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| | |-+  Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.
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: Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 14. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
1. Sex Toys   -5 (19.2%)
2. Mile High   -0 (0%)
3. Holiday   -11 (42.3%)
4. Caught or Not   -0 (0%)
5. Every picture tells a story   -3 (11.5%)
6. Good v Evil.   -2 (7.7%)
7. Prejudice   -1 (3.8%)
8. Fast and furious   -0 (0%)
9.  Long distance lovers   -3 (11.5%)
10. Food   -1 (3.8%)
: 24

: Erotic Story Contest 14. O.T.  ( 17032 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : June 28, 2017, 02:50:18 AM »

Thank you Anatasia97.  I hope you seriously consider entering the next one.

Vote for a theme for Erotic Story Contest 13. Voting ends Fri 30 June 2017.
Thank you all for your ideas.  They are Fantastic. I have mixed and matched some so in all there is 10 for the Forum Village to vote on.
Please vote for your favourite.

Here are the themes for you to vote on and be inspired for Erotic Story Contest 14. 
Voting for the Theme ends Friday 30 June 2017 & The Erotic Story Contest 14 will be open for submissions from Saturday 1 July 2017 until Saturday 30 Sept 2017.

1. Naughty Toys or Adapted Sex Toy
An erotic story that involves a sex toy or a thing adapted to give sexual pleasure. It could be a sexy device, a dildo, vibrator, a robot, a Symbian, handcuffs or blind folds. Tell us your naughty story.

2. Mile High.
An erotic story at least a mile above ground or higher. A story that involves fun in an aeroplane, a hot air balloon, a rocket or a spaceship. Tell us your naughty sexy thoughts.

3. Holiday
An erotic story which involves a break from the crud of your real life. Maybe a romantic break for 2 or more; a honeymoon couple ; a break a way when you meet and fall in lust or love. What happens in ____ stays in _____...   Does this one whet your writing appetite?

4. Caught... or not.
An erotic story where you nearly get caught or caught in the act. Maybe a hot encounter in a public space where the thrill of getting caught is there ;  Maybe the couple get caught, by someone – a partner, police, someone in authority. The story could be the act of being caught or nearly caught, the consequences of being caught – a threesome, blackmail, humiliation…  this could be your thrilling moment.

5. Every picture tells a story.
Send me – the Contest Manager - a pic by PM over a seven day period. The story will be numbered and then a random number pulled out the hat. That numbered picture will be the subject of your erotic story.

6. Good v Evil.
A Super hero story; an angel and devil story ; cops & robbers ; spies and terrorists. The story has to be erotic with good and evil adversaries.

7. Prejudice
This is where you have rightly or wrongly judged a person for their colour; class ; politics ; religion etc… and it turns to lust or love. It could be your dirty little secret - someone you wouldn't be seen in public with but the sex is great, mind blowing and will make a hot story to tell.

8. Fast and furious
Exactly what is says on the tin. An erotic story involving speed and a sexy encounter – in a car, on a train or maybe it’s the sex act where you just rip each other’s clothes off!

9. Long distance lovers
This hot story could involve phone sex ; internet sex ; sexting or even a surprise visit.

10. Food
An erotic food story. In your sexy play use : chocolate sauce, cucumbers, whipped cream, ice cream, ice cubes mmm. 

Please Vote. I look forward to seeing the eventual theme winner.
Thank you again to all those who made suggestions.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 114

Minni Mouse

« #16 : June 30, 2017, 10:22:50 AM »

Super excited for this one, already started writing down some ideas and a base story :)

Now i'm at home on bed rest for the next 6weeks (had an operation on 28th June) i have plenty of time to write :)

See all you talented writers on the other side!!!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #17 : July 05, 2017, 09:45:22 AM »

Unfortunately due to unforeseen sponsorship issues,  the Erotic Contest 14 will be suspended until further notice.
It would be unfair to conduct a contest without the prizes.

If people still wish to write a story however, then you can still post in the Erotic Story section.

Thank you to all past contestants - it has been an absolute blast.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 114

Minni Mouse

« #18 : July 05, 2017, 10:36:48 AM »

That's such a shame :(

Just started to get the writing bug!!!

Hopefully the issue is sorted soon enough and we can get back to the talented writers of achat

is there a reason for no sponsorship now?

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #19 : July 05, 2017, 10:50:49 AM »

They are considering alternative prizes to A$.

But as nothing is agreed yet, it is best to suspend the contest.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 507

« #20 : July 05, 2017, 11:42:29 AM »

Exactly now,  as I was going to win! *shreds 5 pages*
A shame!
Doing so bad, really?
I mean you once could use partners poses in your room, right? Not only your own.

And now this one. See the wriings on the wall.

מנא מנא תקל ופרסין

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #21 : July 05, 2017, 01:50:59 PM »

WOW!  Kind of takes away a huge reason why I am even still here.

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