, I was bored of porn. I wanted more and a friend mentioned virtual brain sex. I was intrigued and decided to try it for 3 months. LOL. I was obviously bowled over as I am still here.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day.
Bewilderment on how everything worked. I got stuck in the Santa hat, but most do that right? LOL.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
Fun with friends of both sexes and People's sexy imagination and that you can role play your fantasies and the whole enjoyment of Achat life.
4) Your best memories?
There are several :
Meeting ladies who inspire my sexual imagination
Then the moment I asked my special lady to be my spouse and ... GsCougar said yes.
When my first story - Christening The Aqua Pirate - made 3rd place in Erotic Story Contest 11 - Christmas Time.
5) Your worst memories?
When a person, you trusted betrayed that trust, but that's Achat and temptation is great and all around.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
Change - more info on the upgrades and expected dates posted in forum.
Add - the ability to send a Rose(s) ; chocolates ; cuddly toy as gifts as well as A$
Remove - the ability to see what a player owns in the MP's
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
Favourite - "At the Wall" & "Against the wall"
Worst - pegging poses. Not my thing at all. I don't even own them.
8 ) What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
When my partner interacts with my efforts at making our room exciting and enjoyable. When they join in with the narrative and we inspire and encourage each other.
I am a dominant hetero male so a submissive female partner turns me on and is extremely attractive to me.
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
When a partner is rude or makes zero effort in a room or just clicks poses and fails to follow the narrative, so the room becomes a comedy at best or just plain frustrating and then boring.
When the partner is or tries to be dominant (remember my thing is submissive or vanilla ladies) and the room becomes a battle of wills.
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words.
Fun, like-minded, adventurous, submissive and intelligent.
11) Describe yourself in 5 words.
Fun, Dominant, Adventurous, descriptive and sharp
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Worst - "Hello Daddy?"
Cheesiest - "I'm a genie; I can make all your wishes come true."
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line.
I have 2.
"I'm not staring at your boobs.... I'm staring at your heart."
"Of all the beautiful curves on your body, your smile is my favourite."
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I support the Forum. I try and join in as much as possible, if not all, the contests and events to show support for all the efforts of the organisers and Moderators. They all work very hard with little or no thanks so taking part is important to show our appreciation.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
3 Golden Rules.
1. Be polite which includes NO COLD INVITES & chat where possible
2. Be inventive and make your profile in the game and also in forum to be as attractive as possible
3. Buy the slow dance pose and lying on bed foreplay pose as soon as you can so you can chat or court and get to know your potential sexual partners.
Thank you Vaughan for your insight into the world of Achat!
4. Corta
CORTA interview
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
as for hobbies...
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join?
Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
less than a year for me... and like everyone else, I'm running from crippling commitment issues.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
first day.. was like high school all over again... but this time, I've got tits.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
back to high-school again. fun times.
wouldnt trade it for aaaanything.
4) Your best memories?
meeting nice people... and turning them inside-fucking-out.
5) Your worst memories?
Gotta look up, hun. everything is fine. It's aaaaalll about outlook.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I wrote a thread on how to fix this game. it's on the forum… plus.. add my stuff already, team!!! CALL ME!
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
I’ll show you (shows the dance pose) it’s my favourite but also the worst pose
What is a turn on in a partner?
What turns you on? a functional keyboard works wonders.. and imagination and spell-checking goes a long way… biggest thing is being reactive... I hate having to wait for a response..
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
Five minutes of silence, followed by an INSTANT cumshot… THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE.. hope that gets into the paper.. xD my record is like 20 seconds.. but I was teasing him pretty hard..
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
I just need one: rich. <3 Ok fine… charming and above all, rich. There you got 5!
11) Describe yourself in 5words
fine.. the queen of broken hearts. :\
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
"I'd hit you like my ex-wife on a ledge" xD "hey corta, look at this picture of my dick" :\
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum?
(do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events, dating game, races, contests)
I'm anti-social for the most-part, but I make stuff all over the place.
keep an eye out for my content, readers!
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
treat this like any other place... wear clothes or people think you're a moron.
Do you like to be a part? Please contact Minni91, she will be glad to interview you too.
: March 01, 2017, 01:15:58 PM GsCougar
NY Times - The Seven Stages of Man
#3 :
March 01, 2017, 06:10:49 PM »
The Seven Stages of Man
Men are often portrayed as big boys, differing from their younger selves only in the sums of money they spend on their toys. Indeed, because men can reproduce well into old age, and do not experience cyclical hormonal changes, their health is regarded as fairly static. But medical experts are learning that between the boy and the man stand a variety of genetic, biological and social changes. Understanding these factors may help men prepare for the stages that await them.CONSTANZA VILLALBA
At the precise moment when a single sperm wiggles its way into an awaiting egg, the sex of the developing baby is defined. If that sperm carries a portly X chromosome, the egg turned embryo will give rise to a baby girl. If that sperm carries a diminutive Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. With the blueprint for the male architecture, however, come several, often unfortunate genetic predispositions: hemophilia and Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy afflict boys and men almost exclusively, while boys are more likely than girls to suffer from Fragile-X Syndrome, the nation's leading cause of mental retardation.But being born a boy also comes with perks. Baby boys are an animated lot who display a marked curiosity about the world. Compared with girls, they are more alert and emotionally interactive with caretakers. They begin suppressing their emotions later in life, suggesting that masculine stoicism is learned, not hard-wired.
Once in school, boys tend to excel at mathematics and other tasks controlled by the brain's right side, or hemisphere. These natural aptitudes may be strengthened by the spike of testosterone that infant boys experience before and right after birth. But the biological machinery that gives boys an advantage in math and spatial tasks may predispose them to learning and developmental disorders: that is, in boys the left brain hemisphere, which controls language and facilitates socialization, may be underdeveloped. On the playground, school-age boys resist playing with girls. They enjoy rough-and-tumble play and have inherent skill at games involving hit-the-target motor and navigational challenges. This time spent among other boys relays lessons -- not all of them healthy -- about what it means to be male. Chase and target games, for example, may be an evolutionary throwback to when men had to be good hunters.
Testosterone's effects on boys' development become most obvious during adolescence. As their soprano voices morph into tenors, boys squawk. Muscles begin replacing baby fat. Male hormones are also responsible for teen-age boys' novel interest in sex. Unfortunately, this interest is not always coupled with mature attitudes about safety and promiscuity. Data show that adolescents account for one-quarter of the 12 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases reported each year. The good news is that teen-agers may be getting the message. Gonorrhea among adolescent boys has been decreasing over the last seven years.But boys' interest in girls is not purely sexual. Compared with previous generations, teen-age boys are more likely to have Platonic relationships with girls and to agree with survey statements like Boys and girls should both be allowed to express feelings.The hormones that pique boys' interest in sex goad them toward risky and aggressive behavior. At the same time, parental and societal expectations about masculinity may prevent them from expressing confusion or fear about the changes befalling them. These factors make teen-age boys 2.5 times more likely than girls to die of an unintentional injury and 5 times more likely to die from a homicide or suicide.
Men are physically in their prime. This period is characterized by a drive for achievement and by the realization that the foolhardiness of youth has unavoidable consequences. Fatherhood gives men the opportunity to redefine masculinity in a healthful way for themselves and their children. Bad habits, like smoking, become less appealing but more difficult to shake; more than 80 percent of adults who ever smoked began doing so before age 18. Still, men are smoking less than they did and the incidence of lung cancer in men is falling. Although the incidence of smoking -- 28.8 percent for black men, 27.1 percent for white men -- is similar, black men are at much higher risk of lung cancer than white men.H.I.V. infection, the leading cause of death among men between ages 25 and 44, is often contracted during adolescence, when boys are experimenting with sex and are oblivious to the risks of infection. But with advances in drug therapies, the incidence of H.I.V.-related deaths has declined over the last four years.
Beginning in their early 40's, men experience a decline in testosterone of 1 percent each year. These reductions coincide with increased depressive symptoms, including anxiety and sexual dissatisfaction. While some doctors consider this stage tantamount to male menopause, others argue that the hormonal changes are too subtle to account for these symptoms. They note, too, that impotence and other conditions associated with middle age can be caused by ailments that tend to strike men in this age group, like diabetes.The risk of heart disease, hypertension and diabetes is exacerbated by obesity, and middle age is when men are likely to be overweight. They lose 3 percent to 5 percent of their muscle mass for every decade after age 25. Reduced muscle mass and physical activity conspire to decrease men's resting metabolic rate. As men age, then, they burn less energy while resting and can gain weight even without changing their eating habits. And they do gain -- 2 to 3 pounds for every year over age 30. Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for men in the United States. But the rate of heart disease-related deaths among men has decreased more than 50 percent since 1950; those who die of heart disease are dying later in life. EARLY OLD AGE Because men continue to produce testosterone throughout life, they are protected from -- though not immune to -- conditions like Alzheimer's Disease and osteoporosis. Their larger bone size also helps protect against this bone-weakening illness. Men can further maintain their mental acuity by engaging in intellectual activities. They can strengthen their bones and stem bone loss by undertaking weight-bearing exercise. The continued production of testosterone, however, can also adversely affect men. Testosterone aggravates hair loss and stimulates growth of the prostate gland. Noncancerous enlargement of the prostate occurs in more than half of men in their 60's and up to 90 percent of men in their 70's and 80's. At the same time, 80 percent of all prostate cancer cases occur in men age 65 and over.
Studies indicate that men are less likely than women to have difficulty maintaining normal routines, like bathing, dressing and using the toilet, as they age. Still, the trend among the elderly in general is that they become less active, and so need fewer calories. Their appetites diminish, yet their nutritional needs increase because their bodies have lost the ability to synthesize and absorb important vitamins and nutrients. Their skin, for example, no longer easily synthesizes vitamin D when exposed to the sun. The benefits of avoiding potentially harmful foods, such as those high in cholesterol, lessen with age. Maintaining weight and making sure the right nutrients are present in the diet become more important.
found in Internet by Coug
: April 05, 2017, 03:39:24 AM GsCougar
Interview Martinus
#4 :
March 26, 2017, 12:41:47 PM »
Feb 22
Martinus Interview
So our first interviewee is Martinus
So tell us a little about yourself? (Outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
I'm Martinus, 46 years of age, single and living in the Netherlands. I like to play games from time to time, mostly racing, fps or building games. I also love to listen to music and watching tv series, there are just to many to list them all here
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I have been here since February 21st, 2012 so it's been 5 years. I joined because I came across an advert of Achat and was curious about it. At the start, I spent every second in here that I could but I slowed down a lot over the years, now I like to chat with friends more and don't always have to room and have sex to have a good time here.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
I felt like a kid in a candy store, couldn't believe what was possible, found out if I joined as premium player I could do a lot more, so I became a premium member the 2nd day. Meeting people back then was much harder and tough, we didn't have the meeting places we have now, only the search/ friends/ lover and spouse lists
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
The friendships I made over the years, and feeling welcome in our little naughty sexy part of the world
4) Your best memories?
My first spouse Mona, we started about the same time on Achat and felt like real soulmates from the start, as she was much younger as me she made me feel youthful again. But also the joining in several storylines we have had here in the forum, like the Achat Bar & Grill (AB&G for short), I always loved finding new ways to keep the storyline going or giving it a twist.
5) Your worst memories?
The times real life catches up with our beloved world of Achat, like the passing of good friends that are members here through illness or sad things happening to loved ones that make to have them decided to quit being here.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I would like to see the terrible like/unlike option and rating system in the meeting places to be removed, it doesn't add anything to the joy of this places, only envy for some.
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
Favourite I would say any good pose where I can kiss my partner, worst pose : all those giant cock poses as they don't add anything to the game
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
A turn on in a partner is someone you can talk to, we also understand that it doesn't always have to be about sex, but just in being together and having a good time.
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
A real turn off is people that click from pose to pose, not being talkative or the ones that think they own you just because you have roomed them once or twice.
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Sexy, talkative, humorous, understanding, and loveable.
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Talkative, humorous, understanding, musical, and loveable
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pickup line you have heard?
The silent one, aka the cold invite, I find it disrespectful to others to not talk first before you invite people to your room.
13) Give us your cheesiest pickup line
LOL, I think that must be as the chief of police in this place. "I'm so sorry sweetie I have to write you a ticket for speeding, but you could pay the fine by joining me in my room"
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I do a lot for the forum, even when i don't have time to go into Achat itself I always try to keep up with posts on the forum. I'm also one of the people that make banners for other members in this forum. When there's is a new story contest the contest manager Brandybee almost always ask me to make a poster to announce the contest in the forum and when the contest ends a poster to announce the results. Next to that all I like to participate in dating games (although my partners have to be patient when it comes to having the date, it sometimes takes me 9 months, ). The racing games are also one of my favourites.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
First and foremost talk to people, don't go around just cold inviting others, when you talk you will notice people can be friendly here. Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something, there will almost always be around to help you. But when you find you hitting a dead end on your first day, don't give up, keep coming back and you will see we are nice people to be around, we don't bite (unless you ask for it, of course).
Thank you Martinus once again for answer our questions and here is to another 5years here at Achat
: April 05, 2017, 04:04:30 AM GsCougar
Interview Shezawolf
#5 :
March 26, 2017, 12:42:21 PM »
Mar 1
Shezawolf interview
Edited: Mar 1
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
Live in Alabama USA, i own a ranch, with way too many horses, i have loads of dogs and a biker for an uncle who lives with me. My hobbies including kicking guys in the nuts
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
Huh? Been here too long... to get a girl to go back to another game we were playing and ended up staying, now have a few friends i like to talk to and my loving spouse by my side.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
Damn, i paid for this? My first day i got kicked outta a room for being naked
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
making my love sore
G: smiles
4) Your best memories?
Meeting G, and a redneck wedding i performed (jcpleasure and Lynn75)
5) Your worst memories?
Making a big mistake with one guy but having learnt from it and moved on
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I would change how you access the game, needing a credit/bank card to join
I would remove the dislike/like buttons and add more Meeting places to chat and dance in, maybe even have some passworded or those who have yearly memberships only
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
hmmm crosses and that lame one masturbating in chairs
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
G is a hell on a turn on
G: smiles
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
silence and then cumming 15 times in 5 minutes
G: lol
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Horny, sexy, smart, caring and long lasting
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Evil, mean, wicked and nasty with a touch of horny
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
do you have a cock or are you pretending?
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events, dating game, races, contests)
yes post every now and then, join in on some of the races
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Always a pleasure to chat with you Sheza, even with G laughing at your answers
(might be able to get G to answer some to go along side sheza's for another joint interview)
: April 05, 2017, 04:10:46 AM GsCougar
Interview Zuzannah
#6 :
March 26, 2017, 12:42:47 PM »
Mar 7
Zuzannah Interview
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I have been here since April 8th 2015. I originally joined because of a few reasons. I wasn't working so I wasn't mixing with anyone, lonely I guess.
I was also curious as well I suppose, never been a member of anything like this before. So I thought what the hell. My view hasn't change, I still enjoy it here; maybe I am a little more serious now. I do chat more now though.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day.
LOL. First day was errrrrrrrrrm BUSY. Got into the Dom / Sub thing quickly. As a submissive by the way.
Got spoused quickly with another Shemale within a week of joining (*Hugs her*) but that didn't last long. Spent too much money, I wanted a lot of things from the shop. And when I wasn't busy I experimenting with different clothes.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
I've enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. I love the role that I play and I'm also in a fantastic relationship with my Spouse.
I also love dressing up in nice clothes. Sometimes take WAY too long to decide what to put on. I always try to always look stylish, whether its latex (Mmmmm Latex), or ordinary clothes.
4) Your best memories?
Me and my Spouse had the Winter meeting place all by ourselves. We weren't lovers or anything back then. I had to leave but, it was then I knew that we would get serious. We did the next day.
When the poker first started and a group of my friends all gathered at the table, was good to know everyone there. That was pretty amazing. Most of us were members of the Forum and it was just so funny and light hearted. Probably never see those days again unfortunately.
5) Your worst memories?
I don't think I've had any real bad ones. But, I suppose splitting up with someone close is pretty bad. Oh yeah and all the drama.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I wouldn't change anything just remove or add things. I would add more Latex clothes. What can I say I like my latex Hehehehe.
What else would I add? I could say the obvious thing like more LGBT poses. But, I'm going to be selfish. I would love to see the option of being put into chastity by your Spouse / Lover. Have a pose made, with the actions of putting it on and off and then they are the key holder. Not a cage type (For Shemales and guys) but a full on T - Bar type. After it's put on both agree on how long you stay locked in. Say minimum of Three days and a maximum of Thirty. And then only the person that locked you in can unlock you if they wish within that time. And have it on your info in the Lobby that you are in Chastity. Oh Ball gags too, also with a pose made of having it put on. Sorry that's two things, ooopsie.
I would remove a few things. First off the 1000 $ free money when you join. I believe people have abused this. I would also remove the whole window in the Meeting Places when you click on someone and just have a space to put something about yourself. That's two things too. Sorry. Hehehe.
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
I have a few favourite poses. I love the Sphinx, Hot kissing, lovers siesta, the two up the wall ones and the two poses were the shemale is tied as well (Should be more of those). Oh I've just thought of another one. hehehe, think it's called Deep Impact. There's one action on the guys side that does an amazing facial cum shot.
My least favourite is probably the whipping one. Too aggressive I think but, that's just me. Some of the giant cock ones too, I think, are pretty pointless. Oh yeah and the Glory hole one as well. I'm mean come on!!!
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
I think Latex clothing and bedding looks amazing. Someone that makes me laugh. Kind and thoughtful too. Oh chastity as well. I think it's a perfect way of control in a Dom / Sub relationship.
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
Aggressiveness, rude, the assumption of them thinking they're going to get lucky with me just because we dance in the Meeting Places. (That has happened).
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Partner has to be patient, understanding, open minded, loving, caring. Did I mention patient ?
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Shy, submissive, obedient (sometimes hehehe), Loves latex and kinky (ish).
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Only one I can remember is that I once had someone ask me to be his Mom. I told him to go to his room and no playing with himself. LOL.
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line.
I don't have any. When I first started there was no Poker or Meeting Places. I just started to chat, said something about their banner / short info or the clothes they had on. Nowadays, I don't say anything much in Lobby. Shy remember. :p
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
This was the first time I actually joined a Forum. I've started a few threads, mainly the "More poses for us Shemales." and bug reports. I comment on other posts sometimes.
I do the races and some of the contests but, not all of them. Especially not the NFL contest. To let someone else say how I look, No Thank You ! LOL. Oh yeah while we on the subject I'm over a Thousand posts now.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Don't be an idiot. Yes, it'll be new to you and you want to try everything all at once. But, people don't take kindly to idiotic behaviour and your stay here might be tainted before you really start.
Don't say to anyone "nice Avi" this is insulting to me. I'm me, not an Avi. If that makes sense.
Join the Forum and post. This really helped me, especially when the Poker Room was added. All of a sudden I knew more people face to face, which was definitely good for me.
Zuz always lovely to talk to you! <3
: April 05, 2017, 04:17:17 AM GsCougar
Interview Iamincharge
#7 :
March 26, 2017, 12:43:11 PM »
Iamincharge Interview
Mar 14
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
Been here 6 years St Pats day (17th March)...joined because of a I just live here
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
first day was hectic and a learning experience.. First week actually.. But knew I would love it here
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
The friends I’ve made and the relationships I’ve made with people... That and I cum ALOTTTT and not get tired lol
4) Your best memories?
I have too many to list...but going to friend’s wedding is always a nice thing...
5) Your worst memories?
The days people leave after a long time are never good.. Especially if they don’t say goodbye.. and of course my one time I royally screwed up and lost a lover, friend and pet in one day
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
add more poses for the shemales to use.. and more interaction in groups
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
favorite pose is a tie between refreshing massage and riding queen... worst poses is sex acrobats...isnt realistic lol
8.) What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
turn on for a partner communicative… Don’t be quiet and know what u r doing...talking dirty to me and making me feel like nothing exists but me at that moment
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
money grabbing..i mean i had a lady tell me it was 200 JUST TO TALK/silence
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
funny, confident, dirty, relaxed, enthusiastic
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
friendly, Sweden, caring, non-gossiping, SWEDEN
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
I really like your name
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
ill let YOU pick.. I’ve used enough on you lol
Cant tell you - they would not work no more
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
as little as possible this place will Fuck Over UR Mind
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Stick with’ll get the hang of it soon enough
: April 05, 2017, 04:23:55 AM GsCougar
Lady_Andrea Interview
#8 :
April 05, 2017, 01:27:04 PM »
Interview with Momma_Andrea (Forum name) Lady_Andrea (game name)
recordet by Minni
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
I am a mom of 4 wonderful children. I write, ride my bicycle and play video games. I live in Ohio where the weather is always changing
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I came to Achat in October of 2012, looking for something fun and different. Back then there were no multi player rooms. I came for sex but made a few friends, most are gone now.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
My first day I was bombarded by lots of "hi"s. It really hasn't changed but I met Substeve and another that was very sweet.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
I always loved the clothes and that I can be somebody different than I really am
4) Your best memories?
The day I proposed to Kaitlyn, not in public but when we were alone and private. Somehow she still knew what I was going to do.
5) Your worst memories?
Being stood up and being made to feel dirty. I won't go into details
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I would remove the stupid rating system I would add the forum website to the game somehow
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
My favourites are held by legs and At the Wall. The one I don’t like is 69 with dildos. Women don't suck off other women's dildos. Is does nothing for nobody
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
This may seem shallow but I like redheads in women. In men I like confidence but not cocky
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
The biggest turn off is people who mention my age. Saying how great it is that I am older. "Yeah, that gets me going. Tell me how old I am" (sarcasm)
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Attentive, punctual, funny, forgiving and verbose (they talk in sex)
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Eclectic, introverted, loyal, moody, currently drunk LOL
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
“Hi Mommy” which I usually respond with "Your Mom ain't here" It's why I changed my game name from Momma_Andrea to Lady_Andrea.
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
My Master/ Mistress sent me to you. Usually works for some quick in/out
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I write stories in the forum, post lots of pictures and fetish pictures. I generally stay out of the contests except for the Story contest. I love the Music Association game. I have my own little rules that I abide by when I play it.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
It takes time. People are cliché, and have their own little groups. Go for quality rather than quantity. It took me 4 years to get Kait and in the end she found me.
Thank you for your time Andrea, and enjoy your drink!
: June 13, 2017, 04:53:31 PM GsCougar
MarnieJo Interview
#9 :
June 13, 2017, 04:56:48 PM »
MarnieJo Interview
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do) I am 48, from the USA. I am a 911 dispatcher for 21 years, former paramedic for 20 years. Spending time with my grandbabies is my favourite hobby, lol.
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I have been here 5 years, going on 6. A friend of mine from facebook brought me here, got me started. I do spend most of my time chatting with my friends here, I only room with people who are special to me, there has to be a connection.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
My first day was funny, I spent a lot of time playing with buttons and dressing the ‘barbie doll’. Was amazed there was a site like this.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
Meeting people from all around the world. Becoming lifelong friends with them.
4) Your best memories?
Meeting people who are now my friends, enjoying the joys of their lives, and sharing the joys of mine with them.
5) Your worst memories?
The loss of JCM0824, which devastated me. I found out months after he passed that he was gone. At the time I never went to the forum, now I go daily.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
The ability to have multiple accounts would be the biggest thing I would change and even remove.
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
Not so much a pose but an action, but the ‘worse’ action would be anytime the man can slap my face, that just irritates me, don’t slap my face but my ass is fine
. Favorite would be good old fashion missionary, I love to be able to see the face of my lover and kiss him during sex.
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
Ability to be descriptive, talk to me while we are rooming. Biggest turn on is when he tells me he is hard in real, or that he cum in real mmmmmmmmm!!
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
I really don’t like being called names, I am not a whore or a slut, bitch, whatever. Grow up, my name is Marnie. Turn off are button clickers and machine gun cummers, lol. Don’t just click buttons and certainly don’t cum 42 times in 10 min.
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words.
Someone who isn’t a liar.
11) Describe yourself in 5 words.
Funny, caring, tender hearted, loving, serious.
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Mom/sis, im home!!!
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line.
I don't have one, I don't pick up guys, lol
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I check it daily, read some of the posts, not all. Have joined some of the polls, and events. Currently in the winter dating game and Formula 1 racing contest.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Guard your heart, don’t believe everything you are told. Too many people here lie to you, which is sad, why lie? Don’t fall in love, its not real, remember that.
Mwah MarnieJo
Lover Interview
#10 :
June 13, 2017, 05:00:11 PM »
Lover Interview
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I joined in January 2010 (oh my god lol). In another forum, I had read about a great sex game with real people. Of course I got interested and had to check it out straight away. I joined, tested... and 10min later I bought a premium membership. Of course I joined for sex. This has changed; I'm much more on now for meeting friends
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
Like a kid in a candy store lol it was amazing, exciting and soooo hot
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
Meeting a lot of people - some of them have become real friends
4) Your best memories?
There are so many. I guess I could write a book about this one day
5) Your worst memories?
The pain and sorrow, when people you love have to leave the game
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
I would connect more rooms to one villa (go from bedroom to bathroom, to kitchen, pool...). I would change every kind of voting systems in game
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
My favourite pose is always the one that fits best to my mood. The worst pose... fisting
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
If the partner is able to express her feelings with words and to feel the mood
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
Not able to talk in any way, just switching between poses
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Funny, talkative, nice, sexy - my ideal partner just has 4 words
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
I love to laugh always (5 words, ok)
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
"Daddy, your lil girl was very naughty." urrrrgh
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I'm a moderator.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Be nice, chat first, look around - and join forum
Minni91 interview
#11 :
June 13, 2017, 05:04:15 PM »
Minni91 interview
Edited: Mar 21.2017 from herself
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
I'm 26 and from the UK, I use to play wheelchair basketball (was part of the selection team for London2012, then found out I was pregnant), now I taxi my daughter to her cheerleading and swimming events…. I'm in college and volunteering as a teaching assistant
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
I’ve been here since November 2016, so still a relative newbie to the game, but loving all aspects of the game. I was originally on another site similar, had been there about 3weeks, when a guy I was talking to there, and invited me to join here, so I did. He said he had been here a long time but after 3weeks disappeared off the face of the Earth that was when I was chucked in the deep end to find my way around. My view hasn’t changed really, I started these sort of site to find people to talk to, to help me through my low months, if I found sexual partners then that would have been a bonus
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
As I’ve said my first day, I didn’t do much other than wait in lobby for the guy I was here for to invite me to his room, and he showed me a few of the different things the avi’s could do. Thought the graphics were pretty cool, and the sex itself was closer to the real thing than the other game. However when I eventually started to wonder around, venture through the meeting places, I found where I belonged, surrounded by people to talk to and make friendships with
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
The biggest thing for me is the friends I have made, from all around the world. Learning about them and what sort of world they live in, still find the time zones interesting. Some friends have made it into my personal life on a friends basis, to talk to when away from the game, or real life is preventing us from getting online at that time.
4) Your best memories?
I haven’t been here long enough to really make many memories, but for me it’s the nights when lots of friends are together and we are laughing and just having lots of fun.
5) Your worst memories?
Again I haven’t been here long enough to really get any bad memories, but the bitching and drama really put a dampener on the experience.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
Add > more poses for ALL gender combinations and equally across all sexes
Change > the info box on someone in the meeting places, maybe a little bio and their orientation
Remove > the dislike/add button
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
Favourite poses > Chained pleasure, Focused doggy, Sex swing, At the wall, Against the wall, Stick up, Sphinx, Riding queen. Hot kissing is always a good way to say Goodnight to your partner.
Worst poses > the masturbation poses are pretty crap, the giant cock poses are pretty useless as well
What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
Someone who can make me laugh, is easy on the eye, good smile, he has confidence, can be romantic at the right times, he takes the lead, gives off a vibe of having authority, can talk and keep a conversation going. Also knowing what I want/need at that moment in time, is able to read my body and make it come alive at a touch of his finger.
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
Immature, cocky, someone who thinks he’s god’s gift to women, a guy who is selfish ALL THE TIME, silent until he wants something from me, is either to clingy or to stand-offish .
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Hot, sexy, dominant, funny, intriguing
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Fun, kind, mature, honest, down to earth
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Actually I was sent this while writing this interview so thought perfect > You are my wife and a friend of yours is visiting us at home. We got many drinks this evening... later I have to leave you a short time to buy new alcohol at the shop nearby. After i left the room you begin to complain about my poor, tiny cock and what you missed so badly in our relationship. You two girls get into action... when I enter the room again, I am confused. But you two girls don’t let me take part and concentrate on each other while humiliating me for my worthless, tiny cock.
But I have had many others that are similar to this ‘scene’ and others that notice my collar, and say ‘I see you’re Collared little girl, come to Master, and I’ll teach you’ (I’m like what the fuck!) - not collar'd anymore
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
Never had to use one, normally say Hi, and watch the chemistry flow
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
Yep, I joined the forum in January, written a few erotic stories (not any good at it), also having a crack at doing the latest writing contest based on 3sums and moresomes!!! Started to add some monthly events, so keep an eye out and put them in your diary to join in. Started joining in a few of the races that are happening, including the Daytona 500 race, when I have the money to join in, I’ll try and join in more races.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Be nice, talk, ask, wear clothes, and don’t cold invite people… Just because it says it’s a sex game, a lot of the users like to socialise and talk with friends.
ItsAmy123 interview
#12 :
June 13, 2017, 05:07:12 PM »
ItsAmy123 interview
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)?
I first joined at the end of Summer 2011, although I've been very inconsistent as a member. *Chuckles* I always leave but something draws me back each time. Coming off of a broken engagement in real life, I was looking for something different, something with literally no strings attached at all. Looking back at the time spent here and the experiences I've had, even though Achat is essentially a game, real feelings do get involved and you get emotionally invested or attached to people you connect with here.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day.
Well it was actually around midnight when I downloaded and installed the program for the first time, so it was more of a first night than a first day hehe. I'm not that tech savvy so I was initially confused, but it seemed to be easier and simpler to use than other games I had considered joining.
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
Honestly, it may sound corny, but the people I have met here is what I've enjoyed and cherished most about my Achat experience. I've encountered real connections here, ones that I never in my wildest dreams I thought I would have formed in a place like Achat.
4) Your best memories?
I've been spoused 3 times and they have pretty much been the sole long-term relationships I've had here. I have most of my best memories attached to the time spent with those three men and I'll always have a special place for them in my heart for impacting my life in their own significant ways.
5) Your worst memories?
My mom passed in the summer of 2012 and I took it really hard. I was in my second long-term relationship at the time but ended up leaving the game, as it was a really difficult time for me. I was lost for a while after that and it took me some time to find myself again.
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
Can't fixate on one single thing, but a couple of things come to mind:
I would like to add lighting options in rooms, towels and a bathroom/shower room.
I would like to change the lack of response from developers towards aspiring designers. I wish they'd respond quicker and be more encouraging, so we could have more frequent updates in shop.
In a perfect world, I'd hope to have the politics and drama prevalent in the game removed.
Something more practical to have removed though would be the likes and dislikes in the meeting
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
Hmm.. another difficult question to single out one pose each for.. but:
One pose I really like and I'm really feeling nowadays is the Hip Lifter pose. Amazing kisses from both ends in that pose and the pose itself is very hot and intimate.
Any of the pegging poses, involving the usage of dildos on the guys, would be the ones I don't like and are a complete turn off for me.
8. What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
A masculine, dominant guy.. rough around the edges, but also gentle and affectionate towards me ... who knows what he wants and understands me and my body. That's what turns me on. I don't like being the alpha or leading my partner generally. There's something about that feeling of losing control or being out of control that can be so exhilarating.
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
Insensitivity and passiveness.
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
Caring. Dominant. Alpha. Passionate. Considerate.
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
Affectionate. Caring. Passionate. Intense. Honest.
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
Well, I'm Canadian, so I get a lot of eh's and weather related cat calls. I think the cheesiest one went something like "It must be cold up there, come to my room, let me keep you warm".
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
I've never used a pick up line, which is a boring answer, I know, but I honestly don't remember ever having used one. I don't think I could pull one off anyways. I'd ruin it by not being able to keep a straight face while saying it hehehe.
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
I've been a member since 2013 and I've posted a lot, voted a lot and participated in several different events, such as the secret dates and bingo. I think my most memorable posts have been the in the Erotic Stories section, under the Achat Bar and Grill with my dance performances, as well as Crystal Lake. I'm also a very visual person, so I've loved posting hot pics and gifs, and have enjoyed editing pics from my own hot adventures and sharing those.
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Follow your heart, enjoy the kid in the candy story phase, don't sweat the small stuff and try your best not to rush into things - take everything one step at a time.
#13 :
June 13, 2017, 05:15:42 PM »
if you like the interviews and you would like to give us your point of view
please copy the following questions
answer them (always start a new line please)
and send it as
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
4) Your best memories?
5) Your worst memories?
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
8 ) What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
Thanks to Minni91 for the above collected Interviews
AusWoody Interwiev
#14 :
June 15, 2017, 11:11:34 AM »
AUSWOODYs Interview
He kindly send the Interview to us
So tell us a little about yourself? (outside hobbies, where you are joining us from, maybe a little about the sort of job you do)
1) How long have you been here? Why did you originally join? Has that view changed to now (did you join for the sex and now prefer chatting with friends)
a bit over 4 yrs, a lover on another site introduced me, imvu or australia ? not clear, for trhe sex poses now to chat.
2) What were your first impressions of the game? Describe your first day
great poses, played with robotgirl
3) What have you enjoyed the most about Achat?
meeting new people have made some good friends here
4) Your best memories?
the good old days
5) Your worst memories?
all the dramas of the last 18 months and constant bickering
6) What would be the one thing you would change/add/remove from the game?
the ability to have alts
7) What is your favourite and worst pose in the game?
not missed just not answered
8 ) What is a turn on in a partner? What turns you on?
confidence and personality
9) What is a turn off in a partner? What turns you off?
10) Describe your ideal partner in 5 words
intelligent, affectionate, sexy, slim and HONEST
11) Describe yourself in 5 words
old fat ugly sick and HONEST
12) What is the worst/cheesiest pick up line you have heard?
help me with my premium, like ffs its less than a $ a day if you canty afford that get a fucking job
13) Give us your cheesiest pick up line
none of my pickup l;ines are cheesy lol
14) What, if any, involvement do you have in the forum? (do you comment on posts, join in the polls, the events – dating game, races, contests)
yes yes yes yes and run a couple of competitions and events as well as hosting (owning) achatsquare chat room
15) And finally what would be your best advice to a newbie?
be yourself always
Thanks Woody to share
: June 15, 2017, 11:17:37 AM GsCougar
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