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: GsCougar´s Diary of AChat Time  ( 34758 )
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #30 : March 25, 2017, 06:53:36 AM »



Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 1600

« #31 : March 25, 2017, 04:04:59 PM »

hope your feeling better  :)

Stone and Jayc
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #32 : March 25, 2017, 07:39:17 PM »

Be Well Soon GsCougar. 


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #33 : March 26, 2017, 12:14:43 PM »

Get Well Soon Baby, I miss you. Hugs & Kisses 


Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #34 : March 29, 2017, 07:22:10 PM »

Come Back to me.

Let me tell you about a “game” I play
Where we close our minds and fade away
To float away to our special place
Beyond the stars and moon and space

In this special place called Achat see
There are special people there, with you and me
In this place, we live our dreams, all sweet and bright
Nothing but love and sex nearly every night
In this place, for us there is no sadness
Occasionally drama, but we avoid that madness

The yacht my Spouse and I use on Crystal Lake 
Is our special place for our lust to slake
No one can say, it’s not possible to kiss and touch
Unless they can experience it, Brain sex is… that much!

Now, something’s wrong and the break occurs
And... I want you back… please ignore the slurs
I play our history like a broken record
The pet and the Master and the dark lusty Lord

I try to piece the exact time and moment, I let you go
Unsure, how it happened, or which way the wind will blow
Let me tell you this though so ALL CAN KNOW
No matter what, I love you so.

I want you back and if you say, I’ll come for you.
Your Master, Your Knight and Your Beau,
All shiny and sharp, and smart and new
I’ll carry you off like you dream me to
I’ll whisper seduction, you know it’s true.

But for now, eventually the "game" must end,
Our eyes must open, and then... reality sets in
No… My eyes are wet! Real tears from cryin
How can that reaction be?
A sex game, not reality!

Come back to me GsCougar,  your V,
For someday soon, only you know when
I will close my eyes and hope
You are in our “game” again.


Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #35 : July 25, 2017, 04:06:08 PM »


time flys and much was happend in the past 10 month. But one thing got better .

The relation between Vaughan and me.

Its a fantastic time with a great guy. He make me smile and make my days

He suprised me with a special dance :)

After he swept me of my feet :)

We had a calm evening on the corner in Amsterdam where he just bought a flat.

We going to have some good time there.:) winks

Till the next time

kisses to my Darling

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #36 : July 25, 2017, 05:55:28 PM »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #37 : August 18, 2017, 07:21:12 AM »

09/23/2016 -- 08/18/2017


The first month single life went well.

My post about role play ( Theme Novelles of John Norman "Gor World" ) maybe made some to learn and play and maybe open other the eyes

Still every player has it OWN way and that is good so. Its just a more better playing when players getting the right way synchronized to enjoy the game.

I will write now in the same post so it wont pop up on the top line.

I know how to find it :)

So , basicly I found out again you should not mix the virtuel life with the real life. Not is you not aware of the real thoughts of your partner player.

If you have a "lover" you real like and you hope he will change....dont hope :) It wont happend in most cases.

Try to stay away from players who try to insult - that only shows they got no meaningful life on there own and need to hurt others to feel a bit higher :) Ignore them - dont waist time to answer them.

The word friendship is said fast but not proved. Ppl I real thought who was my friends ( cuz I talked to them voice 2 voice) had fast disapointed me.

For me the most stupid way are those "multi" players. Players who have more then 1 Account and try to make up stories to have a entertaining or even fake a relation with them self.
Bad part if they hit at you as diffrent CHARS but not telling you the truth.

EXCUSE for those shity mind game :" Oh i wanted to know how it is in other gender. - Oh I wanted to know how you talk behind my back. - I wanted to know if you true to me    and so on  many excuses for a FALSE PLAY.

Down the end ppl getting hurt in there feelings.

I found a way how to sort out those players who become after a while true friends.
They got there lifes I got mine but we meet and have talk and fun and make us smile and feel good..

And thats whats count

FEELING GOOD after log off

Always end with a smile - if you not-------its time to overthink the game/play  or so called friend.


« : October 04, 2017, 03:06:13 PM GsCougar »

« #38 : October 30, 2017, 01:39:00 PM »


« #39 : October 30, 2017, 03:36:00 PM »

nice songs


« #40 : December 21, 2017, 10:30:42 PM »


« #41 : December 31, 2017, 05:20:50 AM »

20 Month AChat

Long time to look back.
Many stories collected
Many feelings felt

A few real friends around the World found.

Made myself a few mistake
And few like me or dont  :)

But one is sure I never harrassed or stalked someone.

Few hours was s great fiction story.
Many nights it was just my soul or mind talking.

I still enjoy reading the forum.
Missing Brandy Miss Nat for a chat.

To find a relation like JayC&Stone was my goal.
Giggles.....but dam.....Jayc is taken....lol.

Him and Stone have some special going on.
I wish them health and happyness to stay that way.

I meet great Artist and admire there knowhow to push the pixel.

Great story writer in the contest of erotic stories.

Grumpy, mean old man who dont see the diffrenr between a fiction world and a real life.

I have meet not the 50 shade of grey,
I meet 100 shades of humans.

I wish all i ever meet a good new year.

HAPPY 2018



« #42 : January 25, 2018, 08:28:19 AM »


Still visit forum sometimes.
But it starts getting bored too.
Only a few come up with interesting posts.

On a few I got to think about the level of mind :)

But I do think That those who post without to much using there brain...might dont have much to use :)

Still I can smile about so  much silliness.

I honestly admit I lost the fun.
Maybe like a child who got locked inside a candystore and eat way too much.
Now...its puking when someone offers candy :)

Maybe I am to mature to still find that "Master" play amusing.

Woman only get downgrade to sluty stupid bitches.

I still think...a real man keeps his woman save and not watching others fucking her.

There  is a way to explore and it can be fun...but do you get a same movie every night????

Some friend called me dramatic.. ;)
I think I am only to realistic for stuck in loop to play the same.

But all young folks have fun
Try out....in here at last you cant  catch AIDS

But never expect same result in real life:)

Its never the same when you masturbate your fantasy.....

 Never lose reality

Keep having fun.

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