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: Name that animal  ( 4023 )
Hero Member
: 2755

« : March 09, 2017, 12:31:40 PM »

So here is a fun little contest and I hope you guys enjoy and may want to do another. I will post a picture or pictures more likely of an animal. The first person to correctly guess the species or breed,depending on the animal I choose, will receive a little prize.

For the first one I will post three pictures (coming soon) of domesticated animals. For the first one that means I will need the correct breed of animal. That means you can't just say sheep, cow, goat, pig, or horse.

The prizes I am still playing around with in my head but this is what I am thinking at the moment.

If the first person correctly guesses all THREE breeds, I will award the winner a story written by me of whatever they would like.

If the first person correctly guesses TWO of the breeds, I will award them a date with me. Massage or dance to be determined with the winner.

If the first person correctly guesses ONE of the breeds, I will award them like 15A (cause I'm not rich and have much).

This means up to three prizes can be won depending on who answers correctly first.

It will take me couple days to get the pics I want but the contest will start as soon as the pictures go up. For the first one, let's give it three months and if there is still no winners for one to all of the breeds I will then announce what they were.

: [1]  
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